One person, one vote

In his proposal "Global voting in practice - proposal for using this platform for deliberation", mcw asks whether we should use one person, one vote as a principle.

My opin: a clear yes. Where, if not here should. this principle be applied? Remeber: World Parliament Experiment.

We can discuss this below.

If you support this, please vote yes.



  1. user avatar
    August 9, 2024

    How is this compatible with vote delegation (liquid democracy)?

    If a person delegates a vote, another person has two votes, etc.

  2. user avatar
    August 12, 2024

    An interesting point: it seems to be a contradiction  at first glance, but imho it is not, if you accept this perspective: If I delegate my vote to another person, that person has two votes, but the underlying principle is still one person, one vote, because I am the owner of the voting right and can take it back at any time. If you like, we could say: one person, one voting right ownership.

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