Name Creator Category Date Views Comments Supporters

Climate Debt Reconciliation – Towards Global Climate Justice and Accountability

Kennedy Karanja Environment 2024-12-03 156 0 0

Sport as an enabler of sustainable development

Robert Sell UN General Resolutions 2024-11-17 92 0 0

Zone of peace, trust and cooperation of Central Asia

Robert Sell UN General Resolutions 2024-11-17 85 0 0

Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba

Robert Sell UN General Resolutions 2024-11-17 77 0 0

S/RES/2741 (2024) - The situation in Somalia (ATMIS) (UNSOS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 880 0 0

S/RES/2738 (2024) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 618 0 0

S/RES/2740 (2024) - International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 641 0 0

S/RES/2739 (2024) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 631 0 0

S/RES/2737 (2024) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 788 0 0

S/RES/2734 (2024) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-20 601 0 0

S/RES/2736 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-20 747 0 0

S/RES/2735 (2024) - The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-20 720 0 0

Representantforslag om en gjennomgang av kommunesektorens oppgaver og tilskudd

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-20 4 0

Representantforslag om at løsdriftskravet i melke- og storfeproduksjon kun skal gjelde nybygg

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-19 4 0

Representantforslag om tiltak som vil kunne redusere vann-, avløps- og renovasjonsgebyrene betydelig

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-18 7 0

Representantforslag om at penger til barna skal gå til barna

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-18 7 0

Representantforslag om å stanse bygging av nye danmarkskabler

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-13 16 0 0

Representantforslag om at julegudstjenester må forankres i opplæringsloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-11 19 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre like rettigheter for barn i private barnehager ved oppsigelse av barnehageplass

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-06 20 0 0

Representantforslag om fritt valg av kjøretøy og kjøretøyberedskap

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-05 22 0 0

Representantforslag om å ta alle boliger i bruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-12-04 18 0 0

Representantforslag om å delta på skolegudstjenester

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-29 24 0 0

Representantforslag om totalforsvaret

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-27 28 0 0

Representantforslag om et kvalitetsløft i skolen: kortere skoledager, høyere lærerlønninger, mer tid for lærerne til å se elevene og foreldrene, mer fleksibel arbeidstid for lærerne, førskole for seksåringene og flere trykte lærebøker

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-26 41 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre ideelle behandlingsplasser og mangfold i rusomsorgen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-22 38 0 0

Representantforslag om et kvalitetsløft i skolen: Kortere skoledager, høyere lærerlønninger, mer tid for lærerne til å se elevene og foreldrene, mer fleksibel arbeidstid for lærerne, førskole for seksåringene og flere trykte lærebøker

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-22 30 0 0

Representantforslag om en handlingsplan for å styrke døve og tegnspråklige sine rettigheter og muligheter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-22 37 0 0

Representantforslag om å stanse nettleiesjokket

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-21 40 0 0

Representantforslag om å utsette slukking av 2G-nettet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-21 38 0 0

Representantforslag om en samlet og målrettet politikk for kreative næringer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-20 37 0 0

Representantforslag om å starte en prosess med å bytte ut Helseplattformen og avsette styret i Helse Midt-Norge RHF

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-15 42 0 0

Representantforslag om en samlet og målrettet politikk for kreativ næring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-15 49 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Lars Haltbrekken, Dag-Inge Ulstein, Tobias Drevland Lund, Une Bastholm og Birgit Oline Kjerstad om å stanse tvangsreturar av asylsøkjarar inntil ulovleg intervjupraksis er endra i tråd med Tilsynsrådet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-15 41 0 0

Representantforslag om lavere vann- og avløpsgebyrer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-15 43 0 0

Representantforslag om å starte prosess med å bytte ut Helseplattformen og avsette styret i Helse Midt-Norge RHF

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-14 44 0 0

Representantforslag om å stanse videre utrulling av Helseplattformen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-13 39 0 0

Representantforslag om å lette hverdagen for enslige forsørgere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-11-13 41 0 0

Representantforslag om en særskilt kompensasjonsordning for oljepionerene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-25 81 0 0

Representantforslag om samværsrett

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-24 68 0 0

Representantforslag om en bedre behandling av forvaltningsrevisjoner fra Riksrevisjonen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-24 75 0 0

Representantforslag om en forsterket politikk for å forhindre spilleavhengighet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-18 87 0 0

Representantforslag om å bekjempe ungdoms- og gjengkriminalitet og ta tryggheten tilbake

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-17 95 0 0

Representantforslag om å redusere bompengebelastningen på E39 Mandal-Kristiansand

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-17 81 0 0

Representantforslag om rettighetene til bønder og andre arbeidsfolk i bygder (UNDROP)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-17 84 0 0

Representantforslag om å hindre at Israel gjør Libanon til et nytt Gaza

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-11 76 0 0

Representantforslag om å endre introduksjonsprogrammet slik at deltakerne går fra å være passive ytelsesmottakere til integrerte arbeidstakere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-11 92 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Haitham El-noush, Kari Elisabeth Kaski og Marian Hussein om å avslutta alle norske bidrag til Israels krigsbrotsverk og okkupasjon av Palestina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-07 81 0 0

Representantforslag om en langsiktig integreringsmelding for en helhetlig styrking av integreringsarbeidet og inkludering av etniske minoriteter i Norge etter modell av perspektivmeldingen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-07 99 0 0

Representantforslag om en forsterket kamp mot ungdomskriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-07 76 0 0

Representantforslag om demokratisk kontroll med kortidsutleie av bolig

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-07 79 0 0

Representantforslag om å utvide den økonomiske støtten til Ukraina, ut over regjeringens varslede økning, med 100 mrd. kroner fordelt på 2025 og 2026

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-04 108 0 0

Representantforslag om vindkraftutbygging

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-04 83 0 0

Representantforslag om faktisk å gjøre Norge til verdens beste land å starte og drive bedrift i

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-04 112 0 0

Representantforslag om å avslutta alle norske bidrag til Israels krigsbrotsverk og okkupasjon av Palestina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-04 111 0 0

Representantforslag om en langsiktig integreringsmelding for en helhetlig styrking av integreringsarbeidet og inkludering av etniske minoriteter i Norge etter modell fra perspektivmeldingen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-10-04 98 0 0

Representantforslag om å stanse insektdøden - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-07-01 251 0 0

Representantforslag om oppfølging av kvalitetsnormen for villaks

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 210 0 0

Representantforslag om å støtte lokale drikkevareprodusenter og styrke bøndenes inntektsmuligheter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 202 0 0

Representantforslag om å la unge jobbe mer og skatte mindre

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 188 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre alle foreldre muligheten til å være forelder til sitt eget barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 212 0 0

Representantforslag om å stanse insektdøden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 170 0 0

Representantforslag om styrking av kontaktlærerfunksjonen for å gi lærerne mer tid til elevene og legge bedre til rette for at hele laget rundt eleven får mer tid ute på skolene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 229 0 0

Representantforslag om en reell handlingsplan for sirkulær økonomi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 210 0 0

Representantforslag om en nordisk produktivitetskommisjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-21 244 0 0

Representantforslag om yrkesfagløft 2.0

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-20 252 0 0

Representantforslag om skoleeierskap og en styrket oppfølgingsordning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-20 214 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre etiske standarder i gravferdsbransjen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-18 217 0 0

Office of the Whistleblower Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-20 5 0

Off-road Bikes (Police Powers) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-19 5 0

Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-18 9 0

Bus Services (No. 2) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-18 9 0

Theft of Tools of Trade (Sentencing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-13 17 0 0

Rivers, Streams and Lakes (Protected Status) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-12 18 0 0

Marriage (Prohibited Degrees of Relationship) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-12 15 0 0

Carbon Emissions from Buildings (Net Zero) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-12 17 0 0

Breast Cancer Screening (Review) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-12 19 0 0

Building Regulations (Swift Bricks) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-12 17 0 0

Domestic Abuse (Aggravated Offences) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-11 23 0 0

Public Body Ethnicity Data (Inclusion of Jewish and Sikh Categories) Bill, "A Bill to provide that, where a public body collects data about ethnicity for the purpose of delivering public services, it must include \r\nspecific Sikh and Jewish categories as

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-06 32 0 0

A Bill to create an offence of unauthorised entry at football matches for which a football banning order can be imposed following conviction.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 29 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the liability of practitioners, and of the organisation which employs the practitioner, where a practitioner prescribes an unlicensed medicine to or carries out a non-standard treatment on a person who is terminally ill; to

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 30 0 0

A Bill to repeal and re-enact certain enactments relating to the Malvern Hills Conservators and \r\nthe management of the Malvern Hills, to reconstitute and rename those Conservators \r\nas the Malvern Hills Trust and to confer further powers on the Malve

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 26 0 0

A Bill to make provision for the repeal of legislation relating to Billingsgate Market and the London Central Markets; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 30 0 0

A Bill to change the procedure for amending Schedule 2 to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 23 0 0

A Bill to make provision about transparency of ticket prices for sporting and cultural events; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 28 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to commission and publish a review of the legislation and guidance relating to e-scooters; to place a duty on the Secretary of State to promote public awareness of legislation relating to the use of e-scooters; and

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 28 0 0

Establish a close season, from the start of February to the end of September, during which the killing or taking of hares is prohibited; repeal the seasonal prohibition of the sale of hares in the Hares Preservation Act 1892; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 30 0 0

A Bill to introduce a system of proportional representation for parliamentary elections and for local government elections in England; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 25 0 0

A Bill to make provision for the relocation of Norwich Livestock Market; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 31 0 0

A Bill to make new provision for the regulation and management of the General Cemetery Company upon its registration under the Companies Act 2006; to permit the transfer of the ownership and management of Kensal Green Cemetery and West London Crematorium

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-05 27 0 0

Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-12-02 33 0 0

E-scooters (Review and Awareness) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-29 45 0 0

Hares (Close Season) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-29 31 0 0

Norwich Livestock Market Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-28 42 0 0

General Cemetery Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-28 36 0 0

Malvern Hills Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-28 44 0 0

Treatment of Terminal Illness Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-28 43 0 0

Palestine Statehood (Recognition) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-27 43 0 0

Football (Gender Inequality) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-26 43 0 0

Aviation (Accessibility) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-25 39 0 0

Terminal Illness (Relief of Pain) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-25 37 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the collection of religious information of the deceased where the death has been registered; to make provision for religious data to be provided on a voluntary basis; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-22 44 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to issue guidance about the application of the criminal law in respect of the administration of pain relief by healthcare professionals to people who are terminally ill; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-22 43 0 0

A Bill to make provision for, and in connection with, the introduction of higher non-domestic rating multipliers as regards large business hereditaments, and lower non-domestic rating multipliers as regards retail, hospitality and leisure hereditaments, i

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-21 42 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the accessibility of air travel for disabled passengers; to make provision about the powers of the Civil Aviation Authority to enforce accessibility requirements; to remove the limit on compensation for damage to wheelchairs

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-21 44 0 0

A Bill to make provision for or in connection with the relief of debts of certain developing countries.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-21 38 0 0

A Bill to make provision about secondary Class 1 contributions.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-21 39 0 0

A Bill to make provision to modify the effect on domestic law of arrangements relating to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-21 54 0 0

Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-15 43 0 0

Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-14 44 0 0

National Insurance Contributions (Secondary Class 1 Contributions) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-14 41 0 0

A Bill to establish, and confer functions on, the Armed Forces Commissioner; to abolish the office of Service Complaints Ombudsman; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 47 0 0

A Bill to de-criminalise the non-payment of the BBC licence fee by persons aged over seventy-five; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 49 0 0

A Bill to provide for the prohibition of the sale in England of horticultural peat by the end of 2025; to provide for certain exemptions from that prohibition; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 46 0 0

A Bill to require the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water to issue guidance to water companies on poly and perfluorinated alkyl substances in drinking water; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 43 0 0

A Bill to make provision about finance.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 44 0 0

A Bill to make provision to amend the Mental Health Act 1983 in relation to mentally disordered persons; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 45 0 0

A Bill to make provision for loans or other financial assistance to be provided to, or for the benefit of, the government of Ukraine.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 43 0 0

A Bill to amend the Arbitration Act 1996; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-12 55 0 0

Child Criminal Exploitation (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-08 48 0 0

Financial Assistance to Ukraine Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-07 45 0 0

Armed Forces Commissioner Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-07 50 0 0

Poly and Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (Guidance) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-07 44 0 0

Mental Health Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-07 62 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the supply of tobacco, vapes and other products, including provision prohibiting the sale of tobacco to people born on or after 1 January 2009 and provision about the licensing of retail sales and the registration of retaile

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-06 46 0 0

A Bill to require the Government to conduct a review of every Arm’s-Length Body in existence on 4 July 2024 and to publish the results of those reviews within four years; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-06 43 0 0

A Bill to allow adults who are terminally ill, subject to safeguards and protections, to request and be provided with assistance to end their own life; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-06 43 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the regulation of roadworks; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-06 52 0 0

Registration of Death (Religion) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-04 52 0 0

Children’s Hospices (Funding) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-04 51 0 0

Firearms (3D Printing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-04 54 0 0

Microplastic filters (washing machines) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-04 56 0 0

A Bill to set maximum time limits within which a bailiff’s warrant of possession appointment date must be granted; to make provision for alternative methods of executing warrants of possession; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-11-01 46 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the collection of religious information of the deceased where the death has been registered; to make provision for religious data to be provided on a voluntary basis; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 56 0 0

A Bill to require the Government to conduct a review of every Arm’s-Length Body in existence on 4 July 2024 and to publish the results of those reviews within four years; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 51 0 0

A Bill to provide that, before making any order to designate a type of dog for the purposes of section 1 or 2 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, the Secretary of State must carry out a public consultation and publish a comparative review of data showing the

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 44 0 0

A Bill to provide that a draft statutory instrument which is subject to the affirmative resolution procedure may be amended by either House of Parliament before it is approved; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 52 0 0

A Bill to exempt from Value Added Tax goods or services which are beneficial to the environment, to health and safety, to education or for charitable purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 57 0 0

This Bill will be published after the House’s decisions on the Budget Resolutions.\r\nA new Finance Bill is usually presented to Parliament each year; it enacts the proposals for taxation made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Budget statement a

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 53 0 0

A Bill to amend the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 to make provision about Parliamentary scrutiny of regulations made under that Act; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 60 0 0

A Bill to amend the Mobile Homes Act 1983; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 51 0 0

A Bill to make provision to prevent, reduce and regulate agricultural pollution of water.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 56 0 0

A Bill to create an offence of possessing a blueprint for the production of a firearm by 3D printing; to create an offence of possessing part of a firearm produced by 3D printing; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 45 0 0

A Bill to require manufacturers to fit microplastic-catching filters to new domestic and commercial washing machines; to make provision about the promotion of the use of microplastic-catching filters in washing machines and raising awareness about the con

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 50 0 0

A Bill to create an offence of child criminal exploitation; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 60 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to conduct a review of the funding of hospices specialising in the care of children and to publish proposals for measures to guarantee access to hospices for all children who require palliative care; and for connec

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 63 0 0

A bill to make provision to require every school to have access to a qualified mental health professional; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 63 0 0

A Bill to amend section 58 of the Highways Act 1980 to restrict the defences available to highway authorities; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-31 42 0 0

Health Insurance (Exemption from Insurance Premium Tax) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 54 0 0

Social Media (Access to Accounts) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 63 0 0

Water (Agricultural Pollution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 55 0 0

Meat (Information About Method of Killing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 55 0 0

Climate Finance Fund (Fossil Fuels and Pollution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 51 0 0

State-related Deaths (National Oversight Mechanism) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 57 0 0

Football Governance Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 54 0 0

Bank of England (Inflation Targets) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 63 0 0

Exemption from Value Added Tax (Public Electric Vehicle Charging Points) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 51 0 0

Bailiffs (Warrants of Possession) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 62 0 0

Nature-based Solutions (Water and Flooding) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 55 0 0

Arm’s-Length Bodies (Review) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 49 0 0

Exemption from Value Added Tax (Listed Places of Worship) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-28 54 0 0

A Bill to provide for a category of protection for chalk streams for the purpose of providing additional protections from pollution, abstraction and other forms of environmental damage; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 50 0 0

A Bill to set minimum standards for the building of new homes in relation to quality and energy efficiency; to place requirements on developers of new homes; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 44 0 0

A Bill to require the Government to set targets for the provision of public services and amenities, having regard to targets for the building of new homes; to require the Government to publish a report of progress against such targets every three years; t

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 59 0 0

A Bill to exclude requirements relating to National Health Services procurement, delivery or commissioning from international trade agreements; to require the consent of the House of Commons and the devolved legislatures to international trade agreements

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 55 0 0

A Bill to require a seller of a vehicle to record their home address or specified information about a company that owns the vehicle in the vehicle’s registration document; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 53 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the content and use of non-disclosure agreements; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 60 0 0

A Bill to decriminalise rough sleeping; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 55 0 0

A Bill to require local authorities to maintain a register of heritage public houses in their area and to make provision in connection with the compilation and maintenance of such registers; to make provision relating to planning applications in respect o

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 47 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for measures to address gender inequality in football.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 59 0 0

A Bill to make provision for penalties against the Court of Directors of the Bank of England for failure to meet inflation targets.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 53 0 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to review, and publish a report on, the merits of increasing the relevant statutory sum under the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 for all claims since 1 January 2020 by an amount representing the amount of

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 41 0 0

A Bill to require providers of social media accounts to grant parents access to the social media accounts of their child in cases where the child has died; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 50 0 0

A Bill to establish an independent body to operate a national oversight mechanism to monitor recommendations arising from investigations into state-related deaths, including inquests, public inquiries and official reviews; to make provision about the powe

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 58 0 0

A Bill to require water companies and relevant public bodies to use nature-based solutions as a means to improve water and flood risk management services; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 49 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a Climate Finance Fund, to be funded via a levy on fossil fuel companies and other organisations that contribute to pollution; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 47 0 0

A Bill to require producers, suppliers and retailers of meat to indicate clearly whether the animal has been killed in accordance with religious rites without prior stunning; to require the Secretary of State to collect and publish specified information r

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 55 0 0

A bill to establish the Independent Football Regulator; to make provision for the licensing of football clubs; to make provision about the distribution of revenue received by organisers of football competitions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 55 0 0

A bill to make provision about access to customer data and business data; to make provision about services consisting of the use of information to ascertain and verify facts about individuals; to make provision about the recording and sharing, and keeping

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 51 0 0

A Bill to exempt from Value Added Tax the supply of electricity at public electric vehicle charging points; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 49 0 0

A Bill to provide for exemptions from insurance premium tax in respect of health insurance; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 53 0 0

A Bill to set maximum time limits within which a bailiff’s warrant of possession appointment date must be granted; to make provision for alternative methods of executing warrants of possession; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 44 0 0

A Bill to exempt from Value Added Tax repairs to listed places of worship; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-25 58 0 0

Hospices and Health Care (Report on Funding) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 55 0 0

Animals in Medical Research (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 54 0 0

Homelessness Prevention Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 53 0 0

National Cancer Strategy Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 43 0 0

Animal Welfare (Responsibility for Dog on Dog Attacks) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 54 0 0

Pension (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 48 0 0

Battery Energy Storage Systems (Fire Safety) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 56 0 0

Devolution (Immigration) (Scotland) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 49 0 0

Employment Rights (Special Constables) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 50 0 0

Green Spaces Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 50 0 0

Agricultural Land (Planning) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 58 0 0

Plant Protection Products (Prohibition on Public Sector Use) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 54 0 0

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 60 0 0

Educational Institutions (Mental Health Policy) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 55 0 0

Data (Use and Access) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-24 56 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for the funding of hospice clinical services by NHS England; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the potential merits of including pharmacy, pathology, patient communit

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 39 0 0

A Bill to define the term “green spaces” to include urban parks, neighbourhood areas, and significant natural landscapes; to establish a Government Office for Green Spaces and to make provision about the powers and duties of that Office in relation to

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 55 0 0

A Bill to make fire and rescue authorities statutory consultees for planning applications relating to Battery Energy Storage Systems; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 51 0 0

A Bill to provide for the prohibition of the use of professional plant protection products by local authorities and other public authorities for amenity purposes; to require the Secretary of State to publish guidance in connection with that prohibition; a

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 48 0 0

A Bill to amend section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 to require company directors to balance their duty to promote the success of the company with duties in respect of the environment and the company’s employees.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 61 0 0

A Bill to make provision changing the law about the offence of livestock worrying, including changes to what constitutes an offence and increased powers for investigation of suspected offences; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 45 0 0

A Bill to require a person in charge of a dog to take all reasonable steps to ensure that that dog does not fatally injure another dog; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 42 0 0

A Bill to require the continued appointment of a special envoy for freedom of religion or belief and make provision about the special envoy’s functions.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 57 0 0

A Bill to make provision about consumer protection in relation to domestic building works; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 54 0 0

A Bill to amend the Scotland Act 1998 to grant legislative competence to the Scottish Parliament in respect of immigration.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 47 0 0

A Bill to allow adults who are terminally ill, subject to safeguards, to be assisted to end their own life; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 59 0 0

A Bill to prohibit the use of animals in medical research; to require the use of non-animal methods for conducting medical research; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 56 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a ten-year cancer strategy for England; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 56 0 0

A Bill to require specified educational institutions to develop and maintain a mental health policy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 54 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the notice period for termination of funding agreements for secure 16 to 19 Academies; to make provision about the Secretary of State’s duty to consider the impact on existing educational institutions when it is proposed t

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 46 0 0

A Bill to amend the definition of still-birth to apply from 20 weeks into a pregnancy; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 55 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the duties of public bodies to prevent homelessness.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 52 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the misuse of litigation to suppress freedom of speech.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 63 0 0

A Bill to amend Section 50 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 to add Special Constables to the list of those granted the right to take time off work to perform their duties.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 42 0 0

A Bill to amend the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to place a requirement on employers to take proactive measures to prevent violence and harassment in the workplace; to make provision for protections for women and girls in the workplace; and to

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 56 0 0

A Bill to prohibit the granting of planning permission in respect of Grade 1 agricultural land; to provide for exemptions from that prohibition in specified circumstances; to place duties on local planning authorities in respect of such land; and for conn

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-23 48 0 0

European Union (Withdrawal Arrangements) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 50 0 0

Gambling Act 2005 (Monetary Limits for Lotteries) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 47 0 0

Short-term Let Accommodation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 42 0 0

Fur (Import and Sale) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 47 0 0

Absent Voting (Elections in Scotland and Wales) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 47 0 0

Controlled Drugs (Procedure for Specification) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 44 0 0

Looked After Children (Distance Placements) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 44 0 0

Fireworks Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 47 0 0

Water Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 56 0 0

Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 52 0 0

Sale of Tickets (Sporting and Cultural Events) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 47 0 0

New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 46 0 0

Protection of Children (Digital Safety and Data Protection) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 48 0 0

Rare Cancers Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 48 0 0

Free School Meals (Automatic Registration of Eligible Children) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-18 48 0 0

A Bill to make provision for a statutory objective requiring public bodies to contribute to delivery of targets set under the Environment Act 2021 and Climate Change Act 2008; to place a duty on public bodies to meet this objective in the exercise of thei

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 42 0 0

A Bill to amend the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to make provision regarding assemblies at state schools without a designated religious character in England; to repeal the requirement for those schools to hold collective worship; and for connec

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 42 0 0

A Bill to amend the definition of still-birth to apply from 20 weeks into a pregnancy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 40 0 0

A Bill to remove the remaining connection between hereditary peerage and membership of the House of Lords; to abolish the jurisdiction of the House of Lords in relation to claims to hereditary peerages; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 42 0 0

A Bill to make provision about recapitalisation costs in relation to the special resolution regime under the Banking Act 2009.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 46 0 0

A Bill to establish an inquiry into the events surrounding the creation of mortgage prisoners, their consequences and any other relevant matters; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 49 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the types of things that are capable of being objects of personal property rights.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 49 0 0

A Bill to make provision about statements related to values of British citizenship in education in England and Wales; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 49 0 0

A bill to transfer the functions of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, and its property, rights and liabilities, to the Secretary of State; to abolish the Institute; and to make amendments relating to the transferred functions.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 40 0 0

A Bill to amend the Arbitration Act 1996.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 50 0 0

A Bill to amend the Statutory Instruments Act 1946; to make provision for the conditional amendment of statutory instruments; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 49 0 0

A Bill to make provision regarding the safe storage, use and disposal of lithium-ion batteries; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 45 0 0

A Bill to impose duties on the Treasury and the Office for Budget Responsibility in respect of the announcement of fiscally significant measures.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 39 0 0

A Bill to restrict the use of biocides (substances with antimicrobial properties) in consumer products; add biocides to the list of substances which cosmetic products, personal care products, and treated articles must not contain except subject to restric

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 45 0 0

A Bill to transfer responsibility for the Crown Estate in Wales to the Welsh Government; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 42 0 0

A Bill to extend the period within which vacancies among the Lords Spiritual are to be filled by bishops who are women.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 50 0 0

A Bill to make provision to extend permitted development rights to allow householders to improve and extend their residential properties; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 46 0 0

A bill to require parents who choose to home-educate their children to register with the local authority; to make provision about the maintenance of registers by local authorities of children in their area who are not full-time pupils at any school; to ma

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 47 0 0

A Bill to regulate and limit the practice of bottom trawling in marine protected areas; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 47 0 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the making available of information about support available for infants, parents and carers of infants, and prospective parents and carers, including reporting requirements relating to such support; and

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 45 0 0

A Bill to allow adults who are terminally ill, subject to safeguards, to be assisted to end their own life; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 49 0 0

A Bill to mandate those providing and carrying out regulated or other activities with responsibility for the care of children to report known and suspected child sexual abuse; to protect mandated reporters from detriment; to create a criminal offence of f

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 42 0 0

A Bill to make provision about listed investment companies; the classification and characteristics of those companies; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 54 0 0

A Bill to regulate the use of automated and algorithmic tools in decision-making processes in the public sector; to require public authorities to complete an impact assessment of automated and algorithmic decision-making systems; to ensure the adoption of

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 46 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the marketing or use of products in the United Kingdom; about units of measurement and the quantities in which goods are marketed in the United Kingdom; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 54 0 0

A Bill to equalise the amount of the standard allowance included in an award of universal credit to which a claimant who has left care is entitled with the amount of that allowance to which a claimant aged 25 or over is entitled; and for connected purpose

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 41 0 0

A Bill to make provision for a resentencing exercise in relation to all Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentenced individuals; to establish a time-limited expert committee, including a member of the judiciary, to advise on the practical implement

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 40 0 0

A Bill to require persons with control of certain premises or events to take steps to reduce the vulnerability of the premises or event to, and the risk of physical harm to individuals arising from, acts of terrorism; to confer related functions on the Se

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 50 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish an annual report on complications from abortions in England; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 56 0 0

A Bill to amend the Crown Estate Act 1961.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 46 0 0

A Bill to make provision about Great British Energy.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 55 0 0

"Renters Rights Bill", A Bill to make provision changing the law about rented homes, including provision abolishing fixed term assured tenancies and assured shorthold tenancies; imposing obligations on landlords and others in relation to rented homes and

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 53 0 0

A Bill to create offences relating to the taking of a non-consensual sexually explicit photograph or film; and the creation of, or solicitation to create, a non-consensual digitally produced sexually explicit photograph or film; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 47 0 0

A Bill to make provision in connection with the recognition of the State of Palestine.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 55 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the regulation, governance and special administration of water companies.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 43 0 0

A Bill to support women in UK-sponsored and supported conflict prevention, peace processes, mediation and diplomatic delegations; to ensure systematic gender consideration and responsiveness in UK foreign and defence policy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 56 0 0

A Bill to make provision for passenger railway services to be provided by public sector companies instead of by means of franchises.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 46 0 0

A Bill to authorise the use of resources for the year ending with 31 March 2025; to authorise both the issue of sums out of the Consolidated Fund and the application of income for that year; and to appropriate the supply authorised for that year by this A

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 56 0 0

A Bill to make provision for leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom to be granted to the family members of refugees and of people granted humanitarian protection; to provide for legal aid to be made available in such cases; and for connected purpo

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 50 0 0

A Bill to make provision to amend the law relating to employment rights; to make provision about procedure for handling redundancies; to make provision about the treatment of workers involved in the supply of services under certain public contracts; to pr

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 48 0 0

A Bill to make provision for the appointment of a Commission to advise the Prime Minister on recommendations to the Crown for the creation of life peerages; to establish principles to be followed in making recommendations; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 46 0 0

A Bill to introduce a minimum period of 56 days after an asylum claim is determined before an asylum claim is considered to be determined for the purposes of ending asylum support; to make provision about the serving of documentation relevant to the endin

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-16 52 0 0

Employment Rights Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-11 48 0 0

Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (Transfer of Functions etc) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-10-10 55 0 0

Palestine Statehood (Recognition) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-16 85 0 0

Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-13 74 0 0

Budget Responsibility Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-12 89 0 0

Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-12 96 0 0

Consumer Products (Control of Biocides) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-12 87 0 0

Mortgage Prisoners Inquiry Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-12 86 0 0

Universal Credit (Standard Allowance Entitlement of Care Leavers) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-11 88 0 0

Crown Estate (Wales) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-11 87 0 0

Public Authority Algorithmic and Automated Decision-Making Systems Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-10 72 0 0

Permitted Development Rights (Extension) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-10 104 0 0

Non-Consensual Sexually Explicit Images and Videos (Offences) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-09 73 0 0

Asylum Support (Prescribed Period) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-09 79 0 0

Listed Investment Companies (Classification etc) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-06 97 0 0

House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-06 92 0 0

Home School Education Registration and Support Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-06 80 0 0

Product Regulation and Metrology Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-05 101 0 0

Imprisonment for Public Protection (Re-sentencing) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-05 80 0 0

Water (Special Measures) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-05 85 0 0

Environmental Targets (Public Authorities) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-04 75 0 0

Complications from Abortions (Annual Report) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-04 100 0 0

Statutory Instruments (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-09-03 77 0 0

Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-08-01 116 0 0

Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015 (Extension) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-31 122 0 0

Lithium-ion Battery Safety Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-30 138 0 0

Support for Infants and Parents etc (Information) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-29 131 0 0

Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-29 102 0 0

Great British Energy Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-26 137 0 0

Crown Estate Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-26 116 0 0

Budget Responsibility Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 150 0 0

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and International Committee of the Red Cross (Status) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 142 0 0

Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 179 0 0

Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 151 0 0

Änderung des Atomgesetzes - 19. AtGÄndG (Gesetzentwurf)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2024-12-20 4 0

Antrag zu Beschluss gemäß Artikel 115 Absatz 2 Satz 6 und 7 Grundgesetz

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2024-12-20 4 0

H.R.5009 118th] - Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-12-17 7 0

S.4368 118th] - IVF Protection Act

United States Congress United States 2024-12-17 8 0

H.R.5863 118th] - Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-12-17 9 0

H.R.8610 118th] - Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act

United States Congress United States 2024-12-17 10 0

S.5384 118th] - A bill to abolish the Department of Education, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-12-03 27 0 0

H.Res.1449 118th] - Condemning the global rise of antisemitism and calling upon countries and international bodies to counter antisemitism.

United States Congress United States 2024-11-26 31 0 0

H.R.8371 118th] - Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act

United States Congress United States 2024-11-26 38 0 0

H.Res.1576 118th] - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1449) to amend the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 to increase the frequency of lease sales, to require replacement sales, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (

United States Congress United States 2024-11-26 31 0 0

S.J.Res.111 118th] - A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Government of Israel of certain defense articles and services.

United States Congress United States 2024-11-26 35 0 0

H.R.5342 118th] - Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-11-19 37 0 0

H.R.3967 117th] - Honoring our PACT Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2024-11-19 45 0 0

S.4912 118th] - BITCOIN Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-11-19 52 0 0

H.R.9495 118th] - Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act

United States Congress United States 2024-11-19 40 0 0

S.4973 118th] - No Kings Act

United States Congress United States 2024-11-19 48 0 0

H.R.4973 118th] - Community-Based Gang Intervention Act

United States Congress United States 2024-11-12 45 0 0

H.R.5736 112th] - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012

United States Congress United States 2024-10-29 57 0 0

H.R.9787 118th] - Farmer First Fuel Incentives Act

United States Congress United States 2024-10-22 58 0 0

H.R.255 118th] - Federal Disaster Assistance Coordination Act

United States Congress United States 2024-10-08 58 0 0

H.R.9828 118th] - To amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-10-08 59 0 0

H.R.9747 118th] - Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-09-30 75 0 0

S.4445 118th] - Right to IVF Act

United States Congress United States 2024-09-24 72 0 0

H.R.7909 118th] - Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act

United States Congress United States 2024-09-24 78 0 0

H.R.9494 118th] - Continuing Appropriations and Other Matters Act, 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-09-24 77 0 0

H.R.554 118th] - Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-09-16 76 0 0

H.R.26 118th] - Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

United States Congress United States 2024-09-16 84 0 0

H.R.1157 118th] - Countering the PRC Malign Influence Fund Authorization Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-09-16 75 0 0

H.R.8333 118th] - BIOSECURE Act

United States Congress United States 2024-09-16 81 0 0

H.R.8281 118th] - SAVE Act

United States Congress United States 2024-09-03 81 0 0

H.R.4 117th] - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2024-08-27 84 0 0

S.4361 118th] - Border Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-08-27 91 0 0

S.1171 118th] - Ending Trading and Holdings In Congressional Stocks (ETHICS) Act

United States Congress United States 2024-08-20 117 0 0

H.R.734 118th] - Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-08-12 117 0 0

S.J.Res.106 118th] - A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against the Islamic Republic of Iran for threatening the national security of the United States through the development of nuclear weapons.

United States Congress United States 2024-08-06 96 0 0

H.Res.1371 118th] - Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 95 0 0

H.Res.679 117th] - Impeaching Kamala Devi Harris, Vice President of the United States, for the high crimes and misdemeanors of betrayal of the public trust.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 98 0 0

H.R.8998 118th] - Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 103 0 0

H.R.1280 117th] - George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 107 0 0

H.Res.253 118th] - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Vice President Kamala Harris should be removed from her position as the head of the Biden administration’s strategy to address the root causes of migration.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 111 0 0

S.4638 118th] - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-07-23 125 0 0

S.2768 118th] - Safety From Violence for Healthcare Employees Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-16 152 0 0

S.4292 118th] - SAVE Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-09 181 0 0

H.R.8281 118th] - Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-09 167 0 0

H.Res.503 118th] - Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-09 141 0 0

H.R.8771 118th] - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-07-01 178 0 0

H.Res.901 118th] - Expressing support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-01 223 0 0

H.R.4132 118th] - Falun Gong Protection Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-01 222 0 0

S.1111 118th] - Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-06-24 187 0 0

H.R.3589 118th] - Affordability is Access Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-06-24 199 0 0

S.4445 118th] - A bill to protect and expand nationwide access to fertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization.

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 190 0 0

H.R.5074 118th] - Kidney Patient Access to Technologically Innovative and Essential Nephrology Treatments Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 190 0 0

H.R.2864 118th] - Countering CCP Drones Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 230 0 0

H.R.8081 118th] - Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 190 0 0

H.R.8070 118th] - Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 210 0 0

Totalförsvaret 2025–2030

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-16 13 0 0

Riksbankens finansiering

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-16 10 0 0

Ökad kontroll vid utbetalning från den statliga lönegarantin

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-10 29 0 0

Suspension av skatteavtalet med Ryssland

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-09 22 0 0

Svenskt bidrag till Natos avskräckning och försvar under 2025

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-09 22 0 0

Digital operativ motståndskraft för finanssektorn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-09 24 0 0

Uppgifter som ska lämnas i samband med arbetsgivardeklarationen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-09 24 0 0

Säkerhetspolitisk inriktning – Totalförsvaret 2025–2030

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-09 23 0 0

Kompletteringar till bestämmelserna om tilläggsskatt för företag i stora koncerner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-02 34 0 0

Rättelse i lagar om ändring i kustbevakningslagen och tullbefogenhetslagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-02 24 0 0

Avskildhet i anslutning till dygnsvilan – för ökad trygghet och säkerhet på särskilda ungdomshem

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-02 23 0 0

Anmälan av föreskrifter om tillfälligt skydd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-12-02 25 0 0

Genomförande av det nya blåkortsdirektivet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 29 0 0

En ny EU-reglering om marknader för kryptotillgångar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 38 0 0

Nationell säkerhetsstrategi

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 34 0 0

Långsiktig reglering av vissa forskningsdatabaser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 40 0 0

En rätt för licenshavare att behandla uppgifter om lagöverträdelser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 35 0 0

Kompletterande förslag med anledning av en ny förverkandelagstiftning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 32 0 0

Ett starkt polissamarbete i Tornedalsregionen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 18 0 0

Anonyma vittnen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 42 0 0

Tryggare hem för barn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 38 0 0

Statens budget 2025 – Rambeslutet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 40 0 0

Höständringsbudget för 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 32 0 0

Ett förstärkt konsumentskydd mot riskfylld kreditgivning och överskuldsättning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-25 31 0 0

Stärkta skolbibliotek

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 33 0 0

Ett levande hav – ökat skydd, minskad övergödning och ett hållbart fiske

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 41 0 0

Bolag och brott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 47 0 0

Redovisning av fördelning av medel från Allmänna arvsfonden under budgetåret 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 40 0 0

Europeiska gröna obligationer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 30 0 0

Ändrad åldersgräns för avgiftsfri tandvård

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 47 0 0

Stärkta möjligheter att upptäcka narkotikapåverkade förare i trafiken

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 42 0 0

Sveriges internationella bistånd – uppföljning, utvärdering och rapportering

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 35 0 0

Ändring av ikraftträdande av bestämmelser i skollagen om det nationella professionsprogrammet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 31 0 0

Tillgång till mät- och förbrukningsuppgifter på elmarknaden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 37 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens skydd av hotade personer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 28 0 0

Avskaffat krav på tillstånd för hotell- och pensionatsrörelser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-18 34 0 0

Medgivande för Riksbanken att ge kredit till Internationella valutafonden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-12 40 0 0

En effektivare och mer rättssäker klampning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-12 38 0 0

Ett effektivare omställningsstudiestöd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-12 45 0 0

Utgivningsbevis för periodiska skrifter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-04 55 0 0

Justeringar vad gäller det automatiska utbytet av upplysningar om finansiella konton

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-04 49 0 0

En registerlag för Myndigheten för vård- och omsorgsanalys

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-04 51 0 0

Redovisning av AP-fondernas verksamhet t.o.m. 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-04 56 0 0

Tilläggsprotokoll 16 till Europakonventionen – en möjlighet för de högsta domstolarna att begära rådgivande yttrande från Europadomstolen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-11-04 60 0 0

Riksrevisorns årliga rapport 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 54 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om kortutbildade arbetssökandes övergång till reguljär utbildning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 60 0 0

Flexiblare regler för utbetalning från pensionsförsäkring och pensionssparkonto

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 55 0 0

Kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s förordning om digitala tjänster

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 51 0 0

Steg på vägen mot en mer effektiv miljöprövning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 58 0 0

Två frågor om taxi – prisuppgiftsskyldigheten och ålderskravet för taxiförarlegitimation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 49 0 0

Kompletterande bestämmelser till EU-förordningen om utbyggnad av infrastruktur för alternativa drivmedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 56 0 0

Avancerat ramavtal mellan Europeiska unionen och dess medlemsstater, å ena sidan, och Republiken Chile, å andra sidan

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 50 0 0

Aktsamhet vid bygg-, rivnings- och markåtgärder

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-21 66 0 0

Ny patentlag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-07 61 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om läkemedelsförskrivningen – statens styrning och tillsyn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-07 59 0 0

Nya regler om mervärdesskatt för små företag och ändrade regler för vissa tjänster och konstverk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-10-07 57 0 0

Ny tullbefogenhetslag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-30 71 0 0

En registerlag för Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-30 86 0 0

Förbättrade levnadsvillkor för utlänningar med tillfälligt skydd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-30 66 0 0

En ny förverkandelagstiftning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-30 77 0 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2024 – Ytterligare materiel och ekonomiskt stöd till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-25 72 0 0

2018 års ändringar i fördraget om internationell järnvägstrafik

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-24 69 0 0

EU:s nya utsläppshandelssystem för fossila bränslen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-24 95 0 0

Överlämnande av mål mellan allmänna förvaltningsdomstolar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-24 72 0 0

Kompletterande bestämmelser till nya unionsregler på konkurrensområdet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-24 75 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens hantering av markintrång

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-09-24 93 0 0

Avtal om försvarssamarbete med Amerikas förenta stater

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 196 0 0

Preventiva tvångsmedel för att förebygga och förhindra allvarliga brott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 204 0 0

Årsredovisning för staten 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 202 0 0

Socialtjänstens arbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 270 0 0

Uppföljning och utvärdering av Riksbankens penningpolitik 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 210 0 0

En arbetslöshetsförsäkring baserad på inkomster

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 157 0 0

Explosiva varor – ett nationellt tillståndsregister och kriminalisering av förstadier till brott mot tillståndsplikten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 172 0 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2024 – Ytterligare försvarsmateriel och ekonomiskt stöd till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 166 0 0

Justerad skatt på tobak och nikotin

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 185 0 0

Redovisning av skatteutgifter 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 224 0 0

Nationell strategi och regeringens handlingsplan för klimatanpassning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 230 0 0

Utvärdering av statens upplåning och skuldförvaltning 2019–2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 191 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om stärkta arbetsvillkor för praktikanter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 209 0 0

Undantag från mervärdesskatt för väpnade styrkor inom Nato

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 153 0 0

Europas behov av digital infrastruktur

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 221 0 0

Riksbankens framställning om återställning av eget kapital – ändring i statens budget för 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 181 0 0

Statens stöd till trossamfund och civilsamhället

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 168 0 0

An Act to amend the National Housing Strategy Act (right to adequate housing)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-12-12 17 0 0

An Act to establish Judicial Independence Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-12-11 19 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Disability Benefit Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-12-03 21 0 0

An Act to establish a national food cooperative strategy

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-28 39 0 0

An Act respecting temporary cost of living relief (affordability)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-28 35 0 0

An Act respecting national action for the prevention of intimate partner violence

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-27 28 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal organizations and proceeds of crime)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-27 34 0 0

An Act to establish a national strategy for universal eye care

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-21 41 0 0

An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (accessibility and other measures)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-06 47 0 0

An Act to establish a framework on animal-assisted services for veterans

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-06 48 0 0

An Act to prohibit the promotion of alcoholic beverages

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-11-06 49 0 0

An Act to designate the month of October as Hungarian Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-10-24 55 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (flight attendants)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-10-22 68 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Health Act (mental, addictions and substance use health services)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-10-11 56 0 0

An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-10-11 58 0 0

An Act respecting the Commissioner for Modern Treaty Implementation

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-10-11 48 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (promotion of hatred against Indigenous peoples)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-09-27 76 0 0

An Act respecting Inherited Blood Disorders Awareness Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-09-20 79 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada National Parks Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-09-19 70 0 0

An Act to enact the Protection of Minors in the Digital Age Act and to amend the Criminal Code

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-09-17 71 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (interswitching)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-21 199 0 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (campgrounds)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 215 0 0

An Act to amend the Referendum Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 242 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (arson — wildfires and places of worship)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 186 0 0

An Act to establish a national framework to improve food price transparency

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 226 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (hours of work of flight attendants)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 252 0 0

An Act to recognize a national livestock brand as a symbol of Canada and of the role of the West and frontier culture in building our nation

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 244 0 0

An Act respecting National Immigration Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 220 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Parliament of Canada Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-17 206 0 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) and Health (Provision of Menopause Products) Act 2024 (Act 42 of 2024)Health Insurance (Amendment) and Health (Provision of Menopause Products) Bill 2024 (Bill 91 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-19 41 0 0

Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 46 of 2024)Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 96 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-19 35 0 0

Finance Act 2024 (Act 43 of 2024)Finance Bill 2024 (Bill 84 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-19 42 0 0

Appropriation Act 2024 (Act 45 of 2024)Appropriation Bill 2024 (Bill 97 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-19 37 0 0

Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 47 of 2024)Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 51 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-19 37 0 0

Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 44 of 2024)Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 62 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-19 35 0 0

Arts (Amendment) (Artist Workspaces) Bill 2024 (Bill 101 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-08 47 0 0

Public Health (Antacid Products) Bill 2024 (Bill 98 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-08 45 0 0

Local Government (Support for Elected Members) Bill 2024 (Bill 99 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-08 46 0 0

Public Procurement (Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreements Criteria) Bill 2024 (Bill 100 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-08 44 0 0

Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 40 of 2024)Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 74 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-05 49 0 0

Maternity Protection, Employment Equality and Preservation of Certain Records Act 2024 (Act 37 of 2024)Maternity Protection, Employment Equality and Preservation of Certain Records Bill 2024 (Bill 77 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-05 41 0 0

Appropriation Bill 2024 (Bill 97 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-04 40 0 0

Social Welfare Act 2024 (Act 36 of 2024)Social Welfare Bill 2024 (Bill 81 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-04 44 0 0

Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 39 of 2024)Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 73 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-04 44 0 0

Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 38 of 2024)Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 55 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-04 48 0 0

Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 96 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-11-01 47 0 0

National Minimum Wage (Adequate Wages for Living) Bill 2024 (Bill 95 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-28 52 0 0

Autism Action and Oversight Bill 2024 (Bill 94 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-25 49 0 0

Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 31 of 2024)Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 69 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-25 49 0 0

Maternity Protection, Employment Equality and Preservation of Certain Records Bill 2024 (Bill 77 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-24 54 0 0

Information on Repairability of Certain Products Bill 2024 (Bill 93 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-24 55 0 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) and Health (Provision of Menopause Products) Bill 2024 (Bill 91 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-24 55 0 0

Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 92 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-21 58 0 0

Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Act 2024 (Act 33 of 2024)Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Bill 2024 (Bill 80 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-18 46 0 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 91 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-18 58 0 0

Disability (Personalised Budgets) Bill 2024 (Bill 89 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-17 48 0 0

Transparency and Social Value in Public Procurement Bill 2024 (Bill 90 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-17 52 0 0

Parole (Special Advocates) Bill 2024 (Bill 88 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-17 57 0 0

Motor Insurance Insolvency Compensation Act 2024 (Act 32 of 2024)Motor Insurance Insolvency Compensation Bill 2024 (Bill 43 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-16 49 0 0

Sale of Tickets (Cultural, Entertainment, Recreational and Sporting Events) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 87 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-14 45 0 0

Planning and Development (Stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems) Bill 2024 (Bill 85 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-11 70 0 0

Finance Bill 2024 (Bill 84 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-11 56 0 0

Sale of Nitrous Oxide and Related Products Bill 2024 (Bill 86 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-11 57 0 0

Sale of Tickets (Cultural, Entertainment, Recreational and Sporting Events) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 83 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-10 54 0 0

Workplace Relations (Exemplary Damages, Unfair Dismissals and Other Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 82 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-10 50 0 0

Social Welfare Bill 2024 (Bill 81 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-10 52 0 0

Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Bill 2024 (Bill 80 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-07 52 0 0

Transport (Vehicle Registration Plate Suppliers) Bill 2024 (Bill 79 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-04 67 0 0

Statute Law Revision Bill 2024 (Bill 78 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-04 64 0 0

Credit Review Bill 2024 (Bill 76 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-02 69 0 0

Maternity Protection Bill 2024 (Bill 77 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-10-02 73 0 0

Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 73 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-30 68 0 0

Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 74 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-30 70 0 0

Animal Sentience Bill 2024 (Bill 75 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-30 80 0 0

Domestic Violence (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2024 (Bill 71 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-27 75 0 0

Planning and Development (An Taisce) Bill 2024 (Bill 72 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-27 84 0 0

Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 69 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-20 79 0 0

Animal Health and Welfare (Prohibition of Animal Testing for Botox) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 70 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-20 77 0 0

Land (Zoning Value Sharing) Bill 2024 (Bill 68 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-09-13 79 0 0

Road Traffic Act 2024 (Act 10 of 2024)Road Traffic Bill 2024 (Bill 4 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-26 103 0 0

Defamation (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 67 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-05 108 0 0

Mental Health Bill 2024 (Bill 66 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-01 143 0 0

Finance (Provision of Access to Cash Infrastructure) Bill 2024 (Bill 65 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-01 112 0 0

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 30 of 2024)Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 48 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-01 107 0 0

Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Accidents) Bill 2024 (Bill 64 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-29 131 0 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Act 2024 (Act 29 of 2024)Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 31 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-26 125 0 0

Civil Registration (Electronic Registration) Act 2024 (Act 27 of 2024)Civil Registration (Electronic Registration) Bill 2024 (Bill 26 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-25 130 0 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2024 (Bill 63 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-25 116 0 0

Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 62 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-25 119 0 0

Digital Services (Levy) Act 2024 (Act 26 of 2024)Digital Services (Levy) Bill 2024 (Bill 45 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-23 133 0 0

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 24 of 2024)Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 36 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 122 0 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 23 of 2024)Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 5 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 155 0 0

Defence (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 25 of 2024)Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 29 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 134 0 0

Health Information Bill 2024 (Bill 61 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 150 0 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 22 of 2024)Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 54 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-18 146 0 0

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Act 2024 (Act 20 of 2024)Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2024 (Bill 22 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-17 122 0 0

Child Care (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 19 of 2024)Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 46 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-15 150 0 0

Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Bill 2024 (Bill 60 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-12 163 0 0

Education (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 59 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-12 183 0 0

Bail (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 58 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-11 197 0 0

Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill 2024 (Bill 57 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-09 202 0 0

Údarás na Gaeltachta (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 56 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-08 195 0 0

Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 55 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-05 202 0 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 54 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-04 207 0 0

Arts (Recognition of Comedy) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 53 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-01 178 0 0

Third-Party Funding Contracts (Certain Proceedings) Bill 2024 (Bill 52 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-01 163 0 0

Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 51 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-28 194 0 0

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2024 (Bill 50 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-27 248 0 0

Future Ireland Fund and Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund Act 2024 (Act 16 of 2024)Future Ireland Fund and Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund Bill 2024 (Bill 21 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-25 192 0 0

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 48 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-21 187 0 0

Health (Postponement of Certain Leave) Bill 2024 (Bill 49 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-21 241 0 0

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation (Transfer of Functions) Bill 2024 (Bill 47 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-17 209 0 0

Research and Innovation Act 2024 (Act 15 of 2024)Research and Innovation Bill 2024 (Bill 1 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-17 225 0 0