Rejected Votes
Name Creator Category Date Views Comments Voting

United Nations action on sexual exploitation and abuse

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-11-11 14 0


Grigor Pavlov UN General Resolutions 2024-10-21 49 0

World Peace

Grigor Pavlov UN General Resolutions 2024-05-25 392 0

Space Environments

Grigor Pavlov UN General Resolutions 2024-05-15 416 0


Grigor Pavlov UN General Resolutions 2024-05-14 788 0

International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-05-11 1174 0

The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict: breaking the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict as a contribution to prevention and settlement of conflicts

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-05-11 1061 0

Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-05-11 1262 0

International Day of Markhor

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-05-11 1086 0

International Year of the Woman Farmer, 2026

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-05-11 1060 0

Global Health and foreign Policy: Addressing Global health challenges in the foreign policy space

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-05-11 1052 0

World Football Day

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2024-05-11 1099 1

UN Rapporteur on Democracy

Rasmus Tenbergen UN General Resolutions 2024-03-03 358 0

For a Democratic United Nations

Robert Sell UN General Resolutions 2024-03-02 360 0

Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 312 0

Prevention of an arms race in outer space

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 320 0

Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat \r\n\tof use of nuclear weapons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 283 0

Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 323 0

United Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related Intolerance

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 304 0

African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 298 0

Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 334 0

Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 323 0

Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 360 0

Credentials of representatives to the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 361 0

Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations: requests under Article 19 of the Charter

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 388 1

Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 335 0

International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, 2022

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 296 0

The Syrian Golan

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 318 0


United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 289 0

Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 326 0

The "Space2030" Agenda: space as a driver of sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 355 0

Review of the functioning of the reinvigorated resident coordinator system, including its funding arrangement

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 418 0

Report of the International Criminal Court

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 297 0

Follow-up to the report of the Secretary-General entitled "Our Common Agenda"

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 310 0

Graduation of Bangladesh, Lao Peopleâ\x80\x99s Democratic Republic and Nepal from the least developed country category

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 336 0

2021 Political Declaration on the Implementation of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to \r\n\tCombat Trafficking in Persons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 331 0

Reducing nuclear danger

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 173 0

Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 173 0

Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and \r\n\tTransfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 164 0

Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 222 0

Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the \r\n\tParties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear weapons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 213 0

Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice \r\n\ton the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 166 0

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 232 0

Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 166 0

Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 193 0

Follow-up to the 2013 high-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 280 0

No first placement of weapons in outer space

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 193 0

Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 165 0

Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 183 0

Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements and commitments

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 204 0

Regional disarmament

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 167 0

Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

Relationship between disarmament and development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 270 0

Nuclear disarmament

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 202 0

Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 177 0

Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non proliferation

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 160 0

The Arms Trade Treaty

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 181 0

Youth, disarmament and non-proliferation

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 180 0

Universal Declaration on the Achievement of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 208 0

Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 181 0

Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 165 0

Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 170 0

Joint courses of action and future-oriented dialogue towards a world without nuclear weapons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 198 0

Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and \r\n\tUse of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 163 0

Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 158 0

United Nations regional centres for peace and disarmament

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 181 0

Effects of atomic radiation

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 193 0

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 158 0

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 181 0

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) \r\n\tand Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed \r\n\tto Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 153 0

Question of Anguilla

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 170 0

Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 156 0

Question of Western Sahara

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 244 0

The occupied Syrian Golan

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 184 0

Comprehensive review of special political missions

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 191 0

Question of American Samoa

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 196 0

Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 189 0

Questions relating to information

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 173 0

Oceans and the law of the sea

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 193 0

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Report of the Conference on Disarmament

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 165 0

Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 207 0

Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 177 0

Problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, as well as parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 139 0

Assistance to Palestine refugees

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 184 0

University for Peace

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 194 0

The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 168 0

Assistance in mine action

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 299 0

Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 166 0

Promotion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 160 0

Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 147 0

Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highl

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 136 0

Regional confidence-building measures: activities of the United Nations Standing \r\n\tAdvisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 145 0

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 226 0

Follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 151 0

Mediation Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 180 0

Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 176 0

Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 194 0

Fortieth anniversary of the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 160 0

Protection of persons in the event of disasters

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 170 0

Strengthening and promoting the international treaty framework

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 166 0

Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United Nations personnel

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 185 0

The rule of law at the national and international levels

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Observer status for the International Solar Alliance in the General Assembly

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 189 0

White Helmets Commission: participation of volunteers in the activities of the United Nations in the field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 158 0

Question of Saint Helena

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 182 0

Question of the British Virgin Islands

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 199 0

Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 159 0

Assistance to the Palestinian people

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 158 0

Dissemination of information on decolonization

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 148 0

Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

International cooperation on humanitarian assistance in the field of natural disasters, from relief to development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 148 0

Question of the United States Virgin Islands

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 196 0

Question of French Polynesia

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 200 0

Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 180 0

United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Question of Bermuda

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 209 0

Question of the Cayman Islands

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 167 0

Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-second session

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 157 0

Provisional application of treaties

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Measures to eliminate international terrorism

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 178 0

Expedited Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 166 0

Question of Montserrat

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 185 0

Question of Tokelau

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 177 0

Question of Pitcairn

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 183 0

Question of Guam

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 175 0

Question of New Caledonia

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

Protection of the atmosphere

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 166 0

Question of the Turks and Caicos Islands

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 173 0

Crimes against humanity

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 163 0

Enlargement of the membership of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Improvement of the situation of women and girls in rural areas

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 192 0

Persons with albinism

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Rights of indigenous peoples

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 186 0

Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 194 0

Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 155 0

Inclusive policies and programmes to address homelessness including in the aftermath of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto: participation

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 190 0

Strengthening United Nations action in the field of human rights through the promotion of international cooperation and the importance of non selectivity, impartiality and objectivity

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 167 0

Cooperatives in social development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 180 0

Promoting social integration through social inclusion

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 168 0

Fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations Volunteers programme and twentieth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 143 0

Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 184 0

Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 180 0

Human rights and cultural diversity

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 176 0

The right to development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 164 0

Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 168 0

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 162 0

Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 142 0

Preparations for and observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 159 0

The right to food

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 178 0

The girl child

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 155 0

International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, 2022

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 164 0

Violence against women migrant workers

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 160 0

Effective promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 168 0

The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 165 0

Report of the Human Rights Council

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Policies and programmes involving youth

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 173 0

Protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 155 0

The human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 193 0

Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 212 0

Freedom of religion or belief

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 164 0

United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 161 0

Rights of the child

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 152 0

Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 161 0

Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 181 0

Human rights and unilateral coercive measures

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

Addressing the challenges of persons living with a rare disease and their families

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 181 0

International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 164 0

Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 182 0

Implementing the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms through providing a safe and enabling environment for human right

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 140 0

Improving the coordination of efforts against trafficking in persons

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 166 0

Follow-up to and implementation of the outcomes of the International Conferences on Financing for Development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 177 0

The safety of journalists and the issue of impunity

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Strengthening the role of the United Nations in the promotion of democratization and enhancing periodic and genuine elections

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Strengthening criminal justice systems during and after the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 209 0

Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 185 0

Strengthening the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 157 0

Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its contribution to sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 201 0

Situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 160 0

Promoting investments for sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 168 0

Promotion of international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows and strengthen good practices on assets return to foster sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 182 0

Preventing and combating crimes that affect the environment

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 175 0

Follow-up to and implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 133 0

Disaster risk reduction

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 207 0

Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 175 0


United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 173 0

Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 183 0

Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 163 0

Reducing reoffending through rehabilitation and reintegration

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 175 0

Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Agricultural technology for sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 182 0

Promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, building on Agenda 21

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 165 0

Terrorism and human rights

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

International financial system and development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Financial inclusion for sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 214 0

Report of the United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 177 0

Protection of migrants

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

National human rights institutions

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 181 0

Situation of human rights in the Democratic Peopleâ\x80\x99s Republic of Korea

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Ensuring equitable, affordable, timely and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 191 0

International trade and development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 242 0

Information and communications technologies for sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 196 0

Integrating sport into youth crime prevention and criminal justice strategies

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 216 0

Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 167 0

Oil slick on Lebanese shores

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 165 0

Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 164 0

External debt sustainability and development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 157 0

Report on the activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 151 0

Pattern of conferences

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 215 0

Further modalities of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 192 0

International Day to Combat Islamophobia

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 200 0

Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for 2022

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 196 0

Operational activities for development of the United Nations system

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 146 0

United Nations common system

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 201 0

Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 188 0

Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

Education for sustainable development in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 151 0

Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fifty-fourth session

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 156 0

Culture and sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 154 0

Financing of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Natural plant fibres and sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 190 0

Promoting international cooperation on peaceful uses in the context of international security

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 184 0

Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for 2022

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 184 0

Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

Integration of mainstream bicycling into public transportation systems for sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 199 0

Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 157 0

Implementation of the Third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2018â\x80\x932027)

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 175 0

Addressing the situation of widows

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 194 0

Towards global partnerships: a principle-based approach to enhanced cooperation between the United Nations and all relevant partners

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 143 0

Follow-up to the second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 202 0

Countering disinformation for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 149 0

Development cooperation with middle-income countries

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 182 0

Strengthening cooperation for integrated coastal zone management for achieving sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 188 0

Combating sand and dust storms

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Follow-up to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 207 0

Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 179 0

Administration of Justice at the United Nations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 184 0

Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 172 0

Programme budget for 2022

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 183 0

Agriculture development, food security and nutrition

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 258 0

South-South cooperation

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 179 0

Holocaust denial

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 200 0

Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 150 0

Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of United Nations peacekeeping operations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 168 0

The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 179 0

Further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 171 0

Reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 198 0

Science, technology and innovation for sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 143 0

International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists, 2026

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 198 0

Questions relating to the proposed programme budget for 2022

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 192 0

Working Capital Fund for 2022

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 198 0

Programme planning

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 245 0

Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 167 0

A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 143 0

Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the \r\npromotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 155 0

Financing of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 206 0

International cooperation for access to justice, remedies and assistance for survivors of sexual violence

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 189 0

Standing mandate for a General Assembly debate when a veto is cast in the Security Council

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 199 0

Cross-cutting issues

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 185 0

Elevating pandemic prevention, preparedness and response to the highest level of political leadership

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

Closed peacekeeping missions

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 197 0

International Day for Interventional Cardiology

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 225 0

Zone of peace, trust and cooperation of Central Asia

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 169 0

International Day of Women in Diplomacy

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 174 0

Addressing racism and promoting dignity for all in the United Nations Secretariat

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 203 0

Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 188 0

Financing of the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 201 0

Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 214 0

Enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities to conferences and meetings of the United Nations system

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 176 0

2022 International Federation of Association Football World Cup in Qatar

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 204 0

United Nations action on sexual exploitation and abuse

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 235 0

Joint Inspection Unit

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 207 0

Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 194 0

Political declaration of the high-level meeting on improving global road safety

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 186 0

Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 197 0

Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 141 0

Establishment of the United Nations Youth Office

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 192 0

Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 177 0

Modalities for the Summit of the Future

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 155 0

Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 202 0

Progress on the implementation of a flexible workplace at United Nations Headquarters

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

Rates of reimbursement to troop- and police-contributing countries

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 187 0

Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 205 0

Support account for peacekeeping operations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 183 0

Post-traumatic stress disorder framework

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 190 0

Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 220 0

International Day of Plant Health

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 206 0

High-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 202 0

Financing of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 216 0

World Seagrass Day

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 243 0

Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 208 0

The human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 213 0

Strengthening connectivity between Central and South Asia

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 204 0

Financing for peacebuilding

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 197 0

Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 164 0

Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 176 0

Progress Declaration of the International Migration Review Forum

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 178 0

Our ocean, our future, our responsibility

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 202 0

Improving the financial situation of the United Nations

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 200 0

Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 159 0


United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 203 0

Financing of the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe, Uganda

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 234 0

State of global food insecurity

United Nations General Assembly UN General Resolutions 2022-10-07 190 0

Cancellation of the usual EU executive trip to Hungary,

Rasmus Tenbergen Miscellaneous 2024-07-18 233 0

Test Sunday

Rasmus Tenbergen Miscellaneous 2021-05-26 33 0

GDL 2020/2021 Group Mission

Rasmus Tenbergen Miscellaneous 2021-01-28 29 0

Global Democracy Lab 2021 Draft Final Statement Proposal

Rasmus Tenbergen Miscellaneous 2021-01-15 49 1

Law and Order, versus Lawlessness

Thomas Saxe Miscellaneous 2020-05-17 26 0

Legal Disclaimer Revision and Amendment

Michael Weidinger Miscellaneous 2020-03-19 33 1

UN 2020

Rasmus Tenbergen Miscellaneous 2019-12-29 21 0

Establish Tri-Sector Partnerships (Threefold Social Order) as the default model for any and all International Development Aid Projects including but exceeding UN Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG)

Sebastian Lorenz Miscellaneous 2019-10-21 26 0

Test, please ignore

Rasmus Tenbergen Miscellaneous 2019-10-16 27 0

S/RES/2737 (2024) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 899 0

S/RES/2741 (2024) - The situation in Somalia (ATMIS) (UNSOS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 960 0

S/RES/2739 (2024) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 704 0

S/RES/2738 (2024) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 687 0

S/RES/2740 (2024) - International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-07-01 706 0

S/RES/2734 (2024) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-20 651 0

S/RES/2735 (2024) - The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-20 772 0

S/RES/2736 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-20 801 0

S/RES/2733 (2024) - The situation in Libya

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-03 1011 0

S/RES/2732 (2024) - The situation concerning Iraq (UNAMI)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-06-03 884 0

S/RES/2731 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-05-31 979 0

S/RES/2730 (2024) - Protection of civilians in armed conflict

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-05-27 937 0

S/RES/2729 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNMISS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-05-01 1207 0

S/RES/2728 (2024) - The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-26 1582 0

S/RES/2727 (2024) - The situation in Afghanistan (UNAMA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-18 1621 0

S/RES/2726 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNMISS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-15 1672 0

S/RES/2725 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (Panel of Experts)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-11 1299 0

S/RES/2724 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-11 1689 0

S/RES/2723 (2024) - The situation in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-01-31 297 0

S/RES/2722 (2024) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-01-15 255 0

S/RES/2720 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-28 246 0

S/RES/2719 (2023) - Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-22 716 0

S/RES/2718 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East (UNDOF)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-22 348 0

S/RES/2717 (2023) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-20 352 0

S/RES/2716 (2023) - Threats to to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (1988 Committee)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-15 448 0

S/RES/2715 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNITAMS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-04 1455 0

S/RES/2714 (2023) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-04 1361 0

S/RES/2713 (2023) - Peace and Security in Africa

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-04 1224 0

S/RES/2712 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-17 466 0

S/RES/2710 (2023) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-16 1172 0

S/RES/2709 (2023) - The situation in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-16 1073 0

S/RES/2711 (2023) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-16 306 0

S/RES/2708 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNISFA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-15 1054 0

S/RES/2707 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East (2140 sanctions)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-15 1091 0

S/RES/2706 (2023) - The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-03 1008 0

S/RES/2704 (2023) - Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2016/53)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-01 960 0

S/RES/2705 (2023) - The situation in Somalia (UNSOM)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-01 929 0

S/RES/2702 (2023) - The situation in Libya (UNSMIL)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-31 1001 0

S/RES/2703 (2023) - The situation concerning Western Sahara (MINURSO)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-31 1014 0

S/RES/2700 (2023) - The question concerning Haiti (Haiti sanctions)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-20 942 0

S/RES/2701 (2023) - The situation in Libya (Libya sanctions)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-20 845 0

S/RES/2699 (2023) - The question concerning Haiti (MSS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-03 603 0

S/RES/2698 (2023) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-02 615 0

S/RES/2697 (2023) - Threats to international peace and security (UNITAD)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-09-18 494 0

S/RES/2696 (2023) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-09-08 425 0

S/RES/2695 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East (UNIFIL)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-09-01 429 0

S/RES/2694 (2023) - Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2016/53)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-08-03 215 0

S/RES/2693 (2023) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-07-28 254 0

S/RES/2692 (2023) - The question concerning Haiti (BINUH)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-07-17 221 0

S/RES/2691 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East (UNMHA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-07-11 248 0

S/RES/2690 (2023) - The situation in Mali (MINUSMA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-07-06 222 0

S/RES/2689 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East (UNDOF)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-06-30 244 0

S/RES/2688 (2023) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-06-28 223 0

S/RES/2687 (2023) - The situation in Somalia (ATMIS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-06-28 228 0

S/RES/2686 (2023) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-06-15 214 0

S/RES/2684 (2023) - The situation in Libya

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-06-08 186 0

S/RES/2685 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNITAMS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-06-08 199 0

S/RES/2682 (2023) - The situation concerning Iraq (UNAMI)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-05-31 182 0

S/RES/2683 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (South Sudan sanctions)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-05-31 189 0

S/RES/2681 (2023) - The situation in Afghanistan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-05-01 214 0

S/RES/2680 (2023) - Non-proliferation/Democratic People s Republic of Korea

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-03-24 248 0

S/RES/2678 (2023) - The situation in Afghanistan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-03-17 274 0

S/RES/2679 (2023) - The situation in Afghanistan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-03-17 224 0

S/RES/2677 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNMISS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-03-16 270 0

S/RES/2676 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-03-09 288 0

S/RES/2675 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East (2140 Committee)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-02-16 288 0

S/RES/2672 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-02-07 354 0

S/RES/2673 (2023) - Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2016/53)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-02-07 258 0

S/RES/2674 (2023) - The situation in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-02-07 299 0

S/RES/2650 (2022) - The situation in the Middle East (UNIFIL)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-09-01 149 0

S/RES/2649 (2022) - The situation in Mali

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-08-31 171 0

S/RES/2648 (2022) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-08-01 163 0

S/RES/2647 (2022) - The situation in Libya (UNSMIL)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-29 176 0

S/RES/2646 (2022) - The situation in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-29 164 0

S/RES/2645 (2022) - The question concerning Haiti (BINUH)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-18 176 0

S/RES/2643 (2022) - The situation in the Middle East (UNMHA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-14 146 0

S/RES/2621 (2022) - The situation between Iraq and Kuwait (UN Compensation Commission)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-14 159 0

S/RES/2644 (2022) - The situation in Libya

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-14 143 0

S/RES/2642 (2022) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-13 250 0

S/RES/2641 (2022) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-07-01 219 0

S/RES/2640 (2022) - The situation in Mali (MINUSMA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-30 272 0

S/RES/2639 (2022) - United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-28 167 0

S/RES/2637 (2022) - International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-23 147 0

S/RES/2638 (2022) - Date of election to fill a vacancy in the International Court of Justice

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-23 118 0

S/RES/2634 (2022) - Peace and security in Africa (Maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-08 153 0

S/RES/2636 (2022) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNITAMS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-08 188 0

S/RES/2632 (2022) - The situation in Somalia (UNSOM)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-08 178 0

S/RES/2635 (2022) - The situation in Libya (Vessel inspection authorization)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-08 142 0

S/RES/2631 (2022) - The situation concerning Iraq (UNAMI)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-08 141 0

S/RES/2633 (2022) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-06-08 180 0

S/RES/2630 (2022) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNISFA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-05-13 112 0

S/RES/2629 (2022) - The situation in Libya (UNSMIL)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-05-12 172 0

S/RES/2628 (2022) - The situation in Somalia (ATMIS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-04-07 272 0

S/RES/2627 (2022) - Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-04-07 192 0

S/RES/2625 (2022) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-21 177 0

S/RES/2626 (2022) - The situation in Afghanistan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-21 175 0

S/RES/2619 (2022) - The situation in Libya (UNSMIL)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-11 192 0

S/RES/2621 (2022) - The situation between Iraq and Kuwait (UN Compesation Commission)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-11 260 0

S/RES/2620 (2022) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-11 178 0

S/RES/2622 (2022) - Non-proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction (1540 committee)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-11 173 0

S/RES/2618 (2022) - The situation in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-11 168 0

S/RES/2623 (2022) - Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly on Ukraine

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-11 178 0

S/RES/2624 (2022) - The situation in the Middle East (Yemen)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-11 162 0

Ukraine statement of DWB

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 316 0

S/RES/2614(2021) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 4 0

S/RES/2612(2021) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 6 0

S/RES/2609(2021) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 7 0

S/RES/2619(2022) - The situation in Libya

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 6 0

S/RES/2608(2021) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 5 0

S/RES/2607(2021) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 6 0

S/RES/2616(2021) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 6 0

S/RES/2618(2022) - The situation in Cyprus

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 5 0

S/RES/2611(2021) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 4 0

S/RES/2615(2021) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist attacks

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 7 0

S/RES/2617(2021) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist attacks

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 6 0

S/RES/2606(2021) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 6 0

S/RES/2613(2021) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 5 0

S/RES/2610(2021) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 7 0

S/RES/2605(2021) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-05 6 0

DWB Statement Ukraine

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-04 95 1

UNGA resolution on Ukraine, March 2022

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2022-03-04 38 1

S/RES/2604(2021) - The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-11-10 6 0

S/RES/2602(2021) - The situation concerning Western Sahara

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-11-10 8 0

S/RES/2601(2021) - Children and armed conflict

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-11-10 6 0

S/RES/2603(2021) - Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2016/53)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-11-10 8 0

S/RES/2600(2021) - The question concerning Haiti

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-10-22 7 0


Fernando Iglesias Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-10-04 9 0

S/RES/2599(2021) - The situation in Libya

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-10-04 8 0

S/RES/2598(2021) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-09-30 9 0

S/RES/2597(2021) - Threats to international peace and security

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-09-20 7 0

S/RES/2596(2021) - The situation in Afghanistan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-09-20 5 0

S/RES/2595(2021) - The situation in Libya

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-09-17 19 0

S/RES/2594(2021) - United Nations peacekeeping operations

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-09-13 9 0

S/RES/2592(2021) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-08-31 8 0

S/RES/2591(2021) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-08-31 11 0

S/RES/2590(2021) - The situation in Mali

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-08-31 8 0

S/RES/2589(2021) - United Nations peacekeeping operations

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-08-19 35 0

S/RES/2587(2021) - The situation in Cyprus

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-30 6 0

S/RES/2588(2021) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-30 5 0

S/RES/2586(2021) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-15 7 0

S/RES/2585(2021) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-12 5 0

S/RES/2582(2021) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-01 7 0

S/RES/2581(2021) - The situation in the Middle East

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-01 7 0

S/RES/2583(2021) - Date of an election to fill a vacancy in the International Court of Justice

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-01 7 0

S/RES/2584(2021) - The situation in Mali

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-07-01 5 0

S/RES/2577(2021) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-06-12 8 0

S/RES/2580(2021) - Recommendation for the appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-06-12 8 0

S/RES/2576(2021) - The situation concerning Iraq

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-06-12 5 0

S/RES/2578(2021) - The situation in Libya

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-06-12 6 0

S/RES/2579(2021) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-06-12 7 0

test 9

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-05-27 5 0

S/RES/2574(2021) - Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-05-26 13 0

S/RES/2575(2021) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-05-26 43 0

S/RES/2573(2021) - Protection of civilians in armed conflict

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-30 18 1

Test 3

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2535 (2020) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2524 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2536 (2020) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2530 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 8 0

S/RES/2553 (2020) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2571(2021) - The situation in Libya

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2538 (2020) - United Nations peacekeeping operations

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2570(2021) - The situation in Libya

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2523 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2567(2021) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2549 (2020) - The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2526 (2020) - The situation in Libya

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2569(2021) - Non-proliferation/Democratic People s Republic of Korea

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2539 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2527 (2020) - The situation in Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2533 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2531 (2020) - The situation in Mali

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2532 (2020) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2529 (2020) - International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2521 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2507 (2020) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 24 0

S/RES/2513(2020) - The situation in Afghanistan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2544 (2020) - UNITAD

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 3 0

S/RES/2508 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 137 0

S/RES/2516 (2020) - Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2512 (2020) - The situation in Guinea-Bissau

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2563(2021) - The situation in Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2514 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2509 (2020) - The situation in Libya

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 20 0

S/RES/2522 (2020) - The situation concerning Iraq

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2520 (2020) - The situation in Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2517 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2510 (2020) - The situation in Libya

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2561 (2021) - The situation in Cyprus

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2518 (2020) - United Nations peacekeeping operations

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2565(2021) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2545 (2020) - Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2016/53)

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 8 0

S/RES/2519 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2515 (2020) - Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2562 (2021) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2534 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2525 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2511 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2541 (2020) - The situation in Mali

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2572(2021) - Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2548 (2020) - The situation concerning Western Sahara

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2547 (2020) - The question concerning Haiti

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2568(2021) - The situation in Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2551 (2020) - The situation in Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 4 0

S/RES/2550 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2504 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 26 1

S/RES/2566(2021) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2546 (2020) - Maintenance of international peace and security

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2554 (2020) - The situation in Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2543 (2020) - The situation in Afghanistan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2537 (2020) - The situation in Cyprus

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2542 (2020) - The situation in Libya

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2552 (2020) - The situation in the Central African Republic

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2540 (2020) - The situation in Somalia

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 6 0

S/RES/2506 (2020) - The situation in Cyprus

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 33 0

S/RES/2505 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 18 0

S/RES/2564(2021) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 7 0

S/RES/2528 (2020) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 8 0

S/RES/2560 (2020) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2558 (2020) - Peacebuilding and sustaining peace

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2559 (2020) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2557 (2020) - Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2555 (2020) - The situation in the Middle East

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

S/RES/2556 (2020) - The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of Congo

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-25 5 0

A second Test Initiative

Robert Sell Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-24 31 0

A Test Initiative

Robert Sell Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-24 20 0

TEST initiative

Robert Sell Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-18 4 0

Test 2

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-04-11 3 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2021-02-26 15 0

Worls Party

Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2019-12-15 13 1

Security Council resolution 2482 (2019) [on preventing and combating terrorism, including terrorism benefitting from transnational organized crime]

Robert Sell Security & Conflict Resolution 2019-09-30 29 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Security & Conflict Resolution 2019-09-28 20 0

World Federalist Academy

Rasmus Tenbergen Research & Education 2024-06-07 398 1

My preferred WPE role: Speaker for the UNPA Model around the world

Emilia Ismael Research & Education 2021-01-21 44 2

Single text negotiation procedure exercise - UNSG speech

Rasmus Tenbergen Research & Education 2020-12-02 38 0

General education shall include Artificial Intelligence and its opportunities and challenges

Lars Lünenburger Research & Education 2020-09-25 45 1

Charity Donations

Grigor Pavlov Human Rights 2024-05-16 427 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2024-05-10 420 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2024-05-10 863 1


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2024-05-10 719 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2024-03-02 367 0


OHC HR Human Rights 2023-06-19 0 0

2022 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2022-09-18 212 1

UN HRC Resolution Ukraine

OHC HR Human Rights 2022-05-16 197 1

49/1 - Situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression

OHC HR Human Rights 2022-03-10 291 0

49/1(Advance Edited Version) - Situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression

OHC HR Human Rights 2022-03-09 180 0

49/1(Advance Unedited Version) - Situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression

OHC HR Human Rights 2022-03-05 2247 2

Test proposal 3

Lars Lünenburger Human Rights 2021-11-27 16 1


Eston McKeague Human Rights 2021-10-23 22 2

48/18 - From rhetoric to reality: a global call for concrete action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 10 0

48/10 - The right to development

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/8 - Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 8 0

48/22 - Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 8 0

48/16 - Situation of human rights in Burundi

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 6 0

48/13 - The human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/19 - Assistance technique et renforcement des capacités dans le domaine des droits de l’homme en République centrafricaine Technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Central African Republic]

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 6 0

48/15 - Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 5 0

48/21 - Technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/23 - Advisory services and technical assistance for Cambodia

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 8 0

48/14 - Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 5 0

48/12 - Human rights implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 6 0

48/11 - Human rights and indigenous peoples

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/9 - Question of the death penalty

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/24 - Enhancement of technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/17 - Cooperation with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/20 - Assistance technique et renforcement des capacités dans le domaine des droits de l’homme en République démocratique du Congo Technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo]

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 6 0

48/7 - Negative impact of the legacies of colonialism on the enjoyment of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 8 0

48/25 - Technical assistance and capacity-building to improve human rights in Libya

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 6 0

48/4 - Right to privacy in the digital age

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/6 - Child, early and forced marriage in times of crisis, including the COVID-19 pandemic

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0

48/3 - Human rights of older persons

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 3 0

48/1 - Situation of human rights in Afghanistan

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 12 0

48/2 - Equal participation in political and public affairs

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 5 0

48/5 - The use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-10-14 7 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-10-13 6 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-10-01 10 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-08-28 12 0

47/23 - New and emerging digital technologies and human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-08-07 8 0

47/21 - Promotion and protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Africans and of people of African descent against excessive use of force and other human rights violations by law enforcement officers through transformative change for racia

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-08-07 8 0

47/22 - Cooperation with and assistance to Ukraine in the field of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-08-07 6 0

47/24 - Human rights and climate change

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-08-07 7 0

47/25 - Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-08-07 6 0

47/7 - The negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 7 0

47/20 - The Social Forum

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/10 - Human rights and international solidarity

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 7 0

47/13 - Situation of human rights in the Tigray region of Ethiopia

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 7 0

47/8 - Elimination of harmful practices related to accusations of witchcraft and ritual attacks

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 5 0

47/14 - Human rights in the context of HIV and AIDS

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 8 0

47/12 - The human rights of migrants

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 5 0

47/11 - The contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/16 - The promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/15 - Accelerating efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls: preventing and responding to all forms of violence against women and girls with disabilities

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 7 0

47/9 - Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 7 0

47/17 - Impact of arms transfers on human rights

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/18 - Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 7 0

47/19 - Situation of human rights in Belarus

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 8 0

47/3 - Civil society space: COVID-19: the road to recovery and the essential role of civil society

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/2 - Situation of human rights in Eritrea

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/6 - The right to education

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 5 0

47/1 - Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/5 - Realization of the equal enjoyment of the right to education by every girl

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 6 0

47/4 - Menstrual hygiene management, human rights and gender equality

OHC HR Human Rights 2021-07-16 7 0

46/21 - Situation of human rights in Myanmar

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/27 - Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against, persons based on religion or belief

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 10 0

46/30 - Cooperation with Georgia

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

46/23 - Situation of human rights in South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

46/25 - Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/24 - Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/29 - Technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

46/22 - Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/26 - Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 8 0

45/12 - Human rights and indigenous peoples

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 22 0

45/16 - Mandate of the open-ended intergovernmental working group to elaborate the content of an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 25 0

46/11 - The negative impact of the non-repatriation of funds of illicit origin to the countries of origin on the enjoyment of human rights, and the importance of improving international cooperation

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 9 0

46/3 - Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountability and justice

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 8 0

45/6 - The right to development

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 10 0

46/16 - Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

45/15 - Situation of human rights in Yemen

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 33 0

46/4 - Human rights, democracy and the rule of law

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

46/2 - Promotion and protection of human rights in Nicaragua

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

45/14 - Eliminating inequality within and among States for the realization of human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 89 0

45/17 - Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 20 0

45/35 - Technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Central African Republic

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 9 0

46/9 - Mandate of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 10 0

46/12 - Mandate of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/15 - Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment: the roles and responsibilities of police and other law enforcement officials

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

46/19 - The right to food

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 4 0

46/20 - Situation of human rights in Belarus in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election and in its aftermath

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 8 0

46/14 - Ensuring equitable, affordable, timely and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 8 0

46/10 - Question of the realization in all countries of economic, social and cultural rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/8 - Effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

46/13 - Promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/18 - Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

45/24 - Mandate of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/6 - Freedom of religion or belief

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 4 0

45/32 - Enhancement of technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

45/23 - Commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

45/31 - The contribution of the Human Rights Council to the prevention of human rights violations

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 9 0

45/30 - Rights of the child: realizing the rights of the child through a healthy environment

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

45/29 - Promoting, protecting and respecting women’s and girls’ full enjoyment of human rights in humanitarian situations

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

45/26 - Technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 8 0

45/27 - Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 8 0

46/1 - Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

45/33 - Technical cooperation and capacity building for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Philippines

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

46/5 - The negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

45/22 - National human rights institutions

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 8 0

45/10 - Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 26 0

45/21 - Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 9 0

46/7 - Human rights and the environment

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 5 0

45/3 - Enforced or involuntary disappearances

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

45/13 - Human rights and the regulation of civilian acquisition, possession and use of firearms

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 23 0

45/9 - The role of good governance in the promotion and protection of human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

45/28 - Promoting and protecting the human rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000)

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

45/1 - Situation of human rights in Belarus in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election and in its aftermath

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 26 0

45/19 - Situation of human rights in Burundi

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 9 0

45/4 - Mandate of the Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

45/8 - The human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

45/5 - Human rights and unilateral coercive measures

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

45/7 - Local government and human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

45/2 - Strengthening cooperation and technical assistance in the field of human rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 6 0

45/18 - The safety of journalists

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 15 0

45/11 - Terrorism and human rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 24 0

45/25 - Technical assistance and capacity-building to further improve human rights in the Sudan

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 7 0

45/20 - Situation of human rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2021-04-25 9 0

My Role: Speaker of Human Rights in the Digital Age

Yue Wang Human Rights 2021-01-26 26 2

Role: Speaker of Human Rights in the Digital Age

Yue Wang Human Rights 2021-01-21 16 0

AI Technologies vs. Human Rights

Yue Wang Human Rights 2020-10-29 47 1

AI Technologies vs. Human Rights

Yue Wang Human Rights 2020-10-27 27 3

Universal Basic Income

Vladan Lausevic Human Rights 2019-10-24 12 0

Women Empowerment

Celia Fraile Marquez Human Rights 2019-10-23 18 1


Rasmus Tenbergen Human Rights 2019-10-16 5 0

Worldwide free movement in public places should be a basic right of all human beings

Kongjak Jaidee Human Rights 2019-10-09 33 1

test initiative 02 HR öäüèéà [ %&+@#° / \ 😊 世界议会 世界議会 мировой парламент

Lars Lünenburger Human Rights 2019-09-30 13 0

Guaranteed Access to Safe Drinking Water

Robert Sell Environment 2024-03-03 610 0

End plastic pollution - Towards an international legally binding instrument

Unite Nations Environmental Program Environment 2022-03-05 361 0

Research design of self-reproducing floating factories on open ocean for direct air carbon capture

Sven Nilsen Environment 2021-11-15 57 0

Recycling rewards

Galina Morozova Environment 2020-11-23 40 0

Controversial campaign: THE 20% CHALLENGE

Naomi Flores López Environment 2020-11-19 2383 3

Democratic alternative to XR ideas for political change

Michael Weidinger Environment 2019-10-07 42 0

Nuclear Waste Permanent Storage

Robert Sell Environment 2019-10-04 26 0

Global Initiative for Waste Incineration

Robert Sell Environment 2019-10-04 25 0

trading emission rights

Rasmus Tenbergen Environment 2019-10-03 29 0

C138 - Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)

Robert Sell Economy 2024-03-03 996 0

Implement a global carbon tax with citizen's dividend

Andreas H Economy 2021-11-11 60 0


Juan Lopez Economy 2021-08-24 40 0

TEST initiative

Robert Sell Economy 2021-05-21 26 0

Test 2

Rasmus Tenbergen Economy 2021-05-10 22 0

Test proposal

Robert Sell Economy 2021-05-10 31 0

TEST initiative

Robert Sell Economy 2021-04-11 25 0

basic income

Michael Weidinger Economy 2019-10-08 40 0

EU to establish free trade zone with Russia and China

Robert Sell Economy 2019-09-30 50 0

Redistribution of domestic work in household Bill

Fernando Iglesias Gender Equality 2021-10-20 102 0

#Test initiative

Robert Sell Health 2021-05-24 21 0

Covid 19

Rasmus Tenbergen Health 2020-10-22 27 3

Antrag zu Beschluss gemäß Artikel 115 Absatz 2 Satz 6 und 7 Grundgesetz

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2024-12-20 41 0

Suizidhilfe (GE Dr. Castellucci u.a.)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-07-07 234 0

Rasche und geordnete Beendigung des MINUSMA-Einsatzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-07-07 137 0

Suizidhilfe (GE Helling-Plahr/ Künast u.a )

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-07-07 97 0

Suizidhilfe (Antrag Dr. Kappert-Gonther u.a.)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-07-07 237 0

Erdgas-, Wärme- und Strompreisbremsengesetz

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-26 132 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Bosnien und Herzegowina (EUFOR ALTHEA)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-26 215 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-26 207 0

Bundeswehreinsatz im Libanon (UNIFIL)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-26 217 0

Bundeswehreinsatz im Sahel mit Schwerpunkt Niger (EUTM Mali)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-22 211 0

Grenzüberschreitende Durchsetzung des Entsenderechts

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-16 104 0

Asylrecht in der EU (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-16 105 0

Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-06-16 108 0

Pflegeunterstützungs- und -entlastungsgesetz - PUEG

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-29 77 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Mali (MINUSMA)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-29 107 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Kosovo (KFOR)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-29 107 0

75 Jahre Weltgesundheitsorganisation

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-15 106 0

Beschlussempfehlung zum Antrag CDU/CSU "Abschiebehürden beseitigen"

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-12 72 0

Einsetzung eines Bürgerrates - Antrag AfD

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-12 140 0

Einsetzung eines Bürgerrates - Antrag SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, FDP, Linke

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-12 74 0

EUNAVFOR MED IRINI (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-01 89 0

Einsetzung des 2. Untersuchungsausschusses der 20. Wahlperiode (Bekämpfung des Corona-Virus)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-01 71 0

Gesetzes zur Änderung des Energiesicherungsgesetzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-01 81 0

Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik (Antrag)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-01 86 0

Evakuierung aus Sudan

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-01 82 0

Beteiligung bewaffneter Streitkräfte an EUMPM Niger (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-01 84 0

Bestandsmanagement Wolf (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-05-01 91 0

Änderungsantrag der Fraktion der CDU/CSU

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-04-03 106 0

Entschließungsantrag der Fraktion der CDU/CSU

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-04-03 101 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in der Republik Südsudan (UNMISS)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-03-31 144 0

Änderung des Bundeswahlgesetzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2023-03-20 96 0

Energiepreisbremse (Strompreisbremse)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-12-16 174 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-12-16 175 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-12-05 139 0

Jahressteuergesetz 2022 (Artikel 29 und 40)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-12-05 190 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-12-05 192 0

Transatlantisches Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommen (CETA)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-12-02 179 0

Änderung des Grundgesetzes (Artikel 82)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-12-02 189 0

Beschlussempfehlung Vermittlungsausschuss - Bürgergeld

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-28 170 0

Haushaltsgesetz 2023

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-28 169 0

Änderung des Energiesicherungsgesetzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-25 169 0

Haushalt - Geschäftsbereich des Bundeskanzlers und des Bundeskanzleramts

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-24 180 0

Änderung des Atomgesetzes - 19. AtGÄndG (Gesetzentwurf CDU/CSU)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-14 195 0

Änderung des Atomgesetzes - 19. AtGÄndG (Gesetzentwurf)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-14 174 0

Änderung des Atomgesetzes - 19. AtGÄndG (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-14 159 0

Einsprüche anlässlich der Wahl zum 20. Deutschen Bundestag

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-14 151 0

Bürgergeld-Gesetz (Regelbedarfsstufen)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-11 213 0

Vermögensabgabe für Multimillionäre und Milliardäre

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-11 142 0

Bürgergeld-Gesetz (Schlussabstimmung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-11 190 0

ERP-Wirtschaftsplangesetz 2023 (Änderungsantrag)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-11 137 0

Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes (2.Beratung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-11 179 0

Bürgergeld-Gesetz (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-11 142 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-11-11 132 0

Antrag zu Beschluss gemäß Artikel 115 Absatz 2 Satz 6 und 7 Grundgesetz

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-24 155 0

Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Irak

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-24 155 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-24 193 0

Entschließungsantrag CDU/CSU zu Stabilisierungsfondsgesetz und Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfond

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-24 160 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-21 156 0

Sondervermögen Bundeswehr (Gesetzentwurf )

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 180 0

Änderung des Atomgesetzes (Gesetzentwurf AfD)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 185 0

Entschließungsantrag zur Regierungserklärung vom 22. Juni 2022 (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 186 0

Pflegebonusgesetz (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 190 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Kosovo (KFOR) (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 178 0

Haushaltsgesetz 2022 (3. Beratung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 211 0

Schuldenregel des Grundgesetzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 144 0

30.09.2022: Fiskalpolitische Disziplin in Europa (Antrag CDU/CSU)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 183 0

Strom- und Gassperren, Gas- und Strompreisdeckel (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 144 0

07.07.2022: Bereithaltung von Ersatzkraftwerken (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 165 0

Umfassende Unterstützung für die Ukraine (Antrag)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 162 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Südsudan (UNMISS)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 183 0

Mindestlohn (Artikel 7 des Gesetzentwurfs der Bundesregierung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 188 0

Impfpflicht gegen SARS-CoV-2 (Antrag der Fraktion der CDU/CSU)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 145 0

Bundeswehreinsatz SEA GUARDIAN im Mittelmeer

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 193 0

Impfpflicht gegen SARS-CoV-2 (Antrag der Fraktion der AfD)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 179 0

Wohneigentumsförderung, Gebäudeeffizienzförderung (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 158 0

Bundeswehreinsatz im Sahel mit Schwerpunkt Niger (EUTM Mali) (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 191 0

Energieversorgung (Antrag CDU/CSU)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 150 0

Bereithaltung von Ersatzkraftwerken (Änderungsantrag CDU/CSU)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 161 0

Windenergie auf See (Gesetzentwurf)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 188 0

Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (Gesetzentwurf)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 150 0

Beteiligung deutscher Streitkräfte an UNIFIL (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 187 0

Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 145 0

Bundeswehrbeschaffungsbeschleunigungsgesetz (Entschließungsantrag CDU/CSU)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 152 0

Bundeswehrsondervermögensgesetz (Antrag AfD)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 163 0

Krisengewinne von Energiekonzernen

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 153 0

07.07.2022: Bereithaltung von Ersatzkraftwerken (Änderungsantrag CDU/CSU)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 177 0

Ukrainehilfe, Nahrungsmittelversorgung weltweit (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 156 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Bosnien und Herzegowina (EUFOR ALTHEA) (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 172 0

Haushalt Bundeskanzler / Bundeskanzleramt (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 185 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Mali (MINUSMA) (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 189 0

Windenergie an Land (Gesetzentwurf)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 156 0

Fortsetzung der Beteiligung an EU NAVOR MED IRINI (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 172 0

Beschleunigter Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 139 0

Impfpflicht gegen SARS-CoV-2 (Gruppe Baehrens/Janecek u.a.)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 183 0

Änderung von Verbrauchsteuergesetzen (Entschließungsantrag)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 153 0

Gesetz zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes (Art. 87a GG)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 168 0

Sofortmaßnahmen für einen beschleunigten Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien (Gesetzentwurf)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 171 0

Impfpflicht gegen SARS-CoV-2 (Antrag der Gruppe Kubicki u.a.)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 153 0

Neufassung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 144 0

Bundeswehreinsatz im Irak (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 186 0

Beschluss gemäß Artikel 115 Absatz 2 Satz 6 und 7 Grundgesetz (Antrag)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 156 0

Zweites Nachtragshaushaltsgesetz 2021

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2022-10-14 142 0

Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes; Einschränkung von Grundrechten

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-09-08 10 0

Bundeswehreinsatz zur Evakuierung aus Afghanistan

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-08-25 23 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-26 4 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-26 5 0

Beschlussempfehlung: Bundeswehreinsatz in Kosovo KFOR

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-26 3 0

Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, Insektenschutz

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-26 4 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Lebanon UNIFIL

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-26 6 0

Verwendung geschlechtergerechter Sprache

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-26 6 0

Änderung des Vermögensteuergesetzes (VStG)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-12 5 0

Anpassung des Verfassungsschutzrechts

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-12 7 0

Änderung des Atomgesetzes

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-12 16 0

Fortbestehen der epidemischen Lage

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-12 7 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-06-12 7 0

Geschlechtliche Selbstbestimmung (Gesetzentwurf FDP)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation Atalanta

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz - Änderungsantrag (19/28760)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Afghanistan

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Transparenzregelungen für Abgeordnete

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 9 0

Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz - Änderungsantrag (19/28752)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 3 0

Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz - Änderungsantrag (19/28753)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 3 0

Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz - Änderungsantrag (19/28756)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 3 0

Bundeswehreinsatz in Südsudan (UNMISS) - Beschlussempfehlung

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

BND-Gesetz, Kontrolle der Nachrichtendienste

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

Covid-19-Wahlbewerber-Aufstellungsverordnung (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Verein Indymedia verbieten (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 14 1

Normenkontrolle Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz (Antrag)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 3 0

Eigenmittelsystem der EU

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Bundeswehreinsatz im Mittelmeer (SEA GUARDIAN) - Beschlussempfehlung

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Aufhebung des Transsexuellengesetzes und Einführung des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes (B90/Grüne)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 7 0

Einspruch des Abg. Lucassen gegen Ordnungsruf

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Übereinkommen über ein Europäisches Patentgericht

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 14 0

Mali (MINUSMA) (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

Epidemische Lage von nationaler Tragweite

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

Beschluss gemäß Artikel 115 Absatz 2 des Grundgesetzes (Beschlussempfehlung Haushaltsausschuss)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Antrag 19/24969 der FDP (Beschluss gemäß Artikel 115 Absatz 2 des Grundgesetzes)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

EUTM Mali (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz – Normenkontrolle

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Haushaltsgesetz 2021

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Mobilisierung von Bauland

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Nachtragshaushalt (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

Bundeswahlgesetz (Antrag zu Feststellung gemäß § 52 Absatz 4 Satz 1)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Energiesicherheit gewährleisten - Nord Stream 2 unterstützen (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Ablösung der Staatsleistungen

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 18 0

Patente für Impfstoffe freigeben (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 3 0

Europäische Bank für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Beschlussempfehlung)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 5 0

Fremdbestimmte Operationen an trans- und intergeschlechtlichen Menschen (Die Linke)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

Geschäftsbereich Bundeskanzlerin und Bundeskanzleramt (Beschlussempfehlung des Haushaltsausschusses)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0


Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 6 0

Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz - Änderungsantrag (19/28755)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz (Gesetzentwurf)

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 4 0

COVID-19-Schutzmaßnahmen- Ausnahmenverordnung

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 3 0

Energieversorgung in Deutschland

Deutscher Bundestag Germany 2021-05-26 8 0

H.R.734 118th] - Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-08-12 177 0

S.J.Res.106 118th] - A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against the Islamic Republic of Iran for threatening the national security of the United States through the development of nuclear weapons.

United States Congress United States 2024-08-06 147 0

H.R.8998 118th] - Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 158 0

H.Res.1371 118th] - Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 147 0

H.R.1280 117th] - George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 163 0

H.Res.253 118th] - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Vice President Kamala Harris should be removed from her position as the head of the Biden administration’s strategy to address the root causes of migration.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 159 0

H.Res.679 117th] - Impeaching Kamala Devi Harris, Vice President of the United States, for the high crimes and misdemeanors of betrayal of the public trust.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-30 143 0

S.4638 118th] - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-07-23 178 0

S.2768 118th] - Safety From Violence for Healthcare Employees Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-16 216 0

S.4292 118th] - Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-16 175 0

Joe Biden Candidacy

Rasmus Tenbergen United States 2024-07-10 178 1

H.R.8281 118th] - Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-09 223 0

S.4292 118th] - SAVE Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-09 234 0

H.Res.503 118th] - Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-09 196 0

H.R.4132 118th] - Falun Gong Protection Act

United States Congress United States 2024-07-01 268 0

H.R.8771 118th] - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-07-01 224 0

H.Res.901 118th] - Expressing support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan.

United States Congress United States 2024-07-01 270 0

H.R.3589 118th] - Affordability is Access Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-06-24 239 0

S.1111 118th] - Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-06-24 222 0

S.4445 118th] - A bill to protect and expand nationwide access to fertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization.

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 220 0

H.R.2864 118th] - Countering CCP Drones Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 264 0

H.R.8081 118th] - Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 224 0

H.R.8070 118th] - Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 241 0

H.R.5074 118th] - Kidney Patient Access to Technologically Innovative and Essential Nephrology Treatments Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-06-18 222 0

H.R.8373 117th] - Right to Contraception Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-10 272 0

S.4381 118th] - Right to Contraception Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-10 279 0

H.R.8081 118th] - DISGRACED Former Protectees Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-10 258 0

S.597 118th] - Social Security Fairness Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-10 268 0

H.R.4121 118th] - Right to Contraception Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-10 281 0

H.Res.104 118th] - Condemning the Chinese Communist Party’s use of a high-altitude surveillance balloon over United States territory as a brazen violation of United States sovereignty.

United States Congress United States 2024-06-03 192 0

H.R.8315 118th] - ENFORCE Act

United States Congress United States 2024-06-03 283 0

H.J.Res.109 118th] - Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to “Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121”.

United States Congress United States 2024-06-03 178 0

H.R.8046 118th] - Rosatom Sanctions Enforcement Act

United States Congress United States 2024-05-28 283 0

H.R.4980 113th] - Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act

United States Congress United States 2024-05-28 233 0

H.R.5744 118th] - Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-05-28 257 0

H.R.4763 118th] - Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act

United States Congress United States 2024-05-28 226 0

H.R.354 118th] - LEOSA Reform Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-05-21 266 0

H.R.7343 118th] - Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act

United States Congress United States 2024-05-21 264 0

H.R.7109 118th] - Equal Representation Act

United States Congress United States 2024-05-15 253 0

H.R.7979 118th] - End China’s De Minimis Abuse Act

United States Congress United States 2024-05-07 280 0

H.R.6090 118th] - Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-05-07 272 0

H.R.815 118th] - Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-04-30 224 0

H.Res.1160 118th] - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8034) making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in Israel and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; prov

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 274 0

H.R.8036 118th] - Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 291 0

H.R.8038 118th] - 21st Century Peace through Strength Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 337 0

H.R.3602 118th] - Transnational Criminal Organization Illicit Spotter Prevention and Elimination Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 306 0

H.R.4639 118th] - Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 346 0

H.R.8035 118th] - Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 334 0

H.R.8034 118th] - Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 370 0

H.R.6611 118th] - FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-04-15 392 0

H.R.7888 118th] - Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-15 391 0

H.R.1323 118th] - LEO Fair Retirement Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-04-09 405 0

S.1693 115th] - Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017

United States Congress United States 2024-04-09 361 0

H.R.2882 118th] - Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-08 550 0

H.R.5074 118th] - Kidney PATIENT Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-04-08 395 0

S.686 118th] - RESTRICT Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 469 0

S.1143 117th] - No TikTok on Government Devices Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 423 0

H.R.1332 118th] - Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 448 0

H.R.231 118th] - Terminate TikTok on Campus Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 471 0

S.2747 117th] - Freedom to Vote Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-11 390 0

H.R.7511 118th] - Laken Riley Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-11 446 0

H.R.7521 118th] - Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-11 419 0

H.R.1011 117th] - Life at Conception Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-05 481 0

H.R.7463 118th] - Extension of Continuing Appropriations and Other Matters Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-03-05 409 0

H.R.815 118th] - National Security Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-02-26 483 0

S.1409 118th] - Kids Online Safety Act

United States Congress United States 2024-02-26 495 0

H.R.431 118th] - Life at Conception Act

United States Congress United States 2024-02-26 469 0

H.R.7217 118th] - Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-02-13 221 0

H.Res.863 118th] - Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

United States Congress United States 2024-02-13 218 0

H.R.815 118th] - RELIEVE Act

United States Congress United States 2024-02-13 221 0

H.R.7085 118th] - To prohibit contracting with certain biotechnology providers, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-02-05 433 0

H.R.6976 118th] - Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act

United States Congress United States 2024-02-05 200 0

H.R.6981 118th] - Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-02-05 421 0

S.3589 118th] - Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-02-05 173 0

S.3558 118th] - A bill to prohibit contracting with certain biotechnology providers, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-29 411 0

H.R.2872 118th] - Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-01-29 467 0

H.R.7024 118th] - Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 382 0

S.Res.504 118th] - A resolution requesting information on Israel’s human rights practices pursuant to section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 356 0

H.R.2872 118th] - Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 365 0

H.Res.956 118th] - Expressing the great contributions to American society by Indian-American communities and the graduates of the Indian Institutes of Technology in the United States.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 351 0

S.1271 118th] - FEND Off Fentanyl Act

United States Congress United States 2024-01-16 401 0

H.R.467 118th] - HALT Fentanyl Act

United States Congress United States 2024-01-16 444 0

H.R.3832 118th] - Disease X Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-01-16 449 0

H.R.941 117th] - TRANSPLANT Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2024-01-08 385 0

H.R.3266 118th] - Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act

United States Congress United States 2024-01-08 356 0

H.R.3016 118th] - IGO Anti-Boycott Act

United States Congress United States 2023-12-27 384 0

H.R.2 118th] - Secure the Border Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-27 368 0

H.R.1147 118th] - Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-19 419 0

H.R.5378 118th] - Lower Costs, More Transparency Act

United States Congress United States 2023-12-19 432 0

H.Res.57 117th] - Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States, for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-19 244 0

H.R.6542 118th] - To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants, to increase the per-country numerical limitation for family sponsored immigrants, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 334 0

S.2226 118th] - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 352 0

H.Res.894 118th] - Strongly condemning and denouncing the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 331 0

H.R.4468 118th] - Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 408 0

H.Res.888 118th] - Reaffirming the State of Israel’s right to exist.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 382 0

H.R.5961 118th] - No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 377 0

H.Res.878 118th] - Providing for the expulsion of Representative George Santos from the United States House of Representatives.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 331 0

H.R.5283 118th] - Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 340 0

S.J.Res.32 118th] - A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to “Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credi

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 326 0

H.R.1636 117th] - Postal Vehicle Modernization Act

United States Congress United States 2023-11-28 384 0

S.3205 118th] - Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-11-28 404 0

S.3291 118th] - EAGLE Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 359 0

H.R.5894 118th] - Making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 326 0

H.R.6363 118th] - Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 312 0

H.Res.864 118th] - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5894) making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 252 0

H.R.4820 118th] - Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-15 303 0

H.R.4664 118th] - Making appropriations for financial services and general government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-15 299 0

H.Res.845 118th] - Censuring Representative Rashida Tlaib for promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-15 290 0

H.Res.798 118th] - Condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 238 0

H.R.6126 118th] - Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 339 0

H.Res.559 118th] - Declaring it is the policy of the United States that a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran is not acceptable.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 306 0

H.R.4366 118th] - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 212 0

H.Res.773 118th] - Providing for the expulsion of Representative George Santos from the House of Representatives.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 303 0

H.R.4821 118th] - Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 338 0

H.Res.786 118th] - Calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 266 0

H.Res.771 118th] - Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 262 0

S.J.Res.42 118th] - A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Food and Nutrition Service relating to “Application of Bostock v. Clayton County to Program Discr

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 287 0

H.R.4394 118th] - Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 328 0

S.452 118th] - Nuclear Fuel Security Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-10-24 328 0

H.R.1042 118th] - Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act

United States Congress United States 2023-10-24 369 0

S.1111 118th] - ADVANCE Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-10-17 287 0

H.R.5376 117th] - Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2023-10-11 303 0

H.R.2617 117th] - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-10-10 283 0

H.Res.757 118th] - Declaring the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be vacant.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-10 261 0

H.R.82 118th] - Social Security Fairness Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-10-10 283 0

H.Res.756 117th] - Supporting the designation of October 27, 2021, as “National Civics Day”.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-10 290 0

H.R.5376/a> 117th] - Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2023-10-10 309 0

H.R.5860 118th] - Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act

United States Congress United States 2023-10-10 261 0

H.Res.756 118th] - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4394) making appropriations for energy and water development and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of th

United States Congress United States 2023-10-10 198 0

H.R.2670 118th] - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 247 0

H.R.4368 118th] - Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 214 0

H.R.5860 118th] - Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 215 0

H.R.3935 118th] - Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 262 0

H.R.4665 118th] - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 225 0

H.R.4365 118th] - Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 284 0

S.24 116th] - Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 272 0

S.1323 118th] - SAFE Banking Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 284 0

S.596 117th] - Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 286 0

H.R.5525 118th] - Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-09 267 0

H.R.4665 - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-02 262 0

H.R.3935 - Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act

United States Congress United States 2023-10-02 274 0

H.R.5860 - Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-02 268 0

H.R.5525 - Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-02 235 0

H.R.4365 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-02 282 0

H.R.4368 - Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-02 253 0

S.24 - Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019

United States Congress United States 2023-09-25 265 0

H.R.589 - MAHSA Act

United States Congress United States 2023-09-19 269 0

H.R.4366 - Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-09-19 211 0

H.R.1435 - Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act

United States Congress United States 2023-09-19 301 0

S.1111 - ADVANCE Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-09-12 265 0

H.R.7776 - James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-09-12 248 0

S.2670 - Fairness for Small-Scale Farmers and Ranchers Act

United States Congress United States 2023-08-28 242 0

S.172 - No Mask Mandates Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-08-28 239 0

H.R.2617 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 216 0

H.R.2670 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 215 0

H.R.82 - Social Security Fairness Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 199 0

S.596 - Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 218 0

S.2226 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 249 0

H.R.25 - FairTax Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 213 0

S.1409 - Kids Online Safety Act

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 217 0

S.1323 - SAFE Banking Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 232 0

H.Res.503 - Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

United States Congress United States 2023-08-25 198 0

H.R.8888 - Food Security for All Veterans Act

United States Congress United States 2022-10-03 157 0

H.R.7780 - Mental Health Matters Act

United States Congress United States 2022-10-03 172 0

H.R.6833 - Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023

United States Congress United States 2022-10-03 144 0

H.R.8873 - Presidential Election Reform Act

United States Congress United States 2022-09-26 142 0

H.R.3173 - Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-09-20 125 0

S.4428 - Taiwan Policy Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-09-20 137 0

H.R.2034 - Income-Driven Student Loan Forgiveness Act

United States Congress United States 2022-08-29 137 0

H.Con.Res.19 - Urging the establishment of a United States Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation.

United States Congress United States 2022-08-29 154 0

S.3495 - Inflation Prevention Act

United States Congress United States 2022-08-15 156 0

H.R.5376 - Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-08-15 144 0

H.R.4346 - Supreme Court Security Funding Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-08-08 136 0

H.R.2908 - Childhood Offenders Rehabilitation and Safety Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-08-08 149 0

S.437 - Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-08-08 131 0

S.3541 - Health Care for Burn Pit Veterans Act

United States Congress United States 2022-08-08 153 0

H.R.82 - Social Security Fairness Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-08-08 145 0

H.R.4376 - USTRx Act

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 147 0

H.R.3771 - South Asian Heart Health Awareness and Research Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 123 0

H.R.1808 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 151 0

H.R.6929 - Susan Muffley Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 154 0

H.R.263 - Big Cat Public Safety Act

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 140 0

S.3373 - Honoring our PACT Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 157 0

H.R.4040 - Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 143 0

H.R.2814 - Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-08-02 153 0

H.R.8294 - Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2023

United States Congress United States 2022-07-26 159 0

H.R.8404 - Respect for Marriage Act

United States Congress United States 2022-07-26 154 0

H.R.8373 - To protect a person’s ability to access contraceptives and to engage in contraception, and to protect a health care provider’s ability to provide contraceptives, contraception, and information related to contraception.

United States Congress United States 2022-07-26 124 0

H.R.8296 - Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-07-19 150 0

H.R.8297 - Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-07-19 150 0

H.R.6538 - Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-07-19 160 0

S.3373 - Protecting Our Gold Star Families Education Act

United States Congress United States 2022-07-19 161 0

H.R.8167 - RETURN our Constitutional Rights Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-07-12 149 0

H.R.7900 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023

United States Congress United States 2022-07-12 144 0

S.2089 - Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-07-05 162 0

H.R.7666 - Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-06-28 146 0

S.2938 - Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

United States Congress United States 2022-06-28 162 0

H.R.2773 - Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-06-21 124 0

S.4160 - Supreme Court Police Parity Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-06-21 135 0

H.R.3967 - Honoring our PACT Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-06-21 142 0

S.3580 - Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-06-21 143 0

H.R.7910 - Protecting Our Kids Act

United States Congress United States 2022-06-07 132 0

S.3920 - Gas Price Gouging Prevention Act

United States Congress United States 2022-06-07 126 0

H.R.1808 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-06-07 139 0

S.2070 - Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990

United States Congress United States 2022-05-30 152 0

H.R.8 - Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-05-30 153 0

H.R.127 - Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

United States Congress United States 2022-05-30 168 0

H.R.1446 - Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-05-30 148 0

H.R.1280 - George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-05-30 146 0

S.111 - Luke and Alex School Safety Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-05-30 121 0

H.R.350 - Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-05-23 145 0

H.R.7688 - Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act

United States Congress United States 2022-05-23 142 0

H.R.7791 - Access to Baby Formula Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-05-23 149 0

H.R.7691 - Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-05-23 146 0

H.R.6666 - Higher Education Access and Success for Homeless and Foster Youth Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-05-23 147 0

H.R.7790 - Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-05-23 148 0

H.R.903 - Rights for the Transportation Security Administration Workforce Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-05-18 141 0

H.R.7311 - Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act

United States Congress United States 2022-05-18 139 0

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United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 140 0

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United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 163 0

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United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 160 0

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United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 136 0

S.4132 - Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 146 0

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United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 146 0

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United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 139 0

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United States Congress United States 2022-05-17 157 0

H.R.7314 - AXIS Act

United States Congress United States 2022-05-09 156 0

H.R.4521 - United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-05-09 149 0

H.Res.1065 - Providing for consideration of the bill (S. 3522) to provide enhanced authority for the President to enter into agreements with the Government of Ukraine to lend or lease defense articles to that Government to protect civilian populations in

United States Congress United States 2022-05-03 100 0

H.R.6930 - Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act

United States Congress United States 2022-05-03 146 0

H.R.2884 - Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Improvements to Patent Litigation Act

United States Congress United States 2022-05-03 133 0

H.Res.831 - Calling on the United States Government to uphold the founding democratic principles of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and establish a Center for Democratic Resilience within the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

United States Congress United States 2022-04-12 136 0

S.3522 - Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-04-12 167 0

H.R.3617 - Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act

United States Congress United States 2022-04-12 156 0

H.R.3807 - Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-04-12 154 0

H.R.6833 - Affordable Insulin Now Act

United States Congress United States 2022-04-05 167 0

H.R.3884 - Philippine Human Rights Act

United States Congress United States 2022-04-05 168 0

S.3199 - Ethiopia Peace and Democracy Promotion Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-04-05 149 0

H.R.3617 - MORE Act

United States Congress United States 2022-04-05 181 0

H.R.2116 - Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-03-28 147 0

H.R.2116 - CROWN Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-03-21 168 0

H.R.6869 - To authorize the President of the United States to issue letters of marque and reprisal for the purpose of seizing the assets of certain Russian citizens, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2022-03-21 157 0

S.623 - Sunshine Protection Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-03-21 159 0

H.R.2741 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-03-21 173 0

H.J.Res.75 - Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-03-15 175 0

H.R.6968 - Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act

United States Congress United States 2022-03-15 152 0

H.R.2471 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-03-15 165 0

H.R.55 - Emmett Till Antilynching Act

United States Congress United States 2022-03-08 176 0

H.R.3967 - Honoring our PACT Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-03-08 172 0

H.Res.956 - Supporting the people of Ukraine.

United States Congress United States 2022-03-08 187 0

H.R.4728 - Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act

United States Congress United States 2022-03-08 372 0

H.R.6600 - Ethiopia Stabilization, Peace, and Democracy Act

United States Congress United States 2022-02-28 5 0

H.R.2884 - COVFEFE Act of 2017

United States Congress United States 2022-02-28 6 0

H.R.6617 - Further Additional Extending Government Funding Act

United States Congress United States 2022-02-28 4 0

H.R.3076 - Postal Service Reform Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-02-15 7 0

S.626 - Lacey Act Amendments of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-02-15 5 0

H.R.4521 - America COMPETES Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-02-15 5 0

H.R.4445 - Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-02-15 5 0

S.2342 - Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-02-15 5 0

S.3538 - EARN IT Act of 2022

United States Congress United States 2022-02-07 4 0

H.R.2418 - Student Loan Forgiveness for Frontline Health Workers Act

United States Congress United States 2022-02-07 6 0

H.R.4521 - Bioeconomy Research and Development Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-02-07 6 0

H.R.4673 - EVEST Act

United States Congress United States 2022-01-24 4 0

S.2992 - American Innovation and Choice Online Act

United States Congress United States 2022-01-24 5 0

H.R.5746 - Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act

United States Congress United States 2022-01-18 6 0

H.R.1836 - Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2022-01-18 11 0

H.R.5545 - REMOTE Act

United States Congress United States 2021-12-28 5 0

H.R.6256 - To ensure that goods made with forced labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China do not enter the United States market, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2021-12-28 8 0

H.R.5545 - Responsible Education Mitigating Options and Technical Extensions Act

United States Congress United States 2021-12-21 5 0

H.R.5665 - Combating International Islamophobia Act

United States Congress United States 2021-12-21 6 0

S.J.Res.33 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022

United States Congress United States 2021-12-21 3 0

S.610 - Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act

United States Congress United States 2021-12-13 6 0

S.1605 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022

United States Congress United States 2021-12-13 5 0

H.R.5314 - Protecting Our Democracy Act

United States Congress United States 2021-12-13 5 0

H.R.1155 - Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

United States Congress United States 2021-12-13 9 0

H.R.6119 - Further Extending Government Funding Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-12-07 6 0

H.R.550 - Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-12-07 9 0

H.R.6070 - To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Kyle H. Rittenhouse, who protected the community of Kenosha, Wisconsin, during a Black Lives Matter (BLM) riot on August 25, 2020.

Robert Sell United States 2021-11-29 6 0

H.Res.789 - Censuring Representative Paul Gosar.

Robert Sell United States 2021-11-23 8 0

H.Res.774 - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5376) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of S. Con. Res. 14; and for other purposes.

Robert Sell United States 2021-11-16 8 0

H.R.69 - Sunshine Protection Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-11-09 7 0

H.R.2119 - Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-11-02 9 0

H.R.2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-11-02 8 0

S.2747 - Freedom to Vote Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-10-25 9 0

H.R.5376 - Build Back Better Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-10-12 7 0

S.1301 - Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-10-12 5 0

H.R.5305 - Extending Government Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-10-05 7 0

H.R.5376 - To provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of S. Con. Res. 14.

Robert Sell United States 2021-10-05 6 0

H.R.3617 - MORE Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-10-05 8 0

H.R.6395 - William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-09-28 5 0

H.R.3755 - Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-09-28 6 0

S.747 - Citizenship for Essential Workers Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-09-20 6 0

H.R.666 - Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-09-14 6 0

H.R.4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022

Robert Sell United States 2021-09-14 14 0

H.R.5123 - American Freedom and Internet Access Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-09-07 8 0

H.R.4 - Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-31 8 0

H.R.3684 - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-31 7 0

H.R.4 - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-31 7 0

H.Con.Res.14 - A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031.

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-25 15 0

H.R.1996 - SAFE Banking Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-25 38 0

H.R.4980 - To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and f

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-17 7 0

H.R.4953 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act any semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine.

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-17 9 0

S.Con.Res.14 - A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031.

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-17 7 0

H.R.227 - Build America Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-11 7 0

H.Res.57 - Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States, for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-11 9 0

S.Amdt.2137 - S.Amdt.2137 to H.R.3684

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-11 5 0

H.R.2317 - We Will Not Comply Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-11 12 0

H.R.4502 - Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-04 8 0

H.R.3237 - Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-04 8 0

S.1260 - United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-04 6 0

H.R.133 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-08-04 14 0

H.R.6 - American Dream and Promise Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 6 0

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 7 0

H.R.2467 - PFAS Action Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 4 0

H.R.3884 - MORE Act of 2020

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 6 0

H.R.1652 - VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 7 0

H.R.3985 - Averting Loss of Life and Injury by Expediting SIVs Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 6 0

H.R.3684 - INVEST in America Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 6 0

H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 7 0

H.R.1319 - American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 12 0

H.R.3648 - EAGLE Act of 2021

Robert Sell United States 2021-07-31 5 0

Defamation (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 67 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-05 159 0

Finance (Provision of Access to Cash Infrastructure) Bill 2024 (Bill 65 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-01 175 0

Mental Health Bill 2024 (Bill 66 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-01 209 0

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 30 of 2024)Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 48 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-08-01 162 0

Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Accidents) Bill 2024 (Bill 64 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-29 186 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Act 2024 (Act 29 of 2024)Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 31 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-26 177 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2024 (Bill 63 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-25 170 0

Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 62 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-25 177 0

Civil Registration (Electronic Registration) Act 2024 (Act 27 of 2024)Civil Registration (Electronic Registration) Bill 2024 (Bill 26 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-25 183 0

Digital Services (Levy) Act 2024 (Act 26 of 2024)Digital Services (Levy) Bill 2024 (Bill 45 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-23 194 0

Defence (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 25 of 2024)Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 29 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 185 0

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 24 of 2024)Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 36 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 175 0

Health Information Bill 2024 (Bill 61 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 214 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 (Act 23 of 2024)Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 5 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-22 211 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 22 of 2024)Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 54 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-18 216 0

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Act 2024 (Act 20 of 2024)Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2024 (Bill 22 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-17 162 0

Child Care (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 19 of 2024)Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 46 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-15 205 0

Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Bill 2024 (Bill 60 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-12 209 0

Education (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 59 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-12 235 0

Bail (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 58 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-11 248 0

Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill 2024 (Bill 57 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-09 238 0

Údarás na Gaeltachta (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 56 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-08 236 0

Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 55 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-05 239 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 54 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-04 247 0

Third-Party Funding Contracts (Certain Proceedings) Bill 2024 (Bill 52 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-01 201 0

Arts (Recognition of Comedy) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 53 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-07-01 218 0

Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 51 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-28 232 0

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2024 (Bill 50 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-27 298 0

Future Ireland Fund and Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund Act 2024 (Act 16 of 2024)Future Ireland Fund and Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund Bill 2024 (Bill 21 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-25 224 0

Health (Postponement of Certain Leave) Bill 2024 (Bill 49 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-21 274 0

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 48 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-21 222 0

Research and Innovation Act 2024 (Act 15 of 2024)Research and Innovation Bill 2024 (Bill 1 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-17 259 0

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation (Transfer of Functions) Bill 2024 (Bill 47 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-17 237 0

Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 46 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-14 269 0

Digital Services (Levy) Bill 2024 (Bill 45 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-10 274 0

Health (Scoliosis Treatment Services) Bill 2024 (Bill 44 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-06-05 291 0

Motor Insurance Insolvency Compensation Bill 2024 (Bill 43 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-31 292 0

Domestic Violence (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 40 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-28 291 0

Emergency Price Controls Bill 2024 (Bill 41 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-28 298 0

Electricity Regulation (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 42 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-28 331 0

Grocery Price Caps Bill 2024 (Bill 37 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-24 277 0

Education (Smartphones in Primary Schools) Bill 2024 (Bill 38 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-24 277 0

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 36 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-24 275 0

Protection of Hedgerows Bill 2024 (Bill 39 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-24 291 0

Family Law (Divorce) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 35 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-16 295 0

Residential Tenancies (Illegal Evictions) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 34 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-13 286 0

Restriction of Imports (States in violation of obligations under the Genocide Convention and Occupied Territories) Bill 2024 (Bill 33 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-10 222 0

Protection of Retail Workers Bill 2024 (Bill 32 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-03 291 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2024 (Bill 31 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-03 291 0

Road Traffic Bill 2024 (Act 10 of 2024)Road Traffic Bill 2024 (Bill 4 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-05-01 301 0

Health (Waiting Lists) Bill 2024 (Bill 30 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-29 322 0

Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 29 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-26 334 0

Supports for Survivors of Residential Institutional Abuse Bill 2024 (Bill 28 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-23 355 0

Civil Registration (Electronic Registration) Bill 2024 (Bill 26 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-19 388 0

Copyright and Related Rights (Amendment) (Web Archive) Bill 2024 (Bill 27 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-19 396 0

Commission on the Future of the Family Farm Bill 2024 (Bill 25 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-18 397 0

Fair Procedures in the Administration of Justice Bill 2024 (Bill 24 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-18 360 0

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Formaldehyde) Bill 2024 (Bill 23 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-15 398 0

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2024 (Bill 22 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-08 373 0

Future Ireland Fund and Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund Bill 2024 (Bill 21 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-26 392 0

Maternity Protection (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 20 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-22 420 0

Control of Dogs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 19 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-22 413 0

Microenterprise Loan Fund (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 18 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-12 482 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (Sex for Rent) Bill 2024 (Bill 17 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-08 444 0

Fossil Fuel Products (Control of Advertising and Sponsorship) Bill 2024 (Bill 16 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-08 456 0

Children’s Health (Kathleen Lynn National Children's Hospital) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 15 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-08 390 0

Prohibition of Fossil Fuel Advertising Bill 2024 (Bill 14 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-07 446 0

Law Reform (Contracts) Bill 2024 (Bill 13 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-07 481 0

Improved Rail Passenger Rights with Compensation for Delays and Cancellations Bill 2024 (Bill 12 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-07 462 0

Air Navigation and Transport (Arms Embargo) Bill 2024 (Bill 10 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-01 472 0

Electoral (Home Addresses of Candidates) Bill 2024 (Bill 11 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-01 512 0

Broadcasting (Oversight of RTÉ Accounts) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 9 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-29 468 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 8 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-29 454 0

Coroners (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 4 of 2024)Coroners (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 3 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-23 463 0

Forty-first Amendment of the Constitution (Agreement on a Unified Patent Court) Bill 2024 (Bill 7 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-16 429 0

Protection of Employees (Trade Union Subscriptions) Bill 2024 (Bill 6 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-15 233 0

Research and Innovation Bill 2024 (Bill 1 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-09 475 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 5 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-01 430 0

Road Traffic Bill 2024 (Bill 4 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-26 410 0

Coroners (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 3 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-25 409 0

Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 2 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-24 456 0

Research and Innovation Bill 2023 (Bill 1 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-09 371 0

Finance (No. 2) Act 2023 (Act 39 of 2023)Finance (No. 2) Bill 2023 (Bill 70 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-29 400 0

Electoral (Amendment) Act 2023 (Act 40 of 2023)Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 77 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-29 378 0

Charities (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 98 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-25 392 0

Appropriation Act 2023 (Act 38 of 2023)Appropriation Bill 2023 (Bill 90 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-22 401 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 2023 (Act 36 of 2023)Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 79 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-22 345 0

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 (Act 37 of 2023)Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023 (Bill 82 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-21 335 0

Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Act 2023 (Act 35 of 2023)Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023 (Bill 48 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-21 333 0

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 97 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-20 381 0

Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2023 (Bill 63 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-19 371 0

Social Welfare (Liable Relatives and Child Maintenance) Bill 2023 (Bill 96 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-19 411 0

Gender Recognition (Amendment) (Prisons) Bill 2023 (Bill 95 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-18 354 0

Special Measures in the Public Interest (Derrybrien Wind Farm) Bill 2023 (Bill 94 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-18 419 0

Criminal Justice (Promotion of Restorative Justice) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 93 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-15 389 0

Fortieth Amendment of the Constitution (Care) Bill 2023 (Bill 92 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-12 357 0

Thirty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution (The Family) Bill 2023 (Bill 91 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-12 361 0

Appropriation Bill 2023 (Bill 90 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-07 397 0

Digital Services Bill 2023 (Bill 89 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-06 382 0

Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Act 2023 (Act 31 of 2023)Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Bill 2023 (Bill 67 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-04 371 0

Children (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 87 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-01 354 0

Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) (Control of Nitrous Oxide) Bill 2023 (Bill 88 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-01 377 0

Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) (No. 2) Bill 2023 (Bill 86 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-30 376 0

Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Cap on Market Revenues) Act 2023 (Act 30 of 2023)Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Cap on Market Revenues) Bill 2023 (Bill 65 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-29 331 0

The Royal Hibernian Academy (Amendment of Charter) Bill 2023 (Bill 85 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-27 354 0

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023 (Bill 82 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 395 0

Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 83 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 380 0

Civil Legal Aid (Neighbours’ Dispute Mediation Services) Bill 2023 (Bill 80 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 349 0

Planning and Development Bill 2023 (Bill 81 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 344 0

Capital Supply Service and Purpose Report Bill 2023 (Bill 84 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 389 0

Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Act 2023 (Act 29 of 2023)Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Bill 2023 (Bill 71 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 291 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 79 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-17 378 0

Control of Exports Act 2023 (Act 27 of 2023)Control of Exports Bill 2023 (Bill 38 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-10 313 0

Local Government (Community Gardens) Bill 2023 (Bill 78 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-09 350 0

Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 77 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-08 340 0

Employment (Collective Redundancies and Miscellaneous Provisions) and Companies (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 76 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-30 349 0

Developer Profits Transparency Bill 2023 (Bill 75 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-27 323 0

Anaerobic Digestion (National Strategy) Bill 2023 (Bill 74 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-27 367 0

Competition and Consumer Protection (Unfair Prices) Bill 2023 (Bill 73 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-26 348 0

Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 (Act 26 of 2023)Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2023 (Bill 2 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-26 279 0

Finance (No. 2) Bill 2023 (Bill 70 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-20 317 0

Mortgage Interest Rates Cap Bill 2023 (Bill 72 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-20 287 0

Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Bill 2023 (Bill 71 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-20 312 0

Sex Offenders (Amendment) (Coercive Control) Bill 2023 (Bill 69 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-06 287 0

Commissions of Investigation (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 68 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-09-22 251 0

Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2023 (Bill 2 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-09-22 282 0

Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Bill 2023 (Bill 67 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-09-21 268 0

Finance (State Guarantees, International Financial Institution Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023 (Bill 66 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-09-19 246 0

Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Cap on Market Revenues) Bill 2023 (Bill 65 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-09-01 212 0

Gas (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 64 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-08-24 228 0

Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Temporary Solidarity Contribution) Act 2023 (Act 23 of 2023)Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Temporary Solidarity Contribution) Bill 2023 (Bill 51 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-08-04 167 0

Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) Bill 2023 (Bill 63 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-08-04 220 0

Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Temporary Solidarity Contribution) Bill 2023 (Act 23 of 2023)Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Temporary Solidarity Contribution) Bill 2023 (Bill 51 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-28 183 0

Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feed and Fertilisers Regulation Act 2023 (Act 21 of 2023)Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feed and Fertilisers Regulation Bill 2023 (Bill 7 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-20 190 0

Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers Act 2023 (Act 22 of 2023)Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers Bill 2023 (Bill 21 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-20 165 0

Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking) Bill 2023 (Bill 62 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-18 183 0

Planning and Development (Provision of Public Housing) Bill 2023 (Bill 61 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-17 198 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 59 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-14 202 0

Planning and Development (Climate Emergency Measures) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 60 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-14 180 0

Disability (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023 (Bill 57 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-10 188 0

Education (Inclusion of Persons) Bill 2023 (Bill 58 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-10 194 0

Criminal Justice (Search Warrant Oversight) Bill 2023 (Bill 56 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-07 168 0

Civil Defence Act 2023 (Act 17 of 2023)Civil Defence Bill 2023 (Bill 5 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-04 179 0

Broadcasting (Restriction of Salaries) Bill 2023 (Bill 55 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-07-03 189 0

Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2023 (Bill 54 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-30 183 0

Children and Family Relationships (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 52 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-29 190 0

European Convention on Human Rights (Challenge to British Government Amnesty) Bill 2023 (Bill 53 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-29 169 0

Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Temporary Solidarity Contribution) Bill 2023 (Bill 51 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-23 181 0

Social Welfare (Child Benefit) Act 2023 (Act 13 of 2023)Social Welfare (Child Benefit) Bill 2023 (Bill 41 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-13 174 0

Gradam an Uachtaráin Bill 2023 (Bill 50 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-09 180 0

Consumer Insurance Contracts (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 49 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-05 194 0

Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023 (Bill 48 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-02 179 0

River Boyne Task Force Bill 2023 (Bill 47 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-06-01 166 0

Protection of Hares Bill 2023 (Bill 46 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-29 181 0

Non-Fatal Offences against the Person (Amendment) (Spiking) Bill 2023 (Bill 45 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-29 207 0

Courts Act 2023 (Act 12 of 2023)Courts Bill 2023 (Bill 32 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-25 162 0

Ban Private Jet Aircraft from Irish Airspace Bill 2023 (Bill 44 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-22 188 0

Finance Act 2023 (Act 11 of 2023)Finance Bill 2023 (Bill 19 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-19 184 0

Climate Action and Biodiversity (Mandates of Certain Organisations) Bill 2023 (Bill 42 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-15 208 0

Electricity Regulation (Amendment) (Standing Charges) Bill 2023 (Bill 43 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-15 172 0

Social Welfare (Child Benefit) Bill 2023 (Bill 41 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-12 176 0

Electoral Reform (Amendment) and Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 40 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-05 171 0

Control of Exports Bill 2023 (Bill 38 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-05 184 0

Urban Tree Protection and Sites Locally Important for Ecology Bill 2023 (Bill 39 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-05 184 0

National Minimum Wage (Inclusion of Apprentices) Bill 2023 (Bill 37 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-05-03 174 0

Ministers and Secretaries (Attorney General) Bill 2023 (Bill 35 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-28 183 0

Rent Reduction Bill 2023 (Bill 34 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-28 185 0

Legal Aid (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 36 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-28 149 0

Local Authority Public Administration Bill 2023 (Bill 33 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-13 148 0

Health (Amendment) Act 2023 (Act 7 of 2023)Health (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 20 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-13 139 0

Courts Bill 2023 (Bill 32 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-12 242 0

Civil Liability (Schools) Bill 2023 (Bill 31 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-07 220 0

Criminal Justice (Juvenile Offenders) Bill 2023 (Bill 30 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-04-05 185 0

Electoral Reform (Amendment) and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2023 (Bill 29 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-31 208 0

Illegal Israeli Settlements Divestment Bill 2023 (Bill 28 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-30 213 0

Tenancy Protection Bill 2023 (Bill 27 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-30 210 0

Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2023 (Bill 26 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-30 225 0

Construction Safety Licensing Bill 2023 (Bill 24 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-27 207 0

Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2023 (Bill 25 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-27 252 0

Unfair Dismissals (Increased Protections for Workers) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 23 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-24 174 0

Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 22 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-23 180 0

Environmental Protection Agency (Emergency Electricity Generation) (Amendment) Act 2023 (Act 6 of 2023)Environmental Protection Agency (Emergency Electricity Generation) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 18 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-16 196 0

Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers Bill 2023 (Bill 21 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-14 186 0

Health (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 20 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-13 180 0

Finance Bill 2023 (Bill 19 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-10 205 0

Oil Emergency Contingency and Transfer of Renewable Transport Fuel Functions Act 2023 (Act 2 of 2023)Oil Emergency Contingency and Transfer of Renewable Transport Fuels Functions Bill 2023 (Bill 1 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-08 172 0

Environmental Protection Agency (Emergency Electricity Generation) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 18 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-03-03 177 0

Court Proceedings (Delays) Bill 2023 (Bill 17 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-28 173 0

Standards in Public Office (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 16 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-27 158 0

Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 14 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-23 198 0

Electricity Regulation (Amendment) (Protection of Financially Vulnerable Customers) Bill 2023 (Bill 15 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-23 169 0

Commission of Investigation (Collusion of British State Forces) Bill 2023 (Bill 13 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-16 204 0

Criminal Justice (Public Order) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 11 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-10 183 0

Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 12 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-10 199 0

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 10 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-10 209 0

Public Art Mural (Exempted Development) Bill 2023 (Bill 9 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-06 210 0

Commission for Future Generations Bill 2023 (Bill 8 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-02-02 208 0

Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feed and Fertilisers Regulation Bill 2023 (Bill 7 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-01-31 187 0

Remuneration Information and Pay Transparency Bill 2023 (Bill 6 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-01-26 206 0

Civil Defence Bill 2023 (Bill 5 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-01-26 193 0

Criminal Justice (Engagement of Children in Criminal Activity) Bill 2023 (Bill 4 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-01-24 182 0

Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2023 (Bill 3 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-01-20 200 0

Historic and Archaeological Heritage Bill 2023 (Bill 2 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-01-18 197 0

Oil Emergency Contingency and Transfer of Renewable Transport Fuels Functions Bill 2023 (Bill 1 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-01-17 179 0

Appropriation Act 2022 (Act 45 of 2022)Appropriation Bill 2022 (Bill 116 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-26 184 0

Water Environment (Abstractions and Associated Impoundments) Act 2022 (Act 48 of 2022)Water Environment (Abstractions and Associated Impoundments) Bill 2022 (Bill 87 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-26 208 0

Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 46 of 2022)Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 59 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-26 191 0

Finance Act 2022 (Act 44 of 2022)Finance Bill 2022 (Bill 101 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-26 188 0

Planning and Development and Foreshore (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 47 of 2022)Planning and Development and Foreshore (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 115 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-26 176 0

Social Welfare Act 2022 (Act 43 of 2022)Social Welfare Bill 2022 (Bill 107 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-21 191 0

Human Tissue (Transplantation, Post-Mortem, Anatomical Examination and Public Display) Bill 2022 (Bill 121 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-21 206 0

Personal Injuries Resolution Board Act 2022 (Act 42 of 2022)Personal Injuries Resolution Board Bill 2022 (Bill 78 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-20 209 0

Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Bill 2022 (Bill 120 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-20 217 0

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 119 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-19 195 0

Ukraine Solidarity Bill 2022 (Bill 117 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-16 186 0

Cost of Renewables Taskforce Bill 2022 (Bill 118 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-16 220 0

Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022 (Act 41 of 2022)Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2022 (Bill 6 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-15 219 0

Water Services (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 39 of 2022)Water Services (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2022 (Bill 81 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-14 211 0

Credit Guarantee (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 38 of 2022)Credit Guarantee (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 103 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-13 200 0

Appropriation Bill 2022 (Bill 116 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-08 195 0

Planning and Development and Foreshore (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 115 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-05 190 0

Gambling Regulation Bill 2022 (Bill 114 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-02 197 0

Family Courts Bill 2022 (Bill 113 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-02 198 0

Credit Union (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 112 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-12-01 169 0

Local Government (Maternity Protection and Other Measures for Members of Local Authorities) Bill 2022 (Bill 110 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-28 191 0

Misuse of Drugs (Cannabis Regulation) Bill 2022 (Bill 111 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-28 181 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 109 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-25 170 0

Education (Relationships and Sexuality Education) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 108 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-24 151 0

Consumer Rights Act 2022 (Act 37 of 2022)Consumer Rights Bill 2022 (Bill 44 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-22 211 0

Social Welfare Bill 2022 (Bill 107 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-18 171 0

Bretton Woods Agreements (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 36 of 2022)Bretton Woods Agreements (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 32 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-16 201 0

Curragh of Kildare (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 106 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-14 185 0

Development (Emergency Electricity Generation) Act 2022 (Act 35 of 2022)Development (Emergency Electricity Generation) Bill 2022 (Bill 99 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-07 193 0

Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Act 2022 (Act 34 of 2022)Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022 (Bill 100 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-11-04 181 0

Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022 (Bill 105 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-31 183 0

Credit Guarantee (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 103 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-28 182 0

Ban on Dumping New Products Bill 2022 (Bill 104 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-28 179 0

Higher Education Authority Act 2022 (Act 31 of 2022)Higher Education Authority Bill 2022 (Bill 1 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-26 215 0

Finance Bill 2022 (Bill 101 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-21 200 0

Eviction Ban Bill 2022 (Bill 102 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-21 183 0

Development (Emergency Electricity Generation) Bill 2022 (Bill 99 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-21 201 0

Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022 (Bill 100 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-21 183 0

Central Bank (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 98 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-20 187 0

Electricity Costs (Domestic Electricity Accounts) Emergency Measures and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2022 (Act 32 of 2022)Electricity Costs (Domestic Electricity Accounts) Emergency Measures and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 (Bill 93 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-19 114 0

Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022 (Bill 97 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-18 177 0

Civil Registration (Amendment) (Certificate of Life) Bill 2022 (Bill 96 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-17 188 0

National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 95 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-14 211 0

Derelict Sites (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 94 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-14 193 0

Electricity Costs (Domestic Electricity Accounts) Emergency Measures and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 (Bill 93 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-06 205 0

Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 (Bill 92 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-06 167 0

Employment Permits Bill 2022 (Bill 91 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-05 173 0

Broadcasting (Gender, Cultural and Other Diversities) Bill 2022 (Bill 90 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-03 180 0

Institutional Burials (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 89 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-10-03 188 0

National Tourism Development Authority (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 88 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-30 167 0

Water Environment (Abstractions and Associated Impoundments) Bill 2022 (Bill 87 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-30 179 0

Communications Regulation Bill 2022 (Bill 86 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-27 152 0

Regulation of Lobbying (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 85 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-23 238 0

Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 84 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-14 166 0

Competition (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 12 of 2022)Competition (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 12 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-12 160 0

Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 83 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-12 169 0

Tailte Éireann Bill 2022 (Bill 82 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-09-07 147 0

Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 80 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-17 150 0

Water Services (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2022 (Bill 81 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-17 171 0

Circular Economy and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2022 (Act 26 of 2022)Circular Economy and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 (Bill 35 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-05 202 0

Electoral Reform Act 2022 (Act 30 of 2022)Electoral Reform Bill 2022 (Bill 37 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-05 146 0

Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022 (Bill 79 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-05 200 0

Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 27 of 2022)Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 17 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-04 193 0

Planning and Development, Maritime and Valuation (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 29 of 2022)Planning and Development, Maritime and Valuation (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 39 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-03 137 0

Personal Injuries Resolution Board Bill 2022 (Bill 78 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-03 164 0

Screening of Third Country Transactions Bill 2022 (Bill 77 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-03 182 0

National Cultural Institutions (National Concert Hall) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 76 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-08-01 169 0

Remediation of Dwellings Damaged By the Use of Defective Concrete Blocks Act 2022 (Act 28 of 2022)Remediation of Dwellings Damaged By the Use of Defective Concrete Blocks Bill 2022 (Bill 66 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-29 151 0

Central Bank (Individual Accountability Framework) Bill 2022 (Bill 75 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-29 212 0

Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 25 of 2022)Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 72 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-28 151 0

Payment of Wages (Amendment) (Tips and Gratuities) Act 2022 (Act 23 of 2022)Payment of Wages (Amendment) (Tips and Gratuities) Bill 2022 (Bill 5 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-28 148 0

Sick Leave Act 2022 (Act 24 of 2022)Sick Leave Bill 2022 (Bill 38 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-28 150 0

Education (Provision in Respect of Children with Special Educational Needs) Act 2022 (Act 22 of 2022)Education (Provision in Respect of Children with Special Educational Needs) Bill 2022 (Bill 67 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-25 117 0

Child Care (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 21 of 2022)Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 43 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-25 220 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No.2) Act 2022 (Act 20 of 2022)Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2022 (Bill 68 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-21 152 0

Institutional Burials Act 2022 (Act 18 of 2022)Institutional Burials Bill 2022 (Bill 23 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-21 157 0

Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022 (Act 19 of 2022)Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 69 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-21 124 0

Circular Economy and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 (Bill 35 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-19 194 0

Regulation of Providers of Building Works and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2022 (Act 15 of 2022)Regulation of Providers of Building Works and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 (Bill 2 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-18 148 0

Protection of Accident Victims from Non-Consensual Recording of Images Bill 2022 (Bill 74 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-18 197 0

Eirgrid, Electricity and Turf (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 17 of 2022)EirGrid, Electricity and Turf (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 63 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-18 151 0

Planning and Development, Maritime and Valuation (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 39 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-15 151 0

Consumer Credit (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 13 of 2022)Consumer Credit (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 27 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-14 185 0

Birth Information and Tracing Act 2022 (Act 14 of 2022)Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2022 (Bill 3 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-14 158 0

Insurance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022 (Act 11 of 2022)Insurance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 40 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-12 173 0

Competition (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Act 12 of 2022)Competition (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 12 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-12 178 0

Regulation of Providers of Building Works and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 (Bill 2 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-08 164 0

Education (Affordable School Uniforms) Bill 2022 (Bill 73 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-07 199 0

Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 72 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-04 177 0

Rent Reduction Bill 2022 (Bill 71 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-04 150 0

Central Bank (Variable Rate Mortgages) Bill 2022 (Bill 70 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-07-01 151 0

Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 69 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-30 159 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2022 (Bill 68 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-30 150 0

Education (Provision in Respect of Children with Special Educational Needs) Bill 2022 (Bill 67 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-29 166 0

Remediation of Dwellings Damaged By the Use of Defective Concrete Blocks Bill 2022 (Bill 66 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-27 139 0

Litter Pollution (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 64 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-27 149 0

Autism Bill 2022 (Bill 65 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-27 163 0

Garda Síochána (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 10 of 2022)Garda Síochána (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 62 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-24 164 0

EirGrid, Electricity and Turf (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 63 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-22 142 0

Finance (Covid-19 and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022 (Act 9 of 2022)Finance (Covid-19 and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 26 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-15 111 0

Garda Síochána (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 62 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-10 152 0

Planning and Development (Ministerial Guidelines) Bill 2022 (Bill 60 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-08 128 0

Planning and Development Regulations (Amendment) (Solar Energy for Schools and Community Buildings) Bill 2022 (Bill 61 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-06 137 0

Another BPT Bill (Bill 60 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-06-03 179 0

Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 59 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-30 154 0

Dereliction and Building Regeneration Bill 2022 (Bill 58 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-26 179 0

National Minimum Wage (Payment of Interns) Bill 2022 (Bill 57 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-23 169 0

Planning and Development (Built Heritage Protection) Bill 2022 (Bill 56 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-20 198 0

Short-term Lettings Enforcement Bill 2022 (Bill 55 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-19 184 0

Animal Health and Welfare (Dogs) Bill 2022 (Bill 54 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-16 163 0

Regulation of Display of Electoral and Polling Posters and Other Advertisements Bill 2022 (Bill 53 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-16 128 0

Employment Equality (Pay Transparency) Bill 2022 (Bill 52 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-12 217 0

Right to Flexible Work Bill 2022 (Bill 50 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-09 169 0

Living Wage Bill 2022 (Bill 51 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-09 159 0

Safe Deposit Boxes and Related Deposits Bill 2022 (Bill 49 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-06 198 0

Local Government and Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (Carrigaline Rent Pressure Zone) Bill 2022 (Bill 48 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-05-06 160 0

Commission of Investigation (Nursing Homes) Bill 2022 (Bill 47 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-29 138 0

Impaired Farm Credit Bill 2022 (Bill 46 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-28 181 0

Personal Protective Equipment (Covid-19) Bill 2022 (Bill 45 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-28 184 0

Consumer Rights Bill 2022 (Bill 44 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-25 176 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022 (Act 6 of 2022)Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 16 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-20 182 0

Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 43 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-12 192 0

Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2022 (Bill 42 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-11 168 0

Redundancy Payments (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 3 of 2022)Redundancy Payments (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 4 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-11 229 0

Insurance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 40 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-04 171 0

Employment Equality (Abolition of Mandatory Retirement Age) Bill 2022 (Bill 41 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-04 219 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2022 (Bill 39 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-04 183 0

Sick Leave Bill 2022 (Bill 38 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-01 177 0

Electricity Costs (Domestic Electricity Accounts) Emergency Measures Act 2022 (Act 1 of 2022)Electricity Costs (Domestic Electricity Accounts) Emergency Measures Bill 2022 (Bill 10 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-04-01 203 0

Electoral Reform Bill 2022 (Bill 37 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-31 184 0

Circular Economy, Waste Management (Amendment) and Minerals Development (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 35 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-28 218 0

Responsibility of Social Media Platforms (Defamation Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 36 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-28 180 0

Regulation of Providers of Building Works and Building Control (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 2 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-28 176 0

Water Services (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 33 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-25 167 0

Thirty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Neutrality) Bill 2022 (Bill 34 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-25 182 0

Bretton Woods Agreements (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 32 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-14 197 0

Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022 (Bill 29 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-11 378 0

European Arrest Warrant (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 30 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-11 194 0

Education (Admission to Schools) (Co-Education) Bill 2022 (Bill 31 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-11 180 0

Ban on Sex for Rent Bill 2022 (Bill 28 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-10 176 0

Consumer Credit (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 27 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-08 197 0

Finance (Covid-19 and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 26 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-07 282 0

Planning and Development (Liquefied Natural Gas - LNG) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 25 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-04 8 0

Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 24 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-03-03 10 0

Institutional Burials Bill 2022 (Bill 23 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-28 5 0

Coroners (Provision for Jury Selection) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 22 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-28 7 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 20 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-17 6 0

National Minimum Wage (Equal Pay for Young Workers) Bill 2022 (Bill 21 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-17 6 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (Breach of Building Regulations) Bill 2022 (Bill 19 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-14 6 0

Green Hydrogen Strategy Bill 2022 (Bill 18 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-11 6 0

Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 17 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-10 6 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022 (Bill 16 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-09 7 0

Healthcare (Transparent Payments) Bill 2022 (Bill 15 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-04 4 0

Child Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation Material (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 14 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-03 4 0

Personal Injuries Assessment Board (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 13 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-03 6 0

Competition (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 12 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-02-01 6 0

Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 11 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-31 6 0

Electricity Costs (Domestic Electricity Accounts) Emergency Measures Bill 2022 (Bill 10 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-31 6 0

Coercion of a Minor (Misuse of Drugs Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 9 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-28 8 0

Education (Inspection of Individual Education Plans for Children with Special Needs) Bill 2022 (Bill 8 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-27 5 0

Local Government (Surveillance Powers in Relation to Certain Offences) Bill 2022 (Bill 7 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-26 6 0

Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2022 (Bill 6 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-26 7 0

Payment of Wages (Amendment) (Tips and Gratuities) Bill 2022 (Bill 5 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-25 7 0

Redundancy Payments (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 4 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-24 6 0

Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2022 (Bill 3 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-13 8 0

Regulation of Providers of Building Works Bill 2022 (Bill 2 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-13 12 0

Higher Education Authority Bill 2022 (Bill 1 of 2022)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2022-01-10 9 0

Criminal Justice (Smuggling of Persons) Act 2021 (Act 42 of 2021)Criminal Justice (Smuggling of Persons) Bill 2021 (Bill 105 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-31 6 0

Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 41 of 2021)Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 151 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-30 7 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large-scale Residential Development) Act 2021 (Act 40 of 2021)Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large-scale Residential Development) Bill 2021 (Bill 141 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-22 6 0

Regulation of Air Traffic Over Sporting Events Bill 2021 (Bill 160 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-21 7 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 39 of 2021)Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 145 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-20 6 0

Finance (European Stability Mechanism and Single Resolution Fund) Act 2021 (Act 38 of 2021)Finance (European Stability Mechanism and Single Resolution Fund) Bill 2021 (Bill 106 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-20 6 0

Animal Health and Welfare and Forestry (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 136 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-20 22 0

Health (Amendment) (No. 3) Act 2021 (Act 37 of 2021)Health (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2021 (Bill 155 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-20 6 0

Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 36 of 2021)Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 25 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-16 7 0

Dublin Bay Bill 2021 (Bill 158 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-09 6 0

Appropriation Bill 2021 (Bill 157 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-09 10 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (Extension of Notice Periods) Bill 2021 (Bill 159 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-09 6 0

Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2021 (Act 35 of 2021)Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Bill 2021 (Bill 140 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-07 5 0

Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 156 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-06 7 0

Child and Family Agency (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 34 of 2021)Child and Family Agency (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 102 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-06 6 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 154 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-01 6 0

Health and Criminal Justice (Covid-19) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 153 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-01 6 0

Health (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2021 (Bill 155 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-12-01 6 0

Social Welfare Bill 2021 (Bill 152 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-30 6 0

Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 151 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-26 6 0

Seller’s Legal Pack for Property Buyers Bill 2021 (Bill 150 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-25 9 0

Horticultural Peat (Temporary Measures) Bill 2021 (Bill 149 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-25 6 0

Local Government (Maternity and Family Leave for Elected Members) Bill 2021 (Bill 148 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-19 8 0

Education (Health, Relationships and Sex Education) Bill 2021 (Bill 147 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-18 5 0

Protection of Children’s Health (Idling of Mechanically Propelled Vehicles in Vicinity of Schools) Bill 2021 (Bill 146 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-18 5 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 145 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-17 10 0

Sex Offenders (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 144 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-15 9 0

Parental Bereavement Leave (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 143 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-12 7 0

Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Casualties) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 142 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-12 5 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large-scale Residential Development) Bill 2021 (Bill 141 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-09 6 0

Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Bill 2021 (Bill 140 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-08 6 0

Protection of Private Residences (Against Targeted Picketing) Bill 2021 (Bill 139 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-08 6 0

Health (Inspection of Emergency Homeless Accommodation and Asylum Seekers Accommodation) Bill 2021 (Bill 138 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-11-05 8 0

Social Welfare (Surviving Cohabitant’s Pension) Bill 2021 (Bill 137 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-28 8 0

Animal Health and Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 136 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-25 13 0

Finance Bill 2021 (Bill 132 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-22 6 0

Flood Insurance Bill 2021 (Bill 135 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-22 6 0

Credit Union (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 134 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-22 6 0

Protection of the Native Irish Honey Bee Bill 2021 (Bill 133 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-22 7 0

Electricity (Supply) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 131 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-21 8 0

Safe Access to Termination of Pregnancy Services Bill 2021 (Bill 130 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-21 6 0

Property Services (Land Price Register) Bill 2021 (Bill 129 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-21 5 0

Road Traffic and Roads Bill 2021 (Bill 128 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-20 8 0

Organisation of Working Time (Workers' Rights and Bogus Self-Employment) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 127 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-11 6 0

Betting (Prohibition on Use of Credit Cards) Bill 2021 (Bill 125 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-08 8 0

Workplace Ventilation (Covid-19) Bill 2021 (Bill 123 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-08 5 0

Irish Corporate Governance (Gender Balance) Bill 2021 (Bill 124 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-08 4 0

Maternity Care (Covid-19) Bill 2021 (Bill 126 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-08 6 0

Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 122 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-07 7 0

Electricity Regulation (Amendment) (Prohibition of Winter Disconnections) Bill 2021 (Bill 44 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-05 4 0

Registration of Wills Bill 2021 (Bill 119 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-04 6 0

Companies (Emission Reporting) Bill 2021 (Bill 120 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-04 7 0

Defective Dwellings Bill 2021 (Bill 121 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-10-04 7 0

Land and Conveyancing Law Reform (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 118 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-30 3 0

Housing (Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability) Bill 2021 (Bill 116 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-30 8 0

Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 117 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-30 8 0

Local Government (Amendment) (Transparency in Allocation of Funding) Bill 2021 (Bill 115 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-24 6 0

Education (Voluntary Contributions) Bill 2021 (Bill 113 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-23 7 0

Housing (Housing Assistance Payment Waiting Times) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 114 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-23 7 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (20 per cent Provision of Social and Affordable Housing) Bill 2021 (Bill 111 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-20 7 0

Residential Tenancies (Tenants' Rights) Bill 2021 (Bill 112 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-20 6 0

Garda Síochána (Functions and Operational Areas) Bill 2021 (Bill 109 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-13 6 0

Sea-Fisheries (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 108 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-09 8 0

Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2021 (Bill 107 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-07 6 0

Finance (European Stability Mechanism and Single Resolution Fund) Bill 2021 (Bill 106 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-09-02 8 0

Criminal Justice (Smuggling of Persons) Bill 2021 (Bill 105 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-08-31 7 0

Maritime Area Planning Bill 2021 (Bill 104 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-08-17 9 0

Criminal Justice (Mutual Recognition of Custodial Sentences) Bill 2021 (Bill 103 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-08-04 16 0

Companies (Rescue Process For Small and Micro Companies) Act 2021 (Act 30 of 2021)Companies (Rescue Process for Small and Micro Companies) Bill 2021 (Bill 92 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-29 4 0

Workplace Relations (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021 (Act 29 of 2021)Workplace Relations (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 93 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-28 7 0

Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 31 of 2021)Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 99 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-28 7 0

Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2021 (Act 28 of 2021)Maritime Jurisdiction Bill 2021 (Bill 63 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-28 5 0

Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 32 of 2021)Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 39 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-28 6 0

Nursing Homes Support Scheme (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 27 of 2021)Nursing Homes Support Scheme (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 76 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-28 3 0

Child and Family Agency (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 102 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-27 6 0

Finance (Covid-19 and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021 (Act 23 of 2021)Finance (Covid-19 and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 89 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-26 8 0

Land Development Agency Act 2021 (Act 26 of 2021)Land Development Agency Bill 2021 (Bill 11 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-26 5 0

CervicalCheck Tribunal (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 22 of 2021)CervicalCheck Tribunal (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 97 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-23 6 0

Affordable Housing Act 2021 (Act 25 of 2021)Affordable Housing Bill 2021 (Bill 71 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-23 48 0

Sale of Tickets (Cultural, Entertainment, Recreational and Sporting Events) Act 2021 (Act 21 of 2021)Sale of Tickets (Cultural, Entertainment, Recreational and Sporting Events) Bill 2021 (Bill 55 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-23 5 0

Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2021 (Act 24 of 2021)Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 100 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-22 6 0

Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person (Amendment) (Stalking) Bill 2021 (Bill 101 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-19 10 0

Residential Tenancies (No. 2) Act 2021 (Act 17 of 2021)Residential Tenancies (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 87 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-16 6 0

Private Security Services (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 19 of 2021)Private Security Services (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 49 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-16 6 0

Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 100 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-14 5 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 18 of 2021)Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2021 (Bill 85 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-14 9 0

Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021 (Act 14 of 2021)Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 95 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-12 6 0

Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 99 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-12 6 0

National Minimum Wage (Removal of Sub-minimum Rates of Pay) Bill 2021 (Bill 98 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-07 8 0

Ban on Rent Increases Bill 2021 (Bill 96 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-02 9 0

CervicalCheck Tribunal (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 97 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-07-02 9 0

Worker Co-Operatives and Right To Buy Bill 2021 (Bill 94 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-30 7 0

Workplace Relations (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 93 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-29 7 0

Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 95 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-29 7 0

Companies (Rescue Process for Small and Micro Companies) Bill 2021 (Bill 92 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-28 8 0

Consumer Protection (Regulation of Retail Credit and Credit Servicing Firms) Bill 2021 (Bill 91 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-28 6 0

Mental Health (Capacity to Consent to Treatment) Bill 2021 (Bill 90 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-25 5 0

Finance (Covid-19 and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 89 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-25 4 0

Planning and Development (Solar Panels for Public Buildings, Schools, Homes and Other Premises) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 88 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-23 4 0

North-South Interconnector Review Group Bill 2021 (Bill 80 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-20 6 0

Residential Tenancies (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 87 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-20 13 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2021 (Bill 85 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-20 6 0

Planning and Development (Climate Emergency Measures) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 86 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-20 8 0

Planning and Development, Heritage and Broadcasting (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 11 of 2021)Planning and Development, Heritage and Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 47 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-20 6 0

Health and Criminal Justice (Covid-19) (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 12 of 2021)Health and Criminal Justice (Covid-19) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 78 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-20 8 0

Regulation of Tenderers Bill 2021 (Bill 81 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-12 7 0

Education (Leaving Certificate 2021) (Accredited Grades) Act 2021 (Act 8 of 2021)Education (Leaving Certificate 2021) (Accredited Grades) Bill 2021 (Bill 54 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-12 5 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (First-Time Buyers) Bill 2021 (Bill 83 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-12 8 0

Loan Guarantee Schemes Agreements (Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland) Act 2021 (Act 9 of 2021)Loan Guarantee Schemes Agreements (Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland) Bill 2021 (Bill 62 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-12 6 0

Acquisition of Development Land (Assessment of Compensation) Bill 2021 (Bill 84 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-12 22 0

Criminal Procedure Act 2021 (Act 7 of 2021)Criminal Procedure Bill 2021 (Bill 8 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-12 6 0

Employment Equality (Amendment) (Non-Disclosure Agreements) Bill 2021 (Bill 82 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-06-12 5 0

Civil Legal Aid (Exclusion of Value of Free or Partly Free Board) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 69 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Road Traffic (Amendment) (Electric Scooter Trials) Bill 2021 (Bill 40 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Employment Permits (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 46 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 9 0

Residential Tenancies Act 2021 (Act 5 of 2021)Residential Tenancies Bill 2021 (Bill 37 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) (Foetal Pain Relief) Bill 2021 (Bill 73 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Electricity Regulation (Amendment) (Prohibition of Winter Disconnections) Bill 2021 (Bill 44 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Labour Exploitation and Trafficking (Audit of Supply Chains) Bill 2021 (Bill 45 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Planning and Development, Heritage and Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 47 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Private Security Services (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 49 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Nursing Homes Support Scheme (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 76 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Judicial Council (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 51 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Companies (Protection of Employees’ Rights in Liquidations) Bill 2021 (Bill 53 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Pensions (Amendment) (Transparency in Charges) Bill 2021 (Bill 72 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Gambling (Prohibition of Advertising) Bill 2021 (Bill 48 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Garda Síochána (Compensation) Bill 2021 (Bill 50 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Hospital Parking Bill 2021 (Bill 52 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 58 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 70 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Clean Air (Smoky Coal Ban) Bill 2021 (Bill 61 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 10 0

Electoral (Amendment) (Voting at 16) Bill 2021 (Bill 43 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Ceathrú Chultúir 1916 Bill 2021 (Bill 36 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021 (Bill 75 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Wildlife (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 74 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Social Welfare (Payment Order) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 66 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Dog Breeding Establishments (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 64 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Loan Guarantee Schemes Agreements (Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland) Bill 2021 (Bill 62 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Redundancy Payments (Lay off, Short Time and Calculation of Reckonable Service) Bill 2021 (Bill 77 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) (Repeal of Part V Leasing) Bill 2021 (Bill 60 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Thirty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Right to Vote at 16) Bill 2021 (Bill 67 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Trade Union Recognition Bill 2021 (Bill 65 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Firearms and Offensive Weapons (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 41 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

National Standards Authority of Ireland (Carbon Footprint Labelling) Bill 2021 (Bill 42 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Planning and Development (Strategic Housing Developments) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 56 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Education (Leaving Certificate 2021) (Accredited Grades) Bill 2021 (Bill 54 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Maritime Jurisdiction Bill 2021 (Bill 63 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Health and Criminal Justice (Covid-19) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 78 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Sale of Tickets (Cultural, Entertainment, Recreational and Sporting Events) Bill 2021 (Bill 55 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

National Lottery (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 57 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Proceeds of Crime (Investment in Disadvantaged Communities) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 59 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Protection of Employment (Platform Workers and Bogus Self-Employment) Bill 2021 (Bill 68 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 11 0

Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 39 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Affordable Housing Bill 2021 (Bill 71 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 24 0

Organisation of Working Time (Reproductive Health Related Leave) Bill 2021 (Bill 38 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Residential Tenancies (Student Rents and Other Protections) (Covid-19) Bill 2021 (Bill 26 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Insurance (Restriction on Differential Pricing and Profiling) Bill 2021 (Bill 1 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 17 0

Health (Amendment) Act 2021 (Act 1 of 2021)Health (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 23 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Land Development Agency Bill 2021 (Bill 11 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Health (Amendment) (Dual Diagnosis: No Wrong Door) Bill 2021 (Bill 3 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 14 0

Period Products (Free Provision) Bill 2021 (Bill 2 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 17 0

Quality in Public Procurement (Contract Preparation and Award Criteria) Bill 2021 (Bill 32 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Civil Liability and Courts (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 34 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Criminal Procedure Bill 2021 (Bill 8 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Family Leave and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2021 (Act 4 of 2021)Family Leave and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2021 (Bill 33 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Road Traffic (Amendment) (Personal Light Electric Vehicles) Bill 2021 (Bill 28 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (Bill 6 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 3 0

Student Nurses (Pay) Bill 2021 (Bill 16 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 3 0

Civil Registration (Right of Adoptees to Information) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 20 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 7 0

Children (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 10 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Criminal Justice (Public Order) (Quadbikes and Scramblers) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 7 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Principles of Social Welfare Bill 2021 (Bill 19 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Derelict Sites (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 13 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) (Amendment) (Pets) Bill 2021 (Bill 5 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 5 0

Criminal Procedure and Related Matters Bill 2021 (Bill 12 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Health (Parliamentary Oversight of Certain Instruments Relating to Covid-19) Bill 2021 (Bill 14 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Health Insurance (International Students) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 30 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 27 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Industrial Relations (Provisions in Respect of Pension Entitlements of Retired Workers) Bill 2021 (Bill 15 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Veterinary Practice (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 21 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 9 0

Local Government (Use of CCTV in Prosecution of Offences) Bill 2021 (Bill 24 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Consumer Protection (Loyalty Penalty and Customer Complaints) Bill 2021 (Bill 22 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 3 0

Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 25 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 3 0

Taxi Regulation (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill 31 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Rural Equality Bill 2021 (Bill 18 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Adoption (Information) Bill 2021 (Bill 35 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 25 0

Oireachtas Members (Economic Justice) (Covid-19) Bill 2021 (Bill 9 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 8 0

Free Provision of Period Products Bill 2021 (Bill 4 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 4 0

Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill 2021 (Bill 29 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 24 0

Defence (Restriction on Use of Certain Titles) Bill 2021 (Bill 17 of 2021)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2021-05-24 6 0

Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-08-01 173 0

Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015 (Extension) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-31 180 0

Lithium-ion Battery Safety Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-30 195 0

Support for Infants and Parents etc (Information) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-29 195 0

Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-29 156 0

Great British Energy Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-26 195 0

Crown Estate Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-26 169 0

Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 236 0

Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 202 0

Budget Responsibility Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 204 0

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and International Committee of the Red Cross (Status) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-07-19 202 0

UK and EU

Rasmus Tenbergen United Kingdom 2024-07-05 172 0

Solent Ferry Regulator Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-30 290 0

Victims and Prisoners Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 270 0

Pet Abduction Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 283 0

Finance Act (No. 2) 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 301 0

Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 282 0

British Nationality (Irish Citizens) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 254 0

Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 245 0

Media Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 324 0

Zoological Society of London (Leases) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 227 0

Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 270 0

Paternity Leave (Bereavement) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 339 0

Building Societies Act 1986 (Amendment) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-29 250 0

Prime Minister (Nomination) and Cabinet (Appointment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-27 224 0

Scotland (Independence) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-27 277 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-27 191 0

Immigration and Asylum Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-24 272 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Pensions (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-24 206 0

Children (Parental Imprisonment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-23 263 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Secure 16 to 19 Academies Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-22 214 0

Automated Vehicles Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-22 291 0

Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-22 247 0

Delivery Services (Driving Licence Requirements) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-17 234 0

Child Sexual Abuse Material (Digital Devices) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-17 235 0

Bathing Waters (Monitoring and Reporting) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-16 223 0

Assistance Dogs and Pavement Parking Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-10 264 0

Medicines (Vitamin B12 Injections) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-10 253 0

Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (New Drivers) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-09 226 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-09 186 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Media Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-08 220 0

Education (Values of British Citizenship) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-08 245 0

Road Traffic (Testing of Blood) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-03 284 0

Russian State Assets and Reconstruction of Ukraine Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-03 196 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", School Attendance (Duties of Local Authorities and Proprietors of Schools) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-03 189 0

Road Traffic and Street Works Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 257 0

Neurodivergent Conditions (Screening and Teacher Training) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 251 0

Senior Civil Service (Accountability and Appointment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 204 0

Tenant Farming Commissioner Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 271 0

Horticultural Peat (Prohibition of Sale) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 245 0

Fireworks (Noise Limits) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 397 0

Public Amenities (Adoption by Local Authorities) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 215 0

Standards in Public Life (Codes of Conduct) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-05-02 242 0

Pedicabs (London) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-29 277 0

Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-29 261 0

Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-29 274 0

Heritage Public Houses Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-26 300 0

Neurodivergent conditions (screening and teacher training) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-25 277 0

Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-25 236 0

Thames Water (Special Administration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-24 282 0

British Nationality (Irish Citizens) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-22 304 0

Fireworks (noise limits) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-19 354 0

Horticultural peat (prohibition of sale) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-18 312 0

Telecommunications Infrastructure (Requirement to Share Apparatus) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-28 385 0

Disposal of waste (advertising and penalty provision) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-28 396 0

Climate and Nature Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-25 427 0

Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-25 380 0

Bishop’s Stortford Cemetery Act 2024, "A Bill to confer powers upon Bishops Stortford Town Council to extinguish rights of burial and disturb human remains in Bishop Stortfords New Cemetery and Old Cemetery for the purpose of increasing the space for in

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 350 0

Private Parking (Regulator) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 450 0

Standards in public life (codes of conduct) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 396 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 376 0

Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 373 0

Illegal and unsustainable fishing (due diligence) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 392 0

Tobacco and Vapes Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 472 0

Football Governance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 451 0

A Bill to exempt from VAT supplies of electricity, oil and gas for domestic purposes; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 366 0

Paternity Leave (Bereavement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 433 0

A Bill to place a duty on commercial organisations and public authorities to prevent human rights and environmental harms, including an obligation to conduct and publish human rights and environmental due diligence assessments on their own operations, sub

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 304 0

A Bill to require offenders serving community and certain other sentences to provide information about names used and contact details.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 396 0

A Bill to provide for a category of protection for chalk streams for the purpose of providing additional protections from pollution, abstraction and other forms of environmental damage; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 334 0

A Bill to exempt motor homes from caravan site licensing requirements; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 391 0

Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 400 0

A Bill to establish the Independent Football Regulator; to make provision for the licensing of football clubs; to make provision about the distribution of revenue received by organisers of football competitions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 317 0

A Bill to require companies and certain other persons to insure against their liability for injury to third parties and premises; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 326 0

A Bill to make provision about the maintenance of registers by local authorities of children in their area who are not full-time pupils at any school; to make provision about support by local authorities to promote the education of such children; to make

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 337 0

A Bill to Provide for the quashing of convictions in England and Wales for certain offences alleged to have been committed while the Horizon system was in use by the Post Office; to make provision about the deletion of cautions given in England and Wales

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 362 0

A Bill to transfer the power to designate sites of special scientific interest from Natural England to the Secretary of State; to make provision about the exercise of that power by the Secretary of State; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 306 0

A Bill to require employers to ensure that personal protective equipment provided at work to people with certain protected characteristics within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010 is suitable for the wearer; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 321 0

A Bill to make provision about public procurement in respect of British goods and services; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 363 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with restricting the importation and non-commercial movement of dogs, cats and ferrets.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 389 0

A Bill to require specified organisations and public bodies to inform children and young people of local, national and online support services available to them following a bereavement; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 335 0

A Bill to make provision for establishing a new government Ministry, the Ministry for Poverty Prevention; to make provision for the objectives and powers of that Ministry; to make provision that the Ministry can only be abolished or combined with another

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 328 0

A Bill to require providers of electronic communications networks to allow their customers to access certain public sector websites free of charge; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 319 0

A Bill to authorise the use of resources for the years ending with 31 March 2023, 31 March 2024 and 31 March 2025; to authorise the issue of sums out of the Consolidated Fund for those years; and to appropriate the supply authorised by this Act for the ye

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 332 0

Ministry for Poverty Prevention Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-15 382 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Veterans (Non-custodial Sentences) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-15 357 0

Sites of special scientific interest (designation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-15 370 0

Public Sector Websites (Data Charges) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 431 0

Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Protected Characteristics) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 369 0

Bereavement Support (Children and Young People) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 371 0

Nuclear Veterans (Compensation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 404 0

Ministry of Poverty Prevention Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 373 0

Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 392 0

Public Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 394 0

A Bill to make provision to require every school to have access to a qualified mental health professional; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 351 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the making available of information about support available for infants, parents and carers of infants, and prospective parents and carers, including reporting requirements relating to such support.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 324 0

A Bill to regulate access to hormone therapy for children under the age of 18; to make provision relating to social transition practices in schools and other settings; to make provision regarding the meaning of the protected characteristic of sex; and for

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 350 0

A Bill to make provision for the purpose of enabling certain mortgage borrowers to switch to a new mortgage arrangement; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 360 0

A Bill to make provision for a Foetal Sentience Committee to review current understanding of the sentience of the human foetus and to inform policy-making; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-12 354 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-11 372 0

A new Finance Bill is usually presented to Parliament each year; it enacts the proposals for taxation made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Budget statement and brings them into law. This Bill will be published after the House’s decisions on th

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 332 0

A Bill to make provision about mandatory local consultation in relation to the installation of telecommunications infrastructure in residential areas; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 376 0

A Bill to make provision about the scrutiny and approval by Parliament of appointments to senior civil service roles; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 366 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with reducing the main rates of primary Class 1 national insurance contributions and Class 4 national insurance contributions.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 351 0

A Bill to make provision about the status of, and privileges and immunities in connection with, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the International Committee of the Red Cross; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 347 0

A Bill To Enable the implementation of, and the making of other provision in connection with, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-07 356 0

Senior civil service (accountability and appointment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-07 361 0

A Bill to require landlords in the private rented sector to remedy hazards in leased dwellings; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 397 0

A Bill to create offences of dog abduction and cat abduction and to confer a power to make corresponding provision relating to the abduction of other animals commonly kept as pets.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 383 0

A Bill to prohibit practices whose predetermined purpose is to change a person’s sexual orientation or to change a person to or from being transgender; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 369 0

A Bill to amend the Crown Estate Act 1961 to increase the maximum term of the lease that may be granted to the Zoological Society of London in respect of land in Regent’s Park.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 365 0

A Bill to prohibit the creation and uploading of unauthorised media content relating to prisons.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 367 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for ending the need for food banks by 2030; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-05 351 0

A Bill to amend the requirements for caravan site licence applications made under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-04 386 0

To make provision about licences to search and bore for and get offshore petroleum.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 374 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to undertake and publish a review of the merits of raising the income threshold for the High Income Child Benefit Charge and of reforming the process for declaring income above that threshold; to require the Secret

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 344 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the impact of deductions from Universal Credit on levels of destitution among claimants.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 369 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for ending the need for food banks by 2030; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 392 0

A Bill to allow for certain civil and family court hearings to be conducted remotely.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 387 0

A Bill to increase the minimum required height of guarding in multi-storey car parks; to make provision about the height of guarding in existing multi-storey car parks; to require 24 hour staffing of multi-storey car parks; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 357 0

A Bill to make provision about the funding of building societies and the assimilation of the law relating to companies and the law relating to building societies.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 367 0

A bill to prohibit the grant or assignment of certain new long residential leases of houses, to amend the rights of tenants under long residential leases to acquire the freeholds of their houses, to extend the leases of their houses or flats, and to colle

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 341 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to prevent the evictions of Universal Credit claimants in rent arrears; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 370 0

A Bill to create offences in respect of persons who have entered the UK illegally or who have remained in the UK without legal authority; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 376 0

A Bill to require employers to allow employees to take time off from work for appointments for fertility treatment; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 360 0

A Bill to make provision about the approval of remuneration paid to local government employees.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 381 0

A Bill to make provision in connection with the ratification by the United Kingdom of the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National J

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 340 0

A Bill to set a target for the number of glioblastoma patients who take part in clinical trials each year; to require training for medical oncologists to include training relating to brain cancers; to provide that any drug that has been licensed for use o

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 354 0

A Bill to make provision for a right to consular assistance for British citizens abroad in cases where there has been, or where there is a risk of, a breach of human rights, denial of access to legal representation, or torture or other human rights abuses

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 356 0

A Bill to exempt from VAT supplies of electricity, oil and gas for domestic purposes; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 354 0

A Bill to make provision about victims of criminal conduct and others affected by criminal conduct; about the appointment and functions of advocates for victims of major incidents; about the release of prisoners; about the membership and functions of the

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 330 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a scheme in which graduates of specified university courses may be exempt from requirements to repay a student loan, in full or in part, provided that they are employed in the United Kingdo

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 352 0

A Bill to require police officers and certain employees of police forces to declare a membership of or affiliation to certain types of society and organisation; to require such declarations to be accompanied by a statement relating to that membership; and

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 341 0

Higher Education (Student Finance and Skills Shortages) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-29 399 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Unauthorised Entry to Football Matches Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-27 363 0

Deductions from Universal Credit (Report) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-27 388 0

Finance Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-26 546 0

Broadcasting (Listed Sporting Events) (Scotland) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-22 403 0

Family Visas (Minimum Income) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-21 419 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Finance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-20 375 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-16 325 0

State Pension Age (Compensation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-09 431 0

Support for Infants and Parents etc (Information) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-08 378 0

Social energy tariff Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-08 414 0

Ministerial Severance (Reform) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-08 396 0

A Bill to make provision about shared parental leave and pay in certain cases where a mother has died; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-06 352 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a social tariff for energy.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-05 338 0

A Bill to make provision for a referendum on devolution in Wales; to provide that no further such referendum may take place within twenty five years; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-02 372 0

Police (declaration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-02 412 0

Autism (early identification) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-01 457 0

A Bill to make provision to extend the period following the Northern Ireland Assembly election of 5 May 2022 during which Ministers may be appointed.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-01 331 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to lay before Parliament an annual report on the allocation of research funding into cancers with the lowest survival rates in the UK, including lung, liver, brain, pancreatic cancer, and certain childhood cancers,

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 356 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a social tariff for energy.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 322 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for the recruitment and retention of health and social care staff in rural areas; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 367 0

A Bill to make provision about shared parental leave and pay in certain cases where a mother has died; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 383 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the potential merits of prohibiting the making of deductions from certain social security benefits within the first six months of a claim, of restricting the making of deductions in cases

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 312 0

A Bill to provide for a national register of children who are not pupils at any school; to require local authorities to provide data about such children in their area for the purpose of maintaining that register; to make provision about the support that l

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 319 0

A Bill to require local authorities to designate high streets in their area; to require local authorities to undertake and publish periodic reviews of the condition of those high streets; to require local authorities to develop action plans for the improv

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 301 0

A Bill to amend the Licensing Act 2003 so that licensing hours Orders can be made by negative resolution statutory instrument.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 352 0

A Bill to require providers of electronic communications networks to grant other such providers access to their apparatus where that is necessary to ensure consistent network coverage; to prevent those providers from charging more than the standard market

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 336 0

A Bill to make provision requiring local authorities to exercise their functions with a view to improving and promoting regular attendance by registered pupils at schools in their area; and to make provision requiring school proprietors to have an attenda

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 328 0

A Bill to make provision for an inquiry into the end use of arms sold to foreign states to determine whether they have been used in violation of international law; to immediately suspend the sale of arms to foreign states where it cannot be demonstrated t

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 319 0

A Bill to make provision about the weapons to which section 141 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 applies; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 369 0

A Bill to make provision about British citizenship in respect of people born in Ireland after 31 December 1948 who are, or have been, resident in Northern Ireland; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 392 0

A Bill to create an offence of child criminal exploitation; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 364 0

A Bill to set minimum service levels for the provision of public transport in rural areas, including for access to sites of employment and education; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 351 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish and implement a Care Workers Employment Strategy, with the aim of improving the recruitment and retention of care workers; to establish an independent National Care Workers Council with responsibility fo

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 319 0

A Bill to make provision about speeding offences on roads to which a 20mph limit applies; to make provision about the enforcement of moving traffic offences; to require 24 hour staffing of works on specified public roads; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 346 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Government to ensure that every town with a population of more than 10,000 people has a regular bus service operating seven days a week, and that local health services, including hospitals and GP surgeries, are served by thos

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 319 0

A Bill to make provision to extend the period following the Northern Ireland Assembly election of 5 May 2022 during which Ministers may be appointed.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 358 0

A Bill to change the period of life expectancy relevant to certain pension rules.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 356 0

A Bill to establish an independent Office of the Whistleblower to protect whistleblowers and whistleblowing in accordance with the public interest; to make provision for the Office of the Whistleblower to set, monitor and enforce standards for the managem

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 343 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-29 370 0

Post Office (Horizon System) Compensation Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-29 407 0

Road traffic and street works Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-26 427 0

Social Energy Tariff Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-26 411 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 359 0

Children Not in School (National Register and Support) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 323 0

A Bill to promote the protection and stewardship of heritage trees in England; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 346 0

Offensive Weapons Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 404 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish annual data relating to veterans who are given non-custodial sentences; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-24 289 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish annual data relating to veterans who are given non-custodial sentences; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 306 0

Make provision about the removal of certain migrants to the Republic of Rwanda.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 348 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a compensation scheme for veterans who have experienced ill health as a result of exposure to radiation while on active service.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 336 0

A Bill to amend the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 to provide that only a person who directly commits, or who makes a significant contribution to the commission of, an offence may be held criminally liable.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 414 0

A Bill to prohibit unpaid trial work periods; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 360 0

A Bill to provide for the payment out of money provided by Parliament of expenditure incurred by the Secretary of State under, or in connection with, schemes or other arrangements to compensate persons affected by the Horizon system and in respect of othe

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 308 0

A Bill to require parliamentary approval for the deployment of UK armed forces for armed conflict; to provide for exemptions from that requirement in cases of emergency or in respect of compliance with treaty obligations; to make provision for retrospecti

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 348 0

A Bill to require that every child be offered at least one outdoor education experience during primary school years and at least one such experience during secondary school years; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 313 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of prohibiting scheduled flights from landing or taking off between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 330 0

A Bill to make provision about the approval of remuneration paid to local government employees.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 329 0

A Bill to establish the right to breathe clean air; to require the Secretary of State to achieve and maintain clean air in England; to involve the UK Health Security Agency in setting and reviewing pollutants and their limits; to enhance the powers, dutie

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 303 0

A Bill to promote the protection and stewardship of heritage trees in England; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 382 0

A Bill to Prohibit the export of certain livestock from Great Britain for slaughter.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 289 0

A Bill to amend the Welfare Reform Act 2012 to provide that a Universal Credit claimant may not be sanctioned for refusing work on a zero hours contract; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 375 0

A Bill to make provision for regulating pedicabs in public places in Greater London; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 354 0

A Bill to make provision regarding pets with microchips; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 340 0

A Bill to make provision for the protection of care recipients and their carers; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 344 0

Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-19 455 0

Unpaid Trial Work Periods (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-18 420 0

Military Action (Parliamentary Approval) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-18 334 0

Airports (Prohibition of Night Flights) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-17 357 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Nuclear Veterans (Compensation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-15 340 0

Veterans (Non-custodial Sentences) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-15 342 0

Scottish Law Officers (Devolution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-12 387 0

Schools (Mental Health Professionals) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-11 331 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-10 360 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-08 326 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Criminal Justice Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-04 316 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-21 326 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-20 319 0

General Medical Council (Fitness to Practise) Rules (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-20 324 0

Welfare Benefits (Adequacy, Debt and Deductions) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-15 344 0

Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (Sentencing Guidelines) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 334 0

Public Transport (Rural Areas) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 338 0

Highways Act 1980 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 373 0

Secure 16 to 19 Academies Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 424 0

Caravan Site Licensing (Exemption of Motor Homes) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 331 0

Statutory Instruments Act 1946 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 293 0

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and International Committee of the Red Cross (Status) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 312 0

Arm’s-length Bodies (Accountability to Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 363 0

Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 348 0

Exemption from Value Added Tax (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 332 0

Dangerous Dogs (Licensing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 400 0

Online Services (Cancellation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 375 0

Health and Social Care (Recruitment and Retention of Staff in Rural Areas) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 323 0

Access to Telecommunications Networks Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 341 0

Local Government (Pay Accountability) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 289 0

Children Not in School (Registers, Support and Orders) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 310 0

Prison Media Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 356 0

Titles Deprivation Act 1917 Amendment Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 326 0

Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 309 0

Courts (Remote Hearings) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 383 0

Consular Assistance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 393 0

School Attendance (Duties of Local Authorities and Proprietors of Schools) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 300 0

Support for Infants Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 349 0

Bullying and Respect at Work Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 426 0

Multi-Storey Car Parks (Safety) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 357 0

Groceries Code Adjudicator (Powers and Duties) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 301 0

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity (Ratification of Treaty) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 306 0

Arms Trade (Inquiry and Suspension) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 334 0

Vaccine Damage Payments Act (Review) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 333 0

Cancer Research Funding (Report to Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 338 0

Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 327 0

Water Quality Monitoring Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 368 0

Still-Birth (Definition) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-12 367 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Public Procurement (British Goods and Services) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-11 272 0

Joint Enterprise (Significant Contribution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-11 330 0

Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 312 0

Unauthorised Entry to Football Matches Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 316 0

British Citizenship (Northern Ireland) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 340 0

Licensing Hours Extensions Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 374 0

High Streets (Designation, Review and Improvement Plan) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 322 0

Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 333 0

Pensions (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 288 0

Conversion Practices (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 318 0

Abortion (Gestational Time Limit Reduction) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 333 0

Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 358 0

Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 350 0

Pet Abduction Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 334 0

Building Societies Act 1986 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 285 0

Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 313 0

Community and Suspended Sentences (Notification of Details) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 306 0

Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 338 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Joint Enterprise (Significant Contribution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 292 0

Public Procurement (British Goods and Services) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 327 0

Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-07 345 0

Heritage Trees Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-06 464 0

Wheelchair Access Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-05 388 0

Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-05 303 0

Ecocide Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-01 366 0

Housing Act 1988 (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 370 0

Post Office (Horizon System) Compensation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 319 0

At-Home Early Medical Abortion (Review) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 315 0

Asylum Application (Entry to the United Kingdom) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 303 0

A Bill to amend the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 to remove Listed Investment Companies from Alternative Investment Fund designation; to make related changes to other relevant legislation; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 263 0

A Bill to amend the law relating to workplace information and consultation, employment protection and trade union rights to provide safeguards for workers against dismissal and re-engagement on inferior terms and conditions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 273 0

Commercial Organisations and Public Authorities Duty (Human Rights and Environment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 328 0

This Bill will be published after the House’s decisions on the Ways and Means Resolutions which must be approved by the House of Commons. There are three days of debate scheduled on these resolutions, which are published on these pages. Debate will conc

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 266 0

A Bill to make provision for certain employers to be required to publish information about differences in pay between people from prescribed ethnic backgrounds; and connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 324 0

A Bill to make provision for a Foetal Sentience Committee to review current understanding of the sentience of the human foetus and to inform policy-making; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 304 0

A Bill to make provision about prevention of and response to genocide and other atrocity crimes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 293 0

A Bill To Amend the rights of tenants under long residential leases to acquire the freeholds of their houses, to extend the leases of their houses or flats, and to collectively enfranchise or manage the buildings containing their flats, to give such tenan

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 242 0

A Bill to prohibit sexual orientation and gender identity conversion therapy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 278 0

A Bill to make provision for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 294 0

A Bill to amend the Housing Act 1988 so that long leases of residential dwellings are not deemed to be assured tenancies for the purposes of that Act; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 295 0

To amend the Arbitration Act 1996.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 385 0

A Bill to make provision to require every school to have access to a qualified mental health professional; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 261 0

A Bill to amend the law regarding succession to peerages and baronetcies; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 282 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with reducing the main rates of primary Class 1 national insurance contributions and Class 4 national insurance contributions, and removing the requirement to pay Class 2 national insurance contributions.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 266 0

Foetal Sentience Committee Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-28 391 0

Schools (Mental Health Professionals) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-28 301 0

Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-28 378 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-24 262 0

Genocide (Prevention and Response) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-24 305 0

Workforce Information (Ethnicity) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-24 323 0

Alternative Investment Fund Designation Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-23 315 0

Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-23 288 0

Housing Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-22 365 0

Arbitration Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-22 357 0

Conversion Therapy Prohibition (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-21 264 0

Succession to Peerages and Baronetcies Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-21 301 0

A Bill to make provision about victims of criminal conduct and others affected by criminal conduct; about the appointment and functions of individuals to act as independent public advocates for victims of major incidents; about the release of prisoners; a

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 256 0

A Bill to make provision to prevent public bodies from being influenced by political or moral disapproval of foreign states when taking certain economic decisions, subject to certain exceptions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 256 0

A Bill to make provision about the sentencing of offenders convicted of murder or sexual offences; to make provision about the suspension of custodial sentences; to make provision about the release of offenders, including provision about release on licenc

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 247 0

To make provision about licences to search and bore for and get offshore petroleum.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 279 0

A Bill To amend the criminal law; to make provision about criminal justice (including the powers and duties of the police) and about dealing with offenders; to make provision about confiscation and the use of monies in suspended accounts; to make other pr

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 316 0

A Bill to amend the Investigatory Powers Act 2016; to make provision about information supplied by, or relating to, the Judicial Commissioners; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 267 0

A Bill To Enable the implementation of, and the making of other provision in connection with, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 249 0

A Bill to regulate the use of automated vehicles on roads and in other public places; and to make other provision in relation to vehicle automation.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 256 0

A Bill to Make provision about public service television; about the sustainability of, and programme-making by, C4C; about the name, remit, powers, governance and audit of S4C; about the regulation of television selection services; about the regulation of

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 234 0

Criminal Justice Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-15 352 0

Sentencing Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-15 339 0

Media Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 393 0

Pedicabs (London) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 307 0

Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 277 0

Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 317 0

Automated Vehicles Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 353 0

Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 326 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.", Puppy Import (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 289 0

Republic of Somaliland (Recognition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 316 0

Public office (child sexual abuse) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 309 0

Thames Water (Public Benefit Corporation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 328 0

Electronic Cigarettes (Branding, Promotion and Advertising) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-02 266 0

Dartmoor National Park (Access) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-01 316 0

A Bill to require local authorities to publish a register of derelict buildings in their area; to make provision in respect of the preparation and maintenance of such registers; and for connected purposes., "Bishops Stortford Cemetery Bill HL]", "A Bill t

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 251 0

A Bill to amend the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to require a person in charge of a dog to take all reasonable steps to ensure that that dog does not fatally injure another dog; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 288 0

A Bill to make provision for local authorities to conduct annual audits of air pollution in their area and associated emissions by public and private entities; to require those local authorities to prepare reports on those audits; to require the Secretary

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 254 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of reinstating the Access to Elected Office Fund.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 232 0

Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 267 0

A Bill to prohibit Ministers of the Crown from making or implementing any legal instrument which is not consistent with the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament, unless it has been approved by a referendum; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 209 0

A Bill to require the Prime Minister to appoint a Special Envoy for International Freedom of Religion or Belief; to establish an Office of the Special Envoy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 239 0

Non-Domestic Rating Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 326 0

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 242 0

A Bill to make provision for a referendum on devolution in Wales; to provide that no further such referendum may take place within twenty five years; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 265 0

Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 253 0

Online Safety Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 292 0

Procurement Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 326 0

Energy Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 317 0

Register of Derelict Buildings Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 262 0

A Bill to Require the United Kingdom to achieve climate and nature targets; to give the Secretary of State a duty to implement a strategy to achieve those targets; to establish a Climate and Nature Assembly to advise the Secretary of State in creating tha

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 185 0

Parliamentary Sovereignty (Referendums) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-26 246 0

Climate and Ecology (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-25 346 0

A Bill to prohibit the import of puppies under six months; to prohibit the import of pregnant dogs in specified circumstances; to prohibit the import of dogs with cropped ears or docked tails; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-24 222 0

A Bill to reduce the duty charged on renewable liquid heating fuel; to provide for the imposition of obligations on suppliers of heating fuel in relation to the supply of renewable fuel; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-24 229 0

Brain Tumours Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-20 325 0

International Freedom of Religion or Belief Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-20 218 0

Government of Wales (Referendum on Devolution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-20 260 0

Import of Dogs Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-26 281 0

A Bill to require providers of in vitro fertilisation to publish information annually about the number of NHS-funded IVF cycles they carry out and about their provision of certain additional treatments in connection with in vitro fertilisation; to require

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-21 193 0

Powers of Attorney Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 285 0

Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 217 0

Lifelong Learning (Higher Education Fee Limits) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 218 0

Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 255 0

Firearms Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 280 0

Protection from Sex-based Harassment in Public Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 209 0

Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 256 0

Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 234 0

Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees Act

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 226 0

Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-20 226 0

A Bill to provide for a national register of asbestos present in non-domestic premises and of the condition of that asbestos; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-18 222 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to establish an export guarantee scheme for small generators of low carbon electricity; to set a tariff, based on market rates, for the sale of electricity under the export guarantee scheme; to make provision to en

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-18 166 0

A Bill to require Ofgem to amend the conditions of an electricity supply licence in relation to vulnerable customers; to require Ofgem to establish a fund for the purpose of rectifying dangerous electrical faults for vulnerable customers; to require energ

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-18 167 0

A Bill to require the provision of automated external defibrillators in all new housing developments of ten dwellings or more; to require developers to provide funding for the maintenance of such defibrillators for a period of ten years after installation

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-18 190 0

A Bill to provide for a statutory definition of kinship care; to make provision about allowances and parental leave for kinship carers who take on responsibility for children whose parents are unable to care for them; to make provision about education in

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-18 195 0

A Bill to make provision about energy production and security and the regulation of the energy market, including provision about the licensing of carbon dioxide transport and storage; about commercial arrangements for carbon capture and storage and for hy

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-18 203 0

A Bill to require the Government to publish an assessment of incidences of bowel conditions and diseases, including an assessment of geographical and socioeconomic disparities.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-18 218 0

Asbestos (national register) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-15 258 0

Electricity Supply (Vulnerable Customers) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-14 248 0

A Bill to give workers and agency workers the right to request more predictable terms and conditions of work.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-14 239 0

Automated External Defibrillators (Housing Developments) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-08 219 0

A Bill to make provision about the branding, promotion and advertising of electronic cigarettes, for the purpose of preventing electronic cigarettes from being marketed in a way which appeals to children; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-07 193 0

To make provision about minimum service levels in connection with the taking by trade unions of strike action relating to transport services.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-09-07 199 0

A Bill to make provision in relation to introducing an international element and greater course choice in higher education and research in the United Kingdom; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-08-25 187 0

"Bishops Stortford Cemetery Bill HL]", "A Bill to confer powers upon Bishops Stortford Town Council to extinguish rights of burial and disturb human remains in Bishop Stortfords New Cemetery and Old Cemetery for the purpose of increasing the space for int

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-08-24 161 0

Offences against the Person Act 1861 (Sentencing Guidelines) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-08-24 190 0

A Bill to require the Leader of the House of Commons to move a Motion prohibiting Members of Parliament from receiving any financial or other benefit from oil and gas companies; to require the Leader of the House to publish proposals for divestment of the

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-25 188 0

International Higher Education and Research Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-25 228 0

Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-24 220 0

Illegal Migration Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-24 196 0

Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-24 202 0

Equipment Theft (Prevention) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-24 213 0

Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-24 206 0

Child Support (Enforcement) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-24 224 0

Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-24 196 0

A Bill to require the Sentencing Council to issue sentencing guidelines in respect of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-21 201 0

Members of Parliament (Oil and Gas Companies) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-20 199 0

High Income Child Benefit Charge (report to Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-20 222 0

A Bill to make provision about economic crime and corporate transparency; to make further provision about companies, limited partnerships and other kinds of corporate entity; and to make provision about the registration of overseas entities.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-18 131 0

A Bill to provide for a statutory definition of bullying at work; to make provision relating to bullying at work, including to enable claims relating to workplace bullying to be considered by an employment tribunal; to provide for a Respect at Work Code t

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 183 0

A Bill to require the Chancellor of the Exchequer to report to Parliament on proposals to replace the Barnett Formula used to calculate adjustments to public expenditure allocated to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with a statutory scheme for the all

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 169 0

A Bill to limit exit payments made by some public sector organisations to employees; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 178 0

A Bill to extend the definition of children’s clothing for the purposes of exemption from VAT; to extend the VAT exemption to further categories of school uniform; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 194 0

A Bill to require a Regulatory Impact Assessment to be published for all primary and secondary legislation introduced by the Government; to make provision for associated sanctions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 192 0

A Bill to make provision for the privatisation of the British Broadcasting Corporation; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 174 0

A Bill to create an offence of disclosing the identity of a person who is the subject of an investigation in respect of the alleged commission of an offence; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 175 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to appoint an independent reviewer to prepare a quarterly report containing an assessment of primary care services; to require the Secretary of State to lay before Parliament each report prepared by the independent

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 155 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to make provision about financial assistance to persons who have suffered disablement following vaccination against Covid-19 and to the next of kin of persons who have died shortly after vaccination against

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 183 0

A Bill to de-criminalise the non-payment of the BBC licence fee by persons aged over seventy-five; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 183 0

A Bill to create offences in respect of persons who have entered the UK illegally or who have remained in the UK without legal authority; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 200 0

A Bill to amend the requirements for caravan site licence applications made under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 185 0

A Bill to make provision for co-funding and for the extension of co-payment for NHS services in England; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 207 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to establish a task force to produce a strategy for tackling rural crime; to require the Secretary of State to implement the strategy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-17 203 0

Primary care services (report) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-14 186 0

Rural Crime (Strategy) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-13 186 0

National Security Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-13 183 0

Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-13 191 0

Finance (No. 2) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-13 179 0

Bullying and respect at work Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-13 198 0

A Bill to provide for corporate status of and for certain privileges and immunities to be accorded to the international inter-parliamentary organisation of national and sub-national legislatures of Commonwealth countries known as the Commonwealth Parliame

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 144 0

A Bill to Authorise the use of resources for the year ending with 31 March 2024; to authorise both the issue of sums out of the Consolidated Fund and the application of income for that year; and to appropriate the supply authorised for that year by this A

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 165 0

A Bill to make provision about the regulation of roadworks; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 198 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to establish an independent review of disablement caused by Covid-19 vaccinations and the adequacy of the compensation offered to persons so disabled; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 175 0

A Bill to establish the right to breathe clean air; to make provision for the purpose of reducing indoor and outdoor air pollution, including greenhouse gases; to set minimum standards for air quality in workplaces, homes and public spaces; to require the

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 177 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish revised guidance on the deployment, visibility and signing of speed and red-light cameras for traffic enforcement; to require that guidance to include amended site selection criteria for safety cameras,

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 139 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for promoting a circular economy in respect of plastics, including setting targets and measures for the elimination and recycling of single-use plastics; to require the Secretary of State to e

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 159 0

A Bill to enable clergy of the Church of England to conduct same sex marriages on Church of England premises in certain circumstances; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 168 0

A Bill to establish a national register of Green Belt land in England; to restrict the ability of local authorities to de-designate Green Belt land; to make provision about future development of de-designated Green Belt land; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-11 153 0

Safety cameras Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-07 172 0

A Bill to make provision about procurement]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-06 199 0

A Bill to require His Majesty’s Government to recognise formally the Republic of Somaliland; to make provision in connection with the establishing of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Somaliland; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-06 159 0

A Bill to make provision for a railway between a junction with Phase 2a of High Speed 2 south of Crewe in Cheshire and Manchester Piccadilly Station; for a railway between Hoo Green in Cheshire and a junction with the West Coast Main Line at Bamfurlong, s

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-06 152 0

Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) (No.2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-06 174 0

A Bill to Make provision for and in connection with the removal from the United Kingdom of persons who have entered or arrived in breach of immigration control; to make provision about detention for immigration purposes; to make provision about unaccompan

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-06 160 0

Financial Services and Markets Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-04 215 0

Offenders (Day of Release from Detention) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-04 177 0

Co-operatives, Mutuals and Friendly Societies Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-04 191 0

Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-04 149 0

Shark Fins Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-04 189 0

Child Support Collection (Domestic Abuse) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-04 205 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for increasing the on-lending of UK Special Drawing Rights via the IMF, for transferring the capital returned to the UK by the European Investment Bank to the World Bank, and for increasing the

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-03 156 0

A Bill to reform the law relating to human rights.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-03 196 0

A Bill to extend eligibility for free school meals to all children in state primary schools; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-03 184 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to improve the diagnosis and treatment of persons who have suffered or continue to suffer ill effects from Covid-19 vaccines; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-03 199 0

A Bill to make provision about arranging alternative non-NHS England treatment for patients who have waited for more than one year for hospital treatment; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-03 162 0

A Bill to establish a new model of company structure for Thames Water, to be called a public benefit corporation; to require that public benefit corporation to consider public policy benefits, including reducing leaks and sewage dumping, as well as return

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-03 170 0

A Bill to make provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to identified or identifiable living individuals; to make provision about services consisting of the use of information to ascertain and verify facts about individuals;

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-07-03 167 0

Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-30 177 0

Global Climate and Development Finance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-30 173 0

A Bill to provide that powers devolved to Senedd Cymru must not be amended or withdrawn without a super-majority vote of its elected members; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-29 169 0

A Bill to authorise the use for the public service of certain resources for the year ending 31 March 2024 (including income); to authorise the issue out of the Consolidated Fund of Northern Ireland of certain sums for the service of that year; to authoris

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-29 162 0

A Bill to make provision to enable local authorities to establish planning obligations relating to affordable housing in respect of the conversion of commercial property to residential use; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-29 157 0

A Bill to make provision about electronic trade documents; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-29 194 0

A Bill to make provision to require the sharing with parents and guardians of copies of materials used in relationships and sex education lessons in schools in England; to prohibit schools in England from using externally produced teaching resources for r

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-29 149 0

A Bill to make provision about the regulation of social housing; about the terms of approved schemes for the investigation of housing complaints; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-29 198 0

Relationships and Sex Education (Transparency) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-28 202 0

A Bill to support women in UK sponsored and supported conflict prevention, peace processes, mediation and diplomatic delegations; to ensure systematic gender consideration and responsiveness in UK foreign and defence policy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 160 0

A Bill to make provision about the regulation of certain rifle ranges and shooting galleries; to make provision for an offence in relation to the possession of component parts of ammunition; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 169 0

A Bill to require that every child be offered at least one outdoor education experience during primary school years and at least one such experience during secondary school years; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 177 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of providing financial support for parents of children receiving care in hospital for extended periods.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 181 0

A Bill to make provision about additional payments to recipients of means-tested benefits, tax credits and disability benefits.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 139 0

A Bill to make provision in relation to the remuneration of seafarers who do not qualify for the national minimum wage

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 177 0

A Bill to make provision for immigration restrictions to be disregarded for the purposes of the British Nationality Act 1981 in historical cases in which such restrictions were in practice disregarded.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 207 0

A Bill to make provision in relation to the right of employees and other workers to request variations to particular terms and conditions of employment, including working hours, times and locations.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 182 0

Enable the implementation of, and the making of other provision in connection with, the government procurement Chapters of the United Kingdom’s free trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 194 0

A Bill to make provision to extend the period following the Northern Ireland Assembly election of 5 May 2022 during which Ministers may be appointed and after which the Secretary of State must propose a date for another election; to allow the Secretary of

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 147 0

A Bill to provide that higher education institutions have a duty of care for their students; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 191 0

A Bill to make provision about causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress to a person in public where the behaviour is done because of that person’s sex; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 207 0

A Bill to make provision about the extension of pensions automatic enrolment to jobholders under the age of 22; to make provision about the lower qualifying earnings threshold for automatic enrolment; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 159 0

A Bill to remove the limit on the number of children or qualifying young persons included in the calculation of an award of universal credit.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 159 0

A Bill to make provision about veterans advisory and pensions committees; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 202 0

A Bill to make provision about the enforcement of child support maintenance and other maintenance; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 186 0

A Bill to revoke certain retained EU law; to make provision relating to the interpretation of retained EU law and to its relationship with other law; to make provision relating to powers to modify retained EU law; to enable the restatement, replacement or

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 141 0

A Bill to prohibit the sale and advertising of activities abroad which involve low standards of welfare for animals.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 192 0

A Bill to make provision about non-domestic rating.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 193 0

A Bill to set minimum service standards for the provision of banking and postal services in rural areas, including for the provision of services through physical outlets; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 196 0

A Bill to make provision in connection with finance.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 181 0

A Bill to Extend the period during which departmental functions may be exercised in the absence of Ministers to cover the whole of the current period in which there is no Executive; to give the Secretary of State power, during that period, to commission a

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 152 0

A Bill to Make provision to prevent public bodies from being influenced by political or moral disapproval of foreign states when taking certain economic decisions, subject to certain exceptions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-27 155 0

Higher Education (Duty of Care) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-23 145 0

Banking and postal services (rural areas) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-23 173 0

Outdoor Education Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-22 169 0

Children in Hospital for Extended Periods (Report to Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-22 183 0

Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-20 199 0

Healthy Start Scheme (Take-Up) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-16 180 0

Spiking Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-15 178 0

Road Safety (Cycle Helmets) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-09 167 0

Food Poverty Strategy Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-09 177 0

Care Supporters Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-08 182 0

Pets (Theft and Importation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-08 204 0

Aviation Banning Orders (Disruptive Passengers) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-06 203 0

A Bill to require public authorities to exercise their statutory powers to investigate and take enforcement action for breaches of the law; to make provision for sanctions for failing to take such action; and for connected purposes., "Artificial Intellige

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-06-06 181 0

Ministerial Conduct (Training) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-29 186 0

Northern Ireland (Interim Arrangements) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-26 215 0

Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-26 174 0

Electricity Transmission (Compensation) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-26 180 0

Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-26 197 0

British Nationality (Regularisation of Past Practice) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-25 200 0

Animal Welfare (Responsibility for Dog Attacks) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-25 189 0

A Bill to provide for the regulation of competition in digital markets; to amend the Competition Act 1998 and the Enterprise Act 2002 and to make other provision about competition law; to make provision relating to the protection of consumer rights and to

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-22 156 0

A Bill to Make provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to identified or identifiable living individuals; to make provision about services consisting of the use of information to ascertain and verify facts about individuals;

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-22 174 0

A Bill to make provision about the determination of the fee limit for higher education courses provided by registered English higher education providers subject to a fee limit condition; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-22 176 0

A Bill to require public authorities to exercise their statutory powers to investigate and take enforcement action for breaches of the law; to make provision for sanctions for failing to take such action; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-22 179 0

A Bill to make provision about the regulation of supported exempt accommodation; to make provision about local authority oversight of, and enforcement powers relating to, the provision of supported exempt accommodation; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-22 183 0

A Bill to require the United Kingdom to achieve climate and nature targets; to give the Secretary of State a duty to implement a strategy to achieve those targets; to establish a Climate and Nature Assembly to advise the Secretary of State in creating tha

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 160 0

A Bill to exempt NHS clinical staff from the requirement to pay fees under section 68 of the Immigration Act 2014; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 182 0

A Bill to make provision for expenditure by the Secretary of State and the removal of restrictions in respect of certain land for or in connection with the construction of a Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 194 0

A Bill to provide for a statutory code of conduct for Ministers of the Crown; for a statutory code of conduct for members of the House of Commons and members of the House of Lords; for a statutory code of conduct for councillors in England; and for connec

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 141 0

A Bill to make provision about the welfare of certain kept animals that are in, imported into, or exported from Great Britain.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 192 0

A Bill to prohibit the import of young puppies; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 188 0

A Bill to Make provision about victims of criminal conduct and others affected by criminal conduct; about the appointment and functions of individuals to act as independent public advocates for victims of major incidents; about the release of prisoners; a

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 160 0

A Bill to require Her Majesty’s Government to formally recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915-16.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 202 0

A Bill to amend the Working Time Regulations 1998 to reduce the maximum working week from 48 hours per week to 32 hours per week and to provide for overtime pay; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 203 0

A Bill to place a duty on local authorities to maintain a register of children who are not in school; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 185 0

A Bill to make provision about lasting powers of attorney; to make provision about proof of instruments creating powers of attorney; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 150 0

A Bill to create the offence of impersonating a public sector website for the purpose of collecting payment or personal data; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 197 0

A Bill to require the coroner, following an inquest, to record an opinion as to the relevant factors in a case of death by suicide; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 189 0

A Bill to make provision to permit the capital surplus of co-operatives, mutuals and friendly societies to be non-distributable; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 191 0

A Bill to prohibit the import and export of shark fins and to make provision relating to the removal of fins from sharks.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 182 0

A Bill to make provision about leave and pay for employees with responsibility for children receiving neonatal care.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 188 0

A Bill to make provision prohibiting the import of hunting trophies into Great Britain.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 194 0

A Bill to establish a public Advocate to provide advice to, and act as data controller for, representatives of the deceased after major incidents

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 177 0

A Bill to regulate the use of minimum qualification or experience requirements in job applications; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 190 0

A Bill to exempt motor homes from caravan site licensing requirements; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 183 0

A Bill to prohibit the manufacture and sale of wet wipes containing plastic; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 189 0

A Bill to make provision enabling the making of arrangements for the collection of child support maintenance in cases involving domestic abuse

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 183 0

A Bill to make provision about the commemoration of the Nakba; to require the Secretary of State to encourage and facilitate annual commemoration of the Nakba; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 172 0

A Bill to make provision changing the law about rented homes, including provision abolishing fixed term assured tenancies and assured shorthold tenancies; imposing obligations on landlords and others in relation to rented homes and temporary and supported

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 140 0

A Bill to make provision about prohibiting the trustees and managers of pension schemes from being indemnified in respect of penalties imposed under pensions dashboards regulations.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 183 0

A Bill to amend the House of Lords Act 1999 so as to abolish the system of by-elections for hereditary peers.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-19 195 0

Renters (Reform) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-18 182 0

Children not in school (register) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-18 193 0

Nakba Commemoration Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-17 184 0

Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-15 203 0

Cladding Remediation Works (Code of Practice) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-11 176 0

Greater London Authority Act 1999 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-05 181 0

Public Order Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-04 185 0

Ballot Secrecy Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-04 182 0

National Minimum Wage Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-04 184 0

Pensions Dashboards (Prohibition of Indemnification) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-04 189 0

Mobile Homes (Pitch Fees) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-04 194 0

Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-05-04 187 0

Universal Jurisdiction (Extension) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-28 187 0

Carers and Care Workers Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-28 211 0

Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-28 189 0

Finance Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-28 172 0

Northern Ireland (Interim Arrangements) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-28 182 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Organ and Tissue Donation) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-28 213 0

Burglary (Police Response) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-28 196 0

Local Electricity (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-04-12 195 0

Elections (Voter Identification Requirements) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-31 191 0

Co-operatives (Permanent Shares) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-31 215 0

Bus Services (Consultation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-30 171 0

Victims and Prisoners Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-30 170 0

Humber2100+ Project Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-30 183 0

Inquests (Legal Representation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-29 172 0

Non-Domestic Rating Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-29 162 0

Protection from Sex-based Harassment in Public Bill, "First reading took place on 27 March. This stage is a formality that signals the start of the bills journey through the Lords. \r\nSecond reading - the general debate on all aspects of the bill - is ye

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-28 157 0

Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 185 0

UK Infrastructure Bank Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 198 0

Social Security (Additional Payments) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 179 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.", Telecommunications Infrastructure (Consultation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 212 0

Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 205 0

Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 182 0

Seafarers’ Wages Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 156 0

Defamation, Privacy, Freedom of Expression, Data Protection, Legal Services and Private Investigators Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-27 197 0

Water Quality (Sewage Discharge) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-24 181 0

Employment Equality (Insurance etc) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-24 161 0

National Parks (Camping) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-23 189 0

Same Sex Marriage (Church of England) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-23 155 0

Immigration and Nationality Fees (Exemption for NHS Clinical Staff) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-22 174 0

General Election (Public Support) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-21 177 0

Access to Elected Office Fund (Report) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-20 165 0

Planning (Quarries) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-16 187 0

Multi-storey car parks (safety) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-16 172 0

Coal Extraction and Use Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-15 175 0

Green Jobs (Definition and Promotion) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-15 208 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.", Access to Elected Office Fund (Report) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-14 183 0

Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-09 194 0

Online Abuse (Reporting) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-09 175 0

Pension Contributions Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-09 195 0

Illegal Migration Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-08 198 0

Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-06 186 0

Zoological Society of London (Leases) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-03 160 0

Sexual Offences (Prohibition of Name Change) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-03 182 0

Renewable Liquid Heating Fuel Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-03 171 0

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (Status) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-03 176 0

National Insurance (Voluntary Class 2 and 3 Contributions) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-03-03 190 0

Tyre Manufacture (Toxic Chemicals) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-24 186 0

Holocaust Memorial Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-24 186 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Organ and Tissue Donation) (changed from Northern Ireland (Executive Formation)) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-24 186 0

Affordable Housing (Conversion of Commercial Property) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-24 163 0

Disposable Electronic Cigarettes (Prohibition of Sale) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 174 0

Northern Ireland Budget Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 184 0

Stamp Duty Land Tax (Temporary Relief) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 187 0

Sun Protection Products (Value Added Tax) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 172 0

Social Security (Additional Payments) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 193 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Organ and Tissue Donation) (changed from Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 176 0

Seizure of Russian State Assets and Support for Ukraine Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 183 0

Electricity Transmission (Compensation) (changed from Electricity and Gas Transmission (Compensation)) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-23 172 0

A Bill to make provision for leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom to be granted to the family members of refugees and of people granted humanitarian protection; and to provide for legal aid to be made available in such cases.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-07 135 0

Elected Representatives (Codes of Conduct) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-07 166 0

A Bill to make provision in relation to freedom of speech and academic freedom in higher\r\neducation institutions and in students’ unions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-07 156 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offences; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-07 171 0

Scotland (Self-Determination) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-03 184 0

City of London (Markets) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-02 179 0

Seat Belts (Penalty Points) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-02 189 0

Lifelong Learning (Higher Education Fee Limits) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-02 184 0

Royal Albert Hall Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-02 199 0

Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-02 172 0

Clean Air Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-02 180 0

A Bill to address the legacy of the Northern Ireland Troubles and promote reconciliation by establishing an Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery, limiting criminal investigations, legal proceedings, inquests and police compla

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 184 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to pursue a policy of full employment; to make associated provision for an employment guarantee scheme for benefit claimants who have been unemployed and looking for work for longer than six months

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 163 0

A Bill to make provision for asylum seekers to challenge the proportionality of a proposed eviction from accommodation before an independent court or tribunal; to establish asylum seeker accommodation eviction procedures for public authorities; and for co

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 157 0

A Bill to require OFCOM to establish a unit to advise the Secretary of State regarding the use of social media platforms to encourage or assist serious self-harm and activities associated with risk of suicide; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 177 0

A Bill to grant powers to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to identify and investigate systemic problems in the benefits system and make associated recommendations to the Secretary of State; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 153 0

A Bill to make provision to include non-religious philosophical convictions within the school curriculum; to require that persons who hold non-religious philosophical convictions must be represented at standing advisory councils on religious education and

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 160 0

A Bill to make provision about workers’ rights; to amend the definition of worker; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 211 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish annual calculations of benefit and tax credit rates that would be required for a representative household to afford to buy meals in accordance with the Eatwell Guide to eating healthily; and for connecte

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 172 0

A Bill to amend the Scotland Act 1998 to grant legislative competence for employment matters to the Scottish Parliament.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 208 0

A Bill to make provision for the relocation of Billingsgate Market and the London Central Markets; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 168 0

A Bill to amend the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 to make provision about the offence of corporate homicide; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 212 0

A duty on the Secretary of State to ensure that applicants for Disability Benefit are given the option of their eligibility assessment being audio recorded; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 184 0

A Bill to make provision for granting permission to work to asylum seekers who have waited six months for a decision on their asylum application; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 201 0

A Bill To make provision about the regulation of financial services and markets; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 169 0

A Bill to make provision for new offences relating to public order; to make provision about stop and search powers; to make provision about the exercise of police functions relating to public order; to make provision about proceedings by the Secretary of

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 176 0

A Bill to make provision about economic crime and corporate transparency; to make further provision about companies, limited partnerships and other kinds of corporate entity; and to make provision about the registration of overseas entities.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 159 0

A Bill to make provision about protection from redundancy during or after pregnancy or after periods of maternity, adoption or shared parental leave.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 195 0

A Bill to make provision about unpaid leave for employees with caring responsibilities.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 187 0

A Bill to make provision in relation to the duties of employers and the protection of workers under the Equality Act 2010

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 200 0

A Bill to make provision for national minimum standards in accommodation offered to refugees and asylum seekers; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 183 0

A Bill to amend the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 to make provision about civil liability for breaches of health and safety duties, and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 221 0

A Bill to require proposals to be drawn up for the use of alternative dispute resolution processes to determine the compensation payable to landowners in certain cases where land is acquired for the purposes of electricity transmission.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 146 0

Make provision about threats to national security from espionage, sabotage and persons acting for foreign powers; about the extra-territorial application of Part 2 of the Serious Crime Act 2007; about the award of damages in proceedings relating to nation

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 172 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of repealing those provisions of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 which provide for persons to be paid reduced rates of housing benefit or universal credit because their accommodati

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 155 0

A Bill to make provision for a new employee share ownership scheme allowing preferential access for lower income workers; to reduce the Share Incentive Plan holding period from five to three years; to require companies to include declarations in annual re

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 187 0

A Bill to make provision about the days on which offenders are released from detention; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 176 0

A Bill to give workers and agency workers the right to request more predictable terms and conditions of work.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 185 0

A Bill to make provision to prevent the theft and re-sale of equipment and tools used by tradespeople and agricultural and other businesses; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 218 0

"Seafarers Wages Bill HL]", A Bill to make provision in relation to the remuneration of seafarers who do not qualify for the national minimum wage

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 145 0

A Bill to make provision about minimum service levels in connection with the taking by trade unions of strike action relating to certain services.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 216 0

A Bill to make provision about employment rights, including the right to request more predictable terms and conditions of work; to amend the definition of worker; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 183 0

A Bill to make provision for the setting of levelling-up missions and reporting on progress in delivering them; about local democracy; about town and country planning; about Community Infrastructure Levy; about the imposition of Infrastructure Levy; about

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 156 0

A Bill to make provision about the UK Infrastructure Bank

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 200 0

A Bill to make provision about procurement

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 204 0

A Bill to ensure that tips, gratuities and service charges paid by customers are allocated to workers.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 209 0

A Bill to extend eligibility to paternity leave and pay; to make provision for more flexibility in the timing of, and notice period for, paternity leave; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 194 0

A Bill to amend certain provisions of the Royal Albert Hall Act 1966 relating to the annual contribution payable by the Members of the Corporation towards the general purposes of the Royal Albert Hall; to make further provision regarding the exclusion of

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 183 0

A Bill to make provision about energy production and security and the regulation of the energy market, including provision about the licensing of carbon dioxide transport and storage; about commercial arrangements for industrial carbon capture and storage

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-02-01 161 0

Shared Parental Leave and Pay (Bereavement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-23 219 0

Fertility Treatment (Transparency) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-20 175 0

Northern Ireland Budget Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-20 215 0

Independent Anti-slavery Commissioner (Appointment by Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-19 186 0

Stamp Duty Land Tax (Temporary Relief) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-19 197 0

Markets and market traders (review of support) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-19 190 0

Free School Meals (Primary Schools) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-19 210 0

Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-19 188 0

Relocation of the House of Lords (Report to Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-01-19 191 0

Pre-Payment Meters (Temporary Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-09 174 0

Local Authority Boundaries Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-09 185 0

Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-08 189 0

Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-08 190 0

Counsellors of State Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-08 207 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-08 224 0

Protection of Care Recipients and Carers Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-07 185 0

National Eye Health Strategy Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-06 199 0

Roadworks (Regulation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-06 177 0

Bank Holidays (Wales) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-06 202 0

Royal Albert Hall Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-06 189 0

Elections (Proportional Representation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-06 202 0

Leasehold Reform (Forfeiture) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-12-06 175 0

Pre-Payment Meters (Self-Disconnection) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-25 198 0

Sexually-motivated Manslaughter (Sentencing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-24 186 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-22 183 0

Ecology Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-22 184 0

Finance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-21 221 0

Hares (Close Season) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-18 194 0

Teenagers (Safety and Wellbeing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-18 185 0

Planning Application Fees Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-18 191 0

Trade (Australia and New Zealand) (Parliamentary Approval) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-18 197 0

Referendums (Supermajority) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 188 0

Employee Share Ownership (Reform) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 208 0

Plastics (Recycling, Sustainability and Pollution Reduction) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 197 0

Independent Adviser on Ministers’ Interests (Appointment by Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 196 0

Counsellors of State Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 198 0

Higher Education (Widening Access and Participation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 189 0

Tax Reform Commission Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 197 0

NHS Prescriptions (Drug Tariff Labelling) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 174 0

Sale of Tobacco (Licensing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-17 205 0

Consumer Telephone Service Standards Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-03 188 0

Internet Access (Children Eligible for Free School Meals) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-03 188 0

Healthy Start Scheme (Take-Up) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-03 165 0

General Election (Date) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-02 233 0

Former Ministers and Prime Ministers (Abolition of Payments) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-11-02 227 0

House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) (No. 2) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-28 205 0

Energy Prices Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-27 218 0

Social Security (Special Rules for End of Life) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-27 220 0

Supply and Appropriation (Adjustments) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-27 215 0

Ministerial and other Pensions and Salaries (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-27 212 0

Health and Social Care Levy (Repeal) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-27 212 0

Stamp Duty Land Tax (Reduction) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-25 197 0

Supply and Appropriation (Adjustments) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-25 168 0

Transport Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-21 170 0

Energy Costs (Pre-payment Meters and Social Tariffs) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-21 174 0

Working Time Regulations (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-20 200 0

Energy Equity Commission Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-20 178 0

Financial Investment and Deforestation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-19 195 0

Marine Activities (Licensing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-14 202 0

Bowel Conditions (Assessment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-13 195 0

Sale of Property (Sealed Bids) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-13 190 0

Electronic Trade Documents Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-13 194 0

Energy Prices Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-10-12 166 0

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-23 146 0

Health and Social Care Levy (Repeal) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-23 137 0

Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-23 163 0

Leasehold Reform (Tribunal Judgments and Legal Costs) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-09 149 0

Lithium-ion Battery Storage (Fire Safety and Environmental Permits) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-09 179 0

Criminal Appeal (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-08 140 0

Energy Costs (Domestic Customers and Small Business) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-08 121 0

Public Service (Integrity and Ethics) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-09-06 133 0

Bus Services Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-22 148 0

Financial Services and Markets Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-21 142 0

Supply of Drugs to Children Under 16 (Aggravated Offence) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-21 141 0

Regulated and Other Activities (Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-21 155 0

Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-19 203 0

British Bill of Rights and Withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-19 184 0

Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-19 147 0

Energy (Oil and Gas) Profits Levy Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-19 141 0

Fashion Supply Chain (Code and Adjudicator) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-15 258 0

Leasehold Reform (Disclosure and Insurance Commissions) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-15 192 0

Leasehold Reform (Reasonableness of Service Charges) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-14 153 0

Inheritance Tax Act 1984 (Amendment) (Siblings) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-08 129 0

Marriage (Same Sex Couples) (Overseas Territories) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-07 222 0

Kinship Care Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-07 157 0

Energy Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-07 244 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.", Social Security (Additional Payments) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-07 177 0

Energy (Oil and Gas) Profits Levy Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-06 146 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.", Social Housing (Regulation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-04 168 0

Social Security (Additional Payments) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-01 123 0

Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-01 124 0

House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-07-01 124 0

Elected Representatives (Prohibition of Deception) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-30 151 0

Mobile Homes (Pitch Fees) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 173 0

Covid-19 Vaccine Diagnosis and Treatment Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 167 0

Children’s Clothing (Value Added Tax) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 173 0

Anonymity of Suspects Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 164 0

Employment (Dismissal and Re-engagement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 170 0

Removal of Titles Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 184 0

Domestic Energy (Value Added Tax) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 168 0

Participation in Court Proceedings (Live Links) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-27 166 0

Minimum Energy Performance of Buildings Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-23 119 0

Fertility Treatment (Employment Rights) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-23 109 0

Ministerial Interests (Public Appointments) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-23 108 0

Protection for Whistleblowing Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-23 130 0

Ministerial Code (Enforcement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-23 194 0

Bill of Rights Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-23 114 0

War Pension Scheme and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (Public Inquiry) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-23 111 0

Care Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 130 0

Short-term and Holiday-let Accommodation (Licensing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 121 0

Chalk Streams (Protection) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 164 0

Flashing Images Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 111 0

Firearms Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 157 0

Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 109 0

Public Advocate (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 142 0

Pensions Dashboards (Prohibition of Indemnification) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 121 0

Telecommunications Infrastructure (Consultation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 95 0

Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 162 0

Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-22 162 0

Powers of Attorney Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 130 0

Dyslexia Screening and Teacher Training Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 141 0

Shark Fins Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 141 0

Marine Protected Areas (Bottom Trawling) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 180 0

Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 113 0

Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 143 0

Child Support Collection (Domestic Abuse) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 116 0

Online Sale of Goods (Safety) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-20 112 0

Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 151 0

Equipment Theft (Prevention) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 167 0

Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 135 0

Employment and Trade Union Rights (Dismissal and Re-engagement) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 157 0

Protection from Sex-based Harassment in Public Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 152 0

Carer’s Leave Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 153 0

Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 122 0

Terminal Illness (Support and Rights) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 141 0

Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 130 0

Offenders (Day of Release from Detention) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 151 0

Co-operatives, Mutuals and Friendly Societies Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 130 0

Child Support (Enforcement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 147 0

Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 140 0

Private Burial Grounds and Cemeteries Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 197 0

Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 144 0

Electricity and Gas Transmission (Compensation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-17 132 0

Social Security (Additional Payments) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-16 150 0

Education (Non-religious Philosophical Convictions) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-15 127 0

Water Safety (Curriculum) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-15 120 0

Protection of Whistleblowing Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-14 124 0

Northern Ireland Protocol Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-14 112 0

School (Reform of Pupil Selection) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-14 124 0

Health Promotion Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-10 115 0

Public Advocate Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-10 133 0

Women, Peace and Security Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-09 141 0

Social Housing (Regulation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-09 137 0

Genocide Determination Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-09 153 0

Government of Wales (Devolved Powers) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-08 159 0

OFCOM (Duty regarding Prevention of Serious Self-harm and Suicide) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-06-08 139 0

Ballot Secrecy Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-27 214 0

Climate and Ecology Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-26 174 0

Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-26 141 0

Heritage Railways and Tramways (Voluntary Work) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-26 155 0

Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-26 127 0

Local Authority (Housing Allocation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-25 115 0

Domestic Premises (Electrical Safety Certificate) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-25 169 0

Universal Credit (Removal of Two Child Limit) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-24 118 0

Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-20 136 0

Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-18 156 0

UK Infrastructure Bank Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 202 0

Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 164 0

Public Order Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 210 0

Social Security (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 185 0

Procurement Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 158 0

Schools Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 141 0

Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 138 0

National Security Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-12 164 0

Local Government (Disqualification) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-10 161 0

Approved Premises (Substance Testing) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-10 163 0

Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-10 158 0

Glue Traps (Offences) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-10 155 0

Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-10 164 0

Professional Qualifications Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-10 166 0

Animals (Penalty Notices) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-06 134 0

Subsidy Control Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-06 163 0

Down Syndrome Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-06 120 0

Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-06 159 0

Wellbeing of Future Generations (No. 2) Bill, "A Bill to make provision for a public consultation to inform a set of national wellbeing goals; to require public bodies to act in pursuit of the United Kingdom’s environmental, social, economic and cultura

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-06 124 0

Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-06 160 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.", Nationality and Borders Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-05 117 0

Import of Products of Forced Labour from Xinjiang (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-04 102 0

Nationality and Borders Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-04 105 0

Whistleblowing Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-04 159 0

Ministers (Tax Residency Status and Trusts) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-05-04 185 0

Elections Act 2022, "A Bill to make provision about the administration and conduct of elections, including provision designed to strengthen the integrity of the electoral process; about overseas electors; about voting and candidacy rights of EU citizens;

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 156 0

Road Traffic Act 1988 (Alcohol Limits) (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 119 0

Lead Ammunition (Restriction) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 142 0

Monken Hadley Common Act

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 167 0

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 157 0

Pension Schemes (Conversion of Guaranteed Minimum Pensions) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 134 0

Health and Care Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 160 0

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (Status) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 152 0

Emissions Reduction (Local Authorities in London) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 116 0

British Sign Language Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 137 0

Judicial Review and Courts Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-29 147 0

Hereditary Titles (Female Succession) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-22 133 0

Sewage Discharges Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-21 159 0

Nuclear Energy (Financing) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-04 183 0

Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-04 195 0

National Insurance Contributions (Increase of Thresholds) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-04 206 0

Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-04 191 0

Breast Screening Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-04-01 165 0

Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Payments Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-31 237 0

Short and Holiday-Let Accommodation (Registration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-25 182 0

National Insurance Contributions (Increase of Thresholds) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-25 151 0

Petroleum (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-25 184 0

Shared Prosperity Fund (Wales) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-24 186 0

Highgate Cemetery Act

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-23 237 0

Armenian Genocide (Recognition) Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government to formally recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915-16.", Skills and Post-16 Education Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-22 175 0

Online Safety Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-21 150 0

Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (Freedom of Expression) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-21 141 0

Healthcare (Delayed Discharges) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-18 159 0

House of Lords (Retirement Age) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-18 152 0

Healthy Homes Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-18 187 0

Social Housing (Emergency Protection of Tenancy Rights) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-17 174 0

Digital Devices (Access for Next of Kin) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-17 170 0

Co-operatives (Employee Company Ownership) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-17 179 0

Quad Bikes Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-17 179 0

National Insurance Contributions Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-16 170 0

Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-16 155 0

Carbon Emissions (Buildings) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-16 189 0

Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-16 165 0

Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-15 180 0

Ministerial Disclosure (Fixed Penalty Notices) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-15 153 0

Registration of Overseas Entities Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-14 179 0

Pets (Microchips) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-11 166 0

Women Leaving Prison (Safe Accommodation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 194 0

Official Development Assistance Equalities Impact Assessment (Women and Girls) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 185 0

Surgical Mesh (Support) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 198 0

Miscarriage and Stillbirth (Black and Asian Women) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 176 0

Planning (Women’s Safety) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 182 0

State Pension Underpayments (Divorced Women) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 202 0

Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 170 0

Maternity Services (Rural Areas) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 219 0

Rape (Conviction Rates) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 180 0

Gender Pay Gap Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 201 0

Institutes of Technology (Royal Charter) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-10 186 0

Fire Safety Remediation Charges (Recovery and Enforcement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-09 185 0

Spiking (Offence) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-09 178 0

Air Pollution (Local Authority Audits) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-09 181 0

Benefit Cap (Report on Abolition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-08 212 0

Firearms and Hate Crime Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-08 209 0

Marine Protected Areas (Bottom Trawling) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-03 2 0

Monken Hadley Common Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-02 4 0

Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-02 5 0

Highgate Cemetery Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-01 4 0

Digitally Altered Body Images Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-03-01 2 0

Elections Bill, "A Bill to make provision about the administration and conduct of elections, including provision designed to strengthen the integrity of the electoral process; about overseas electors; about voting and candidacy rights of EU citizens; abou

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 4 0

High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 4 0

Child Criminal Exploitation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 3 0

Energy Pricing (Off Gas Grid Households) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 6 0

Charities Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 3 0

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (Status) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 2 0

Dormant Assets Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 2 0

Finance Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 4 0

Advanced Research and Invention Agency Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 5 0

War Powers Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 3 0

Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 4 0

Prisons (Violence) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-28 4 0

Parliamentary Elections (Optional Preferential Vote) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 1 0

Green Belt Protection Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 2 0

Ministerial Competence (External Review) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 2 0

Energy Company Obligation (Cavity Wall Insulation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 1 0

Northern Ireland (Ministers, Elections and Petitions of Concern) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 4 0

Motor Vehicle Tests (Diesel Particulate Filters) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 3 0

Charities (Income Source Statements) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 2 0

Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill HL], "A Bill to make provision for a public consultation to inform a set of national wellbeing goals; to require public bodies to act in pursuit of the United Kingdom’s environmental, social, economic and cultural we

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 3 0

Local Welfare Assistance (Statements) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 2 0

Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 3 0

Learning Disabilities (Access to Services) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 4 0

Seals (Protection) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2022-02-13 2 0

Cold Climate Allowance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2021-12-16 2 0

Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Act 2021

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2021-12-16 2 0

Hares (Closed Season) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2021-12-15 3 0

Community Wealth Fund Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-10 1 0

Duchy of Cornwall Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-10 3 0

Dyslexia Screening Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-09 2 0

Mandatory Training on Learning Disabilities and Autism Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-08 4 0

Ambulance Waiting Times (Local Reporting) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-06 4 0

Trade Agreements (Parliamentary Scrutiny and Farming) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-03 3 0

Quarries (Planning) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-03 2 0

Road Traffic Offences (Cycling) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-02 3 0

Microplastic Filters (Washing Machines) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-02 2 0

House of Lords (Elected Senate) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-12-01 1 0

Public Authority Algorithm Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-30 3 0

Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-30 3 0

Social Media Platforms (Identity Verification) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-29 3 0

Hate Crime (Misogyny) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-29 3 0

Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-25 3 0

Climate Education Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-25 4 0

Members of Parliament (Prohibition of Second Jobs) (Motion) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-25 5 0

Peerage Nominations (Disqualification of Party Donors) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-19 5 0

Disposable Barbecues Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-19 4 0

Flooding (Prevention and Insurance) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-18 3 0

Acquired Brain Injury Bill

David Ademola United Kingdom 2021-11-16 12 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-11 3 0

Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-10 2 0

Plastics (Wet Wipes) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-08 6 0

Schools and Educational Settings (Essential Infrastructure and Opening During Emergencies) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-08 5 0

Public Houses (Electrical Safety) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-11-03 5 0

Finance (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-28 5 0

Electricity Grid (Review) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-28 5 0

Social Media Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-27 4 0

Construction (Retentions Abolition) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-27 6 0

Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-27 2 0

Decarbonisation and Economic Strategy Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-22 2 0

Health and Social Care Levy Act 2021

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-22 4 0

Company Transparency (Carbon in Supply Chains) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-21 9 0

Bereavement Leave and Pay (Stillborn and Miscarried Babies) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-21 1 0

Devolution (Employment) (Scotland) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-10-21 2 0

Unauthorised Development (Offences) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-24 4 0

Hen Caging (Prohibition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-24 4 0

Multi-Academy Trusts (Ofsted Inspection) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-10 5 0

Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-09 2 0

Misuse of Fireworks Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-09 3 0

Critical Benchmarks (References and Administrators' Liability) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-09 3 0

Transport (Disabled Passenger Charter) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-09 3 0

Health and Social Care Levy Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-09-08 3 0

Local Electricity Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-26 4 0

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Pension Transfers (Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Investigation) Bill Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-26 5 0

Button Batteries (Safety) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-26 4 1

Minimum Energy Performance of Buildings (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-23 4 0

Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-23 1 0

Judicial Review and Courts Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-23 3 0

Minimum Energy Performance of Buildings Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-20 6 0

Divorce (Financial Provision) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-20 2 0

Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-20 4 0

Children (Access to Treatment) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-19 5 0

Planning and Local Representation Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-16 2 0

Tibet and Xinjiang (Reciprocal Access) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-16 11 0

House of Lords (Peerage Nominations) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-15 3 0

Electric Vehicle Charging Points (New Buildings) (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-15 3 0

Dogs (DNA Databases) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-09 4 0

Israel Arms Trade (Prohibition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-09 4 0

Fire and Building Safety (Public Inquiry) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-08 2 0

Nationality and Borders Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-07 4 0

Health and Care Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-07 5 0

Building Safety Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-05 4 0

Elections Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-05 4 0

Certificate of Loss Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-02 4 0

Marriage Act 1949 (Amendment) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-02 4 0

Flexible Working Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-02 4 0

Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-01 2 0

Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-01 3 0

Subsidy Control Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-07-01 3 0

Plastic Pollution Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Social Security Benefits (Healthy Eating) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

Health and Safety at Work Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Workers (Rights) (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Pregnancy and Maternity (Redundancy Protection) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 1 0

Immigration (Health and Social Care Staff) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Intimate Images (Offences) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Workers (Rights) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Asylum Seekers (Accommodation Eviction Procedures) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

Evictions (Universal Credit) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Full Employment Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Planning (Proper Maintenance of Land) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

Universal Credit Sanctions (Zero Hours Contracts) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Under-Occupancy Penalty (Report) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

Benefit Sanctions (Warnings) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (Powers) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

Housing Standards (Refugees and Asylum Seekers) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Disability Benefit Assessments (Recording) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Workers (Rights and Definition) (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

NHS (Prohibition of Data Transfer) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Regulatory Impact Assessments Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Mobile Homes Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Green Belt (Protection) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 1 0

BBC Licence Fee Non-Payment (Decriminalisation for Over-75s) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

Children's Clothing (Value Added Tax) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

National Health Service Co-Funding and Co-Payment Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Rule of Law (Enforcement by Public Authorities) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Workers (Rights and Definition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

British Broadcasting Corporation (Privatisation) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Barnett Formula (Replacement) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Illegal Immigration (Offences) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Public Sector Exit Payments (Limitation) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

Channel 4 (Privatisation) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 2 0

Caravan Sites Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 4 0

Workers (Employment Security and Definition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-25 3 0

NHS England (Alternative Treatment) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Hunting Trophy Import (Prohibition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Education (16 to 19 Academies) (Religious Character) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Kinship Care (Parental Leave) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Tips Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Electric Vehicle Charging Points (New Buildings) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Miscarriage Leave Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 4 0

Human Trafficking (Child Protection) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Leader of the House of Commons (Election) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Prime Minister (Accountability to House of Commons) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Voter Registration Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

General Election (Leaders’ Debates) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Crown Estate (Devolution to Wales) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 5 0

Electoral Candidates (Age) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Electoral Commission (Abolition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Employment (Application Requirements) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 4 0

Armenian Genocide (Recognition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 5 0

House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (Amendment) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 6 0

Caravan Site Licensing (Exemptions of Motor Homes) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 5 0

Puppy Import (Prohibition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Broadcasting (Listed Sporting Events) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 4 0

Public Sector Website Impersonation Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

North Northamptonshire (Urgent Care Facilities) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Hospitals (Parking Charges and Business Rates) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Asylum Seekers (Return to Safe Countries) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

BBC Licence Fee (Abolition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Human Trafficking (Sentencing) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Homeless People (Current Accounts) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 3 0

Business of the House Commission Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Consumer Pricing Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 5 0

Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-24 2 0

Unsolicited Explicit Images and Deepfake Pornography Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 1 0

Commercial Rent (Prohibition of Upward-Only Reviews) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Mental Health Provision (Children and Young People) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 2 0

Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Local Authority Boundaries (Referendums) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Palestine Statehood (Recognition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Pedicabs (London) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

British Goods (Public Sector Purchasing Duty) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Paternity (Leave and Pay) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Public Bodies (Representation from Devolved Nations) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Corporate Homicide Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 2 0

Miniature Mobile Phones (Prohibition of Sale) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Registers of Births and Deaths Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 2 0

Employment Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

City of Bradford (Referendum on Shipley and Keighley) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Employment (Caring Leave) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 2 0

Conversion Therapy (Prohibition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Prime Minister (Temporary Replacement) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Public Advocate Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 2 0

Approved Premises (Substance Testing) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Climate and Ecology Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Clean Air Targets (World Health Organization Guidelines) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

Goods Delivery Services Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Domestic Building Works (Consumer Protection) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreements Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 2 0

Wellbeing of Future Generations (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 4 0

Energy Pricing Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-23 3 0

British Sign Language Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 2 0

Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 5 0

Modern Slavery (Amendment) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 3 0

Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 2 0

Local Government (Disqualification) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 4 0

Childcare Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 1 0

Copyright (Rights and Remuneration of Musicians, Etc.) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 4 0

Menopause (Support and Services) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 5 0

Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 4 0

Employment and Trade Union Rights (Dismissal and Re-engagement) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 3 0

Front-loaded Child Benefit Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 5 0

Climate Change Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 3 0

Planning (Enforcement) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 1 0

Medical Cannabis (Access) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 6 0

Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 2 0

Cultural Objects (Protection from Seizure) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 1 0

Pension Schemes (Conversion of Guaranteed Minimum Pensions) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 4 0

Cigarette Stick Health Warnings Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 4 0

Down Syndrome Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 3 0

Acquired Brain Injury Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 4 0

Hare Coursing Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 3 0

Digital Economy Act 2017 (Amendment) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 2 0

Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 5 0

Glue Traps (Offences) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 3 0

Animals (Penalty Notices) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 8 0

Office for Demographic Change Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 2 0

Constitutional Convention Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-20 4 0

Tool Theft (Prevention) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Compensation (London Capital & Finance plc and Fraud Compensation Fund) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

National Insurance Contributions Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Northern Ireland (Ministers, Elections and Petitions of Concern) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

High-rise Properties (Electrical Safety) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Skills and Post-16 Education Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

NHS Pay Award (Report) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Education (Assemblies) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Environment (Regulation) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 1 0

Office of the Whistleblower Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Dormant Assets Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Coroners (Determination of Suicide) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Age Assurance (Minimum Standards) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 13 0

Coronavirus (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Education (Environment and Sustainable Citizenship) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 6 0

Housing and Homelessness (Local Accommodation Duty) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Landfill Sites (Odorous Emissions) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Refugees (Family Reunion) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 5 0

Pig Husbandry (Farrowing) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Electrical Safety (Online Sales) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Organ Tourism and Cadavers on Display Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Representation of the People (Young People’s Enfranchisement) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Game Birds (Cage Breeding) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Assisted Dying Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Digital Economy Act 2017 (Commencement of Part 3) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Goods and Services of UK Origin Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Gaming Hardware (Automated Purchase and Resale) (No. 2) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Scottish Parliament (Disqualification of Members of the House of Commons) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Road User Charging (Outer London) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2021

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Onshore Wind Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 5 0

Status of Workers Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Sewage (Inland Waters) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

First-Aid (Mental Health) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Charities Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Elderly Social Care (Insurance) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Fur Trade (Prohibition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Education Employment (Accompaniment to Hearings) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Planning (Local Authority Housing Developments) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Higher Education Cheating Services Prohibition Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Professional Qualifications Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill HL]

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

High Performance Vehicle Renting (Regulation) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Gaming Hardware (Automated Purchase and Resale) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Abolition of Business Rates Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 6 0

Contingencies Fund Act 2021

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Internet Access Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Air Quality Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 6 0

Armed Forces Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Ministerial Interests (Emergency Powers) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Covid-19 Financial Assistance (Gaps in Support) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Finance Act 2021

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Football (Regulation) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 1 0

Youth Courts and Sentencing Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 5 0

Banking Services (Post Offices) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Driving Tests (Repayment of Test Fees) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Act 2021

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 4 0

Local Welfare Assistance Provision (Review) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 5 0

Essay Mills (Prohibition) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Freedom of Speech (Universities) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 3 0

Victims of Crime and Anti-social Behaviour, Etc (Rights, Entitlements and Related Matters) Bill

Robert Sell United Kingdom 2021-06-12 2 0

Representantforslag om å stanse insektdøden - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-07-01 294 0

Representantforslag om å la unge jobbe mer og skatte mindre

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 221 0

Representantforslag om å støtte lokale drikkevareprodusenter og styrke bøndenes inntektsmuligheter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 235 0

Representantforslag om å stanse insektdøden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 208 0

Representantforslag om å sikre alle foreldre muligheten til å være forelder til sitt eget barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 258 0

Representantforslag om oppfølging av kvalitetsnormen for villaks

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 245 0

Representantforslag om en reell handlingsplan for sirkulær økonomi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 242 0

Representantforslag om styrking av kontaktlærerfunksjonen for å gi lærerne mer tid til elevene og legge bedre til rette for at hele laget rundt eleven får mer tid ute på skolene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-24 259 0

Representantforslag om en nordisk produktivitetskommisjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-21 287 0

Representantforslag om yrkesfagløft 2.0

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-20 293 0

Representantforslag om skoleeierskap og en styrket oppfølgingsordning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-20 243 0

Representantforslag om å sikre etiske standarder i gravferdsbransjen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-18 247 0

Representantforslag om at juks aldri skal lønne seg i asyl- og innvandringssaker

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-13 281 0

Representantforslag om å styrke arbeidslinjen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-07 325 0

Representantforslag om et bedre og mer nyansert informasjonstilbud under svangerskapet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-05 219 0

Representantforslag om å styrke Norges bilaterale forhold til Republikken Kina (Taiwan)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-06-05 262 0

Representantforslag om å innføre offentlig finansierte vaksiner mot vannkopper og helvetesild

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-31 290 0

Representantforslag om å ivareta nasjonal sikkerhet på den norske handelsflåten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-30 243 0

Representantforslag om landsdekkende institusjonstilbud for barn som har begått alvorlige eller gjentatte lovbrudd

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-24 296 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Andreas Sjalg Unneland, Audun Lysbakken og Kirsti Bergstø om rammene for Etterretningstenesta

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-17 222 0

Representantforslag om en rask etablering av en kompensasjonsordning for oljearbeidere fra pionertiden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-17 220 0

Representantforslag om å gjenåpne veisystemet i og rundt Oslo

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-15 305 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre fast fashion dyrere og brukthandel billigere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-14 265 0

Representantforslag om ivaretagelse av minnesmerker over personer og begivenheter knyttet til krigshendelser, forsvarsrelatert aktivitet og nordmenn i utenlandstjeneste

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-09 265 0

Representantforslag om å løfte flere barn ut av fattigdom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-09 299 0

Representantforslag om konsekvenser av fleksibel skolestart

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-01 287 0

Representantforslag om kjønn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-05-01 284 0

Representantforslag om å sikre ansatte i eget selskap muligheten til å selge sine tjenester gjennom innleie

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-30 278 0

Representantforslag om å fremme innkjøp, bruk og reparasjon av elbiler med lav miljøbelastning i hele livsløpet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-26 289 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne subsidiene over statsbudsjettet til selfangst

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-19 279 0

Representantforslag om en mer sirkulær byggenæring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 345 0

Representantforslag om å endre utlånsforskriften for å hjelpe flere førstegangskjøpere inn på boligmarkedet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 368 0

Representantforslag om å legge ned veto mot EUs fjerde energimarkedspakke

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 315 0

Representantforslag om å forhindre et folkemord på Gazastripen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 370 0

Representantforslag om å forebygge, dokumentere og slå ned på lønnstyveri, og hjelpe ofrene for arbeidslivskriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 273 0

Representantforslag om forslag til medlemskapsavtale som legges fram for folkeavstemning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 323 0

Representantforslag om en bærekraftig reindriftsforvaltning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 299 0

Representantforslag om å bygge opp systemet for restaurering av natur og dyreliv i Norge i tråd med målsettingene i naturavtalen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 286 0

Representantforslag om utfasing av torv i hagejord

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 379 0

Representantforslag om å la arbeidsfolk beholde mer av verdiene de skaper

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 315 0

Representantforslag om å bevare og restaurere økosystemet i Oslofjorden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 293 0

Representantforslag om en bedre praksis for gravide kvinners møte med helsevesenet og praksis for innvilgelse av planlagt keisersnitt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 276 0

Representantforslag om forbud mot engangsgrill

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 354 0

Representantforslag om å stanse nedleggelsen av rusbehandlingsenheten ved Tronvik

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 301 0

Representantforslag om nattog til København

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 301 0

Representantforslag om å styrke yrkesfagopplæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 360 0

Representantforslag om trygge barnehager og skoler

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 360 0

Representantforslag om bedre rammevilkår for oppstartsbedrifter og investeringer i teknologi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 293 0

Representantforslag om å føre økonomisk tilsyn med kommersielle barnehagekjeder på konsernnivå

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 323 0

Representantforslag om å reservere anbud for ideelle aktører

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 304 0

Representantforslag om bedre rammebetingelser for veteran- og entusiastkjøretøy

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 303 0

Representantforslag om gransking av Birgitte Tengs-saken

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 366 0

Representantforslag om kjernekraft i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 357 0

Representantforslag om å tette skattehull

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 644 0

Representantforslag om å prioritere kraften strengere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 341 0

Representantforslag om kinesisk nedsalg i TikTok

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 369 0

Representantforslag om innreise fra palestinere på Gaza med tilknytning til Norge behandles på humanitært grunnlag

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-25 363 0

Representantforslag om å evaluere og styrke voldserstatningsordningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 328 0

Representantforslag om å stille alle utvisningssaker der barn er involvert, i bero

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 354 0

Representantforslag om innreise fra folk på Gaza med tilknytning til Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 328 0

Representantforslag om å trekke Statens pensjonsfond utland ut av selskaper som bidrar til å opprettholde ulovlige israelske bosettinger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 355 0

Representantforslag om stans av nye hyttefelt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 372 0

Representantforslag om å ta bedre vare på matjorda

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 390 0

Representantforslag om mer landbasert mineralutvinning og sirkulærøkonomi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 321 0

Representantforslag om å etablere en nasjonal sikkerhetsstrategi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 351 0

Representantforslag om å redusere bompengebelastningen i Ryfast

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-21 375 0

Representantforslag om krav til erstatningskraft for elektrifisering av petroleumsinstallasjoner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-21 345 0

Representantforslag om å stille alle utvisningssaker der barn er involvert i bero

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 346 0

Representantforslag om en uavhengig granskning av Fosen-saken

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 349 0

Representantforslag om innføring av et årlig mål for reduksjon av avskoging i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 344 0

Representantforslag om å innføre et nasjonalt forbud mot privat bruk av fyrverkeri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 400 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Hege Bae Nyholt, Kathy Lie og Olaug Vervik Bollestad om å innføra nettpornofilter på offentlege og kommunalt eigde nettverk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-19 367 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Hege Bae Nyholt, Kathy Lie og Olaug Vervik Bollestad å innføra nettpornofilter på offentlege og kommunalt eigde nettverk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-18 298 0

Representantforslag om nnføring av et årlig mål for reduksjon av avskoging i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-18 391 0

Representantforslag om en ferdigbehandling av Nasjonal ramme for vindkraft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-18 355 0

Representantforslag om å styrke nettolønnsordningen for sjøfolk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-15 346 0

Representantforslag om konsesjon på datasentre

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-11 357 0

Representantforslag om deltakelse i EU-kommisjonens European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-11 343 0

Representantforslag omsorgssektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-11 368 0

Representantforslag om å gi kommunene mulighet til å forby fyrverkeri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 374 0

Representantforslag om en tiltakspakke for å ruste norske kommuner i integreringsarbeidet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 324 0

Representantforslag om deltakelse i EU-kommisjonens European Industrial SMR Alliance

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 346 0

Representantforslag om konsesjon på datasenter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 389 0

Representantforslag omsorgsektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 389 0

Representantforslag om tiltakspakke for å ruste norske kommuner i integreringsarbeidet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-07 309 0

Representantforslag om å innføre inkluderingsmål i statlig og kommunalt arbeidsliv

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-07 359 0

Representantforslag om videreutvikling av veireformen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-07 405 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre sykehusene til bedre arbeidsgivere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-06 363 0

Representantforslag om å sikre uavhengige utredninger av naturverdier og naturpåvirkning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-06 331 0

Representantforslag om å ta tilbake kontrollen over leiemarkedet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-06 409 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at norsk kommersielt skogbruk bidrar til å nå målene i naturavtalen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-01 314 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre det straffbart med besittelse og deling av overgrepsmateriale mot dyr

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-01 369 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Birgit Oline Kjerstad, Marian Hussein og Andreas Sjalg Unneland om reell rett til gjenforeining med familie i Gaza

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-01 333 0

Representantforslag om å styrke kampen mot antisemittisme

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-29 417 0

Representantforslag om konkrete tiltak mot æreskriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-29 395 0

Representantforslag om en langtidsplan for Norges digitale infrastruktur

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-28 346 0

Representantforslag om spesialisthelsetjenestene i Alta og stoppe nedbyggingen av dagkirurgi-tilbudet ved Klinikk Alta

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-28 418 0

Representantforslag om endringer i markedsregulatorordningene i landbruket for å bidra til et rettferdig system som både sikrer produksjonsgrunnlag og sunn konkurranse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-19 325 0

Representantforslag om et lærebokløft og mindre og bedre regulert skjermbruk i skolen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-16 372 0

Representantforslag om endringer i markedsregulatorordningene i landbruket, for å bidra et rettferdig system som både sikrer produksjonsgrunnlag og sunn konkurranse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-15 321 0

Representantforslag om å øke bestandsmålene for ulv, jerv og gaupe

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-15 331 0

Representantforslag om utbedring av Veibustkrysset på E39

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-14 360 0

Representantforslag om å gi flere mulighet til å få barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-12 326 0

Representantforslag Ane Breivik, Abid Raja, Grunde Almeland, Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik, Guri Melby, André N. Skjelstad og Alfred Jens Bjørlo om å gi flere mulighet til å få barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 368 0

Representantforslag omstilling av en oppdrettsnæring i krise

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 347 0

Representantforslag om forbud mot hawala-virksomhet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 363 0

Representantforslag om revisjon av Norges dronestrategi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 356 0

Representantforslag om opprettelse av psykiatrigrupper i flere politidistrikter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 320 0

Representantforslag om mulighet for utestengelse av Israel fra Eurovision Song Contest

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-07 330 0

Representantforslag om å sikre valgfrihet og kvalitet i rusbehandling

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-07 331 0

Representantforslag om å nedsette en æreskriminalitetskommisjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-02 327 0

Representantforslag om umiddelbar økning i finansieringen av politiet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-01 311 0

Representantforslag om endringer i jernbanereformen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-01 320 0

Representantforslag om bynasjonalparker

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-31 348 0

Representantforslag om tilbakekall av oppholdstillatelse og statsborgerskap

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-22 320 0

Representantforslag om en ny arealpolitikk for å stanse nedbygging av norsk natur

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 267 0

Representantforslag om utslippskrav til kjøretøy ved offentlig anskaffelse til veitransport

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 301 0

Representantforslag om å sikre krigsseilerne en verdig alderdom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 353 0

Representantforslag om foreldelse av fordringer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 323 0

Representantforslag om bedre forebygging og bekjempelse av vold mot og drap av kvinner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 300 0

Representantforslag om sikre krigsseilerne en verdig alderdom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-18 291 0

Representantforslag om en rausere pleiepengeordning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-18 353 0

Representantforslag om fullfinansiering av statlig påførte utgifter til kommunene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-18 276 0

Representantforslag om å oppheve godkjenning av endret veinormal

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-11 359 0

Representantforslag om fritak for skatt på egenprodusert strøm til eget forbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-08 300 0

Representantforslag om Fritak for skatt på egenprodusert strøm til eget forbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-05 287 0

Representantforslag om ytterligere tiltak for å bekjempe vold og trusler i norsk skole

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 217 0

Representantforslag om å styrke logopeddekningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 369 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at Statens pensjonsfond utland trekker sine investeringer ut av selskaper som bryter grunnleggende arbeidstakerrettigheter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 280 0

Representantforslag om å prisjustere dagens alternativkostnad

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 326 0

Representantforslag om vern av naturskog og gammelskog

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-20 282 0

Representantforslag om en uavhengig og helhetlig evaluering av Norges engasjement i Afghanistan

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-20 269 0

Representantforslag om å styrke tolketjenesten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-18 309 0

Representantforslag om å forlenge permitteringsperioden og holde byggeaktiviteten oppe for å beholde fagarbeidere i byggenæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-18 246 0

Representantforslag om å styrke rettssikkerheten til barn i konflikt med loven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-15 260 0

Representantforslag om å stenge ned oljefeltene Brage, Statfjord, Ula og Draugen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-15 252 0

Representantforslag Mímir Kristjánsson, Sofie Marhaug, Tobias Drevland Lund og Geir Jørgensen om å forlenge permitteringsperioden og holde byggeaktiviteten oppe for å beholde fagarbeidere i byggenæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-15 240 0

Representantforslag om opprettelse av asylmottak i tredjeland

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-13 277 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å forberede Norge på en mulig flyktningkrise

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-13 284 0

Representantforslag om forutsigbarhet for frivilligheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-11 298 0

Representantforslag om en norsk antikorrupsjonsetat

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-06 336 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe veksten av private helseforsikringer og unngå amerikanisering av helsevesenet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-06 308 0

Representantforslag om å stanse videre innføring av Helseplattformen og vurdere andre alternativer der den er tatt i bruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-05 287 0

Representantforslag om bedring av arbeidsvilkår i luftfarten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-01 276 0

Representantforslag om reell tilgang på høyere utdanning for studenter med funksjonshindring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-29 242 0

Representantforslag om anerkjennelse av Den islamske statens angrep på jesidiene som et folkemord og norsk støtte til rehabilitering av de overlevende ofrene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-29 252 0

Representantforslag om straffetiltak mot Israels folkerettsbrudd og menneskerettighetsbrudd på Gaza

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-29 351 0

Representantforslag om et flerårig program for støtte til humanitær hjelp og gjenoppbygging av Palestina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 238 0

Representantforslag om Norges neste steg for kunstig intelligens

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 286 0

Representantforslag om å ikke ha bedre ytelser for flyktninger i Norge enn i Danmark og Sverige

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 276 0

Representantforslag om å innføre sorgpermisjon for foreldre som har mistet barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 208 0

Representantforslag om økt åpenhet, mer brukerinvolvering og strenge krav til ansattes lønns- og arbeidsvilkår i de offentlig finansierte velferdstjenestene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-23 205 0

Representantforslag om humanitær innsats for å evakuere skadde barn på Gazastripen og tilby dem helsehjelp

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-23 206 0

Representantforslag om trygge boliger for alle

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-23 275 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Kirsti Bergstø, Marian Hussein og Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes om ei sanksjonspakke mot Israels folkerettsstridige krig mot Gaza

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-17 221 0

Representantforslag omstilling til lavutslippssamfunnet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-16 274 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Kathy Lie, Lars Haltbrekken, Kari Elisabeth Kaski, Grete Wold og Birgit Oline Kjerstad om ein tiltakspakke for einslege mindreårige asylsøkjarar

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-16 210 0

Representantforslag om at ny sykehusstruktur i Helse Nord vedtas av Stortinget

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-16 201 0

Representantforslag om å redusere søppeleksporten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 277 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å bedre helsen til oppdrettsfisk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 245 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for lavere gebyrer innen vann- og avløpssektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 209 0

Representantforslag om mer fleksible og fremtidsrettede arbeidstidsordninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 203 0

Representantforslag om å sikre bedre betingelser for næringsliv i statsallmenningene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-09 264 0

Representantforslag om en ny handlingsplan mot antisemittisme

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-09 274 0

Representantforslag om bekjempelse av transnasjonal undertrykkelse av eritreere i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-08 245 0

Representantforslag om å sikre beredskap og driftsstabilitet på norsk jernbane

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-27 182 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Marian Hussein, Andreas Sjalg Unneland og Kirsti Bergstø om norsk støtte til etterforsking av krigsbrotsverk på Gaza, Vestbreidda og i Israel

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-27 188 0

Representantforslag om effektivisering av bilstøtteordningen i Nav

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 191 0

Representantforslag om ivaretakelse av veteraner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 250 0

Representantforslag om stans i mottak av kvoteflyktninger så lenge krigen i Ukraina vedvarer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 292 0

Representantforslag om å innføre mobilforbud i skolen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 292 0

Representantforslag om styrking av bemanningsnormen i barnehagene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-25 279 0

Representantforslag om lovhjemmel til å hindre etablering og drift av integreringshemmende virksomhet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-19 231 0

Representantforslag om å stanse elektrifisering av Melkøya

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-18 208 0

Representantforslag om å opprette et nasjonalt senter for alternativer til dyreforsøk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-13 185 0

Representantforslag om å endre begrepsbruk i norsk lovverk i tråd med CRPD

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-13 184 0

Representantforslag om mer ambisiøs havvindpolitikk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-13 226 0

Representantforslag om fornyelse av karriereveiledningen i skolen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-13 181 0

Representantforslag om å liste Hamas som terrororganisasjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-12 211 0

Representantforslag om å fryse bistand til palestinske selvstyremyndigheter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-12 173 0

Representantforslag om adgang til å tilbakekalle retten til å seile under norsk flagg, av hensyn til nasjonale interesser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-11 228 0

Representantforslag om mer åpenhet i offentlige organer - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-09 198 0

Representantforslag om å forebygge og bekjempe organisert kriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-06 214 0

Representantforslag om å avvise avgift på bompengebrikke

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-06 223 0

Representantforslag om å bevare søndagen som annerledesdag

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 197 0

Representantforslag om tiltak mot strømpriskrisen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 220 0

Representantforslag om mer åpenhet i offentlige organer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 191 0

Representantforslag om å styrke habilitetsreglene og gjenreise tillit til demokratiet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 179 0

Representantforslag om en redningspakke for norske bankkunder

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 230 0

Representantforslag om å stanse vindkraftutbygging i reinbeiteområder frem til menneskerettighetsbruddet på Fosen er reparert

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 165 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for bekjempelse av ungdoms- og gjengkriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 160 0

Representantforslag om regler for mer innsyn, åpenhet og tillit

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 225 0

Representantforslag om å regulere banknæringen til forbrukernes beste

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 197 0

Representantforslag om å stanse urettferdig gjeldsinnkreving fra det offentlige

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 200 0

Representantforslag om å måle og redusere klimagassutslipp fra forbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-05 178 0

Representantforslag om og veildedning i bruk av kunstig intelligens

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-21 165 0

Representantforslag om et boligmarked med muligheter for alle - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-20 113 0

Representantforslag om å rive færre og gjenbruke flere bygninger for en mer miljø- og klimavennlig byggenæring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 128 0

Representantforslag om obligatorisk ID-merking av katter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 153 0

Representantforslag om etablering av et sosialt investeringsfond

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 121 0

Representantforslag om Oslofjorden og stans av forurensning fra spyling av fritidsbåter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 135 0

Representantforslag om forurensningsfri fotballglede

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 109 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å reetablere livskraftige fiskebestander i Oslofjorden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 125 0

Representantforslag om å avvikle E39 Ådland-Svegatjørn (Hordfast)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 109 0

Representantforslag om kunnskap og veildedning i bruk av kunstig intelligens

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 138 0

Representantforslag om eierskapsbegrensninger i dagligvarebransjen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 109 0

Representantforslag om et boligmarked med muligheter for alle

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 111 0

Representantforslag om å å gjøre Norge til verdens beste nærings-, gründer- og nyskapingsnasjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 117 0

Representantforslag om en effektiv og trygg hverdag for myke trafikanter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 120 0

Representantforslag om å tilby MS-pasienter stamcellebehandling på norske sykehus

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 88 0

Representantforslag om innføring av en garantert minsteinntekt for å bekjempe fattigdom og gi økt verdighet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-19 138 0

Representantforslag om å skape et mer demensvennlig samfunn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 186 0

Representantforslag om en strandsone for alle og styrking av allemannsretten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 163 0

Representantforslag om styrket suverenitet, sysselsetting og energisikkerhet på Svalbard

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 168 0

Representantforslag om styrket kamp mot negativ sosial kontroll

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 189 0

Representantforslag om kjernekraftforskningssenter for miljøvennlig energi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 162 0

Representantforslag om skjerpede reaksjoner mot villmannskjøring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 162 0

Representantforslag om tryggere fylkesveier og økt nedbetalingstid for bompenger i distriktene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 201 0

Representantforslag om å forsterke innleieregelverket

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-16 173 0

Representantforslag om å tette smutthull i innleieregelverket ved å presisere begrepet tillitsvalgt i arbeidsmiljøloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-15 182 0

Representantforslag om å sikre nasjonal kontroll over mineralressursene på Fensfeltet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-15 180 0

Representantforslag om alltid å utrede alternativer til luftledning ved utbygging av sentralnettet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-15 161 0

Representantforslag om å sikre anstendig sosialhjelp til alle som trenger det

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-12 182 0

Representantforslag om tilbakekjøp av velferdseiendommer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-08 170 0

Representantforslag om en verifiserbar aldersgrense for sosiale medier og regulering av innhold og reklame rettet mot barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-06 164 0

Representantforslag om en næringsvennlig, modernisert og forbrukervennlig alkoholpolitikk - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-05 146 0

Representantforslag om voldelig ekstremisme og radikalisering

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-05 184 0

Representantforslag omstillingen i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-05 149 0

Representantforslag om å bidra til gjenåpning av sivil flytrafikk fra Moss lufthavn, Rygge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-01 94 0

Representantforslag om en næringsvennlig, modernisert og forbrukervennlig alkoholpolitikk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-06-01 202 0

Representantforslag om å anskaffe nye togsett til Rørosbanen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-26 126 0

Representantforslag om en mer motiverende videregående skole

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-25 119 0

Representantforslag om et mer fleksibelt uføresystem

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-23 119 0

Representantforslag om en bedre politikk for anskaffelse, bytte og eie av bolig

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-17 192 0

Representantforslag om å etablere en økonomisk opptrappingsplan for Forsvaret

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-17 178 0

Representantforslag om anerkjennelse av Palestina som egen stat og norsk tilslutning til FNs apartheidkonvensjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-16 193 0

Representantforslag om Fensfeltet og naturvennlig, sirkulær gruvedrift

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-12 181 0

Representantforslag om å la folk få puste på ferie

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-12 173 0

Representantforslag om en ny næringspolitikk for å styrke Norges konkurransekraft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-11 199 0

Representantforslag om demokratisk kunstig intelligens

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-10 168 0

Representantforslag om utenriks-, forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitikk med EU

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-10 169 0

Representantforslag om en human ruspolitikk i norske kommuner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-04 158 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Kari Eskeland, Ove Trellevik, Olve Grotle, Alfred Jens Bjørlo, Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde, Svein Harberg og Kjell Ingolf Ropstad om utvida bruk av maritim ladeinfrastruktur

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-01 91 0

Representantforslag om å avvikle nullvekstmålet i veitrafikken

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-01 135 0

Representantforslag om å bedre psykisk helsetilbud for innsatte i fengsel

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-01 172 0

Representantforslag om en barnehageplass rett etter endt foreldrepermisjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-01 131 0

Representantforslag om en frihetsfremmende handelspolitikk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-01 166 0

Representantforslag om utviklingshemmedes møte med strafferettspleien

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-05-01 111 0

Representantforslag om strengere straff for alvorlig dyrekriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 173 0

Representantforslag om innføring av et lobbyregister for Stortinget

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 147 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Alfred Jens Bjørlo, André N. Skjelstad og Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik om fleire staduavhengige jobbar i statsforvaltinga

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 199 0

Representantforslag om erfaringer med skolelekser til erstatning for hjemmelekser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 180 0

Representantforslag om et kriminalomsorgsløft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 190 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Birgit Oline Kjerstad, Grete Wold og Ingrid Fiskaa om marine grunnkart i kystsona

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 189 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa og Kari Elisabeth Kaski om internasjonal gjeldsslette for å nå berekraftsmåla

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 194 0

Representantforslag om en supplerende utredning av skatteutvalgets forslag til skattlegging av bolig og fast eiendom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-04-03 148 0

Representantforslag om frys av salg av barnehageeiendom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 140 0

Representantforslag om kriminalomsorgsløft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 147 0

Representantforslag om marine grunnkart i kystona

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 129 0

Representantforslag om å styrke a-krimsentrene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 134 0

Representantforslag om å oppdatere pengepolitikken

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 143 0

Representantforslag om et statlig vedlikeholdsprogram for fylkesveinettet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 140 0

Representantforslag om å bedre boligkvalitet og å gjøre flere boliger tilgjengelige for helårsbeboere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 164 0

Representantforslag om billigere vei- og kollektivtrafikk uten bompenger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 207 0

Representantforslag om å styrke Norges forsvarsevne

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 141 0

Representantforslag om en supplerende utredning av skatteutvalgets forslag til skattelegging av bolig og fast eiendom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 161 0

Representantforslag om å øke trafikksikkerheten for skolebusser, lastebiler og øvrig tungtransport

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 154 0

Representantforslag om legalisering av cannabis

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 178 0

Representantforslag om internasjonal gjeldsslette for å nå berekraftsmåla

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 184 0

Representantforslag om ti grep for å rekruttere og beholde flere lærere og ansatte i skole og barnehage

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 190 0

Representantforslag om å la kommunene selv regulere konsum av alkohol på offentlig sted

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 179 0

Representantforslag om å dempe prisveksten på mat og styrke konkurransen i verdikjeden for dagligvarer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 165 0

Representantforslag om en nærenergireform

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 162 0

Representantforslag om bedre veisikkerhet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 158 0

Representantforslag om å styrke rettshjelpstilbudet for innsatte gjennom en advokatordning for fengslene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 170 0

Representantforslag om fleire staduavhengige jobbar i statsforvaltinga

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 156 0

Representantforslag om et bærekraftig og langsiktig havbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 148 0

Representantforslag om en bærekraftig tildeling av kraft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 132 0

Representantforslag om en opptrappingsplan for barnetrygden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 165 0

Representantforslag Anna Molberg, Alfred Jens Bjørlo, Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik, Ingunn Foss, Lene Westgaard-Halle og Tor André Johnsen om strengere straff for alvorlig dyrekriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 162 0

Representantforslag om klimatiltak som monner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 154 0

Representantforslag om erfaringer fra skolelekser til erstatning for hjemmelekser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 172 0

Representantforslag om å utvide nullvekstmålet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 140 0

Representantforslag om reform av UNE

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 154 0

Representantforslag om mer rettferdig inkasso og gjeld i dyrtid

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 129 0

Representantforslag om akutte tiltak mot sosial dumping i drosjenæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 149 0

Representantforslag om innføring av lobbyregister for Stortinget

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-31 147 0

Representantforslag om en samhandling mellom spesialisthelsetjenesten og kommunene basert på likeverdige parter og uten bøter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 180 0

Representantforslag om et bedre tilbud til barn og unge med behov for psykiske helsetjenester

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 183 0

Representantforslag om natur og klima

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 148 0

Representantforslag om økt produksjon og forbruk av biogass

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 146 0

Representantforslag om fjerning av eiendomsskatt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 159 0

Representantforslag om bedre og billigere kollektivtilbud til alle

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 176 0

Representantforslag om å nekte flyktninger å flytte til andre kommuner før de er selvforsørgende

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 155 0

Representantforslag omsetningskrav for resirkulert fosfor

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 156 0

Representantforslag om en opptrappingsplan for landbruket før sommeren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-30 147 0

Representantforslag om å få helsepersonell med utdanning fra land utenfor EØS raskt i arbeid

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-29 155 0

Representantforslag om å ta nasjonalt ansvar for å demme opp for gebyrsjokk for innbyggerne som følge av EUs revidering av avløpsdirektivet og rehabilitering og utbygging i VA-sektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-29 181 0

Representantforslag om å sikre tannhelserettigheter til personer med psykiske helseplager

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-29 162 0

Representantforslag om godtgjørelser for nasjonale politikere som gjør at folkevalgte ikke rykker fra folk som har valgt oss

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-29 141 0

Representantforslag om å ta vare på veiene vi har

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-29 142 0

Representantforslag om å nedskalere miljøfiendtlige motorveier

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-28 138 0

Representantforslag om nedskalere miljøfiendtlige motorveier

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-27 179 0

Representantforslag om å ikke fornye utenlandskabler

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-24 140 0

Representantforslag om å videreføre Flytoget som selvstendig transportselskap

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-24 135 0

Representantforslag om å delegere myndighet til å utføre ADR-kontroll av kjøretøy til godkjente verksteder

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-24 130 0

Representantforslag om å utvikle og styrke meddommertjenesten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-24 157 0

Representantforslag om styrket satsing på vann og avløp

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-24 136 0

Representantforslag om utslippskutt med biodrivstoff

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-23 137 0

Representantforslag om offentlig eierskap til vindkraft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-23 139 0

Representantforslag om krisesentertilbud for kvinner i aktiv rus

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-22 161 0

Representantforslag om å satse på trykte lærebøker og redusere og målrette skjermbruken i skolen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-22 154 0

Representantforslag om strengere prioritering av kraften

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-22 154 0

Representantforslag om lovregulering av skjulte etterforskningsmetoder

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-16 110 0

Representantforslag om å samkjøre nytt miljøregelverk for Svalbard med den varslede Svalbardmeldingen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-16 174 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Kirsti Bergstø, Andreas Sjalg Unneland, Kari Elisabeth Kaski og Ingrid Fiskaa om gransking av seksuell trakassering i Forsvaret

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-16 74 0

Representantforslag om styrket pasientsikkerhet gjennom økt bruk av simulering i sykepleierutdanningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-16 77 0

Representantforslag om å heve strafferammen for menneskehandel

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-16 92 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Alfred Jens Bjørlo, André N. Skjelstad og Ane Breivik om ein lokaliseringspolitikk for statlege verksemder som sikrar utvikling av sterke og mangfaldige arbeidsmarknadsregionar rundt større byar på Sø

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-16 84 0

Representantforslag om å unnta studentboliger og la kommuner helt eller delvis unnta klima- og miljøvennlige bygg fra eiendomsskatt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-16 77 0

Representantforslag om flere tiltak og en ny handlingsplan for fortsatt reduksjon i antall svangerskapsavbrudd

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-15 80 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å ta vare på mer natur i kommunene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-10 176 0

Representantforslag om å kutte utslipp fra bygge- og anleggsplasser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-10 182 0

Representantforslag om endring av brukerromsloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-10 173 0

Representantforslag om bedre utnyttelse av FOT-ruter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-10 172 0

Representantforslag om å samle, og ikke splitte, familier på flukt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-10 163 0

Representantforslag om å tillate forsøk med lokale rusreformer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-10 173 0

Representantforslag om en realfagsstrategi for å fremme utvikling av realfagskompetanse og rekruttering av realfagskandidater til utdanning og arbeidsliv

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-09 177 0

Representantforslag om kvinners soningsforhold

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-09 161 0

Representantforslag om å etablere et utbyggingsselskap for sykehus

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-09 208 0

Representantforslag om behovet for en nasjonal finansieringsløsning for sjeldne diagnoser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-09 185 0

Representantforslag om å hindre et todelt helsevesen ved å regulere private sykehus for å sikre tilgang på helsepersonell i den offentlige helsetjenesten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-09 181 0

Representantforslag om å redusere etterslepet i finansieringen av idrettsanlegg

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-09 152 0

Representantforslag om norsk oppfølging av kinesiske myndigheters overgrep mot uigurene og brudd på internasjonal rett

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-03-09 171 0

Representantforslag om en utvidet sanksjonsliste mot bidragsytere til Russlands angrepskrig

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-24 169 0

Representantforslag om innføring av fritt skolevalg i hele landet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-24 165 0

Representantforslag om å bekjempe vold og trusler i norsk skole

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-24 147 0

Representantforslag om en nasjonal standard for ferjetilbudet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-24 167 0

Representantforslag om umiddelbar stans i planene for Nye Oslo universitetssykehus for å unngå uforsvarlige kutt i helsetjenestene i Oslo-regionen og Helse Sør-Øst for øvrig

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-23 136 0

Representantforslag om forenklet forelegg

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-23 180 0

Representantforslag om at Arbeidstilsynet skal kunne bøtelegge personer med en ledende rolle i en virksomhet som har begått grove brudd på arbeidsmiljøloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-23 160 0

Representantforslag om å etablere en benchmarking-modell for vann- og avløpssektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-22 154 0

Representantforslag om middelbar stans i planene for Nye Oslo universitetssykehus for å unngå uforsvarlige kutt i helsetjenestene i Oslo-regionen og Helse Sør-Øst for øvrig

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-22 154 0

Representantforslag om en mer bærekraftig handlingsregel

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-17 143 0

Representantforslag om at det skal lønne seg å jobbe, også når man går på trygd

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-17 170 0

Representantforslag om klagebehandlingstid i Nav

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-17 151 0

Representantforslag om å beskytte norske akademiske institusjoner mot utenlandsk etterretning - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-17 147 0

Representantforslag om endring av straffeloven § 185, «rasismeparagrafen», og et tryggere offentlig ytringsrom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-16 139 0

Representantforslag om å beskytte norske akademiske institusjoner fra utenlandsk etterretning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-16 172 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Kari Eskeland, Ove Trellevik, Helge Orten, Olve Grotle og Bård Ludvig Thorheim om ein ny gjennomgang av regelverket for transport av farleg last på ferjer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-15 157 0

Representantforslag omsorgssektor

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-15 164 0

Representantforslag om et landsomfattende tilsyn med norsk eldreomsorg og tiltak for å forbedre situasjonen raskt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-13 176 0

Representantforslag om en fleksibel sykepengeordning for kreftpasienter og andre i lengre behandling

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-13 179 0

Representantforslag om et landsomfattende tilsyn av norsk eldreomsorg og tiltak for å forbedre situasjonen raskt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 170 0

Representantforslag om å forlenge strømstøtten til landbruket ut året

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 151 0

Representantforslag om fleksibel sykepengeordning for kreftpasienter og andre i lengre behandling

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 151 0

Representantforslag om anerkjennelse av holodomor som folkemord på det ukrainske folket

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 166 0

Representantforslag om forskning på trygg kjernekraft og opprettelse av en kjernekraftmyndighet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 164 0

Representantforslag om å stenge Barentshavet for ytterligere olje- og gassvirksomhet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 151 0

Representantforslag om behovet for kjernekraft i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 154 0

Representantforslag om å sikre helikopterstøtte til Hæren i 2023 og bevare kompetansemiljøet på Bardufoss

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 177 0

Representantforslag om å prioritere E39 Veibust-Blindheim-Breivika

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-10 167 0

Representantforslag om å bedre livs- og boforholdene for enslige mindreårige asylsøkere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-09 147 0

Representantforslag om anerkjennelse av Holodomor som folkemord på det ukrainske folket

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-09 158 0

Representantforslag om et enklere og mer forbrukervennlig regelverk for gavekort

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-09 176 0

Representantforslag om utdanningsmuligheter for afghanske kvinner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-03 147 0

Representantforslag om at kraft til Hammerfest LNG og Snøhvit må baseres på gasskraftverk med CO<sub>2</sub>-fangst og -lagring (CCS)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-03 152 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe forfallet på norsk jernbane

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-03 151 0

Representantforslag om inkludering av barn og unge i idretten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-03 154 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Lars Haltbrekken, Marian Hussein og Freddy André Øvstegård om ein ny Myanmar-strategi for frigjering og demokratisering

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-03 168 0

Representantforslag om umiddelbar igangsettelse av prosjektet E6 ved Lågendeltaet i Lillehammer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-03 151 0

Representantforslag om dispensasjon fra toll- og avgiftsregelverk mv. som hindrer donasjon av mat til veldedige formål

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-02 135 0

Representantforslag om kraft til Hammerfest LNG og Snøhvit må baseres på gasskraftverk med CO<sub>2</sub>-fangst og -lagring (CCS)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-02 162 0

Representantforslag om forbud mot ekteskap mellom søskenbarn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-02 158 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantene Ingrid Fiskaa, Lars Haltbrekken, Marian Hussein og Freddy André Øvstegård om ein ny Myanmar-strategi for frigjering og demokratisering

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-02 187 0

Representantforslag om opprydding av nedlagte og forurensende gruver

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-02 157 0

Representantforslag omsorgssentre

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-02 151 0

Representantforslag om strakstiltak mot urimelige matvarepriser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-01 174 0

Representantforslag om å støtte opprettelsen av et spesialtribunal for aggresjonsforbrytelsen mot Ukraina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-01 145 0

Representantforslag om å styrke norsk naturforvaltning ved å flytte overordnet forvaltning av areal og vilt tilbake til Klima- og miljødepartementet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-01 160 0

Representantforslag om forskning på trygg kjernekraft og opprettelse av kjernekraftmyndighet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-01 157 0

Representantforslag om en verdig eldreomsorg og et anstendig tilbud til brukere av hjemmetjenester og til beboere i sykehjem

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-02-01 177 0

Representantforslag om å styrke lærekandidatordningen og gjøre den tilgjengelig for flere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 168 0

Representantforslag om en plan for en styrket helseberedskap

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 152 0

Representantforslag om suverenitet i energipolitikken

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 145 0

Representantforslag om åpenhet og statlig finansiert eldreomsorg

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 148 0

Representantforslag om strakstiltak mot forskjellskrisa

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 153 0

Representantforslag om mer effektiv utnyttelse av det eksisterende togtilbudet på det sentrale Østlandet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 175 0

Representantforslag om en opptrappingsplan for habilitering og en nasjonal modell for veiledning i hjemmet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 160 0

Representantforslag om å utsette 1. klasse til fylte syv år og innføre førskole for seksåringene basert på læring gjennom lek i tråd med seksårsreformens intensjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 159 0

Representantforslag om en mer skånsom og rettferdig hyttebygging

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 156 0

Representantforslag om homofiles rettssikkerhet og likekjønnedes mulighet til familiegjenforening i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 176 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Sylvi Listhaug, Bård Hoksrud, Morten Wold og Frank Edvard Sve om å vidareføre tilbodet ved Mork rehabiliteringssenter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-20 173 0

Representantforslag om strengere straffer for angrep på den offentlige myndighetsutøvelse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-19 143 0

Representantforslag om at trekk i rammetilskudd for ekstraordinære inntekter fra konsesjonskraft gjennomføres i tråd med de forutsetningene som regjeringen presenterte for de berørte kommunene og Stortinget

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-19 150 0

Representantforslag om nytt ferjesamband mellom Aure og Hitra med pilotprosjekt for flytende ferjekaier og autonome ferjer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-19 175 0

Representantforslag om seksualitetsundervisning i skolen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-19 161 0

Representantforslag om fordeling og bruk av tilgjengelig kraft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-19 167 0

Representantforslag om stortingsbehandling av endret plan for utbygging og drift (PUD) og plan for anlegg og drift (PAD) for Snøhvitfeltet og Hammerfest LNG

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-18 150 0

Representantforslag om opprydding etter ulovlig bøtesoning, samt en utredning av ordningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-18 147 0

Representantforslag om strømstøtte til bedrifter i påvente av et mer fungerende fastprismarked

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-18 173 0

Representantforslag om miljøstøtteordningen for gods på bane

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-18 167 0

Representantforslag om en ny engangsløsning for lengeværende asylsøkere og statsløse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-13 101 0

Representantforslag om en redningspakke til frivilligheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-13 98 0

Representantforslag om en oppussingsplan for Skole-Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-12 134 0

Representantforslag om å supplere verneplanene for vernede vassdrag

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-12 141 0

Representantforslag om bedre og raskere integrering i hele landet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-12 126 0

Representantforslag om å styrke barns personvern på digitale flater

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-06 135 0

Representantforslag om en full gjennomgang av Norsk pasientskadeerstatning for å sikre norske pasienters rettssikkerhet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-01-05 123 0

Representantforslag om å stanse alvorlige naturinngrep og styrke vernet av norsk natur i tråd med ambisjonene i den globale naturavtalen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-22 172 0

Representantforslag om å ta tilbake den demokratiske kontrollen over kraften

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-22 180 0

Representantforslag om hva det koster å være funksjonsnedsatt - et offentlig utvalg som skal utrede de økonomiske levekårene for personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne og deres nærmeste familie

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-22 171 0

Representantforslag om å hindre urimelig tilbakebetaling for uføre som får seg jobb

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-21 154 0

Representantforslag om datadrevet industri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-21 175 0

Representantforslag om sosial dumping i budbilbransjen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-21 166 0

Representantforslag om minipris på tog

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-21 170 0

Representantforslag om en nasjonal minnedag for ofrene etter holocaust

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-20 188 0

Representantforslag om å endre regelverket for parkeringstillatelse for forflytningshemmede

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-19 179 0

Representantforslag om en plan for enøk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-19 190 0

Representantforslag om økt satsing på kvinnehelse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-16 174 0

Representantforslag om en plan for ENØK

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-16 181 0

Representantforslag om en tillitsreform i Arbeidstilsynet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-16 144 0

Representantforslag om å endre regelverket til parkeringstillatelse for forflytningshemmede

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-16 169 0

Representantforslag om å endre inndelingslova slik at det ikke blir unødig byråkratisk og dyrt å opprette Haram kommune

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-15 147 0

Representantforslag om å stanse eksport av våpen, forsvarsmateriell og flerbruksvarer til Qatar

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-15 167 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at ingen settes i økonomiske vansker på grunn av gebyrer og inkassokrav fra helseforetakene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-14 172 0

Representantforslag om å endre inndelingsloven slik at det ikke blir unødig byråkratisk og dyrt å opprette Haram kommune

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-13 206 0

Representantforslag om et arealnøytralt Norge der man stanser naturtapet og starter gjenoppbyggingen av en rik, robust og mangfoldig natur

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-12 159 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentanten Ingrid Fiskaa om forbod mot eksport av varer og tenester som kan brukast til overvaking av opposisjonelle i Iran

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-12 170 0

Representantforslag om konkurransedyktige strømpriser i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-09 172 0

Representantforslag om et arealnøytralt Norge der man stanser naturtapet og starter gjenoppbyggingen av en rik robust og mangfoldig natur

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-09 179 0

Representantforslag om forbod mot eksport av varer og tenester som kan brukast til overvaking av opposisjonelle i Iran

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-09 181 0

Representantforslag om å videreføre makstaket i strømstøtten for landbruket for 2023

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-07 187 0

Representantforslag om å unnta lommeaskebeger fra oppstillingsforbudet i tobakksskadeloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-07 178 0

Representantforslag om en kraftfull satsing på lokal energiproduksjon og -sparing

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-07 180 0

Representantforslag om utslippsfrie byggeplasser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-07 179 0

Representantforslag om skatt og økonomiske forskjeller

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-07 164 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Olaug Vervik Bollestad, Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik, Seher Aydar, Lan Marie Nguyen Berg, Irene Ojala og Grete Wold om ny handsaming av søknaden til kvinner frå Iran som har fått avslag om opphald i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-07 168 0

Representantforslag om salg av sterkøl fra bryggeri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-02 137 0

Representantforslag om hastetiltak mot priskrisa før jul

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-02 179 0

Representantforslag om å avvikle samordningsfellen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-02 144 0

Representantforslag om avvikle samordningsfellen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-12-01 165 0

Representantforslag om å harmonisere permitteringsregler mellom havbruk og annen industri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-30 180 0

Representantforslag om styrking av rikets sikkerhet og kontraetteretning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-30 170 0

Representantforslag om en bedre støtteordning for organisasjoner og frivilligheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-28 153 0

Representantforslag om å standardisere forenklet forelegg for overtredelse av vegtrafikk- og småbåtloven slik at det bøtelegges etter siktedes inntekt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-28 178 0

Representantforslag om reversering av botidskrav og bedre vern mot partnervold

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-25 177 0

Representantforslag om å standardisere forenklet forelegg for overtredelse av veitrafikk- og småtbåtloven slik at det bøtelegges etter siktedes inntekt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-25 185 0

Representantforslag om offentlige skytjenester for kommunal sektor

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-25 197 0

Representantforslag stortingsrepresentantene Kathy Lie, Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes og Stina Baarne Hassel om en bedre støtteordning for organisasjoner og frivilligheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-25 174 0

Representantforslag om førerkort i klasse B96 og BE for kjøring av tilhenger opp til 3 500 kg på klasse B-førerkort

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-24 155 0

Representantforslag om å myke opp adgangen til medisinsk begrunnet dispensasjon etter førerkortregelverket

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-24 153 0

Representantforslag om å sikre oppreisning for ulovlige nakenvisitasjoner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-24 162 0

Representantforslag om å bruke av oppsparte midler

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-23 181 0

Representantforslag om vold og seksuelle overgrep

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-18 168 0

Representantforslag om hets mot nasjonale minoriteter og samer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-18 176 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Olve Grotle, Linda Hofstad Helleland, Erlend Svardal Bøe, Bård Ludvig Thorheim, Helge Orten og Ove Trellevik om at det ikkje skal innførast normprissystem ved grunnrenteskatt på havbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-17 132 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Birgit Oline Kjerstad og Hilde Marie Gaebpie Danielsen om ein ny skogpolitikk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-17 159 0

Representantforslag om en plan for å løse den akutte mangelen på jordmødre

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-16 169 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Olve Grotle, Linda Hofstad Helleland, Erlend Svardal Bøe, Bård Ludvig Thorheim, Helge Orten og Ove Trellevik om at det ikkje skal innførast normpris-system ved grunnrenteskatt på havbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-16 112 0

Representantforslag om å overføre ansvaret for flere riksveier til Oslo kommune

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-11 163 0

Representantforslag om å opprettholde Norges innbetalinger til Den europeiske romorganisasjonens (ESA) frivillige programmer på dagens nivå

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-10 158 0

Representantforslag omsetning av pels i næringsøyemed

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-10 156 0

Representantforslag om mer frihet til å jobbe der du vil

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-10 166 0

Representantforslag om å sikre innsyn i alle offentlig finansierte velferdstjenester

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-11-09 199 0

Representantforslag om utsettelse av ikrafttredelse av voldserstatningsloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-28 190 0

Representantforslag om gjennomgang av Gjenopptakelseskommisjonen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-28 154 0

Representantforslag om oppheving av miljøfartsgrenser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-28 195 0

Representantforslag om Russlands krig i Ukraina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-28 190 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne piggdekkgebyr

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-28 172 0

Representantforslag om prioritering av skredsikringstiltak på E6 langs Langnesberga

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-27 185 0

Representantforslag om å forby barnehijab i grunnskolen og barnehagen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-26 200 0

Representantforslag om en storstilt satsing på norsk olje og gass for eksport til Europa

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-21 189 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for oppbygging av nasjonale antidronekapasiteter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-21 173 0

Representantforslag om at ingen lov må gis tilbakevirkende kraft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-21 178 0

Representantforslag om å ta læreryrket framover

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-20 169 0

Representantforslag om å sikre forsvarlige barnevernstjenester

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-20 187 0

Representantforslag om en langsiktig og forpliktende plan for støtte til Ukraina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-19 177 0

Representantforslag om å sikre forbrukervennlig lading via kontaktløs kortbetaling («tæpping») direkte på alle offentlig tilgjengelige hurtig- og lynladere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-19 142 0

Representantforslag om satsing på forebygging av negative konsekvenser som følge av foreldres uhelse de første 1 001 dagene av barns liv - fra svangerskapet til barnet fyller to år, for hele familien.

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-17 143 0

Representantforslag om å be regjeringen sørge for snarest mulig å etablere en midlertidig bro ved Tretten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-14 165 0

Representantforslag om satsing på forebygging de første 1 001 dagene av barns liv - fra svangerskapet til barnet fyllet to år

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-14 169 0

Representantforslag om boliger for folk, ikke for bolighaier

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-13 186 0

Representantforslag om bedre ivaretakelse av personer som er dømt til tvungent psykisk helsevern

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-12 1102 1

Representantforslag om bedre oppfølging av unge innsatte i fengsel

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-07 165 0

Representantforslag om en skole for barnets beste, ikke politisk prestisje

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-06 142 0

Representantforslag om en skole uten profitt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-06 153 0

Representantforslag om en rettferdig og klimavennlig flyavgift

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-06 163 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe oppsplitting av jernbanen og slå sammen Vy og Flytoget

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-06 150 0

Representantforslag omfatte fiskefartøy

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 150 0

Representantforslag Geir Jørgensen og Sofie Marhaug om en rettferdig og klimavennlig flyavgift

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 136 0

Representantforslag ombudsnemnd innsynsrett i gradert informasjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 126 0

Representantforslag om en utredning av forliksrådsordningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 154 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentant Olaug Vervik Bollestad om å justere grensa mellom Sandnes og Strand kommunar, slik at Forsand-delen av Sandnes kommune blir ein del av Strand kommune

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 143 0

Representantforslag om å endre EØS-loven etter islandsk modell for å sikre Norges handlingsrom og nasjonale interesser overfor EU

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 152 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne muligheten for kommunale tiggeforbud

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 149 0

Representantforslag om et mer tilgjengelig Nav

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 120 0

Representantforslag om opprettelse av et solidaritetsfond

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 160 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Kari Eskeland, Ingunn Foss, Lene Westgaard-Halle, Turid Kristensen og Anne Kristine Linnestad om revidering av brukthandellova for å sikre god sirkulærøkonomi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-10-05 145 0

Representantforslag om å sikre norsk forsyningssikkerhet, begrense krafteksporten, stoppe videre elektrifisering av sokkelen og sikre tilgang på stabil og rimelig kraft for norske forbrukere og næringsliv

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 129 0

Representantforslag om innføring av krav for å øke bruken av solenergi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 129 0

Representantforslag om en styrket strømstøtteordning for husholdninger, frivillighet og næringsliv

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 168 0

Representantforslag om umiddelbare tiltak mot energikrisen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 138 0

Representantforslag om ekstraordinære tiltak som følge av strømpriskrisen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 135 0

Representantforslag om en mer rettferdig strømstøtteordning som opprettholder insentivene til å investere i energieffektivisering

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 95 0

Representantforslag om strakstiltak mot de høye strømprisene og for å øke forsyningssikkerheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 133 0

Representantforslag om å sikre en rettferdig strømstøtte, energieffektivisering og demokratisk kontroll over kraften

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 141 0

Representantforslag om en krisepakke for raske investeringer i energisparing og solenergi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-09-20 140 0

Representantforslag om å innføre en tredje juridisk kjønnskategori og et styrket og desentralisert behandlingstilbud for personer med kjønnsinkongruens

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 148 0

Representantforslag om å oppheve Arbeidstilsynets øvre gebyrgrense

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 136 0

Representantforslag om et krafttak for gründerskap, entreprenørskap og innovasjon i usikre tider

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 122 0

Representantforslag om strengere regulering av cruisenæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 129 0

Representantforslag området

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 132 0

Representantforslag om å sikre allmenngjort lønn i utelivsbransjen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 127 0

Representantforslag om å styrke Students at Risk-ordningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 166 0

Representantforslag om økt kompleksitet i testingen av autonome kjøretøy

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 147 0

Representantforslag om å bedre ME-sykes trygderettigheter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 147 0

Representantforslag om styrking av videregående opplæring for voksne

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 130 0

Representantforslag om å styrke konkurransekraften til norske sjøfolk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-20 125 0

Representantforslag om å styrke handel og samarbeid mellom Norge og Republikken Kina (Taiwan)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-15 120 0

Representantforslag om å sikre ungdom helserettigheter gjennom å utvide egenandelsfritaket

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-15 120 0

Representantforslag omstillingspakke for Finnmark

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-15 188 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne det særnorske unntaket for alle fiskefartøy fra havneforbudet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-15 114 0

Representantforslag om å sikre rusavhengige bedre oppfølging

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-10 126 0

Representantforslag om bedre dyrevelferd ved hundeavl

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-10 153 0

Representantforslag om et helseregister for sjøfolk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-09 206 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Alfred Jens Bjørlo, Ola Elvestuen og André N. Skjelstad om skjerpa klimakrav til bygg

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-08 167 0

Representantforslag om kontroll ved fotlenke med GPS-sender ved forvaringsdømtes permisjon fra soning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-06 139 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentant Sofie Marhaug om full revisjon av Røldal-Suldal kraftanlegg

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-03 166 0

Representantforslag om mer nordisk forsvarssamarbeid

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-06-01 111 0

Representantforslag om en uavhengig granskning av spesialenheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-30 186 0

Representantforslag om gjennomgang av ordningen med statlig finansiert prøveløslatelse og alternativer til denne

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-26 132 0

Representantforslag om en mer sirkulær økonomi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-25 131 0

Representantforslag om å avskaffe ordningen som gir tidligere stortingsrepresentanter fri adgang til Stortingets bygninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-25 137 0

Representantforslag om helhetlig barnepalliasjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-25 139 0

Representantforslag stortingsrepresentantene Guri Melby, Grunde Almeland og Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik om en uavhengig granskning av spesialenheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-25 122 0

Representantforslag om å sikre migrenepasienter som har fått individuell refusjon ved bruk av CGRP-hemmere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-20 159 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Helge André Njåstad og Silje Hjemdal om å sikra at innbyggjarane i Nordvik, Søfteland og Kalandseid slepp å betala bompengar for ein veg dei ikkje nyttar

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-20 183 0

Representantforslag om å etablere medisinutdanning ved Universitetet i Stavanger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-19 140 0

Representantforslag om like konkurransevilkår for servicehandelsnæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-13 161 0

Representantforslag om en ny vår for mineralnæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-13 147 0

Representantforslag om bedre utnyttelse av snøkrabberessursene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-13 152 0

Representantforslag om å styrke fastlegeordningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-12 136 0

Representantforslag om ny økonomisk politikk og samfunnsøkonomisk lønnsomme investeringer i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-12 133 0

Representantforslag om et nasjonalt løft for kreative næringer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-11 163 0

Representantforslag om ikke å bistå med henting av voksne terrorister til Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-04 120 0

Representantforslag om midlertidig stans i mottak av kvoteflyktninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-04 110 0

Representantforslag om en ny norsk EU-utredning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-04 109 0

Representantforslag om opprettelse av asylmottak i utlandet etter dansk eller britisk modell

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-05-04 244 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne drivstoffavgiftene for å kompensere for en ekstraordinær prisutvikling - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-28 117 0

Representantforslag om å øke det lokale selvstyret når det gjelder kommunenes plikt til å følge opp ulovlige tiltak

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-27 139 0

Representantforslag om kontroll med hvilke personer som engasjerer seg i arbeidet med ukrainske flyktninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-27 155 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Frank Edvard Sve og Morten Stordalen om å kutte ferjebilletten på Nordøyvegen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-22 181 0

Representantforslag om MC som et praktisk transportalternativ som bør være tilgjengelig for flere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 151 0

Representantforslag om uavhengige konsekvensutredninger i vindkraftsaker

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 161 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Lars Haltbrekken, Andreas Sjalg Unneland, Kari Elisabeth Kaski og Kirsti Bergstø om sletting av Ukrainas statsgjeld

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 218 0

Representantforslag om bedre rammebetingelser for veterankjøretøy

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 164 0

Representantforslag om bemanning i barnevernet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 214 0

Representantforslag om en strategi for å sikre akademisk frihet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 184 0

Representantforslag om politiskandalen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 177 0

Representantforslag omdisponering av matjord og andre verdifulle arealer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 148 0

Representantforslag om å legge til rette for et mer bærekraftig hytteliv

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 149 0

Representantforslag om bedre forebygging og bekjempelse av partnerdrap

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 224 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for økt bemanning i skoler og barnehager

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 182 0

Representantforslag om å trekke tilbake utbyggingstillatelser på norsk sokkel som er i strid med Grunnloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 151 0

Representantforslag om at oljefondet ikke skal brukes til klimaspekulasjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 170 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å styrke Norges forsvarsevne og nasjonale beredskap

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 194 0

Representantforslag om klimatiltak nå

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 220 0

Representantforslag om løsning for kontantutbetaling til befolkningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 205 0

Representantforslag om å tette hull i konkurslovgivningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 170 0

Representantforslag om å forebygge og redusere ensomhet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 150 0

Representantforslag om jord- og sjøkabel som alternativ til luftledning ved bygging av sentralnett

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 192 0

Representantforslag om å gi raskere tilgang til medisiner for norske pasienter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 134 0

Representantforslag om energi for fremtiden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 174 0

Representantforslag om forsterket innsats for å bekjempe menneskehandel, vår tids slaveri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 199 0

Representantforslag om å tette hull i det norske skattesystemet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-11 147 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne plikten til å gå av med særaldersgrense i Forsvaret

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 162 0

Representantforslag om en helhetlig plan for å beskytte norsk kystnatur mot nitrogenforurensning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 130 0

Representantforslag om å lukke gjeldsfeller

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 134 0

Representantforslag om fornuftsbasert regulering av campingbiler

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 137 0

Representantforslag om hurtigspor for flytende havvind

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 193 0

Representantforslag om et bedre arbeidsliv for ansatte i varehandelen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 121 0

Representantforslag om å rette opp i regelverket for uføre og stenge uførefella - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 129 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne forskjellsbehandling som favoriserer utenlandsk eierskap i norsk næringsliv

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 148 0

Representantforslag om å styrke tegnspråkets stilling og tolketjenesten for døve, døvblinde og hørselshemmede for å sikre likestilt kommunikasjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 219 0

Representantforslag om å prosjektere Furuset-lokket på E6

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 151 0

Representantforslag om godkjenning av behandlersete i ambulanse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 183 0

Representantforslag om styrking av den sivile beredskapen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 207 0

Representantforslag om et mer fleksibelt barnehagetilbud, bedre tilpasset familienes behov

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 139 0

Representantforslag om å begrense maktkonsentrasjon i norsk dagligvare

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 158 0

Representantforslag om kutt i lederlønningene i helseforetakene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 142 0

Representantforslag om å ta sosialt ansvar og hjelpe folk med gjeldsproblemer gjennom en styrking og utvidelse av Gjeldsregisteret

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 151 0

Representantforslag om å ta alle gode krefter i bruk for å få folk i jobb

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 142 0

Representantforslag om trygge fritidsaktiviteter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 166 0

Representantforslag om opprettelse av et solidaritetsfond for hjelp, gjenoppbygging og å motvirke matvare- og energikrisen som følge av Russlands invasjon av Ukraina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 121 0

Representantforslag om helhetlig aldersfastsettelse for enslige mindreårige asylsøkere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 171 0

Representantforslag om at de som flyr mest, skal betale mest

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 170 0

Representantforslag om mer og bedre kollektivtransport

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 165 0

Representantforslag om utvikle alternative sluttvurderingsformer til dagens eksamen i ungdomsskole og videregående opplæring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 148 0

Representantforslag om betydelige kostnadsbesparelser i arbeidet med nytt regjeringskvartal i Oslo sentrum gjennom nedskalering av Hammersborgtunnel-prosjektet på Ring 1

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 126 0

Representantforslag om en rettferdig boligpolitikk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-08 129 0

Representantforslag om å respektere lokaldemokratiet og stanse statlig regulering av OUS

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-07 186 0

Representantforslag om å rette opp i regelverket for uføre og stenge uførefella

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-07 183 0

Representantforslag om økt kvalitet i SFO

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-07 137 0

Representantforslag om å sikre forutsigbar rett til tannhelsebehandling for tortur- og overgrepsutsatte og personer med odontofobi (TOO-pasientene)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-07 121 0

Representantforslag om å bygge hele E39 Ringvei øst i Bergen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-07 138 0

Representantforslag om å inkludere krisesentre i Husbankens tilskuddsordninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-06 177 0

Representantforslag om å evaluere jernbanereformen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-06 213 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å ta vare på matjorda

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-06 183 0

Representantforslag om å øke tempo og forpliktelser i norsk klimapolitikk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-06 182 0

Representantforslag om gjennomgang og avvikling av innsatsstyrt finansiering i spesialisthelsetjenesten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-06 214 0

Representantforslag om en punktlig og pålitelig jernbane

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-06 189 0

Representantforslag om rask og god integrering

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-01 173 0

Representantforslag om alternativ til ferjefri E39

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-01 163 0

Representantforslag om å sikre tilgang til helsepersonell i primæromsorgen i hele Norge gjennom å sikre fortsatt adgang til å ta i bruk bemanningsbyrå

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-01 193 0

Representantforslag om 30 prosent vern av natur innen 2030

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-04-01 242 0

Representantforslag om å sikre psykisk syke barn og unge under 13 år i hele Norge et tilgjengelig tilbud 24/7

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-31 162 0

Representantforslag om en tiltakspakke for transportnæringen og bygge- og anleggsnæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-31 212 0

Representantforslag om kraftfulle kutt i ferje- og båtprisene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-31 153 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Birgit Oline Kjerstad, Lars Haltbrekken og Andreas Sjalg Unneland om ei miljøklagenemnd

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-31 197 0

Representantforslag om energipolitikk for fremtiden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-31 164 0

Representantforslag om å skrote den rigide tredelingen av foreldrepermisjonen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 151 0

Representantforslag om innføring av midlertidig grensekontroll

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 162 0

Representantforslag om rettferdige konkurransevilkår i norsk dagligvarehandel

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 159 0

Representantforslag om klagemulighet etter avslag på innsyn etter offentlighetsloven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 157 0

Representantforslag om å sikre psykisk syke barn og unge under 13 år i hele Norge et tilgjengelig tilbud 24-7

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 173 0

Representantforslag om et nytt helhetlig bilavgiftssystem

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 216 0

Representantforslag om bedre personvern på sosiale medier

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 177 0

Representantforslag om innføring av lobbyregister

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 237 0

Representantforslag om en frihandelsavtale med Kina på is umiddelbart dersom Kina støtter Russland militært i invasjonen i Ukraina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-30 164 0

Representantforslag om å sikre oppreisning til mennesker som har vært utsatt for ulovlig tvangsmiddelbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-25 279 0

Representantforslag om å sikre like konkurransevilkår for uavhengige merkevarer og kjedenes egne merkevarer (EMV) i dagligvaremarkedet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-25 185 0

Representantforslag om strakstiltak for å redusere passkøene i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-25 169 0

Representantforslag om en nasjonal motorveiplan

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-25 200 0

Representantforslag om rettighetene til personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne i norsk lovgivning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-25 163 0

Representantforslag om nasjonal motorveiplan

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-24 208 0

Representantforslag om skatteplikt ved utflytting fra Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-23 136 0

Representantforslag om å frita husholdningene fra nettleie

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-23 133 0

Representantforslag om midlertidige tiltak mot ekstraordinære prisøkninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-21 136 0

Representantforslag om å forby energiintensiv utvinning av kryptovaluta i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-21 151 0

Representantforslag om å sikre Norge fullverdig deltakelse i EUs felles utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk (FUSP)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-18 140 0

Representantforslag om å flytte NBIM ut av Norges Bank og innføre strengere habilitetsregler rundt utnevnelser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-18 136 0

Representantforslag om å hjelpe ukrainske flyktninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-18 134 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne drivstoffavgiftene for å kompensere for en ekstraordinær prisutvikling

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-18 143 0

Representantforslag om stemmerett for 16-åringer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-14 169 0

Representantforslag om å bekjempe falske nyheter og desinformasjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-11 173 0

Representantforslag om å få flyktninger raskt i arbeid

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-11 158 0

Representantforslag om å stanse gruvedumping i sjø

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-11 177 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for energisparing og mer energi inn i kraftmarkedet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-11 162 0

Representantforslag om å sikre reell streikerett

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-11 182 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Frank Edvard Sve, Morten Stordalen og Sylvi Listhaug om å byggje ny E39-E136 Ålesund-Tresfjordbrua fyrst

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-11 145 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Frank Edvard Sve, Morten Stordalen og Sylvi Listhaug om å bygge ny E39-E136 Ålesund-Tresfjordbrua fyrst

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-10 154 0

Representantforslag om stemmerett for16-åringer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-10 168 0

Representantforslag om harmonisering av rentesatser ved etterbetaling av ytelser og tilbakekreving av feilutbetalinger fra Nav

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-10 146 0

Representantforslag om styrket, likeverdig, helårsåpent og døgnbemannet krisesentertilbud over hele landet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 165 0

Representantforslag om styrking av ofres stilling

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 159 0

Representantforslag om å styrke kampen mot voldtekt gjennom å nedsette en voldtektskommisjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 173 0

Representantforslag om 16-årig stemmerett ved lokalvalg

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 179 0

Representantforslag om løpende opptak til barnehageplasser

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 166 0

Representantforslag om valgfrihet for familiene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 174 0

Representantforslag om å innføre en beredskapshjemmel i plan- og bygningsloven for å håndtere en stor flyktningtilstrømming

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 173 0

Representantforslag om å bygge opp en kraftfull norsk havvindsatsing

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 168 0

Representantforslag om å forlenge strømkompensasjonen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-09 170 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Kari Eskeland, Kari-Anne Jønnes og Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde om auka kompetanse innan riving og demontering

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-07 296 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Kari Eskeland, Trond Helleland, Nikolai Astrup, Helge Orten og Svein Harberg om satsing på hydrogen som energiberar for tog

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-07 169 0

Representantforslag om å avskaffe fylkesnemndene som instans i sosial- og barnevernssaker

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-04 4 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre energisparing tilgjengelig for alle

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-04 4 0

Representantforslag om satsning på hydrogen som energibærar for tog

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-04 2 0

Representantforslag om innføring av meldeplikt ved funn av overgrepsmateriale

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-04 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre godkjenning av medisinutdanning fra EU- og EØS-land i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-04 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Kari Eskeland, Kari-Anne Jønnes og Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde om auka kompetanse innan rivning og demontering

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-04 18 0

Representantforslag om å styrke matsikkerheten i Norge gjennom økt matkornproduksjon som følge av krigen i Ukraina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-04 3 0

Representantforslag om straffeforfølgelse av folkerettsstridig angrepskrig og kriminalisering av folkerettsstridig angrepskrig i norsk straffelov

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-03 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre økt norsk gasseksport

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-03 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Frank Edvard Sve, Morten Stordalen, Sylvi Listhaug, Bård Hoksrud, Silje Hjemdal, Helge André Njåstad, Carl I. Hagen og Tor-André Johnsen om å prioritere ny rv. 15 Strynefjellet no

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-03 7 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Frank Edvard Sve, Morten Stordalen, Sylvi Listhaug og Bård Hoksrud om å stoppe bypakke Ålesund

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-03 5 0

Representantforslag om å hjelpe ukrainere på flukt fra krig ved å tilby kollektiv beskyttelse til ukrainske flyktninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-03 1 0

Representantforslag om å styrke retten til selvbestemt abort

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-02 1 0

Representantforslag om ekstraordinær støtte til Ukrainas frihetskamp

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-03-02 2 0

Representantforslag om en plan for å ta igjen tapt faglig og sosial læring og tette kunnskapshull for elever i norsk skole

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-28 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre barn som har vært utsatt for svikt av det offentlige, lik tilgang på erstatninger uavhengig av hvilken kommune de bor i

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-28 3 0

Representantforslag om å hindre at afghanere blir tvangsreturnert til Afghanistan

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-28 3 0

Representantforslag om å trappe opp norsk støtte til Ukraina, Georgia og Moldova

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-28 2 0

Representantforslag om å styrke investeringene i norsk helsenæring - BERIKTIGET

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-28 2 0

Representantforslag om en storstilt satsing på norsk hydrogen- og ammoniakkutvikling

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-28 5 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Alfred Jens Bjørlo, Guri Melby og André N. Skjelstad om full breibandsdekning og realisering av gigabitsamfunnet innan 2025

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-28 29 0

Representantforslag om å utsette endringene i formuesskatten på oppdrettskonsesjoner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-17 2 0

Representantforslag om inntektspolitisk samarbeid gjennom lønnsoppgjøret

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-17 3 0

Representantforslag om en mer bærekraftig og sirkulær tekstilindustri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-17 2 0

Representantforslag om å styrke undervisningskvaliteten for studenter under pandemien og følge opp studenters studieprogresjon og undervisningstilbud

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-16 3 0

Representantforslag om Finnmarksløpet - Et verktøy for promotering av Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2022-02-14 3 0

Representantforslag om å styrke investeringene i norsk helsenæring

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-11 2 0

Representantforslag om tap av stemmerett for terrordømte.

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-11 3 0

Representantforslag om et grønt luftfartsprogram for å legge til rette for utvikling, testing og implementering av null- og lavutslippsteknologi for luftfart i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-11 2 0

Representantforslag om endring av straffeprosessloven (varetektsfengsling av terrormistenkte)

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-11 4 0

Representantforslag om Finnmarksløpet - et verktøy for promotering av Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-11 3 0

Representantforslag om alternative reaksjoner til utvisning og styrking av barnets beste

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å stille alle saker i utlendingsforvaltningen som berører barn, i bero

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-10 2 0

Representantforslag om utbetaling av vedtatt tilskudd til X Games Norway

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-10 3 0

Representantforslag om å avlyse sentralt gitte eksamener våren 2022

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-10 3 0

Representantforslag om å hente hjem norske barn og kvinner fra interneringsleirer i Syria

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-10 2 0

Representantforslag om å godkjenne leger utdannet i Danmark

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-10 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre ureturnerbare asylsøkeres rett til å ta lønnet arbeid samt retten til grunnleggende helsehjelp for alle som oppholder seg i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-09 3 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre inntektssikringsordningen for selvstendig næringsdrivende og frilansere permanent

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-04 4 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at leger ikke kan ilegges overtredelsesgebyr for feil forskrivning av blåresepter

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-04 3 0

Representantforslag om godkjenning som friskole med særskilt profil eller videregående opplæring i yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogrammer

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-04 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Kari Eskeland, Helge Orten, Olve Grotle og Aleksander Stokkebø om auka fokus på og nye løysingar for rassikring av infrastruktur

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-04 18 0

Representantforslag om innsyn i dokumenter fra Stortingets administrasjon og presidentskap

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-04 2 0

Representantforslag omstillings- og stimuleringstiltak for reiselivet og serverings-, kultur- og utelivsbransjen etter koronapandemien

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-04 3 0

Representantforslag om lokal CO<sub>2</sub>-fangst og -lagring m.m. for å nå klimamål på sokkelen

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-04 3 0

Representantforslag om å bevare Bredtvetskogen

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-03 1 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at leger ikke kan ilegges overtredelsesgebyr for feil foreskrivning av blåresepter

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-03 3 0

Representantforslag om en bedre barselomsorg

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-02 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Olve Grotle, Linda Hofstad Helleland og Lene Westgaard-Halle om ein visjon om at ingen fiskarar skal omkome på havet i framtida

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-02 3 0

Representantforslag om tilleggsforhandlinger for jordbruket

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-02 3 0

Representantforslag om å nedsette en uavhengig bistandskommisjon

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-02 3 0

Representantforslag om å stramme inn praktiseringen av anskaffelsesregelverket når det gjelder næringslivets overholdelse av folkeretten

Robert Sell Norway 2022-02-02 3 0

Representantforslag området å etablere seg og satse i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-25 3 0

Representantforslag om hjemmel til å rutinemessig gjennomføre visitasjon og undersøkelse av asylsøkere i forbindelse med asylregistreringen

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-25 2 0

Representantforslag om koronakompensasjon til ideelle sykehus

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-24 3 0

Representantforslag om endring av straffeloven

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-24 2 0

Representantforslag om å la vernede vassdrag forbli vernet

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-24 4 0

Representantforslag om helsehjelp til papirløse migranter i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-24 2 0

Representantforslag om foreldelsesfrist for tilbakekallelse av statsborgerskap

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-20 2 0

Representantforslag om en mer effektiv tungbilkontroll for tryggere veier

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-20 4 0

Representantforslag om en tryggere idrett og forebygging av kroppsmisnøye og spiseforstyrrelser i idretten

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-19 2 0

Representantforslag om evaluering av Norges deltakelse i krigen i Syria og Irak

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-19 2 0

Representantforslag om å vurdere endringer i trafikklærerutdanningen for å sikre tilstrekkelig rekruttering av trafikklærere for tunge kjøretøy

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-19 2 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Marian Hussein, Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes og Ingrid Fiskaa om tilgang på vaksinar, medisinar, medisinsk utstyr og medisinsk teknologi i kampen mot covid-pandemien

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-19 23 0

Representantforslag om videreføring av en lærerspesialistordning

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-13 4 0

Representantforslag om å utsette avgiftsinnbetaling for serveringsbransjen

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-13 3 0

Representantforslag om å åpne muligheten for skånsom utbygging av vannkraft i vernede vassdrag

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-13 1 0

Representantforslag om at Flyhistorisk Museum Sola får overta F-16

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-13 3 0

Representantforslag om å innføre makspris på strøm for norske forbrukere

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-12 1 0

Representantforslag om endringer i folketrygdloven for utbetalinger i ekstraordinære tilfeller

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-12 2 0

Representantforslag om å innføre makspris på og toprissystem for strøm

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-12 2 0

Representantforslag om stønad til husholdninger som følge av ekstraordinære strømutgifter

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-07 3 0

Representantforslag om å oppheve den nasjonale skjenkestoppen for utelivsbransjen

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-06 2 0

Representantforslag om å oppheve nasjonalt skjenkeforbud for restauranter

Robert Sell Norway 2022-01-06 3 0

Representantforslag om å gjenopprette Sivilombudets innsynsrett i regjeringens dokumenter

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-23 3 0

Representantforslag om Frode Berg-saken

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-22 2 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe videre elektrifisering av norsk sokkel

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-22 3 0

Representantforslag om å avvikle fylkeskommunen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-22 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre barn individuell klagerett etter barnekonvensjonen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-22 2 0

Representantforslag om å gjenopprette sivilombudets innsynsrett i regjeringens dokumenter

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-22 3 0

Representantforslag om å bekjempe vold og gjengkriminalitet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-21 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre sykepenger til pasienter som står i helsekø grunnet covid-19

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-21 3 0

Representantforslag om å redusere nettleien for norske strømkunder

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-20 2 0

Representantforslag om å styrke norsk intensivkapasitet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-16 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre demokratisk forankring og kontroll av inngripende smitteverntiltak

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-15 1 0

Representantforslag om å forlenge kriseordningene for arbeidsfolk - BERIKTIGET

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-15 3 0

Representantforslag om å forplikte helseforetakene til å følge rådene pasienter får fra Ekspertpanelet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-15 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre demokratisk forankring og kontroll av inngripende smittevernstiltak

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-14 3 0

Representantforslag om tilbakebetaling av statens økte strøminntekter for å sikre strømhjelp til alle før jul

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-10 4 0

Representantforslag om å forlenge kriseordningene for arbeidsfolk

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-09 1 0

Representantforslag om å gjennomføre rusreformen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-08 2 0

Representantforslag om korrigering av rammene for statsbudsjettet for 2022

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-08 3 0

Representantforslag om diplomatisk boikott av store idrettsarrangementer organisert i autoritære stater

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-03 3 0

Representantforslag om å fryse EØS-utbetalingene til den polske stat

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-03 2 0

Representantforslag om at Stortinget må få evalueringen av Beslutningsforum for nye metoder til behandling

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-03 3 0

Representantforslag om å stanse planlagte økninger i strømavgifter

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-03 3 0

Representantforslag om å innføre fritak for merverdiavgift for varer som gis til veldedige formål, for å redusere kasting og destruering av brukbare varer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-03 3 0

Representantforslag om en opptrappingsplan for flere varig tilrettelagte arbeidsplasser (VTA)

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-03 2 0

Representantforslag om en ekstern kvalitetssikring av beregningene av samfunnsøkonomiske konsekvenser ved kabling av kraftoverføring mellom Bærum og Oslo

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-02 4 0

Representantforslag om å innføre begrensning på krafteksport for å ivareta norsk beredskap og forsyningssikkerhet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-12-01 4 0

Representantforslag om en kvitteringsordning ved personkontroller

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-30 2 0

Representantforslag om å reforhandle styringsavtalen med Enova SF

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-26 2 0

Representantforslag om kvitteringsordning ved personkontroller

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-26 2 0

Representantforslag om oppdatering av regelverket for Stortingets pendlerboliger

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-26 3 0

Representantforslag om mer europeisk samarbeid

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-26 3 0

Representantforslag om redusert arbeidsgiverperiode for sykepenger når fraværet skyldes covid-19

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-25 2 0

Representantforslag om hvordan Nav-skandalen kunne skje

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-24 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Bård Hoksrud, Carl I. Hagen, Tor André Johnsen, Dagfinn Henrik Olsen, Bengt Rune Strifeldt og Frank Edvard Sve om endring av rovviltforvaltninga

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-23 80 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Sylvi Listhaug, Helge André Njåstad, Silje Hjemdal og Frank Edvard Sve om straumsituasjonen i Geirangerfjorden etter vedtak om nullutslepp for cruiseskip

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-19 2 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Bård Hoksrud, Carl I. Hagen, Tor André Johnsen, Dagfinn Henrik Olsen, Bengt Rune Strifeldt og Frank Edvard Sve om endring av rovviltforvaltinga

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-19 121 0

Representantforslag om generell bevæpning av politiet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-18 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Sylvi Listhaug, Helge André Njåstad, Silje Hjemdal og Frank Edvard Sve om straumsituasjonen i Geirangerfjorden etter vedtak om nullutslipp for cruiseskip

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-18 3 0

Representantforslag om å legge forholdene til rette for at Alta kommune og innbyggerne i Alta kan velge fylkestilhørighet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-18 2 0

Representantforslag om å styrke dyrevelferden for produksjonsdyr

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-18 2 0

Representantforslag om endring av straffeloven for å hindre seksuell utnyttelse av barn

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-18 1 0

Representantforslag om at barnetrygd og kontantstøtte ikke skal regnes med i grunnlaget for beregning av ytelser etter sosialtjenesteloven og bostøtteloven

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-18 2 0

Representantforslag om gjeninnføring av feriepenger til de arbeidsløse

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-18 3 0

Representantforslag om bostøtte

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-17 3 0

Representantforslag om et løft for den digitale spillkulturen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-11-17 2 0

Representantforslag om å midlertidig oppheve fraværsgrensa i videregående skole

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-29 3 0

Representantforslag om lønnsmoderasjon for høytlønnede i staten

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-29 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Sylvi Listhaug og Frank Edvard Sve om drenering av fjellskredområdet ved Åkneset

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-28 2 0

Representantforslag om bedre ivaretagelse av samfunnets behov for vern mot og behandling av alvorlig psykisk syke personer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-28 2 0

Representantforslag om å forby bemanningsbransjen, fjerne den generelle adgangen til midlertidige ansattelser og skjerpe arbeidstakerbegreper og arbeidsgiveransvaret - BERIKTIGET

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-21 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre et godt sykehustilbud til pasienter innen psykisk helsevern og tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-21 2 0

Representantforslag om en helhetlig ungdomsskolereform

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-21 2 0

Representantforslag om å forby bemanningsbransjen, fjerne den generelle adgangen til midlertidige ansattelser og skjerpe arbeidstakerbegreper og arbeidsgiveransvaret -BERIKTIGET

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-19 4 0

Representantforslag om å sikre rettigheter til dagpenger og sykepenger for alle arbeidstakere uten aldersdiskriminering

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-19 3 0

Representantforslag om innlemmelse av rettsaktene som inngår i EUs jernbanepakke IV

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-14 3 0

Representantforslag om å forby bemanningsbransjen, fjerne den generelle adgangen til midlertidige ansattelser og skjerpe arbeidstakerbegreper og arbeidsgiveransvaret

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-14 2 0

Representantforslag om gjenopprettelse av kompensasjonsordningen for selvstendig næringsdrivende og frilansere

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-14 2 0

Representantforslag om statsråd Knut Arild Hareide har brutt ansvarlighetsloven § 8 bokstav b ved å unnlate å gjennomføre stortingsvedtak 1013 av 27. mai 2021

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-14 3 0

Representantforslag om å bevare Ullevål sykehus, å bevare Gaustad sykehus som psykiatrisk sykehus og bygge ut Aker sykehus som lokalsykehus for hele Groruddalen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-14 2 0

Representantforslag om profittfrie barnehager

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 2 0

Representantforslag om å bevare Ullevål sykehus, Gaustad sykehus som psykiatrisk sykehus, og bygge ut Aker Sykehus som lokalsykehus for hele Groruddalen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 2 0

Representantforslag om å hindre at AAP-mottakere blir kastet ut i fattigdom

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 3 0

Representantforslag om tannhelsereform for å behandle tennene som en del av kroppen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 2 0

Representantforslag om å bremse krafteksport

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 3 0

Representantforslag om innlemmelse av rettsaktene som inngår i EUs Jernbanepakke IV

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 3 0

Representantforslag om gjenopprettelse av kompensasjonsordningen forselvstendig næringsdrivende og frilansere

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 2 0

Representantforslag om å stanse tildelingen av letetillatelser på norsk sokkel

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 1 0

Representantforslag om å holde barnetrygden utenfor ved beregningen av økonomisk sosialhjelp

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 3 0

Representantforslag om kutt i godtgjørelsene for stortingsrepresentanter og regjeringsmedlemmer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 3 0

Representantforslag om å forby bemanningsbransjen, fjerne den generelle adgangen til midlertidige ansatte og skjerpe arbeidstakerbegreper og arbeidsgiveransvaret

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 2 0

Representantforslag om statsråd Knut Arild Hareide har brutt ansvarlighetslovens § 8 bokstav b ved å unnlate å gjennomføre stortingsvedtak 1013, av 27. mai 2021.

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 2 0

Representantforslag om å redde fødeavdelingen i Kristiansund

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 2 0

Representantforslag om strakshjelp med strømregninga for folk med dårlig råd

Robert Sell Norway 2021-10-13 4 0

Representantforslag om nedskalering av Gartnerløkka og helhetlig samferdselsplanlegging i Kristiansand

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om en bærekraftig politikk for innvilgelse av nye statsborgerskap

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag omtvistet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om rett til å kjøre lett motorsykkel dersom man har førerkort for bil

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre geitenes framtid i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om at rusavhengige ikke skal straffeforfølges

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å gi familien full frihet til å dele foreldrepermisjonen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne skatt på frikort og personalrabatter

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å avvikle den urettferdige avkortningen i pensjon for gifte og samboende pensjonister

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om en forebyggings- og behandlingsreform innen rusfeltet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om et styrket og gratis krisesentertilbud for voldsutsatte

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om tilslutning til forskuttering av prosjektet E39 Hove-Osli

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å gi mennesker med funksjonsnedsettelser mulighet til å velge nullutslippsbiler i Nav

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om mindre bruk og kast

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om forenkling av strømmarkedet til det beste for forbrukerne

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at alle personer som utsettes for en ulykke, også får dekket sine kostnader til nødvendig behandling av tannskader

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om reform av finansiering av ferge- og hurtigbåttilbudet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om en kraftig utbygging av mobildekning i hele landet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å utrede hvordan Norge påvirkes av hemmelighold og mangel på demokrati i EU

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å ta bedre vare på matjorda gjennom å fastsette et nytt jordvernmål

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om nasjonal beredskap og produksjon av smittevernutstyr

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å hindre skattekonkurranse mellom kommuner

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om et styrket Nav

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om kompensasjon på grunn av lovforbud med tilbakevirkende kraft

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om statlig vern av Ekebergsletta

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å bidra til at Nordland Kunst- og filmhøgskole og NTNU får nødvendig bistand i en overgangsperiode

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om noen kjøretøytekniske forenklinger

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å utarbeide en KVU for ny jernbane Oslo-Stockholm og utrede nye statlige finansieringsmodeller for jernbaneutbygginger i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å legge til rette for forskuttering av utbyggingen av E39 Hove-Osli

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 5 0

Representantforslag om reetablering av høyere utdanning på Nesna

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å sikre et helhetlig Nav

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om voksen stebarnsadopsjon

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å avlyse sentralt gitte eksamener våren 2021

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å nedsette et forenklings- og moderniseringsutvalg

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å trekke Norge fra ILO-konvensjon nr. 169, oppheve Finnmarksloven og nedlegge Sametinget

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om å sikre rettigheter til dagpenger og sykepenger i tråd med forventet pensjonsalder i pensjonsreformen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om et nytt globalt vaksine- og legemiddelregime basert på selvforsyning, solidaritet og samarbeid

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at kvinner i et likekjønnet par kan få reell mulighet til selv å velge hvem av kvinnene i paret som skal gå gravid med parets barn

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å sette ned et uavhengig utvalg for å utrede norsk deltakelse i internasjonale operasjoner og følgene av disse operasjonene fra 1991 til i dag

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å forbedre permitteringsreglene ved å redusere arbeidsgiverperioden

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om flytting av kontrollsentralen på Sola

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å forhindre økt ulikhet etter koronapandemien og sikre en rettferdig fordeling av kriseregninga

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om nasjonalt eierskap og kontroll over strategisk viktige naturressurser, bedrifter, infrastrukturer og teknologier

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om at nullutslippsvarebiler fortsatt må få rabatt i bomstasjonene rundt Trondheim

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om en tannhelsereform for å behandle tennene som en del av kroppen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om økt verdiskaping og flere arbeidsplasser i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om bedre vaksine mot HPV og kjønnsvorter

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre en mer helhetlig havbruksforvaltning

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å markere de ti oljebud

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om nødvendige endringer i regelverket for yrkesskade, herunder for de såkalte «oljepionerene»

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om forbud mot barnehijab

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om norsk produksjon av viktige legemidler

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre tilgjengelighet hos Nav

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om kamp mot rasisme

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om stans i videre tilpasning til EUs energibyrå ACER

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om en strategi for arbeidet med FNs naturavtale

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om forbud mot gummigranulat

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om at bruk av brannbomber og lignende svært alvorlige handlinger rettet mot politi og domstoler, underlegges like strenge straffer som terrorvirksomhet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om kostnadseffektive veiinvesteringer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om full internettdekning til hele landet i løpet av 2025

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe innstramminger i sjølaksefisket i 2021

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om rask og systematisk rekruttering for å sikre ungdom sommerjobb i landbruket

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om strengere språkkrav for helsepersonell

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag omsorg

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om lokalt selvstyre over motorisert ferdsel i utmark

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne støtten til Human Rights Service

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om at Nav-kontor skal tilby faglig hjelp med minst samme åpningstider som kommunens rådhus

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om rettferdig nettleie

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å innføre kvotetrekk for eksport av ubearbeidet fisk for å sikre at norsk fisk skaper norske arbeidsplasser

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om arbeidslivsfag og en mer praktisk innrettet ungdomsskole for økt rekruttering til yrkesfag

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre norske lønns- og arbeidsvilkår på cruise i norske farvann

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å avslutte statens arbeid med marint vern av fjordarmen Børgin i Trondheimsfjorden

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å flytte den norske ambassaden i Israel fra Tel Aviv til Jerusalem

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne eiendomsskatten innen 2024

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om en opptrapping av norske bidrag til internasjonal klimafinansiering

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å styrke kortbanenettet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om motorferdsel i utmark og vassdrag med sikte på redusert byråkrati

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om redusert arbeidsgiverperiode I i kombinasjon med lønnskompensasjon, samt dekning av tapt varelager

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å utarbeide en klimaplan for helsesektoren

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om medisinsk begrunnet dispensasjon for svaksynte

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å gi kommunen en klar lovhjemmel til å hindre organisasjoner og trossamfunn i å drive klart integreringshemmende virksomhet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe nedbyggingen av grøntområdene på Bredtvet i Groruddalen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om plan med tiltak for gjenåpning av samfunnet og gjenreising av norsk næringsliv etter pandemien

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om at Norge må trekke seg ut av EUs energibyrå (ACER)

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om endringer i plan- og bygningsloven og skjerpet ansvar for tilsyn med at utbyggings- og byggeprosjekter gjennomføres i samsvar med gitte tillatelser og bestemmelser

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å tydeliggjøre forbud mot seksuell trakassering i arbeidsmiljøloven

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag stortingsrepresentant Per Espen Stoknes om å bedre barns utearealer og oppvekstmiljø

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at Luxturna blir gjort tilgjengelig for norske pasienter som kvalifiserer til en slik behandling

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å endre gradsforskriften slik at flere studiesteder kan tilby utdanninger arbeidslivet har behov for

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om at ingen skal miste fasttelefonen før de har mobildekning eller andre telefonløsninger med minst like god dekning som fasttelefon

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om rettferdig kompensasjonsordning for den norske turbussbransjen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om nei til elektrifisering av sokkelen med strøm fra land

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å styrke norsk privat eierskap ved å fjerne formuesskatten på næring

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om å tillate at bestått førerkort klasse T og B skal gi rett til førerkort klasse BE

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å innføre en fravikelig samboerlov

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om profittfri velferd

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre norsk råderett over egen innvandringspolitikk og si nei til EUs «New Pact on Migration and Asylum»

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å legge til rette for salg av bensin- og dieselbiler også etter 2025

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å gjennomføre en tannhelsereform for at alle kan smile bredt, ved å likestille tannhelsetjenester med andre helsetjenester

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om et mer investeringsvennlig Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å sikre verdige og tilrettelagte tannhelsetjenester til mennesker som er blitt utsatt for tortur eller overgrep eller har odontofobi

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre rekeindustrien råstoff

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om støtte til familieeide, historiske hotell og spisesteder

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om nasjonale retningslinjer og meldeplikt i eldreomsorgen for å motvirke vold og overgrep mot eldre

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å avvikle nullvekstmålet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne de statlige barrierene for økt produksjon og bruk av biogass

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å erstatte helseforetaksmodellen med demokratisk styrte sykehus der pasientenes behov kommer først

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om økt verdiskaping og sysselsetting i norsk næringsmiddelindustri

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å evakuere flere asylsøkere fra Hellas i 2021 og forsterke bistanden til Bosnia

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å unngå en tapt generasjon for demokratiet, kulturen og idretten

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å ikke gi utsatt frist for idriftsettelse av vindkraftanlegg på Øyfjellet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å gi offentlig autorisasjon til naprapater, osteopater, paramedisinere og logopeder

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å styrke norske sparebanker

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om et bedre og enklere boligmarked

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om skjerpet straff ved flere grove integritetskrenkelser

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag området og luftfartøyvernsenter på Kjeller

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å avvikle prikkbelastningssystemet i veitrafikken

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om fullføringsrett for elever som har hatt mye fravær og digital skole grunnet covid-19

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om trygg og barnevennlig transport og ren luft i byer og tettsteder

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om lokalsykehusene i Innlandet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å redusere næringslivets administrative kostnader med 20 prosent innen 2025

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om en langtidsplan for barn og unge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om klassifisering av elsparkesykler og kommunenes adgang til å regulere elsparkesykkelfirmaenes virksomhet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om en kritisk gjennomgang av vernebestemmelser for å forenkle byggeprosesser og styrke eiendomsretten -BERIKTIGET

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om norsk initiativ til opprettelse av en internasjonal straffedomstol for IS-terrorister og å hindre at tusenvis av potensielle terrorister emigrerer til Norge og Europa

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre kampen mot ulikhet og skatteparadiser til en hovedsatsing i norsk utenriks- og utviklingspolitikk

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om globale og nasjonale tiltak for renere hav og håndtering av plast

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om krisetiltak og grønn gjenreisningsplan for Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å muliggjøre opprettelse av enkeltpersonforetak for sekstenåringer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om regionale odontologiske kompetansesentre

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om økte lokale ringvirkninger av verneområdene og Norges nasjonalparker

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om stamcellebehandling, enten i Norge eller i utlandet, finansiert av staten

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å stanse nedbygging av natur

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å tillate at personer over 16 år får selge alkohol- og tobakksvarer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å innføre førerkortklasse B1 for firehjulsmotorsykkel for 16-åringer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at ALS-syke, demenspasienter og andre med alvorlige diagnoser får en «right to try»

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om enklere og billigere sykkel- og gangveier

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om et grønt statlig investeringsselskap for industri basert på grønt karbon

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om nødvendige tiltak for å sikre vann og avløp

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at fiskerilovgivningens distriktspolitiske mål gjennomføres i praksis

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 5 0

Representantforslag om at Riksrevisjonen foretar en særskilt undersøkelse av anskaffelsesprosessen og grunnlaget for valget av kampflyet F-35

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om helseattest for eldre bilførere

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å styrke norsk reiseliv i etterkant av koronapandemien og sikre norsk eierskap til reiselivsbedrifter i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om tomtefeste

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om mer uavhengighet i domstolene ved behandlingen av stillingsvernsaker

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om et offentlig utvalg som skal utrede et nytt opptakssystem for høyere utdanning

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om rettferdig boligpolitikk

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om gratis skolefritidsordning (SFO)

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å innføre 120 km/t fartsgrense på motorvei

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag Representantforslag om å sikre mer forutsigbare regler for krav til slokkevann

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om initiativ til å endre loven slik at kommuner og fylkeskommuner ikke skal ha anledning til å utøve lokal utenrikspolitikk

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å satse på norsk filmproduksjon, i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om lavere kjøttforbruk, økt selvforsyning og mer bærekraftig mat

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om nødvendige endringer i ventelisteregistrering og fristbruddordning

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å gi kommunene en klar lovhjemmel for å kunne regulere utleie og bruk av elsparkesykler og små elkjøretøy

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre bedre rammebetingelser for en slagkraftig fagbevegelse

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om en ekstraordinær tilsynskampanje ved norske gårder med gris

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om endring av de statlige planretningslinjene for å legge til rette for vekst og utvikling i hele Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om videre oppfølging av seksårsreformen for en bedre overgang mellom barnehage og skole og avvikling av kontroversielle kartlegginger

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om amerikansk spionasje mot Norge og sette i gang egne undersøkelser av spionasjen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om en mer praktisk og variert skoledag

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Signe Navarsete, Emilie Enger Mehl og Geir Adelsten Iversen om å greie ut situasjonen for NH90 med mål om å finne ei løysing som sikrar Kystvakta tilstrekkeleg helikopterkapasitet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 23 0

Representantforslag om en nasjonal e-sportstrategi

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å igangsette arbeidet med å realisere Nord-Norgebanen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å øke organisasjonsgraden i arbeidslivet og sikre flere fast jobb

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å avhjelpe negative konsekvenser av covid-19 under straffegjennomføring

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om opptrappingsplan for helseutdanningene

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å slette opparbeidet bompengegjeld

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne foreldelsesfristen for seksualforbrytelser mot barn

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Liv Signe Navarsete, Per Olaf Lundteigen og Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen om å utarbeide ein heilskapleg plan for Forsvaret for å nå målsetjingane som er nedfelte i FN sin agenda for kvinner, fred og sikkerheit

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 9 0

Representantforslag om arbeidsinkludering foran profitt og anbud i Navs tiltaksapparat

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for de som lever på hemmelig eller fortrolig adresse

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om et sterkere sosialt sikkerhetsnett med varige forbedringer i dagpengeordningen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om en forsterket innsats for å behandle benskjørhet og forebygge brudd hos eldre

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om en styrket nasjonal og internasjonal satsing på arbeidet mot spredning av antibiotikaresistente bakterier

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å rette opp i usosiale velferdskutt

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om at mentorordningen i Nav utvides til å gjelde jordbruksvirksomheter som ansetter arbeidstakere bosatt i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om en rettferdig boligpolitikk i bygd og by

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om å forby bruk av bompenger på sykkelveier, kollektivtrafikk og byutvikling

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om verdier for den norske helsetjenesten

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag om MiljøFUNN

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe subsidielekkasje og sikre økt aktivitet og sysselsetting i Norge

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om at Norge skal bli en global ledestjerne i klimaomstilling

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om etablering av et pilotprogram for industri 4.0

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om statlig bidrag til istandsettelsen av Den Gamle Krigsskole i Oslo

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om at Norge må innta en lederrolle i kampen mot dødelige autonome våpensystemer (drapsroboter)

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om likhet for loven for rusbehandling, psykiatri og somatikk under innleggelse i behandlingsinstitusjoner

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om rettferdighet i de økonomiske krisetiltakene for næringslivet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om en rettferdig miljøpolitikk med utslippskutt som monner - BERIKTIGET

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om å oppheve forbudet mot nydyrking av myr

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag omsorgstjenesten

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om en sterk og uavhengig kulturforvaltning

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 1 0

Representantforslag omsetning, i barnevernet

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at hjelpemiddelordningen er brukerorientert

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om statlig delfinansiering av det arbeidet som Maridalens Venner i Oslo gjør for å realisere den statlige vedtatte forvaltningsplanen for Maridalen landskapsvernområde

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre det enklere å montere informasjonsskilt langs norske veier

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag om økt rekruttering av kommunepsykologer

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 3 0

Representantforslag om økt tillatt hastighet for moped

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om et yrkesfagløft for verdiskaping

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 4 0

Representantforslag områder

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0

Representantforslag om forutsigbarhet og trygghet for petroleumsforskningen

Robert Sell Norway 2021-08-11 2 0


Rasmus Tenbergen Argentina 2024-06-24 373 0

O.D. 750/2021 - Declaración de Interés Nacional a la Carta Acuerdo para el Proyecto del Corredor Bioceánico Ferroviario del NOA

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2023-05-19 201 0

Modificación de multas por incumplimiento al artículo 15° de la ley 25.191 de Trabajadores Rurales.\rCreación de una línea telefónica gratuita para la prevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil y del trabajo adolescente irregular

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2023-05-19 91 0

Creación de la Federación Argentina de Círculos de Legisladores Provinciales.\rDeclaración de la Fiesta Provincial de la Sal como Fiesta Nacional.\rDeclaración de Rosario como Capital Nacional del Rock Argentino.\rDeclaración del montañismo como ac

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2023-05-19 64 0

Transferencia de tres inmuebles del Estado Nacional a la municipalidad de Montecarlo, provincia de Misiones, y otro a la municipalidad de Larroque, provincia de Entre Ríos.\rPrórroga del Programa Nacional de Entrega Voluntaria de armas de fuego, hasta e

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2023-05-17 163 0

Acuerdos para designaciones de embajadores extraordinarios y plenipotenciarios

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2023-05-17 161 0

Creación del Parque Nacional Aconquija, en la provincia de Tucumán.\rCreación del Parque y Reserva Nacional Laguna El Palmar, en la provincia de Chaco.\rTransferencia de jurisdicción de la provincia de Entre Ríos al Estado Nacional del Parque Naciona

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2023-05-17 47 0

S-2150/21-PL , O.D. 814/2021 - Incremento del mínimo no imponible en del impuesto sobre los bienes personales

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-09-09 146 0

S-2708/21-PL - Declaración de zona de desastre y emergencia forestal,\reconómica, productiva y social a las provincias de Río Negro, Chubut y Neuquén

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-08-19 170 0

O.D. 7/2022 - Creación de un fondo nacional para la cancelación de la deuda con el FMI

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-18 133 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-18 135 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-18 138 0

CD-1/22-PL , O.D. 1/2022 - Programa de Facilidades Extendidas para refinanciar la deuda con el FMI

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-18 171 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-18 149 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-18 153 0

Acuerdos sobre servicios aéreos con Países Bajos y Portugal.\rCreación de la Fundación Internacional UE-ALC entre la Unión Europea y la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños.\rAcuerdo sobre el reconocimiento de títulos de grado de educa

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-18 110 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 171 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 149 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 162 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 163 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 160 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 154 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 141 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 149 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 173 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 148 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 149 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 204 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 183 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 152 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 163 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 196 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 231 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-15 145 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-14 163 0

PE-289/08-AC , O.D. 1294/2008 - Temas Varios O.D

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-14 178 0

PE-289/08-AC , O.D. 1414/2008 - Temas Varios O.D

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-14 176 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-14 140 0

S-2867/08-PL , O.D. 1294/2008 - Temas Varios O.D

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-14 234 0


Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-14 161 0

2/2022 - (

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-07 200 0

1/2022 - CD-1/22-PL ,

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-07 202 0

CD-5/22-PL , O.D. 98/2022 - Alivio fiscal para pequeños contribuyentes y autónomos

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-06 148 0

Pliegos de embajadores extraordinarios y plenipotenciarios en Ecuador, Honduras y Venezuela, y de miembros del cuerpo diplomático

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-06 139 0

S-957/22-PL , O.D. 96/2022 - Moratoria previsional

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-06 163 0

CD-23/21-PL , O.D. 83/2022 - Régimen de Protección Integral para los niños, niñas y adolescentes con cáncer

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-06 170 0

CD-2/22-PL , O.D. 84/2022 - Respuesta Integral al VIH, hepatitis virales y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual y tuberculosis

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-06 230 0

Creación de los Parques Nacionales El Palmar, Aconquija y Ansenuza

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-06 174 0

Transferencia de inmuebles del Estado Nacional.\rPrórroga del Programa Nacional de Entrega Voluntaria de armas de fuego.\rAmpliación del horario de atención e inclusión de la asistencia de una persona humana para clientes de tarjetas de crédito

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-06 105 0

84/2022 - CD-2/22-PL ,

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-05 162 0

85/2022 , O.D. 86/2022 , O.D. 87/2022 , O.D. 88/2022 , O.D. 89/2022 , O.D. 90/2022 - (

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-05 150 0

76/2022 , O.D. 81/2022 , O.D. 99/2022 , O.D. 100/2022 - (

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-05 167 0

96/2022 - S-957/22-PL ,

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-05 216 0

98/2022 - CD-5/22-PL ,

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-05 199 0

74/2022 , O.D. 75/2022 , O.D. 95/2022 , O.D. 97/2022 - (

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-05 175 0

83/2022 - CD-23/21-PL ,

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-07-05 151 0

Acuerdos sobre servicios aéreos con Países Bajos y Portugal.\rCreación de la Fundación Internacional UE-ALC.\rReconocimiento de títulos de grado de educación superior en el Mercosur

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-05-18 152 0

O.D. 7/2022 - Creación de un Fondo Nacional para la cancelación de la deuda con el FMI

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-05-18 135 0

O.D. 29/2022 - Designación de cónsules honorarios propuestos por gobiernos extranjeros

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-05-18 133 0

29/2022 - O.D

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-05-17 158 0

7/2022 - O.D

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-05-17 167 0

3/2022 , O.D. 4/2022 , O.D. 5/2022 , O.D. 6/2022 - (

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-05-17 197 0

Composición del Consejo de la Magistratura

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-04-11 198 0

CD-1/22-PL , O.D. 1/2022 - Programa de Facilidades Extendidas para refinanciar la deuda con el Fondo Monetario Internacional

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-03-20 220 0

S-2150/21-PL , O.D. 814/2021 - Modificación al Impuesto a los Bienes Personales

Congreso de la Nación Argentina Argentina 2022-03-01 1 0

814/2021 - S-2150/21-PL ,

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2022-02-02 2 0

O.D. 814/2021 - Modificación al impuesto a los Bienes Personales

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-31 3 0

S-2708/21-PL - Declaración de zona de desastre y emergencia forestal,\reconómica, productiva y social a las provincias de Neuquén, Río Negro y Chubut

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-31 2 0

814/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-30 2 0

O.D. 749/2021 - Régimen nacional de educación inclusiva para personas con discapacidad

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 3 0

Validez de Decretos de Necesidad y Urgencia del Poder Ejecutivo

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 3 0

Creación de la Federación Argentina de Círculos de Legisladores Provinciales

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 2 0

Declaración de interés la “Ruta de la Centolla” y diversas Fiestas Nacionales.\rInstitución de los diversos Días Nacionales

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 3 0

Modificaciones a la leyes de Contrato de Trabajo, de Deporte, de Voluntariado Social, de Sangre y de Prevención de Discapacidades\rFormación sobre Malvinas para funcionarios.\rAutorización de salida del país al Presidente.\rRotulado en Braile para med

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 2 0

O.D. 797/2021 - Derechos a las personas en situación de calle

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 1 0

O.D. 790/2021 - Inscripción de la condición de detenido-desaparecido en los legajos laborales de los trabajares víctimas del terrorismo de Estado

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 2 0

O.D. 750/2021 - Declaración de interés nacional al proyecto del corredor bioceánico ferroviario del NOA

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 4 0

O.D. 796/2021 - Modificaciones al régimen de intervenciones de contracepción quirúrgica

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 2 0

Creación de la Federación Argentina de Círculos de Legisladores Provinciales.\rCreación de la Fiesta Nacional de la Sal, provincia de La Pampa.\rDeclaración de Rosario como capital nacional del rock argentino.\rDeclaración del montañismo con activi

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 5 0

Inscripción de la condición de detenido-desaparecido en los legajos laborales de los trabajares víctimas del terrorismo de Estado.\rModificación de la ley de trabajadores rurales.\rPrevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil y del trabajo adolesc

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-16 2 0

592/2021 , O.D. 602/2021 , O.D. 606/2021 , O.D. 607/2021 , O.D. 608/2021 , O.D. 609/2021 , O.D. 610/2021 , O.D. 614/2021 , O.D. 620/2021 , O.D. 625/2021 , O.D. 632/2021 , O.D. 636/2021 , O.D. 641/2021 , O.D. 645/2021 , O.D. 648/2021 , O.D. 650/2021 , O.D.

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 30 0

796/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 2 0

750/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 4 0

790/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 2 0

788/2021 , O.D. 689/2021 , O.D. 794/2021 - (

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 2 0

771/2021 , O.D. 768/2021 , O.D. 752/2021 , O.D. 730/2021 , O.D. 722/2021 , O.D. 682/2021 , O.D. 680/2021 , O.D. 767/2021 , O.D. 765/2021 , O.D. 732/2021 , O.D. 731/2021 , O.D. 681/2021 , O.D. 679/2021 , O.D. 766/2021 , O.D. 764/2021 , O.D. 727/2021 - (

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 2 0

790/2021 , O.D. 772/2021 , O.D. 770/2021 - (

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 2 0

749/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 2 0

797/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 3 0

789/2021 , O.D. 786/2021 , O.D. 785/2021 , O.D. 784/2021 , O.D. 782/2021 , O.D. 781/2021 , O.D. 779/2021 , O.D. 778/2021 , O.D. 748/2021 , O.D. 747/2021 , O.D. 729/2021 , O.D. 728/2021 , O.D. 726/2021 , O.D. 724/2021 , O.D. 723/2021 , O.D. 476/2021 , O.D.

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-12-15 3 0

CD-35/20-PL , O.D. 114/2021 - Estrategia Integral para fortalecer las trayectorias educativas afectadas por la pandemia de Covid-19

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 3 0

S-1815/21-PD - Expresión de preocupación por los eventos ocurridos en Afganistán, instando a las autoridades afganas a restablecer la seguridad y el orden civil

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 3 0

Transferencia de inmuebles del Estado Nacional a las Municipalidades de Río Turbio y Piedra del Águila y a la provincia de Catamarca

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 3 0

S-2150/21-PL , O.D. 454/2021 - Modificación a la Ley de Bienes Personales, sobre el incremento del mínimo no imponible

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 2 0

O.D. 155/2021 - Creación del Programa de Sustentabilidad Ambiental y Seguros para promover inversiones en emprendimientos forestales (PROSAS)

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 4 0

Modificación de la Ley de Impuesto a las Ganancias y la de Impuesto sobre Bienes Personales

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 4 0

O.D. 218/2021 - Marco regulatorio para el desarrollo de la industria del cannabis medicinal y del cáñamo industrial

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 3 0

S-1813/21-PL , O.D. 430/2021 - Prórroga de la Ley de Emergencia Territorial Indígena

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 2 0

O.D. 349/2021 - Presupuestos mínimos de protección ambiental para la gestión integral de Neumáticos Fuera de Uso (NFU)

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 2 0

O.D. 346/2021 - Aprobación del Convenio entre el Ministerio del Interior, Obras Públicas y Vivienda y las provincias de Santa Fe, Chaco y Santiago del Estero, sobre la creación del Comité Interjurisdiccional de la Región Hídrica de los Bajos Submeri

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 3 0

347/2021 , O.D. 348/2021 - Modificación de las Leyes de limitación de tasa de interés por mora aplicadas por las empresas de servicios públicos y de limitación de tasas de interés por mora aplicadas a las tarjetas de crédito emitidas por entidades

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 17 0

Cesión del Complejo Islote Lobos y creación del Parque y Reserva Nacional Islote Lobos, provincia de Río Negro

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-11 3 0

S-1813/21-PL , O.D. 430/2021 - Prórroga de la ley de emergencia territorial indígena

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 3 0

CD-35/20-PL , O.D. 114/2021 - Estrategias para fortalecer las trayectorias educativas afectadas por la pandemia de Covid-19

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 2 0

CD-22/21-PL - Alivio fiscal para fortalecer la salida económica y social a la pandemia generada por el Covid-19

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 3 0

S-2150/21-PL , O.D. 454/2021 - Modificación del mínimo no imponible a la ley que grava los bienes personales

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 4 0

S-331/21-PL , O.D. 464/2021 - Ley Nacional de Juventudes

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 3 0

Ascensos de miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 2 0

Creación del Parque y Reserva Nacional Islote Lobos, en la provincia de Río Negro

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 2 0

Transferencia gratuita de inmuebles del Estado Nacional a las provincias de Santa Cruz, Neuquén y Catamarca

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-11-02 3 0

O.D. 402/2021 - Rechazo de la cuenta de inversión del año 2016

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-08 3 0

Sensibilización sobre no discriminación en la vejez en las escuelas

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-08 3 0

O.D. 405/2021 - Institución del 22 de noviembre como "Día Nacional del Kimchi en Argentina"

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-08 3 0

O.D. 400/2021 - Modificación de la ley de expropiación del inmueble conocido como Casa Mazzolari-Cerrutti o Casa Grande, en la provincia de Mendoza

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-08 2 0

Declaración de patrimonio cultural inmaterial al ritual ritual incaico ancestral Chaku, a la Fiesta Nacional del Sol y a la celebración del Toreo de la Vincha en Honor a la Virgen de la Asunción.\rDeclaración de Manuel Eduardo Arias como héroe nacion

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-08 2 0

O.D. 401/2021 - Respaldo a lo legislado acerca del Límite Exterior de la Plataforma Continental e Insular Argentina y rechazo de la pretensión del Gobierno de Chile de extender la suya

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-08 3 0

400/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-07 18 0

404/2021 , O.D. 406/2021 , O.D. 407/2021 , O.D. 408/2021 , O.D. 409/2021 , O.D. 410/2021 - (

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-07 5 0

413/2021 , O.D. 414/2021 , O.D. 415/2021 , O.D. 416/2021 , O.D. 417/2021 - (

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-07 4 0

401/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-07 24 0

405/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-07 8 0

402/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-10-07 14 0

Convenios de reciprocidad en seguridad social con Israel y Corea de Sur

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-27 5 0

S-1815/21-PD - Proyecto de declaración de preocupación por los eventos eventos ocurridos en Afganistán

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-23 3 0

Limitación a las tasas de interés por mora aplicadas por las empresas prestadoras de servicios públicos

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-23 3 0

O.D. 346/2021 - Creación del Comité Interjurisdiccional de la Región Hídrica de los Bajos Submeridionales, integrado por el Ministerio de Obras Públicas y las provincias de Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero y Chaco

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-23 3 0

O.D. 349/2021 - Presupuestos mínimos de protección ambiental para la gestión de neumáticos fuera de uso

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-23 1 0

Convenios de reciprocidad en seguridad social con Israel y Corea del Sur

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-23 1 0

Institución del 5 de septiembre como Día de la Mujer Indígena

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-23 2 0

43/2021 - O.D

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-08-04 8 0

O.D. 155/2021 - Creación del Programa de Sustentabilidad Ambiental y Seguros para promover inversiones en emprendimientos forestales

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-31 4 0

O.D. 219/2021 - Marco regulatorio de biocombustibles

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-31 2 0

O.D. 203/2015 - Transferencia de inmueble del Estado Nacional a la provincia de Catamarca

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-31 3 0

O.D. 218/2021 - Marco regulatorio para el desarrollo de la industria del cannabis

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-31 2 0

O.D. 215/2021 - Autorización de ingreso y egreso de tropas extranjeras para participar de ejercicios militares conjuntos

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-31 2 0

O.D. 32/2021 - Ley de facilitadores interculturales para el sistema de salud

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-31 1 0

Modificación de los Impuestos a las Ganancias y sobre los Bienes Personales

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-31 3 0

O.D. 214/2021 - Validez del DNU que permite adquirir vacunas comprobadas para el uso en menores de edad

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-18 5 0

Acuerdo para la designación de embajadores extraordinarios y plenipotenciarios ante la UNESCO y el Reino de Arabia Saudita

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-07-18 4 0

O.D. 175/2021 - Ley de promoción del acceso al empleo formal para personas travestis, transexuales y transgénero "Diana Sacayán-Lohana Berkins"

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-26 3 0

O.D. 172/2021 - Ampliación del Régimen de Zona Fría

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-26 4 0

O.D. 173/2021 - Validez del DNU que dispone medidas aplicables a lugares en alto riesgo epidemiológico y sanitario

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-26 3 0

O.D. 153/2021 - Validez del DNU que dispone medidas aplicables a lugares en alto riesgo epidemiológico y sanitario

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

O.D. 152/2021 - Postergación de las PASO y de las elecciones generales, por única vez, a raíz de la pandemia de Covid-19

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

O.D. 33/2021 - Fortalecimiento de la Red Nacional de Centros de Recolección de Leche Humana

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 4 0

O.D. 154/2021 - Modificación del impuesto a las ganancias para las empresas

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

Institución del día nacional del enfermo electrodependiente por cuestiones de salud y del día de la Cantora Nacional

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

O.D. 57/2021 - Régimen de Promoción y Participación de las Mujeres y Diversidades en el Sector Pesquero

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 1 0

CD-6/21-PL - Fortalecimiento del Sistema Nacional de Bomberos Voluntarios

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

S-353/21-PL - Declaración de zona de desastre y emergencia ambiental en las zonas de Cushamén y El Bolsón

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

O.D. 134/2021 - Parámetros epidemiológicos y sanitarios regulatorios de la emergencia Covid-19

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

O.D. 42/2021 - Creación de la Comisión Bicameral de Seguimiento, Control de la Licitación y Funcionamiento de la Hidrovía Paraguay-Paraná

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 1 0

O.D. 151/2021 - Régimen para la recuperación de la ganadería ovina

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

O.D. 35/2021 - Código contra el Dopaje en el Deporte

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

CD-56/20-PL , O.D. 741/2020 - Beneficio para los familiares de las víctimas del ARA San Juan

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 1 0

O.D. 115/2021 - Institución del 22 de agosto como día del desagravio al pueblo tucumano por el cierre masivo de ingenios alentado por la dictadura militar de 1966

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

O.D. 508/2020 - Modificaciones a la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 4 0

Modificación del Impuesto a las Ganancias

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 1 0

O.D. 28/2021 - Prevención y sanción del acoso sexual en espacios públicos

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

Acuerdos para designaciones en el Poder Judicial

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

CD-57/20-PL , O.D. 740/2020 - Financiamiento Progresivo y Federal de la Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 5 0

PE-273/20-PL , O.D. 735/2020 - Consenso Fiscal 2020

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

Pliegos de embajadores extraordinarios y plenipotenciarios en Bolivia, Cuba y China

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 1 0

O.D. 111/2021 - Designación de cónsules y vicecónsules honorarios

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

CD-55/20-PL , O.D. 739/2020 - Promoción de inversión en la construcción de obras privadas

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 4 0

Institución del 10 de septiembre como el Día Nacional de la Reestructuración Soberana de la Deuda de los Estados

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

O.D. 27/2021 - Suspensión de la caducidad de la personería de los partidos políticos por motivos de la pandemia sanitaria

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

O.D. 36/2021 - Creación del Programa Nacional de Asistencia, Acompañamiento y Cuidado Integral del Personal de Salud en Situaciones de Crisis y Emergencias

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 1 0

Tratado de extradición con la República Checa

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 2 0

Proyectos de declaración

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 4 0

Validez de DNUs sobre la prevención y contención de la pandemia de Covid-19

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 5 0

Acuerdos para designaciones en el Poder Judicial y el Ministerio Público de la Defensa

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

O.D. 112/2021 - Rechazo a la resolución de la Cámara de Apelaciones en lo Criminal y Correccional, sala 6, en la causa "Aimar Fratamico, Antonio y otros s/ Hábeas Corpus"

Rodrigo Hazaff Argentina 2021-06-12 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (interswitching)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-21 242 0

An Act to recognize a national livestock brand as a symbol of Canada and of the role of the West and frontier culture in building our nation

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 301 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (hours of work of flight attendants)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 301 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (campgrounds)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 259 0

An Act to amend the Referendum Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 274 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (arson — wildfires and places of worship)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 231 0

An Act to establish a national framework to improve food price transparency

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 273 0

An Act respecting National Immigration Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-20 267 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Parliament of Canada Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-17 254 0

An Act to amend the National Housing Strategy Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 208 0

An Act to amend the Marine Liability Act (national strategy respecting pollution caused by shipping container spills)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 235 0

An Act to establish a framework for the continued access to and use of cash in Canada and to make related amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 196 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and the Canada Pension Plan (deeming provision)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 219 0

An Act to establish National Conversion Therapy Awareness Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 231 0

An Act to establish the Office of the Ombud for the Department of Citizenship and Immigration and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 167 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (northern residents deduction)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 217 0

An Act respecting transparency and accountability in relation to certain commitments Canada has made under the Convention on Biological Diversity

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-14 194 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (public transit workers)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-13 259 0

An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (importing, exporting and producing certain substances)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-13 224 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Department of Employment and Social Development Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-13 291 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (coercive control of intimate partner)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-10 270 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (electronic products recycling program)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-10 262 0

An Act respecting the interoperability of health information technology and to prohibit data blocking by health information technology vendors

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-06-07 212 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code to address the Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Jordan

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-31 255 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (possession of weapons and drugs in hospitals)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-29 248 0

An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (2024)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-24 270 0

An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act (purpose of a corporation)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-24 257 0

An Act to establish a National Framework on Heart Failure

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-24 306 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (provincial medical assistance in dying framework)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-23 243 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (automated external defibrillators)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-08 289 0

An Act respecting countering foreign interference

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-07 288 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-03 265 0

An Act to fast track energy and mining projects and to facilitate the provision of munitions to Ukraine and develop its munitions industry

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-03 237 0

An Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-05-01 329 0

An Act respecting the establishment and award of a Special Service Medal for Domestic Emergency Relief Operations

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-25 441 0

An Act to amend the National Defence Act and other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-22 480 0

An Act for granting to His Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-22 415 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-21 447 0

An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Transport Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-20 467 0

An Act to correct certain anomalies, inconsistencies, out-dated terminology and errors and to deal with other matters of a non-controversial and uncomplicated nature in the Statutes and Regulations of Canada and to repeal certain provisions that have expi

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-20 376 0

An Act to establish Turkish Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-19 425 0

An Act respecting pharmacare

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-01 500 0

An Act to enact the Online Harms Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act and An Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service and to make consequential and related am

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-27 462 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act (extra-energy-efficient products)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-15 446 0

An Act to prohibit the export of thermal coal from Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-15 420 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (extortion)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 432 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (plastic manufactured items)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 463 0

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (need to know)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 415 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (motor vehicle theft)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 425 0

An Act amending the Canada Labour Code (complaints by former employees)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 434 0

An Act to amend the Impact Assessment Act (federal-provincial agreements)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 395 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (orders prohibiting the possession of weapons)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 404 0

An Act respecting the recognition of the Haida Nation and the Council of the Haida Nation

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-09 486 0

An Act respecting fossil fuel advertising

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-06 271 0

An Act to amend An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying), No. 2

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-02 401 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (assaults against persons who provide health services and first responders)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-01 417 0

An act to establish Albanian Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 397 0

An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (natural health products)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 356 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (unlocking of electronic device)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 353 0

An Act to establish the Office of the Ombud for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces, to make related amendments to the Contraventions Act and to make consequential amendments to certain Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 355 0

An Act to amend the National Defence Act (sexual offences)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 394 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (promotion of hatred or antisemitism)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 359 0

An Act respecting Christian Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 386 0

An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (passenger rail service)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 378 0

An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (substances in menstrual tampons)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 364 0

An Act to establish a national strategy to reduce the amount of wasted food in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 396 0

An Act respecting the implementation of a consumer-led banking system for Canadians

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 365 0

An Act to amend the Feeds Act, the Seeds Act and the Pest Control Products Act (provisional registration and approval)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 398 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code and the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2012

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 400 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 21, 2023 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 28, 2023

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 371 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 356 0

An Act respecting a national strategy for children and youth in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 406 0

An Act respecting water, source water, drinking water, wastewater and related infrastructure on First Nation lands

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 378 0

An Act to amend the Canada—Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 181 0

An Act to amend the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act and to make a consequential amendment to the Conflict of Interest Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 386 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (conditions of release and conditional sentences)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 394 0

An Act to implement the 2023 Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 402 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (demographic information)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 360 0

An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Act (parole review)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-11-09 355 0

An Act respecting a national framework on sickle cell disease

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-11-08 313 0

An Act to amend the Canada National Parks Act, the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act, the Rouge National Urban Park Act and the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-10-23 322 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (carbon pollution pricing)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-10-05 290 0

An Act to amend the Special Economic Measures Act (disposal of foreign state assets)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-10-05 296 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (data on registered charities)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-10-05 235 0

An Act respecting a framework to strengthen Canada–Taiwan relations

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-27 284 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Competition Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-22 275 0

An Act to amend the Bank of Canada Act (mandate, monetary policy governance and accountability)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-21 249 0

An Act respecting payments by Canada and requirements in respect of housing and to amend certain other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-21 268 0

An Act to amend the Government Employees Compensation Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-21 286 0

An Act to prohibit the export by air of horses for slaughter and to make related amendments to certain Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-20 251 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act (Quebec’s cultural distinctiveness and French-speaking communities)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-20 235 0

An Act to provide for the imposition of restrictive measures against foreign hostage takers and those who practice arbitrary detention in state-to-state relations and to make related amendments to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Fin

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-20 175 0

An Act to declare the Chignecto Isthmus Dykeland System and related works to be for the general advantage of Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-20 247 0

An Act to establish National Thanadelthur Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-20 271 0

An Act to amend the Competition Act and the Competition Tribunal Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-09-19 266 0

An Act to amend the Director of Public Prosecutions Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-23 167 0

An Act to amend the State Immunity Act, the Criminal Code and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-22 163 0

An Act to establish Somali Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-22 153 0

An Act to establish National Rabies Awareness Day and to provide for the development of a national strategy for combating rabies in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-22 166 0

An Act to amend the Health of Animals Act and the Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (live horses)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-22 160 0

An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (oath of office)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-22 168 0

An Act respecting the recognition of certain Métis governments in Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, to give effect to treaties with those governments and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-22 177 0

An Act respecting a national framework on advertising for sports betting

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-21 162 0

An Act to enact the Air Transportation Accountability Act and to amend the Canada Transportation Act and the Canada Marine Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-21 161 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Indian Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-21 160 0

An Act to protect firefighters, paramedics and other first responders

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-20 174 0

An Act to give effect to the self-government treaty recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-19 167 0

An Act to amend the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act (national strategy respecting abandoned vessels)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-16 174 0

An Act respecting accountability, transparency and engagement to support the creation of sustainable jobs for workers and economic growth in a net-zero economy

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-16 168 0

An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (maximum security offenders)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-15 163 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (aggravating circumstance — evacuation order or emergency)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-14 158 0

An Act to Amend the Inquiries Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-14 165 0

An Act to amend the Competition Act (efficiencies defence)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-09 163 0

An Act to amend the Interpretation Act and to make related amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-09 176 0

An Act to establish a national strategy on the reduction of textile waste

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-07 170 0

National Indigenous Teachers Day Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-07 176 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Sex Offender Information Registration Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-06 175 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Judges Act and the Director of Public Prosecutions Act (orders prohibiting publication of identifying information)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-06-01 168 0

An Act to amend the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-31 163 0

An Act respecting a national day of remembrance to honour Canadian Armed Forces members who have lost their lives in peacetime in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-19 144 0

An Act to enact the Federal Ombudsperson for Victims of Crime Act, to amend the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights and to establish a framework for implementing the rights of victims of crime

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-18 185 0

An Act to establish International Tax Justice and Cooperation Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-17 173 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (bail reform)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-17 178 0

An Act respecting non-disclosure agreements

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-10 170 0

An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (Oath of Citizenship)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-10 156 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (duty of candour)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-05-03 163 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (successor rights and obligations — airports)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-04-28 178 0

An Act respecting National Diffuse Midline Glioma Awareness Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-04-28 197 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 28, 2023

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-04-28 145 0

An Act to amalgamate The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Ottawa and The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, in Ontario, Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-04-28 160 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the International Transfer of Offenders Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-04-28 182 0

An Act to establish a national framework respecting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-31 158 0

An Act respecting the development of a national strategy on student loan debt

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-30 185 0

An Act to amend the Canada Revenue Agency Act (reporting on unpaid income tax)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-30 150 0

An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and the Income Tax Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-30 196 0

An Act to amend the First Nations Fiscal Management Act, to make consequential amendments to other Acts, and to make a clarification relating to another Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-24 167 0

An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-23 186 0

An Act for granting to His Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-23 202 0

An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (air passenger protection)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-21 179 0

An Act to amend the Territorial Lands Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-13 176 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and conditional Release Act (conditions of release and conditional sentences)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-13 170 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-10 199 0

An Act to amend the Special Economic Measures Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-10 157 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-10 151 0

An Act to develop a national framework to establish a school food program

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-10 180 0

An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Labour Code (adoptive and intended parents)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-09 191 0

An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act (amount of full pension)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-09 190 0

An Act to establish a national strategy respecting flood and drought forecasting

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-09 222 0

An Act to amend the Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Court Challenges Program)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-03-07 185 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code, to make consequential amendments to other Acts and to repeal a regulation (miscarriage of justice reviews)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-02-17 181 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (justification for detention in custody)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-02-10 206 0

An Act to amend An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-02-03 175 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (violence against pregnant women)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-02-01 186 0

An Act to amend the Indian Act (new registration entitlements)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-12-15 196 0

An Act to amend the Department of Employment and Social Development Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (Employment Insurance Board of Appeal)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-12-15 164 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (child sexual abuse and exploitation material)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-12-14 188 0

An Act respecting early learning and child care in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-12-09 160 0

An Act for granting to His Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-12-09 186 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (volunteer firefighting and search and rescue volunteer tax credit)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-12-09 193 0

An Act to amend the Investment Canada Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-12-08 179 0

An Act respecting the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-29 179 0

An Act to amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (seizure) and to make related amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-23 178 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (menstrual products)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-22 189 0

An Act to establish National Women’s Entrepreneurship Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-18 162 0

An Act to amend the Customs Act, the Railway Safety Act, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, the Marine Transportation Security Act, the Canada Transportation Act and the Canada Marine Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-18 157 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-07 190 0

An Act to establish National Food Waste Awareness Day

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-04 170 0

An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (warning label on alcoholic beverages)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-03 167 0

An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-11-02 191 0

An Act to amend the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, the Canada Student Loans Act and the Apprentice Loans Act (interest on student loans)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-10-27 203 0

A fourth Act to harmonize federal law with the civil law of Quebec and to amend certain Acts in order to ensure that each language version takes into account the common law and the civil law

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-10-27 155 0

An Act to amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, the Defence Production Act and the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (Canadian products and services)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-10-25 164 0

An Act respecting a national framework for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-10-20 183 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (life imprisonment)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-10-05 160 0

An Act respecting Jury Duty Appreciation Week

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-09-30 136 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (economic substance)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-09-26 103 0

An Act respecting cost of living relief measures related to dental care and rental housing

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-09-21 157 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (temporary enhancement to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax credit)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-09-21 147 0

An Act to provide for the establishment of a national council for reconciliation

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-23 143 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (neglect of vulnerable adults)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-21 173 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (child sexual abuse material)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-20 148 0

An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-20 172 0

An Act to amend the Copyright Act (interoperability)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-20 149 0

An Act respecting transparency for online algorithms

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-20 130 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced extreme intoxication)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-20 155 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (identity verification)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-17 165 0

An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act (transparent and accurate broadband services information)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-17 155 0

An Act to amend the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-17 145 0

An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-17 180 0

An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (recognition of foreign credentials)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-16 171 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Canada Labour Code and the Employment Insurance Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-16 133 0

An Act respecting cyber security, amending the Telecommunications Act and making consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-15 172 0

An Act to establish a national strategy for eye care

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-15 126 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (addiction treatment in penitentiaries)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-15 160 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sterilization procedures)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-15 146 0

An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act, the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law), the Broadcasting Act and the Prohibiting Cluster Munitions Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-14 133 0

An Act to give effect to the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement, to amend the Sechelt Indian Band Self-Government Act and the Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-10 126 0

An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (deemed trust – perishable fruits and vegetables)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-09 178 0

An Act respecting the development of a national strategy for the prevention of intimate partner violence

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-09 172 0

An Act respecting places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest, archaeological resources and cultural and natural heritage

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-08 144 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal organizations)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-03 128 0

An Act to prevent the imposition by the federal government of vaccination mandates for employment and travel

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-03 190 0

An Act to amend the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-06-01 163 0

An Act to amend the Health of Animals Act (biosecurity on farms)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-31 149 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (detention in custody)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-20 148 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Corinne’s Quest and the protection of children)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-20 132 0

An Act establishing the Public Complaints and Review Commission and amending certain Acts and statutory instruments

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-20 195 0

An Act respecting Lebanese Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-20 176 0

An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, to make consequential amendments to other Acts and to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-18 150 0

An Act to give legal capacity to the St. Lawrence River and to provide for measures respecting its protection

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-06 151 0

An Act to amend the Department of Employment and Social Development Act and the Employment Insurance Act (Employment Insurance Council)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-05-05 127 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022 and other measures

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-04-29 158 0

An Act to designate the month of November as Lebanese Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-04-06 174 0

An Act respecting online communications platforms that make news content available to persons in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-04-06 209 0

An Act to amend the Excise Act and the Excise Act, 2001 (adjusted duties - beer, malt liquor, spirits and wine)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-04-01 164 0

An Act to amend the Excise Act (non-alcoholic beer)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-04-01 199 0

An Act respecting regulatory modernization

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-04-01 173 0

An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Preclearance Act, 2016

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-04-01 177 0

An Act to establish the Office of the Commissioner for Responsible Business Conduct Abroad and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-30 191 0

An Act respecting the corporate responsibility to prevent, address and remedy adverse impacts on human rights occurring in relation to business activities conducted abroad

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-30 187 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act and to make related amendments to another Act (hate propaganda, hate crimes and hate speech)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-29 176 0

An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and to authorize certain payments to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-28 162 0

An Act to amend the Aeronautics Act (collision avoidance system)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-25 206 0

An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-25 186 0

An Act to enact the Climate-Aligned Finance Act and to make related amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-25 172 0

An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (electoral representation)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-25 167 0

An Act to amend the Radiocommunication Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-24 186 0

An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act (definition of income)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-23 172 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting against discrimination based on political belief)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-04 3 0

An Act to amend the Official Languages Act, to enact the Use of French in Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act and to make related amendments to other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-03-02 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights (information about the victim)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-02-28 3 0

An Act to establish the Foreign Influence Registry and to amend the Criminal Code

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-02-28 5 0

An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations (Prince Edward Island)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2022-02-28 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (prohibition — promotion of antisemitism)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-10 2 0

An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (prohibition of food and beverage marketing directed at children)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-10 2 0

An Act to amend the Bank of Canada Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-10 2 0

An Act respecting the encouragement of the growth of the cryptoasset sector

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-10 2 0

An Act to amend the Canada National Parks Act (Ojibway National Urban Park of Canada)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-10 2 0

An Act respecting the development of a federal framework on the conservation of fish stocks and management of pinnipeds

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-10 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Infrastructure Bank Act

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 3 0

An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (temporary resident visas for parents and grandparents)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 2 0

An Act to prohibit fur farming

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 2 0

An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act (Guaranteed Income Supplement)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 2 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (deduction of travel expenses for tradespersons)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 3 0

An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (representation in the House of Commons)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 3 0

An Act to amend the Copyright Act (diagnosis, maintenance and repair)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 4 0

An Act respecting the elimination of the use of forced labour and child labour in supply chains

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-09 2 0

An Act respecting the building of a green economy in the Prairies

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-08 2 0

An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-08 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (donations involving private corporation shares or real estate)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-08 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Judges Act (violence against an intimate partner)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-08 4 0

An Act respecting the French language

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-08 2 0

An Act respecting Arab Heritage Month

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-08 1 0

An Act to amend the Competition Act (vehicle repair)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-07 1 0

An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-04 3 0

An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (pension plans and group insurance plans)

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-03 2 0

An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-03 3 0

An Act respecting certain measures related to COVID-19

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-01 3 0

An Act to establish a national framework for the prevention and treatment of cancers linked to firefighting

Robert Sell Canada 2022-02-01 3 0

An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-17 3 0

An Act to amend certain Acts in relation to survivor pension benefits

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-17 3 0

An Act to enact the Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights and to make related amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-17 3 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (psychotherapy services)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-17 3 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic and fiscal update tabled in Parliament on December 14, 2021 and other measures

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-16 3 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Navigable Waters Act (lakes and rivers in British Columbia)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-15 4 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make consequential amendments to another Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-10 3 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-08 3 0

An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-03 2 0

An Act to amend the Language Skills Act (Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-12-02 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Labour Code

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-29 3 0

An Act to establish Food Day in Canada

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-26 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (use of resources of a registered charity)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 3 0

An Act respecting Pandemic Observance Day

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 2 0

An Act to amend the Customs Tariff (goods from Xinjiang)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 4 0

An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 2 0

An Act to amend the Prohibiting Cluster Munitions Act (investments)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 3 0

An Act respecting a federal framework on autism spectrum disorder

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 4 0

An Act respecting the Declaration on the Essential Role of Artists and Creative Expression in Canada

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 2 0

An Act to provide further support in response to COVID-19

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 2 0

An Act to amend the Languages Skills Act (Governor General)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-25 2 0

An Act to establish a national strategy on brain injuries

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (community benefit)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for gifts)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to designate the month of March as Hellenic Heritage Month

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (recent graduates working in a designated region)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act \n(assistance for repayment of student loans)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to establish the Foreign Influence Registry

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Department of Industry Act (financial assistance)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act respecting soil conservation and soil health

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act respecting a framework to strengthen Canada-Taiwan relations

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (pornographic material)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (Indigenous languages)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and An Act to amend the Criminal Code (exploitation and trafficking in persons)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (certificate of competency)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Pest Control Products Act (glyphosate)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (travel expenses deduction for tradespersons)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to establish National Food Waste Awareness Day and to provide for the development of a national strategy to reduce food waste in Canada

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to develop a national strategy on school food security

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sentencing)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (grooming)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (books by Canadian authors)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to amend the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Prisons and Reformatories Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act respecting early learning and child care

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Impact Assessment Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act respecting the development of a national perinatal mental health strategy

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to establish a national strategy for health data collection

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (banning symbols of hate)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act respecting the establishment and award of a Defence of Canada Medal (1946-1989)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (residents of northern or intermediate zones)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act relating to cash contributions by Canada and to criteria and conditions in respect of post-secondary education

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 34 0

An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act (access to transparent and accurate broadband services information)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act respecting the development of a national renewable energy strategy

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act (suicide prevention)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to amend the Privacy Act (prevention of violence against women)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (prorogation)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act respecting Ukrainian Heritage Month

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to establish Canadian Armed Forces Members Day

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and the Canada Health Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to enact the Expungement of Certain Drug-related Convictions Act and the National Strategy on Substance Use Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to establish a national strategy for a guaranteed basic income

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Textile Labelling Act (animal skin, hair and fur)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Fisheries Act (selective fishing programs)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Navigable Waters Act (North Thames River, Middle Thames River and Thames River)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (pension plans and group insurance programs)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Multiculturalism Act (non-application in Quebec)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to provide for transparency in entering trade agreements and foreign investment protection agreements

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Governor General’s Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (pension plans and group insurance plans)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (capture and utilization or storage of greenhouse gases)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

Act to amend the Income Tax Act (donations involving private corporation shares or real estate)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 30 0

An Act regarding the right to know when products contain toxic substances

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 9 0

An Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (investments)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting the development of a national employment strategy for persons with disabilities

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to redress environmental racism

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (refund – cancelled air service)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sex-selective abortion)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Payment Card Networks Act (credit card acceptance fees)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to establish a national cycling strategy

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (possession of unlawfully imported firearms)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (home security measures)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to Amend the Copyright Act (diagnosis, maintenance or repair)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (thermal coal)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to establish a national framework for diabetes

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting the development of a national strategy in relation to fresh water

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (voting age)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 5 0

An Act to amend An Act to authorize the making of certain fiscal payments to provinces, and to authorize the entry into tax collection agreements with provinces

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (illness, injury or quarantine)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Fisheries Act (prohibition — deposit of raw sewage)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (volunteer firefighting and search and rescue volunteer services)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to establish a federal framework to reduce recidivism

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (increasing the period of parole ineligibility)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to continue VIA Rail Canada Inc. under the name VIA Rail Canada and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Fisheries Act (closed containment aquaculture)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Official Languages Act and the Canada Business Corporations Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (controlling or coercive conduct)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to repeal certain restrictions on shipping

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (anchorage prohibition)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (change of political affiliation)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (evidence-based diversion measures)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Post Corporation Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (school supplies)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Financial Administration Act (composition of boards of directors)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (intimidation of health care professionals)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (equalization)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Aeronautics Act, the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act and other Acts (application of provincial law)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting a Climate Emergency Action Framework

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 7 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Employment Equity Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (additional regular benefits), the Canada Recovery Benefits Act (restriction on eligibility) and another Act in response to COVID-19

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act relating to certain measures in response to COVID-19

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 5 0

An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 26 0

An Act to amend the National Defence Act (maiming or injuring self or another)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to reduce poverty and to support the financial security of persons with disabilities by establishing the Canada disability benefit and making a consequential amendment to the Income Tax Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to develop a national school food program for children

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (final disposal of plastic waste)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, to authorize certain payments to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and to amend another Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Revenue Agency Act (organ and tissue donors)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting the administration of oaths of office

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to amend the Copyright Act (Crown copyright)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act and to make \nrelated amendments to another Act (hate propaganda, hate crimes and hate speech)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sexual exploitation)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (assault against a health care worker)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 19, 2021 and other measures

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act respecting Canada’s fulfillment of its greenhouse gas emissions reduction obligations

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (bereavement leave)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Bills of Exchange Act, the Interpretation Act and the Canada Labour Code (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (single event sport betting)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (oil and gas wells)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to enact the Canada Pharmacare Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to implement the Agreement on Trade Continuity between Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting measures in relation to the financial stability of post-secondary institutions

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (qualifying farming fuel)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (qualifying environmental trust)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (special benefits)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Official Languages Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy and Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (COVID-19 response)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Health of Animals Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting Girl Guides of Canada

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Judges Act and the Criminal Code

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Criminal Records Act, the National Defence Act and the DNA Identification Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to provide for the resumption and continuation of operations at the Port of Montreal

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Records Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (transfer of small business or family farm or fishing corporation)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Expropriation Act (protection of private property)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 30, 2020 and other measures

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (presentence report)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act relating to economic recovery in response to COVID-19

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 5 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to make related amendments to the Food and Drugs Act and to repeal the Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Virtual Elimination Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (assaults against health care professionals and first responders)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payments Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sports betting)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 19 0

An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (adequate knowledge of French in Quebec)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Identification of Criminals Act and to make related amendments to other Acts (COVID-19 response and other measures)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act respecting the repurposing of certain seized, frozen or sequestrated assets

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (property qualifications of Senators)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (use of resources)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Records Act, to make consequential amendments to other Acts and to repeal a regulation

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Department for Women and Gender Equality Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (successive contracts for services)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to another Act (interim release and domestic violence recognizance orders)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting the development of a national strategy for the decriminalization of illegal substances, to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to establish International Mother Language Day

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Investment Canada Act (mandatory national security review of investments by foreign state-owned enterprises)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act respecting a National Ribbon Skirt Day

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 1 0

An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (independence of the judiciary)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (disclosure of information by jurors)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (increasing parole ineligibility)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Copyright Act (remuneration for journalistic works)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (use of wood)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 4 0

An Act to amend the Governor General’s Act (retiring annuity and other benefits)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal interest rate)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (granting citizenship to certain Canadians)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to change the name of the electoral district of Châteauguay—Lacolle

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act respecting Kindness Week

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Regulation Adapting the Canada Elections Act for the Purposes of a Referendum (voting age)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (disclosure of information to victims)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mischief related to memorials to first responders)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Assisted Human Reproduction Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to establish the Office of the Commissioner for Children and Youth in Canada

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act (Speaker of the Senate)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act relating to railways

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 7 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 5 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (great apes, elephants and certain other animals)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights (posting of information about the victim)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Parliamentary Visual Artist Laureate)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Judges Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

An Act to amend the Offshore Health and Safety Act

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 2 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (trafficking in human organs)

Robert Sell Canada 2021-11-14 3 0

Riksbankens framställning om återställning av eget kapital – ändring i statens budget för 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 222 0

Undantag från mervärdesskatt för väpnade styrkor inom Nato

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 198 0

Utvärdering av statens upplåning och skuldförvaltning 2019–2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 234 0

Årsredovisning för staten 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 247 0

En arbetslöshetsförsäkring baserad på inkomster

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 199 0

Avtal om försvarssamarbete med Amerikas förenta stater

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 239 0

Socialtjänstens arbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 315 0

Uppföljning och utvärdering av Riksbankens penningpolitik 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 253 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om stärkta arbetsvillkor för praktikanter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 253 0

Explosiva varor – ett nationellt tillståndsregister och kriminalisering av förstadier till brott mot tillståndsplikten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 218 0

Preventiva tvångsmedel för att förebygga och förhindra allvarliga brott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 249 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2024 – Ytterligare försvarsmateriel och ekonomiskt stöd till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 215 0

Justerad skatt på tobak och nikotin

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 228 0

Nationell strategi och regeringens handlingsplan för klimatanpassning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 272 0

Redovisning av skatteutgifter 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 268 0

Europas behov av digital infrastruktur

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 264 0

Statens stöd till trossamfund och civilsamhället

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-17 209 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om styrningen av Business Sweden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-12 219 0

Kommittéberättelse – kommittéernas verksamhet under 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 201 0

Tydligare regler för val till Sametinget

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 210 0

Barriärer mot brott – en socialpreventiv strategi mot kriminella nätverk och annan brottslighet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 291 0

Flygplatshavarnas kostnader för säkerhetskontroller

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 208 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om informationssäkerhet vid universitet och högskolor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 212 0

Riksrevisionens rapport Svart på vitt – rotavdragets kostnader och effekter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 227 0

Riksrevisionens årsredovisning för 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 173 0

Verksamhetsredogörelser för riksdagens nämnder, m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 233 0

Strategisk exportkontroll 2023 – krigsmateriel och produkter med dubbla användningsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 185 0

Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds verksamhet och årsredovisning 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 192 0

Strategi för företag i kulturella och kreativa branscher

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 195 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om kontrollen av subventionerade anställningar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 231 0

Det kyrkliga kulturarvet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-06-10 265 0

Tillfälligt höjt tak för rotavdraget

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-28 249 0

Cirkulär och giftfri ekonomi och Riksrevisionens rapport om hantering av uttjänta solcellspaneler och vindturbinblad

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 206 0

Vissa förslag om kompensation m.m. till personer födda 1957 och 1959 på grund av höjd åldersgräns för förhöjt grundavdrag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 194 0

Signalspaning i försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet – åtgärder med anledning av Europadomstolens dom

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 220 0

Bättre möjligheter att verkställa frihetsberövanden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 220 0

Ändringar i medborgarskapslagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 264 0

Nya regler om hållbarhetsrapportering

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 266 0

Sveriges tillträde till vissa Natoavtal

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 230 0

Anpassning av investeraravdraget med anledning av ändrade EU-regler om statligt stöd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 231 0

Natura 2000-tillstånd i samband med ansökan om bearbetningskoncession enligt minerallagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 214 0

Ersättning för höga sjuklönekostnader upphör

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 236 0

Sveriges deltagande i Europeiska åklagarmyndigheten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 229 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 248 0

Kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s förordning om inrättande av en mekanism för koldioxidjustering vid gränsen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 223 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om systemet för återkallelser av uppehållstillstånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-27 241 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-24 277 0

Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa (OSSE)

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 228 0

Rätt till uppgifter om en EETS-betalningsförmedlares kunder och deras fordon

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 199 0

Nordiskt samarbete inklusive Arktis

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 241 0

Regeringens klimathandlingsplan – hela vägen till nettonoll

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 199 0

En ny lag om uppgiftsskyldighet för att motverka felaktiga utbetalningar från välfärdssystemen samt fusk, regelöverträdelser och brottslighet i arbetslivet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 203 0

Åtgärder för tryggare bostadsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 227 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om nödnumret 112 – statens och SOS Alarms hantering av larm

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 217 0

Redogörelse för verksamheten inom den gemensamma parlamentariska kontrollgruppen för Europol och riksdagsdelegationens arbete under 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 191 0

En tydligare bestämmelse om hets mot folkgrupp

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 205 0

Samverkan om kontracykliska buffertvärden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 205 0

Kommissionens vitbok om utgående investeringar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 227 0

En tydligare process för tillståndsprövning av elnät

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 203 0

Att lättare få läsa i snabbare takt och på en högre nivå

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 237 0

Partnerskapsavtal mellan Europeiska unionen och dess medlemsstater och medlemmarna i Organisationen för stater i Afrika, Karibien och Stillahavsområdet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 188 0

Prövning av ärenden enligt EU:s förordning om marknader för kryptotillgångar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 240 0

Avskaffat krav på bevarande av räkenskapsinformation i original

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 194 0

Energipolitikens långsiktiga inriktning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-21 234 0

Verksamheten i Europeiska unionen under 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-13 237 0

Ändrade vägavgifter inom eurovinjettsamarbetet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-13 216 0

Kompetensförsörjning, e-hälsa och beredskap

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-13 220 0

EU:s färdplan för att bekämpa narkotikahandel och organiserad brottslighet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-13 223 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-13 265 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-13 253 0

Lärare och elever

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-13 276 0

Regional utveckling

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-06 267 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-06 270 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-06 246 0

Finansiering av kommuners medverkan i frågor om slutförvar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-05-06 200 0

Riksbankens verksamhet och förvaltning 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-30 265 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om det nationella smittskyddet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-30 222 0

Ett utvidgat utreseförbud för barn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-30 261 0

Begränsningar och kontroll i fråga om elektroniska kommunikationstjänster och besök på särskilda ungdomshem

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-30 205 0

Motståndskraft och handlingskraft – en nationell strategi mot organiserad brottslighet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-30 230 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2024 – Åtgärder i samband med rekonstruktion av SAS AB

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-25 236 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens arbete med väntetider i vården

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-25 208 0

Konsumenträtt m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 300 0

Arbetsmiljö och arbetstid

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 304 0

Internationellt bistånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 322 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till ändring av direktivet om harmoniserade flodinformationstjänster på inre vattenvägar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 245 0

Ytterligare anpassningar till EU:s förordningar om medicinteknik

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 267 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 324 0

Vitbok om exportkontroll av produkter med dubbla användningsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 250 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 310 0

Höjd spelskatt

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 333 0

Likvärdiga krav på mål och riktlinjer för utförare av kommunal verksamhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 270 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 285 0

Nationell strategi mot våldsbejakande extremism och terrorism – förebygga, förhindra, skydda och hantera

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 283 0

Punktskatt och tull

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 297 0

Förbättrade möjligheter att ändra kön

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 347 0

Riksdagens arbetsformer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 322 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-10 334 0

Militära frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 335 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 300 0

Samhällets krisberedskap

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 353 0

Regelförenkling för företag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 321 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Riksbankens tillgångsköp

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 277 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 373 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 365 0

Information om bränsleförbrukning och koldioxidutsläpp vid marknadsföring av nya personbilar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 419 0

Genomförande av nya krav på upphettade tobaksvaror

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 287 0

Barn och unga inom socialtjänsten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 368 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 362 0

Fri- och rättigheter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 376 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 356 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om förändrade inkomstskatteregler 2011–2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 313 0

Rapport om subsidiaritet och proportionalitet och om förbindelserna med de nationella parlamenten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-20 353 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2024 – Försvarsmateriel och ekonomiskt stöd till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-20 309 0

Mellanöstern och Nordafrika

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-20 374 0

Alkohol, narkotika, dopning, tobak och spel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 311 0

Tryck- och yttrandefrihet, massmediefrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 353 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om att underlätta gränsöverskridande lösningar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 321 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 379 0

Genomförande av ändrade EU-regler om avgifter på väg

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 308 0

En telesamverkansgrupp för fredstida kriser och höjd beredskap

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 347 0

Public service och film

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 362 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 414 0

Det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 397 0

Det svenska ordförandeskapet i Europeiska unionens råd första halvåret 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 294 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om reduktionsplikten för bensin och diesel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 307 0

Offentlig förvaltning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 377 0

Sekretess för uppgifter om jägare hos länsstyrelsen och Polismyndigheten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 329 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 369 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statlig bidragsgivning till civilsamhället

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 310 0

Kommunala och regionala frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 436 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 407 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 417 0

Behöriga myndigheter enligt EU:s förordning om en gemensam digital ingång

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 357 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Samhalls samhällsuppdrag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 383 0

Kommunala frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 398 0

Ökad motståndskraft i betalningssystemet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 396 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 377 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 369 0

Redovisning av användningen av hemliga tvångsmedel under 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 297 0

2023 års redogörelse för tillämpningen av lagen om särskild kontroll av vissa utlänningar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 335 0

Tillfälliga förbud att transportera personer utan giltiga identitetshandlingar till Sverige

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 316 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 384 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 340 0

Stärkta rättigheter för barn och vuxna i skyddat boende

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 295 0

Försvarspolitik och totalförsvar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 319 0

Ändringar i regelverket om överlämnande enligt en europeisk och nordisk arresteringsorder

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 343 0

2023 års redogörelse för företag med statligt ägande

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 322 0

Skärpt återbetalningsskyldighet i brottmål

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 372 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om etablering av myndigheter utanför Stockholm

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 351 0

En skyldighet att lämna uppgifter till Adoptionskommissionen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 254 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om ett gemensamt ramverk för företagsbeskattning i Europa

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 305 0

Läkemedel och tandvård

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 385 0

Genomförande av EU:s nya dricksvattendirektiv

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 298 0

Vissa ändringar i regelverket om säkerhetsärenden enligt utlänningslagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 279 0

Avgift vid prövning av en tvist hos Allmänna reklamationsnämnden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 274 0

Preventiva vistelseförbud

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-24 363 0

En ny dataskyddsreglering på socialförsäkringsområdet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-22 317 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om regeringens styrning av samhällets informations- och cybersäkerhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-22 379 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om internprissättning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-22 334 0

Bättre anpassad undervisningstid i grundskolan, specialskolan och sameskolan

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 261 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om inrättande av ett huvudkontorsbaserat skattesystem för mikroföretag samt små och medelstora företag och om ändring av direktiv 2011/16/EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 253 0

Utgiftsområde 20 Klimat, miljö och natur

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 287 0

Stärkt tillgång till läromedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 295 0

Utgiftsområde 24 Näringsliv

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 301 0

Skjutvapen och explosiva varor – skärpta straff för de allvarligare brotten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 269 0

Utgiftsområde 13 Integration och jämställdhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 353 0

Arbetsmarknadspolitik och arbetslöshetsförsäkringen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 259 0

Utgiftsområde 23 Areella näringar, landsbygd och livsmedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 336 0

Utgiftsområde 19 Regional utveckling

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 336 0

Utgiftsområde 15 Studiestöd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 296 0

Tilläggsskatt för företag i stora koncerner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 320 0

Utgiftsområde 1 Rikets styrelse

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-05 289 0

Kommissionens arbetsprogram 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-04 326 0

En effektivare upphandlingstillsyn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-29 396 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om lex Maria och lex Sarah

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-28 325 0

Sänkt skatt på bensin och diesel och sänkt skatt på jordbruksdiesel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 343 0

Förstärkt reglering av valutaväxlare och andra finansiella institut

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 306 0

Pausad uppräkning av skiktgränsen för statlig inkomstskatt för beskattningsåret 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 269 0

Sänkning av reduktionsplikten för bensin och diesel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 270 0

Statens budget 2024 – Rambeslutet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 331 0

Ny kärnkraft i Sverige

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 346 0

Välfärdsteknik inom äldreomsorgen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 329 0

Höständringsbudget för 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 305 0

Auktorisationssystem i fråga om tjänster för elektronisk identifiering och digital post

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 265 0

Förvärv och förvaltning av vissa kreditavtal

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 266 0

Effektivare verktyg vid inre utlänningskontroll

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 333 0

Vissa skattefrågor med anledning av nya aktiebolagsrättsliga regler om bolags rörlighet över gränserna inom EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 293 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Polismyndighetens arbete med särskilda händelser riktade mot organiserad brottslighet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 264 0

Ändrade regler om direkttilldelning av avtal om kollektivtrafik på järnväg

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 255 0

Ersättning för Riksbankens deltagande i Internationella valutafondens (IMF) finansieringslösning avseende skuldavskrivning beträffande Somalia

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 240 0

Redovisning av fördelning av medel från Allmänna arvsfonden under budgetåret 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 265 0

Nya bestämmelser om hur Sjunde AP-fonden ska lämna hållbarhetsinformation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 339 0

Grupptalan till skydd för konsumenters kollektiva intressen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 278 0

Digitala bolags- och föreningsstämmor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 279 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Polismyndighetens hantering av mängdbrott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 262 0

Näringsförbud till följd av förbud att bedriva näringsverksamhet som har meddelats i en annan stat

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 276 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om bekämpande av sena betalningar vid affärstransaktioner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 268 0

Ett hållbart mediestöd för hela landet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-14 264 0

Redovisning av AP-fondernas verksamhet t.o.m. 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 269 0

Fortsatt giltighet av lagen om vissa register för forskning om vad arv och miljö betyder för människors hälsa

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 258 0

Ändring i skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Frankrike

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 286 0

Nya trafikförsäkringsregler – stärkt skydd för dem som skadas i trafiken

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 193 0

Nya verksamheter i utsläppshandelssystemet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 269 0

Utökad rätt för elever i gymnasieskolan och anpassade gymnasieskolan att läsa nationella minoritetsspråk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 266 0

Ändrade belopp i euro i försäkringsrörelselagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-08 261 0

Vissa frågor om justitieråd och om advokater

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 251 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 263 0

Ekonomiska sanktioner mot terrorism

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 278 0

Vissa skärpta villkor för anhöriginvandring och begränsade möjligheter till uppehållstillstånd av humanitära skäl

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 197 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2023 – Ytterligare försvarsmateriel till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-25 186 0

EU:s kapitaltäcknings- och krishanteringsregelverk – några förtydliganden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 264 0

Ändrade bestämmelser om arbetstid för vattenverksamhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 209 0

En gemensam laddningsstandard för viss radioutrustning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 225 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens insatser för klimatanpassning av den byggda miljön

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 252 0

Effektiv ekonomistyrning i kommuner och regioner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 229 0

Nya krav på betaltjänstleverantörer att lämna uppgifter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 237 0

Effektivare luftkvalitetsarbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 277 0

Ändring i skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Tyskland

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 237 0

Riksrevisorns årliga rapport 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 255 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om fastställande av unionens tullkodex och inrättande av Europeiska unionens tullbyrå

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 222 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om fastställande av ytterligare förfaranderegler avseende verkställighet av dataskyddsförordningen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-09-29 181 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till ny ändring av systemet för Europeiska unionens egna medel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-09-27 165 0

Ett granskningssystem för utländska direktinvesteringar till skydd för svenska säkerhetsintressen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-09-11 164 0

Stärkt sekretess i domstol för kontaktuppgifter till enskilda – upphävande

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-09-11 181 0

Hemliga tvångsmedel – effektiva verktyg för att förhindra och utreda allvarliga brott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-09-11 157 0

Ändringar i statens budget för 2023 – Försvarsmateriel till Ukraina och försäljning av jaktrobotar till USA

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-08-17 203 0

Skatteverket som behörig brottsbekämpande myndighet vid förenklat uppgiftsutbyte inom EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-21 161 0

Utredning om stödet till den politiska beslutsprocessen och ledamotskapet i riksdagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-20 145 0

En tillfällig allmän flaggdag för att högtidlighålla 50-årsdagen av konungens trontillträde

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-19 154 0

Riktlinjer för den ekonomiska politiken

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-16 159 0

Vårändringsbudget för 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-16 129 0

Uppföljning och utvärdering av penningpolitiken 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-16 125 0

Årsredovisning för staten 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-16 126 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om bekämpning av korruption

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-16 122 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-16 119 0

Skärpt syn på brott mot journalister och vissa andra samhällsnyttiga funktioner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-15 125 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-15 138 0

Utökade polisiära befogenheter i gränsnära områden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-14 127 0

Sekretess hos Domstolsverket för enskildas kontaktuppgifter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-14 125 0

Verksamheten i Europeiska unionen under 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-14 122 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-14 122 0

Redogörelse för verksamheten inom den gemensamma parlamentariska kontrollgruppen för Europol och riksdagsdelegationens arbete under 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-14 118 0

Erkännande och verkställighet av utländska domar på privaträttens område – 2019 års Haagkonvention

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-12 141 0

Kommittéberättelse – kommittéernas verksamhet under 2022, m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-12 138 0

Indelning i utgiftsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-12 134 0

Ett effektivare förfarande för att fastställa och fördela begravningsavgiften till Svenska kyrkan

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-12 134 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Transportstyrelsens tillsyn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-09 152 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om åtgärder med anledning av trakasserier, hot och våld vid statliga myndigheter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-09 145 0

Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa under 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-08 159 0

Genomförande av ändringarna i vapendirektivet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-02 166 0

Strategisk exportkontroll 2022 – krigsmateriel och produkter med dubbla användningsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-02 140 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Skolverkets statistikuppdrag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-02 170 0

En ny lag om ordningsvakter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-02 158 0

Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds verksamhet och årsredovisning 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-06-02 158 0

Estetiska produkter – en övergångsbestämmelse

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-31 156 0

Nationellt professionsprogram för rektorer, lärare och förskollärare

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-29 177 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-29 166 0

Nationellt professionprogram för rektorer, lärare och förskollärare

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-26 169 0

Säkerhetsprövning av totalförsvarspliktiga m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-26 156 0

Nedsättningen av arbetsgivaravgifterna för personer som arbetar med forskning eller utveckling – höjt tak för avdraget

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-26 192 0

Ändringar som rör gymnasieskolans nationella program och ämnen m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-26 163 0

Riksrevisionens årsredovisning för 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-25 166 0

En drönarstrategi för Europa

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-25 156 0

Sekretessgenombrott vid utlämnande för teknisk bearbetning eller teknisk lagring av uppgifter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-25 204 0

Förlängning av den tillfälligt utökade skattenedsättningen på viss dieselanvändning inom jord-, skogs- och vattenbruk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-24 188 0

Ändrad placering av betalstation för trängselskatt i Hagastaden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-24 178 0

En ny lag om viktigt meddelande till allmänheten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-24 150 0

Tillfällig skattefrihet för förmån av laddel på arbetsplatsen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-24 162 0

En sänkt åldersgräns för öppna insatser till barn utan vårdnadshavarens samtycke

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-18 161 0

Anpassning av svensk rätt till EU:s nya system för reseuppgifter och resetillstånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-17 196 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om spårbyte i migrationsprocessen – kontroller och uppföljning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-17 143 0

Vägtrafik- och fordonsfrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-15 154 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-15 171 0

Effektivare åtgärder mot spridning av terrorisminnehåll online

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-12 128 0

Avskaffat krav på tillstånd för offentlig danstillställning på plats som inte är offentlig

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-12 121 0

Förbättrade åtgärder när barn misstänks för brott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-12 107 0

Ökad transparens för stora företags skattebetalningar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-11 113 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-10 113 0

Övergripande miljöfrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-05 177 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-05 155 0

Rättsmedicinalverkets hantering av humanbiologiskt material

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-05 165 0

Mänskliga rättigheter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 144 0

Övergripande skolfrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 171 0

Genomförande av tillgänglighetsdirektivet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 161 0

Prioriteringar inom hälso- och sjukvården

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 157 0

EU:s nya tågpassagerarförordning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 139 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Konsumentverkets tillsyn av marknadsföring och avtalsvillkor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 164 0

Skärpta straff för brott i kriminella nätverk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 141 0

En särskild straffbestämmelse för deltagande i en terroristorganisation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 160 0

Utökade möjligheter att besluta om undantag från lagen om upphandling på försvars- och säkerhetsområdet med hänsyn till Sveriges väsentliga säkerhetsintressen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 193 0

Vissa förfarandefrågor för elstöd till företag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-05-01 161 0

Avskiljningar vid Statens institutionsstyrelses särskilda ungdomshem

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-04-14 112 0

Ny mervärdesskattelag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-04-14 154 0

Vissa frågor om hälso- och sjukvårdens försörjningsberedskap

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-04-05 187 0

Internationella relationer m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-04-03 186 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om personalförsörjningen av kontinuerligt tjänstgörande gruppbefäl, soldater och sjömän

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-31 200 0

Försök till subventionsmissbruk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-31 178 0

Jämställdhet och åtgärder mot diskriminering

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-31 171 0

Riksdagens arbetsformer m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-27 172 0

Bättre möjligheter för Skatteverket att göra dataanalyser och urval i folkbokföringsverksamheten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-27 153 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-27 200 0

Förslag till rådets direktiv om ändring av direktiv 2011/16/EU om administrativt samarbete i fråga om beskattning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-27 177 0

Senarelagd anslutning till nationell läkemedelslista

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-24 163 0

Kommuners ansvar för brottsförebyggande arbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-24 155 0

Möjligheten till tidsbegränsade bygglov för bostäder förlängs

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-24 159 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2023 – Försvarsmateriel till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-23 168 0

2022 års rapport om rättsstatsprincipen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-22 201 0

Mottagningsanordningar i hamn för avfall från fartyg

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-22 174 0

Behandling av personuppgifter vid antalsberäkning inför klinisk forskning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-20 194 0

Sveriges medlemskap i Nato

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-17 173 0

Riksrevisionens rapport Skolpengen – effektivitet och konsekvenser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-17 157 0

Civila samhället, inklusive trossamfund

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-02 196 0

Ersättningsrätt samt insolvens- och utsökningsrätt

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-01 163 0

Ändringar i jordförvärvslagen i syfte att hindra att bestämmelserna om förvärvstillstånd kringgås

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-03-01 157 0

Resultatskrivelse om utvecklingssamarbete och humanitärt bistånd genom multilaterala organisationer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-27 167 0

Riksrevisionens granskning om Sidas val av samarbetspartner och biståndsform

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-27 123 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om regeringens underlag till riksdagen under pandemin

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-24 114 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om offentliga biträden i migrationsärenden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-24 109 0

Övervakning och rapportering av uppgifter om verkliga utsläpp från vissa fordon

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-24 174 0

Några frågor om försäkring och tjänstepension

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-24 131 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om beslutsunderlag inför stora reformer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-24 173 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-23 128 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2023 – Tillfällig skatt på vissa elproducenters överintäkter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-22 168 0

En pilotordning för distribuerad databasteknik

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-20 173 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statliga insatser för att stimulera investeringar i datorhallar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-17 190 0

Förbättrad övervakning av antibiotikaanvändning för behandling av djur

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-17 130 0

Absolut sekretess hos domstol i mål och ärenden enligt konkurrenslagen för uppgifter i vissa handlingar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-17 219 0

Höjd mervärdesskatt på vissa reparationer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-17 181 0

Stärkt sekretess i domstol för kontaktuppgifter till enskilda – ikraftträdande

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-17 192 0

Ändring i bestämmelser om avgifter för årlig revision

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-13 173 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens arbete med att säkra skyddsutrustning under coronapandemin

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-10 187 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens tillsyn över apotek och partihandel med läkemedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-10 236 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2023 – Stöd till Ukraina samt åtgärder riktade till företag och hushåll till följd av höga energipriser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-08 94 0

2022 års redogörelse för tillämpningen av lagen om särskild utlänningskontroll

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-08 132 0

Redovisning av användningen av hemliga tvångsmedel under 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-08 138 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om den regionala utvecklingspolitiken

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-07 130 0

2022 års redogörelse för företag med statligt ägande

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-02-07 144 0

Redovisning av AP-fondernas verksamhet t.o.m. 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-01-23 124 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om den årliga omräkningen av myndigheternas anslag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-20 192 0

En ny biobankslag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-19 185 0

Ökad kontroll i hälso- och sjukvården

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-19 215 0

En tillfällig skatt på extraordinära vinster för vissa företag under 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-16 185 0

Stämpelskatt vid förvärv av fast egendom och tomträtter som görs vid delning av aktiebolag genom separation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-16 153 0

Ändrade konkurrensregler för vertikala avtal

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-16 177 0

Utgiftsområde 16 Utbildning och universitetsforskning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-15 192 0

Barnets bästa vid fortsatt vård enligt LVU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-14 198 0

Statens budget 2023 – Rambeslutet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-13 177 0

Höständringsbudget för 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-09 185 0

Fondfaktablad och tidsfrist vid delning av en fond

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-05 175 0

Kommissionens arbetsprogram 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-05 182 0

Stark kundautentisering vid fakturabetalningar online

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-05 155 0

En paneuropeisk privat pensionsprodukt

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-02 153 0

En särskild straffbestämmelse för otillåten fartygsåtervinning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-02 181 0

Rätt till betalkonto i fler banker

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-12-02 149 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om migrationsdomstolarnas handläggningstider i asylmål

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-28 191 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om digitala läkarbesök och hyrläkare i sjukskrivningsprocessen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-28 169 0

Rapportering och utbyte av upplysningar om inkomster genom digitala plattformar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-28 147 0

Ett höjt försörjningskrav för arbetskraftsinvandrare

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-28 159 0

Stärkt system för samordningsnummer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-25 181 0

Upphovsrätten på den digitala inre marknaden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-25 189 0

Anmälan av föreskrifter om att ytterligare kategorier av fördrivna personer ska ges tillfälligt skydd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-21 186 0

Bolags rörlighet över gränserna inom EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-21 190 0

En förstärkt spelreglering

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-21 181 0

Förvalsalternativet inom premiepensionen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-21 195 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om fastighetsbildningen i Sverige

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-21 174 0

Ett oberoende tvistlösningsförfarande för kollektiva hyrestvister

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-21 173 0

Redovisning av fördelning av medel från Allmänna arvsfonden under budgetåret 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-21 181 0

Vissa frågor inom hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-18 194 0

Sveriges genomförande av Agenda 2030

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-18 185 0

Samverkan mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-18 187 0

Medgivande för Riksbanken att ingå avtal om lån till Internationella valutafonden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-18 183 0

Ändringar i statens budget för 2022 – Försvarsmateriel till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-17 181 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens krisstöd till idrott och kultur under coronapandemin

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-17 187 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens finansiering av kommunerna

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-14 189 0

Snabbare lagföring av brott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-11 188 0

Arrestantvakter och transportuppdrag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-11 181 0

Undantag från lokaliseringsprincipen för kommunal bredbandsutbyggnad

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-02 183 0

Åtgärder för att förhindra illegal handel via post

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-02 188 0

Leveranser av fartygsbränsle till havs i vissa fall

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-11-01 168 0

Riksrevisorns årliga rapport 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-10-28 197 0

Förbättrad hantering av ärenden om överförande av straffverkställighet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-10-21 204 0

BNP-indexering av skatterna på kemikalier i viss elektronik och avfallsförbränning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-10-21 180 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om inrättande av instrumentet för förstärkning av den europeiska försvarsindustrin genom gemensam upphandling

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-10-11 172 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om hållbar användning av växtskyddsmedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-09-06 166 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om restaurering av natur

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-09-06 155 0

Pausad höjning av reduktionsplikten för bensin och diesel 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-22 165 0

Snabbare och enklare verkställighet av myndighetsbeslut

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-22 155 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2022 – Vårändringsbudget för 2022 och stöd till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-22 142 0

Extra ändringsbudgetar för 2022 – Stöd till jordbruket och fiskerinäringen, kompensation för höga energipriser samt rekapitalisering av SAS AB

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-21 144 0

Rättelse i rättegångsbalken

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-17 147 0

En oberoende utredning av de s.k. påskupploppen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-17 163 0

Grundlagsskadestånd – ett rättighetsskydd för enskilda

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-17 197 0

Infektion med ett visst orthopoxvirus och ändring i smittskyddslagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-17 170 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om införandet av ett avdrag för eget kapital och en begränsning av avdrag för räntor i bolagssektorn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-17 156 0

Stärkt sekretess i domstol för kontaktuppgifter till enskilda

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-17 201 0

Elevhälsa och stärkt utbildning för elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-16 164 0

Klampning av fordon

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-16 171 0

Vägar till hållbara vattentjänster

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-16 161 0

Certifierade byggprojekteringsföretag – en mer förutsägbar byggprocess

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-16 158 0

Aktivitetskravet i plan- och bygglagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-16 178 0

Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans – grundläggande behov för personer som har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning och ökad rättssäkerhet för barn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-15 93 0

Tidigt kommunalt ställningstagande till vindkraft

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-15 133 0

Tydligare bestämmelser om ersättning vid avslag på ansökningar om tillstånd till avverkning i fjällnära skog

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-15 159 0

Ordning och reda på avfallet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-15 149 0

Uppskov med behandling av vissa ärenden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-15 187 0

Ytterligare åtgärder mot fordonsmålvakter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-14 160 0

Borttagande av regler för tillgodoräknande av försäkringstid

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-14 133 0

Sjukersättning till äldre i förvärvsarbetande ålder

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-14 141 0

Värdlandsavtal mellan Sverige och Förenta nationernas barnfond Unicef

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-13 135 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om svenskt bistånd till multilaterala organisationer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-13 145 0

Nato och arbetet mot kärnvapen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-10 142 0

Dimensionering av gymnasial utbildning för bättre kompetensförsörjning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-10 140 0

Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds verksamhet och årsredovisning 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-10 129 0

In- och utpasseringskontroller vid högskoleprovet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-10 142 0

Översyn av vissa bestämmelser om tullfrihet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-10 158 0

Strategisk exportkontroll 2021 – krigsmateriel och produkter med dubbla användningsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 143 0

Utvisning på grund av brott – ett skärpt regelverk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 152 0

Förstärkt kontroll av produkter med dubbla användningsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 148 0

Efterlevandestöd för barn som får vård eller boende bekostat av det allmänna

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 152 0

Höjt bostadstillägg till pensionärer och höjt minimibelopp vid fastställande av avgifter enligt socialtjänstlagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 151 0

Verksamheten i Europeiska unionen under 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 175 0

Sammanhållen vård- och omsorgsdokumentation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 159 0

Borttagande av bosättningsprincipen vid sprututbyte

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-09 141 0

Tydligare krav på fristående förskolor, skolor och fritidshem med konfessionell inriktning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-08 155 0

Ökad rättssäkerhet och snabbare verkställighet i internationella familjemål

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-06 140 0

Regional fysisk planering i Hallands län

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-06 136 0

En effektivisering av byggnadsnämndens tillsyn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-06 140 0

En ny lag om företagsrekonstruktion

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-06 150 0

Tryggare bostadsrätt

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-06 151 0

Redovisning av skatteutgifter 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 159 0

Åtgärder mot personer som blockerar vägar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 142 0

Flexibilitet, omställningsförmåga och trygghet på arbetsmarknaden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 149 0

Kompletteringar till EU:s nya gräns- och kustbevakningsförordning och förtydliganden i regler om unga lagöverträdare

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 151 0

Uppskov med behandlingen av vissa ärenden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 159 0

Stärkt kontroll och kvalitet i folkbokföringen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 143 0

Skattelättnad för arbetsresor – ett enklare och färdmedelsneutralt regelverk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 142 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 155 0

Stärkt integritet i idrottens antidopningsarbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 155 0

Utvärdering av statens upplåning och skuldförvaltning 2017–2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-03 134 0

Fri- och rättigheter m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-02 157 0

Sekretess hos två kommissioner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-02 158 0

Verksamhetsredogörelser för riksdagens nämnder

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-01 157 0

Utvecklingen på it-området när det gäller integritet och ny teknik

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-06-01 156 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-24 130 0

Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa under 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-24 170 0

Interparlamentariska unionen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-24 173 0

Justerade åldersgränser i pensionssystemet och i kringliggande system

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-24 154 0

Betaltjänstfrågor – några förtydliganden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 159 0

Stärkt rätt till skadestånd för brottsoffer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 146 0

En effektivare överprövning av offentliga upphandlingar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 181 0

Nytt regelverk för kvalificerade säkerhetsärenden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 131 0

Effektivare verktyg i utsökningsförfarandet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 163 0

En samlad straffrättslig terrorismlagstiftning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 131 0

En stärkt rättsprocess och en ökad lagföring

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 146 0

Ett bättre premiepensionssystem

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 148 0

Idéburen välfärd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 137 0

Hittegods i kollektivtrafiken

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 140 0

Mer tid till lärande, extra studietid och utökad lovskola

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 148 0

Den offentliga sektorns tillgängliggörande av data

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 150 0

Resursskolor och tilläggsbelopp för särskilt stöd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-23 147 0

Ett nytt mål för Sjätte AP-fondens placeringsverksamhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-20 150 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om AP-fondernas hållbarhetsarbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-20 133 0

Tillfälligt omhändertagande av villkorligt frigivna och skyddstillsynsdömda

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-20 121 0

Ändrade regler om säkerställda obligationer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-20 152 0

Ett modernare straffrättsligt skydd mot hemfridsbrott och olaga intrång

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-20 157 0

Nya regler om informationsutbyte om brottmålsdomar i EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-20 150 0

Barnets bästa när vård enligt LVU upphör – lex lilla hjärtat

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-20 184 0

Socialtjänstfrågor – barn och unga

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-19 152 0

Förbättrade rättsliga förutsättningar för att kunna ta emot militärt stöd från andra stater

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-18 145 0

Ett moderniserat konsumentskydd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-16 158 0

Val och beslut i kommuner och regioner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-16 136 0

Innebörden av begreppet helt försäkringsbestånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-16 152 0

Kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s förordning om återhämtning och resolution av centrala motparter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 180 0

Yrkestrafik och taxi

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 172 0

Sekretess för ljuddämpare

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 173 0

Skärpt straff för gravfridsbrott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 171 0

E-hälsa m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 176 0

Bättre tillgång till finansiell information i brottsbekämpningen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 161 0

Ursprungsgarantier – genomförande av det omarbetade förnybartdirektivet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 146 0

Skärpta straff för knivbrott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 167 0

En utvidgad rätt till återköp och flytt av fond- och depåförsäkringar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 147 0

Effektivare bevisupptagning inom EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 178 0

Ändringar i lagar som genomför internationella bestämmelser om radiologiska skador och skador vid sjötransporter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 159 0

Genomförande av direktivet om inrättande av en europeisk kodex för elektronisk kommunikation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 193 0

Sveriges energiförsörjning och import av rysk energi

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 175 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om tillbörlig aktsamhet för företag i fråga om hållbarhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 158 0

Kommissionens meddelande om gemensamma europeiska åtgärder för säkrare och mer hållbar energi

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-13 175 0

Ändrade transparensregler inom energibeskattningen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-12 173 0

Värdlandsavtal mellan Sverige och Internationella vaccininstitutet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-12 146 0

Nya regler för organdonation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-11 174 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-10 191 0

Våldsbrott och brottsoffer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-09 175 0

Riksrevisionens årsredovisning för 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-09 168 0

Skattereduktion för avgift till arbetslöshetskassa

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-09 177 0

Ändrad nedsättning av förmånsvärdet för miljöanpassade bilar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-09 170 0

Kompletteringar till regelverket om säkerhetsskydd i riksdagen och dess myndigheter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-06 165 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-06 137 0

Ändrade övergångsbestämmelser när det gäller medicintekniska produkter för in vitro-diagnostik

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-06 150 0

Biometri i brottsbekämpningen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-06 153 0

Naturvård och biologisk mångfald

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-06 161 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om bosättningslagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-04 133 0

Genomförande av arbetsvillkorsdirektivet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-04 166 0

Idrott och friluftsliv

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-03 155 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-02 152 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-02 157 0

Unga lagöverträdare

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-02 147 0

Ekonomisk familjepolitik

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-05-02 137 0

Socialtjänstens arbete m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-29 143 0

Ett års förlängd giltighetstid för undersökningstillstånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-29 175 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-28 155 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-28 142 0

Hyresrätt m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-28 157 0

Kultur och fritid för barn och unga

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-28 192 0

Företag, kapital och fastighet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-28 163 0

Höjd omsättningsgräns för befrielse från mervärdesskatt

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-27 143 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2022 – Tillfälligt sänkt skatt på bensin och diesel samt hantering av överskott av vaccindoser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-27 163 0

Ytterligare sänkt mervärdesskatt på vissa reparationer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-27 142 0

Insatser på plan- och byggområdet med anledning av invasionen av Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-27 161 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-27 151 0

En fast omsorgskontakt i hemtjänsten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-26 160 0

Ändring av andelstal i gemensamhetsanläggningar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-25 136 0

Genomförande av ändringar i direktivet om miljökrav vid upphandling av bilar och vissa kollektivtrafiktjänster

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-25 133 0

Hushållningen med mark- och vattenområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-25 143 0

Migration, asylpolitik och anhöriginvandring

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-25 153 0

Nya verktyg mot gängkriminaliteten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-22 163 0

Ett bättre underlag för åtgärder på bostadsmarknaden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-22 159 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-22 172 0

Skatteförfarande och folkbokföring

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-22 161 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om ersättning till rättsliga biträden i brottmål

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-22 157 0

Ett särskilt brott för hedersförtryck

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-22 131 0

Mänskliga rättigheter i länder och regioner m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-21 180 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-13 165 0

Återkallelse av uppehållstillstånd som har meddelats av Regeringskansliet i vissa fall

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-13 180 0

Internationellt utvecklingsbistånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-13 164 0

Straffrättsliga frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-13 199 0

Skärpta och förbättrade regler om arbetskraftsinvandring

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-13 163 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens suicidpreventiva arbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-12 169 0

Kompetensförsörjning inom hälso- och sjukvården m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-12 182 0

Kultur för alla

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-12 179 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-11 170 0

Omhändertagande och återkallelse av förarbevis för vattenskoter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-11 162 0

Skärpta straff för grova trafikbrott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-08 179 0

Modernare regler för användningen av tvångsmedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-08 172 0

Tillträdesförbud till badanläggningar och bibliotek

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-08 182 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om polisens och åklagarnas arbete mot internetrelaterade sexuella övergrepp mot barn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-08 181 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-08 179 0

Skärpt miljöstyrning i bonus malus-systemet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-08 162 0

Finansiell stabilitet och finansmarknadsfrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-06 201 0

Folkbildning och spelfrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-06 187 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-06 204 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2022 – Åtgärder för att stärka rikets militära försvar och kompensation till hushållen för höga elpriser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-06 179 0

Ökad kontinuitet och effektivitet i vården – en primärvårdsreform

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-04 181 0

Grundläggande om utbildning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-04 191 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-04 181 0

Ökade möjligheter till grundläggande behörighet för elever på gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-04 181 0

Fjärde järnvägspaketet och andra järnvägsfrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-04-01 173 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-31 196 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-28 197 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-28 191 0

Ett teknikneutralt krav på underskrift av regeringsbeslut

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-28 185 0

Begränsning av avdragsrätten för underskott från tidigare år

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-28 169 0

Mänskliga rättigheter ur ett tematiskt perspektiv

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-28 183 0

Genomförande av direktivet om elektroniska vägtullssystem

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-28 201 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-25 190 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-25 189 0

Försvarsmaktens personal

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-25 201 0

En ny konsumentköplag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-25 195 0

Ändrade regler för att möjliggöra utlämning av uppgifter för inkomststudier

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-25 184 0

Ukrainas, Georgiens och Moldaviens ansökningar om medlemskap i EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-25 193 0

Redogörelse för verksamheten inom den gemensamma parlamentariska kontrollgruppen för Europol och den svenska delegationens arbete under 2021

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-25 169 0

Ändringar i statens budget för 2022 – Stöd till Ukraina med efterfrågad försvarsmateriel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-24 191 0

Processrättsliga frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-23 153 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om en global minimiskatt för multinationella företag inom EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-23 160 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv med regler för att förhindra att legala enheter som saknar substans missbrukas för skatteändamål

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-23 170 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-22 192 0

Stärkt äganderätt, flexibla skyddsformer och ökade incitament för naturvården i skogen med frivillighet som grund

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-22 171 0

Upphävande av covid-19-lagen och lagen om tillfälliga smittskyddsåtgärder på serveringsställen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-22 178 0

Utlänningar i Sverige utan tillstånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-21 240 0

Anpassning av svensk rätt till EU:s nya in- och utresesystem

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-21 188 0

Förstärkt nedsättning av arbetsgivaravgifter för 19–23-åringar under sommaren 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-21 201 0

Tillfällig utvidgning av statligt stöd genom nedsatt energiskatt

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-21 187 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-21 207 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till ett omarbetat direktiv om byggnaders energiprestanda

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-18 164 0

Stärkt kvalitet och likvärdighet i pedagogisk omsorg

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-18 172 0

Sänkt energiskatt på bensin och diesel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-18 166 0

Den nationella planen för omprövning av vattenkraft

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-18 152 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om skydd för miljön genom straffrättsliga bestämmelser

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-18 161 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens subventionering av läkemedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-17 166 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2022 – Garanti till Internationella återuppbyggnads- och utvecklingsbanken för lån till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-17 170 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om öppna jämförelser i socialtjänsten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-17 176 0

Vissa säkerhetspolitiska frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-15 185 0

En förenklingspolitik för stärkt konkurrenskraft, tillväxt och innovationsförmåga

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-10 166 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-09 185 0

Radio och tv i allmänhetens tjänst

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-09 193 0

Stöd till personer med funktionsnedsättning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-08 177 0

Nya kapitaltäckningsregler för mycket stora värdepappersbolag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-04 2 0

Gränsöverskridande distribution av fonder

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-03-04 3 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om att bygga nationell försvarsförmåga – statens arbete med att stärka arméstridskrafterna

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 2 0

Det civila samhället

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 2 0

Märkning och registrering av katter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 2 0

Jakt och viltvård

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 3 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 2 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till ändrat beslut om systemet för Europeiska unionens egna medel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 3 0

Planering och byggande

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 3 0

Cirkulär ekonomi

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 1 0

Konstarterna och kulturskaparnas villkor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-28 4 0

Integritetsskydd vid signalspaning i försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2022-02-16 2 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Försäkringskassans arbete med att förebygga sjukskrivning

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-11 1 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om att komma till Sverige som anhörig

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-11 4 0

Deltagande på distans i styrelsesammanträden i samordningsförbund

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-11 2 0

Alkohol-, narkotika-, dopnings-, tobaks- och spelfrågor

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-09 5 0

Digitaliserings- och postfrågor

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-08 4 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om yrkeshögskolan

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-07 2 0

Ämnesbetyg – betygen ska bättre spegla elevers kunskaper

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-07 5 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om systemet med energideklarationer

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-04 2 0

Lättnader i tillståndsplikten för ljuddämpare

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-04 2 0


Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-04 10 0

Ersättningsrätt och insolvensrätt

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-04 3 0

Preventiva tvångsmedel för att förhindra allvarlig brottslighet

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-04 2 0

Väg- och fordonsfrågor

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-04 1 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av förslag till förordning om åtgärder mot transportföretag som underlättar eller ägnar sig åt människohandel eller smuggling av migranter i samband med olaglig inresa till EU

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-04 2 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2022 – Ersättningar på sjukförsäkringsområdet, stöd till företag, medel för testning och smittspårning samt åtgärder på skatteområdet och andra områden med anledning av coronaviruset

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-02 2 0

Kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s förordning om en gemensam digital ingång

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-02-02 2 0


Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-31 2 0


Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-28 2 0

Brott mot djur – skärpta straff och ett mer effektivt sanktionssystem

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-28 3 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om effektiviteten i Polismyndighetens arbete med information till brottsutsatta

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-28 2 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om urvalet av elever till Pisaundersökningen

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-27 2 0

En sammanhållen utbildning för nyanlända som har utbildningsplikt

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-27 2 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Skatteverkets arbete med att beskatta delningsekonomin

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-26 3 0

Rätt till ledighet för politiska uppdrag på lokal och regional nivå i ett annat land

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-24 2 0

Utökade möjligheter att stänga skolor med allvarliga brister

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-24 3 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om myndigheters service till enskilda som inte kan eller vill vara digitala

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-20 2 0

Fortsatt beredskap genom förlängd giltighet av covid-19-lagen och lagen om tillfälliga smittskyddsåtgärder på serveringsställen

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-18 2 0

En konsultationsordning i frågor som rör det samiska folket

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-17 3 0

Justitieombudsmännens ämbetsberättelse

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-17 2 0

Krav på rapportering av betalningstider

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-14 3 0

Uppföljning av riksdagens tillämpning av subsidiaritetsprincipen

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-13 2 0

Granskning av statsrådens tjänsteutövning och regeringsärendenas handläggning

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2022-01-12 2 0


Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-17 1 0

Utgiftsområde 20 Allmän miljö- och naturvård

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-15 4 0

Utgiftsområde 10 Ekonomisk trygghet vid sjukdom och funktionsnedsättning

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-13 2 0

Utgiftsområde 25 Allmänna bidrag till kommuner

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-13 4 0

Utgiftsområde 8 Migration

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-13 2 0

Utgiftsområde 2 Samhällsekonomi och finansförvaltning

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-13 2 0

Utgiftsområde 27 Avgiften till Europeiska unionen

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-13 2 0

Utgiftsområde 26 Statsskuldsräntor m.m.

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-13 2 0

Riskskatt för kreditinstitut

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-10 1 0

Utgiftsområde 16 Utbildning och universitetsforskning

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-10 2 0

Utgiftsområde 14 Arbetsmarknad och arbetsliv

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-10 3 0

Utgiftsområde 9 Hälsovård, sjukvård och social omsorg

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-10 2 0

Utgiftsområde 12 Ekonomisk trygghet för familjer och barn

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-09 2 0

Utgiftsområde 11 Ekonomisk trygghet vid ålderdom

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-09 2 0

Svenskt deltagande i Förenta nationernas stabiliseringsinsats i Mali

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-08 2 0

Utgiftsområde 13 Jämställdhet och nyanlända invandrares etablering

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-08 3 0

Kommissionens meddelande om en ny EU-skogsstrategi för 2030

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-08 2 0

Fortsatt svenskt deltagande i militär insats för stärkt säkerhet i Mali

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-08 2 0

Fortsatt giltighet av covid-19-lagen och lagen om tillfälliga smittskyddsåtgärder på serveringsställen

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-07 2 0

Utgiftsområde 4 Rättsväsendet

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-06 2 0

Utgiftsområde 7 Internationellt bistånd

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-06 3 0

Utgiftsområde 21 Energi

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-06 1 0

Utgiftsområde 22 Kommunikationer

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-06 2 0

Kommissionens arbetsprogram 2022

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-06 2 0

Utgiftsområde 3 Skatt, tull och exekution

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-03 2 0

Utgiftsområde 6 Försvar och samhällets krisberedskap

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-03 2 0

Utgiftsområde 5 Internationell samverkan

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-12-01 2 0

Utgiftsområde 17 Kultur, medier, trossamfund och fritid

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-30 1 0

Utgiftsområde 18 Samhällsplanering, bostadsförsörjning och byggande samt konsumentpolitik

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-29 4 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statliga myndigheters FoU-verksamhet

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-29 2 0

Lagstiftningsåtgärder med anledning av EU:s gröna taxonomiförordning

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-26 2 0

Komplettering av den utvidgade fåmansföretagsdefinitionen

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-26 1 0

Det nationella basutbudet av flygplatser

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-26 3 0

Nya mervärdesskatteregler om vissa förvärv som görs av EU-organ med anledning av covid-19-pandemin

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-26 3 0

Ändrat alkoholskattedirektiv och vissa andra ändringar

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-25 4 0

Statens budget 2022 - Rambeslutet

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-24 2 0

Åtgärder för att rädda fiskbestånden i Östersjön

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-23 7 0

Vård av unga vid Statens institutionsstyrelses särskilda ungdomshem

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-23 4 0

Statens budget 2022 – Rambeslutet

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-23 3 0

Redovisning av AP-fondernas verksamhet t.o.m. 2020

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-19 2 0

Redovisning av fördelning av medel från Allmänna arvsfonden under budgetåret 2020

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-19 2 0

Höständringsbudget för 2021

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-19 2 0

Bättre uppföljning av läkemedel för djur

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-19 2 0

Anpassningar av svensk lag till EU:s förordningar om Schengens informationssystem

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-19 6 0

Behandling av personuppgifter vid Försvarsmakten och Försvarets radioanstalt

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-19 2 0

Stärkt skydd för hyresgäster

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-16 2 0

Slopad straffrabatt för unga myndiga vid allvarlig brottslighet

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-15 2 0

Utökade möjligheter att avgöra mål på handlingarna i allmän domstol

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-15 2 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om projektbidrag från anslag 2:4 Krisberedskap

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-12 2 0

Ett förenklat upphandlingsregelverk

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-12 2 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om riktade utbyggnadsuppdrag till universitet och högskolor

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-12 2 0

Utökade möjligheter att använda tidiga förhör

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-12 1 0

Skatteavtal mellan Sverige och Slovenien

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-12 2 0

Skärpta straff för våld och andra kränkningar i nära relationer

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-12 1 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens ansvar för veterinär service

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-11 2 0

Ändringar i vägsäkerhetslagen

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-09 5 0

Ändring i skatteavtalet mellan Sverige samt Storbritannien och Nordirland

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-04 4 0

Statlig ersättning för personskada orsakad av vaccin mot sjukdomen covid-19

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-11-02 2 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om administrationen i statliga myndigheter

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-29 2 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till revidering av LULUCF-regelverket

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-27 3 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag om inrättande av en social klimatfond

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-27 2 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om arbetssökande över 55 år

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-27 2 0

Angiven yrkesgrupp – åtgärder för en begriplig sjukförsäkring

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-25 8 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till reviderat direktiv för förnybara energikällor

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-25 3 0

Aggressionsbrottet i svensk rätt och svensk straffrättslig domsrätt

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-22 25 0

Nya regler om husrannsakan för att söka efter vapen och andra farliga föremål

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-22 2 0

Ett starkare skydd för Sveriges säkerhet

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-22 2 0

Regellättnader på värdepappersmarknaden och några frågor om referensvärden

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-22 2 0

Kommissionens meddelande om en långsiktig vision för EU:s landsbygdsområden till 2040

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-22 1 0

Riksrevisionens granskning av miljöskatter på lång sikt

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-12 3 0

Riksrevisorns årliga rapport 2021

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-12 6 0

Kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s förordning om gräsrotsfinansiering

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-12 17 0

Skattereduktion för investeringar i inventarier anskaffade år 2021

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-12 4 0

Tillfällig skattereduktion för arbetsinkomster för att hantera ökade arbetskostnader till följd av pandemin

Joachim Elevant Sweden 2021-10-12 2 0

Parliamentary Workplace Support Service Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 295 0

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Industry Self-Classification and Other Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 268 0

Members of Parliament (Staff) Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 291 0

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Australia’s Engagement in the Pacific) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 289 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Making Multinationals Pay Their Fair Share—Integrity and Transparency) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 262 0

Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 296 0

Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 274 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Housing Measures No. 1) Bill 2023 No. 2]

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 294 0

National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 283 0

Biosecurity Amendment (Advanced Compliance Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 291 0

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 256 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 3) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 334 0

Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023 No. 2]

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 290 0

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Foreign Bribery) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 312 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 266 0

Social Security Amendment (Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 285 0

Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 288 0

Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 273 0

National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 277 0

Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 293 0

Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 269 0

Broadcasting Services Amendment (Healthy Kids Advertising) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 271 0

Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 262 0

Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 298 0

Royal Commissions Amendment (Private Sessions) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 287 0

Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 251 0

National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill 2023 No. 2]

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 299 0

Statutory Declarations Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 243 0

Home Affairs Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 286 0

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment (Using New Technologies to Fight Climate Change) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 308 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Restoring Trust) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 282 0

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Regulator Performance) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 271 0

Public Service Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 288 0

Interactive Gambling Amendment (Ban on Gambling Advertisements) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-09-13 271 0

Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Subsidy) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 189 0

Creative Australia Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 193 0

Creative Australia (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 193 0

Trade Support Loans Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 200 0

Statute Law Amendment (Prescribed Forms and Other Updates) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 209 0

Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Amendment (Animal Welfare) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 215 0

Migration Amendment (Giving Documents and Other Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 190 0

Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Amendment (Disclosure of Information) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 206 0

Student Loans (Overseas Debtors Repayment Levy) Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 176 0

Excise Tariff Amendment (Product Stewardship for Oil) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 212 0

Health Insurance Amendment (Professional Services Review Scheme) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 187 0

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Safety Net) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 197 0

Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures No. 2) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 205 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (Product Stewardship for Oil) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-06-13 208 0

Broadcasting Services Amendment (Prohibition of Gambling Advertisements) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-26 191 0

Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023 No. 2]

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-24 176 0

Defence Legislation Amendment (Naval Nuclear Propulsion) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-24 198 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 2) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-24 197 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-23 190 0

Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 2) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-23 189 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-23 170 0

Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2023-2024

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-23 180 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2023-2024

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-23 189 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2023-2024

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-23 178 0

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Streamlining) Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 193 0

Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 209 0

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 205 0

Special Recreational Vessels Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 160 0

Online Safety Amendment (Breaking Online Notoriety) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 186 0

Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 203 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Refining and Improving Our Tax System) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 176 0

Infrastructure Australia Amendment (Independent Review) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 196 0

Financial Accountability Regime (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 192 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 199 0

National Security Legislation Amendment (Comprehensive Review and Other Measures No. 2) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 237 0

Social Services Legislation Amendment (Child Support Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 213 0

Inspector-General of Aged Care Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 173 0

Jobs and Skills Australia Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 157 0

Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 188 0

Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 175 0

Family Law Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 258 0

Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 188 0

Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Cheaper Home Batteries) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 174 0

Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 165 0

National Health Amendment (Effect of Prosecution—Approved Pharmacist Corporations) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 179 0

Financial Accountability Regime Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 189 0

Education Legislation Amendment (Startup Year and Other Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 201 0

Health Insurance Amendment (Prescribed Dental Patients and Other Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 208 0

Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy (Collection) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 209 0

Nature Repair Market Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 204 0

Interactive Gambling Amendment (Credit Card Ban and Acknowledgement of Losses) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 190 0

Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 186 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (Incorporation of Proposals) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 222 0

Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management Reform) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 204 0

Inspector-General of Aged Care (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 212 0

Australia Day Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 191 0

Nature Repair Market (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-15 208 0

Transparent and Quality Public Appointments Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-01 156 0

Fair Work Amendment (Right to Disconnect) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-05-01 157 0

Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-28 208 0

Work Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-22 173 0

Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-22 182 0

Private Health Insurance (National Joint Replacement Register Levy) Amendment (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-21 166 0

Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-21 162 0

Private Health Insurance (Prostheses Application and Listing Fees) Amendment (Cost Recovery) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-21 194 0

Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Medical Device and Human Tissue Product List and Cost Recovery) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-21 177 0

Higher Education Support Amendment (Australia’s Economic Accelerator) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-21 188 0

National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-13 196 0

Australia Council Amendment (Creative Australia) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 194 0

Migration (Visa Pre-application Process) Charge Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 177 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 204 0

Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Cleaning up Political Donations) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 203 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Housing Measures No. 1) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 174 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Lowering the Voting Age) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 218 0

Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 189 0

National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 185 0

Migration Amendment (Australia’s Engagement in the Pacific and Other Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 184 0

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Stop PEP11 and Protect Our Coast) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 184 0

Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 175 0

Royal Commissions Amendment (Enhancing Engagement) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-03-06 185 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Bill 2023

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-08 173 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 5) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 191 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Energy Price Relief Plan) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 166 0

National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 182 0

Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 188 0

Work Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 205 0

Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 175 0

Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 165 0

Private Health Insurance (National Joint Replacement Register Levy) Amendment (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 194 0

Public Interest Disclosure Amendment (Review) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 215 0

Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Medical Device and Human Tissue Product List and Cost Recovery) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 190 0

Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Stop the Lies) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 197 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 4) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 205 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 191 0

Customs Legislation Amendment (Controlled Trials and Other Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 202 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 213 0

Private Health Insurance (Prostheses Application and Listing Fees) Amendment (Cost Recovery) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 196 0

Ministers of State Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 231 0

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Loot Boxes) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 197 0

Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 187 0

Export Control Amendment (Streamlining Administrative Processes) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 194 0

Fuel and Vehicle Standards Legislation Amendment (Reducing Vehicle Pollution) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 171 0

Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2023-02-03 187 0

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-23 205 0

Crimes Amendment (Penalty Unit) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-23 178 0

Higher Education Support Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-23 174 0

Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 215 0

Customs Amendment (Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 213 0

Broadcasting Services Amendment (Community Radio) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 195 0

Customs Amendment (India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 192 0

Supply (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 2) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 179 0

Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 186 0

Supply Bill (No. 3) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 181 0

Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 175 0

Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 163 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 197 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 181 0

Supply Bill (No. 4) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 177 0

Australian Crime Commission Amendment (Special Operations and Special Investigations) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-11-11 187 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 176 0

National Anti-Corruption Commission (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 188 0

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 174 0

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 181 0

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Workforce Incentive) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 180 0

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Reform (Closing the Hole in the Ozone Layer) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 185 0

Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Cheaper Child Care) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 145 0

Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia Funding Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 191 0

Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 160 0

National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 168 0

Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 182 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-17 192 0


AU Parliament Australia 2022-10-04 169 0

High Speed Rail Authority Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 115 0

Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (AFP Powers and Other Matters) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 130 0

National Health Amendment (General Co-payment) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 143 0

Atomic Energy Amendment (Mine Rehabilitation and Closure) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 232 0

Financial Accountability Regime Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 134 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 3) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 154 0

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Incentivising Pensioners to Downsize) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 149 0

Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy (Collection) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 133 0

Emergency Response Fund Amendment (Disaster Ready Fund) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 134 0

Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Fees Imposition Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 141 0

Financial Sector Reform Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 141 0

Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 123 0

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment (Making Gambling Businesses Accountable) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-26 151 0

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-09-07 110 0

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment (Incapacity Payments) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 168 0

Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 171 0

Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 152 0

Restoring Territory Rights Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 172 0

Narcotic Drugs (Licence Charges) Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 121 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 2) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 145 0

Climate Change Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 158 0

Australian Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment (Selection and Appointment) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 149 0

Jobs and Skills Australia Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 166 0

Ending Indefinite and Arbitrary Immigration Detention Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 114 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 121 0

Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Repeal of Cashless Debit Card and Other Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 144 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 166 0

Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 202 0

Jobs and Skills Australia (National Skills Commissioner Repeal) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 207 0

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Lifting the Income Limit for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 137 0

Aged Care Amendment (Implementing Care Reform) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-29 185 0

Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-08-03 186 0

Customs Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-07-28 183 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (Cost of Living Support) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-12 148 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Cost of Living Support and Other Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-12 146 0

Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Amendment (Strengthening Land and Governance Provisions) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-12 208 0

Excise Tariff Amendment (Cost of Living Support) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-12 154 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-07 194 0

Supply Bill (No. 2) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-07 181 0

Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-07 170 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-07 180 0

Supply (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-07 160 0

Supply Bill (No. 1) 2022-2023

AU Parliament Australia 2022-04-07 179 0

National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Participant Service Guarantee and Other Measures) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-31 166 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Cyclone and Flood Damage Reinsurance Pool) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 172 0

Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 190 0

Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 204 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Tax Integrity and Supporting Business Investment) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 192 0

Social Services Legislation Amendment (Workforce Incentive) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 181 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Concession for Australian Medical Innovations) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 194 0

Agriculture Biodiversity Stewardship Market Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 178 0

Income Tax Amendment (Labour Mobility Program) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 182 0

Regulator Performance Omnibus Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 186 0

Social Security Amendment (Improved Child to Adult Transfer for Carer Payment and Carer Allowance) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-18 180 0

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Faster Internet for Regional Australia) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 178 0

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Ransomware Action Plan) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 173 0

Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Cleaning up Political Donations) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 179 0

Brisbane Airport Curfew and Demand Management Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 198 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 170 0

Public Sector Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 187 0

Appropriation (Coronavirus Response) Bill (No. 2) 2021-2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 182 0

Criminal Code Amendment (Firearms Trafficking) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 168 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2021-2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 165 0

Australian Radioactive Waste Agency Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 164 0

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Corrective Services Authorities) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 176 0

Moratorium on New Coal, Gas and Oil Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 169 0

Social Media (Protecting Australians from Censorship) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 172 0

Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Cheaper Home Batteries) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 190 0

Higher Education Support Amendment (Australia’s Economic Accelerator) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 175 0

Transport Security Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 154 0

Appropriation (Coronavirus Response) Bill (No. 1) 2021-2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 170 0

Education Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 184 0

Health Insurance Amendment (Administrative Actions) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 185 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Streamlining and Improving Economic Outcomes for Australians) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 180 0

Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Enhanced Family Support) Bill 2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 194 0

Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2021-2022

AU Parliament Australia 2022-03-16 168 0

Religious Discrimination Bill 2022

Robert Sell Australia 2022-02-10 2 0

Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

Robert Sell Australia 2022-02-10 6 0

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 7 0

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 2 0

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Pension Loans Scheme Enhancements) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 3 0

Higher Education Support Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 3 0

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 3 0

Australian Research Council Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 5 0

Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle Framework and Other Measures Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 3 0

Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia Funding Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 21 0

National Security Legislation Amendment (Comprehensive Review and Other Measures No. 1) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-15 1 0

Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-14 1 0

Customs Amendment (Banning Goods Produced By Forced Labour) Bill 2021 No. 2]

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-14 5 0

Religious Discrimination Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-14 1 0

Illegal Detention of Australian Journalists (Free Julian Assange) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-14 5 0

Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-14 3 0

Fair Work Amendment (Same Job, Same Pay) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-14 2 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Candidate Eligibility) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-01 2 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Annual Disclosure Equality) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-12-01 3 0

Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-30 4 0

Customs Amendment (Controlled Trials) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-30 5 0

Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-30 1 0

Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response No. 3) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 1 0

Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy (Collection) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Contingency Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Superannuation Outcomes For Australians and Helping Australian Businesses Invest) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 2 0

Corporations Amendment (Improving Outcomes for Litigation Funding Participants) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Financial Accountability Regime Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Voter Integrity) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 2 0

National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Participant Service Guarantee and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 1 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Assurance of Senate Counting) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

National Health Amendment (Enhancing the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 4 0

National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment (Funders of Last Resort and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Telstra Corporation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 2 0

Health Legislation Amendment (Medicare Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Exempting Disability Payments from Income Testing and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 5 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (Laminaria and Corallina Decommissioning Cost Recovery Levy) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 3 0

Offshore Petroleum (Laminaria and Corallina Decommissioning Cost Recovery Levy) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 4 0

Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-19 5 0

Privacy (COVID Check-in Data) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

Health Insurance Amendment (Enhancing the Bonded Medical Program and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 2 0

Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Stopping PEP11) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Disclosure of Political Donations) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Implementation) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 2 0

National Health Amendment (COVID-19) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 2 0

Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme (Facilitation) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

Paid Parental Leave Amendment (COVID-19 Work Test) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Customs Amendment (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Implementation) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

No Requirement for Medical Treatment (Including Experimental Injections) Without Consent (Implementing Article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Regulatory Levies) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

Coal Prohibition (Quit Coal) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 5 0

Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Social Media (Basic Expectations and Defamation) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Australian Federal Integrity Commission Bill 2021 (No. 2)

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 5 0

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Remote Engagement Program) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Unsolicited Political Communications Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Stop the Lies) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 5 0

COAG Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 5 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 7) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Economic Empowerment) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 20 0

Protecting Pensioners from the Cashless Debit Card Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 4 0

Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 2) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 23 0

Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 7 0

Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Investment Funds Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 3 0

Biosecurity Amendment (Enhanced Risk Management) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 5 0

Aged Care Amendment (Making Aged Care Fees Fairer) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-11-12 19 0

Repatriation of Defence Data Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Charges) Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response—Better Advice) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 5 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Offences and Preventing Multiple Voting) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (Incorporation of Proposals) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 1 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (COVID-19 Economic Response) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Customs Tariff Amendment (2022 Harmonized System Changes) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

COVID-19 Disaster Payment (Funding Arrangements) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 5 0

Dental Benefits Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Party Registration Integrity) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

Ransomware Payments Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 5 0

Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment (Equity Investments and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Political Campaigners) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 7 0

Customs Amendment (2022 Harmonized System Changes) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 4 0

Charter of the United Nations Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 10 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 5) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 4 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 6) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Electoral Legislation Amendment (Counting, Scrutiny and Operational Efficiencies) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Cost Recovery and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 4 0

Treasury Laws Amendment (COVID-19 Economic Response No. 2) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Defence Legislation Amendment (Discipline Reform) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 4 0

Foreign Intelligence Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

Social Services Legislation Amendment (Consistent Waiting Periods for New Migrants) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 3 0

Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Subsidy) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

Education Services for Overseas Students (TPS Levies) Amendment Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

Water Legislation Amendment (Inspector-General of Water Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 5 0

Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Amendment (Governance and Other Measures) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 12 0

Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 1) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 27 0

Social Services Legislation Amendment (Portability Extensions) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 2 0

National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Improving Supports for At Risk Participants) Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 7 0

No Domestic COVID Vaccine Passports Bill 2021

Robert Sell Australia 2021-09-20 4 0

The Road Traffic (Reprieve and Nullification of Prescribed Notices) Act, 2023

Robert Sell Jamaica 2023-01-26 192 0

The Bail Act, 2022

Robert Sell Jamaica 2022-10-06 202 0

The Transport Authority (Amendment) Act, 2022

Robert Sell Jamaica 2022-09-15 152 0

The Firearms (Prohibition, Restriction and Regulation) Act, 2022

Robert Sell Jamaica 2022-02-14 3 0

The Jamaica Teaching Council Act, 2022

Robert Sell Jamaica 2022-02-03 1 0

The Jamaica Development Bank (Repeal) Act, 2022

Robert Sell Jamaica 2022-02-03 1 0

The Offensive Weapons (Prohibition) (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-11-25 3 0

The Firearms (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-11-25 4 0

The Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Suppression and Punishment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-10-29 2 0

The Emergency Powers (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-10-29 1 0

The International Corporate and Trust Services Providers (Change of Name and Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-10-29 2 0

The Tourism Workers Pension Act, 2019

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Transport Authority (Validation and Indemnity) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Tax Collection (Amendment) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Timeshare Vacation Act, 2014

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Trusts Act, 2018

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Tax Collection (Amendment) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Tobacco Control Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Integrity Commission Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Fiscal Administration and Audit (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Customs (Amendment) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The Public Debt Management (Amendment) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The International Corporate and Trust Services Providers Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The National Housing Trust (Amendment) (Special Provisions) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Data Protection Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 5 0

The Judicature (Supreme Court) (Amendment) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The International Business Companies Act, 2018

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The Extradition (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Human Employment and Resource Training (Amendment) Act, 2019

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Governor-General (Expenditure, Personal Staff, Tax Exemptions and Pensions) (Amendment) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Limited Liability\xa0Companies Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Disruption and Suppression of criminal organizations Act,2014

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The DNA Evidence Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Disaster Risk Management (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Noise Abatement (Temporary Amendment) Act, 2019

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Judicature (Appellate Jurisdiction) (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2019

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Indictments (Amendment) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Integrity Commissions Act, 2014

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Criminal Justice (Administration) (Amendment) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Road Traffic Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Sexual Harassment\xa0 (Protection and Prevention) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Land Valuation (Amendment) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Land Valuation (Amendment) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The Public Procurement Act, 2014

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Independent Fiscal Commission Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Corruption Prevention (Special Prosecutor) Act, 2011 Part 1

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Information and Communications Technology Authority Act, 2019

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Public Debt Management (Amendment) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Public Debt Management Act, 2012

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Re-naming of the Courts of Petty Sessions (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Microcredit Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Protection of Geographical Indications (Amendment) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Partnership (General) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Justices of the Peace Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Partnership (Limited) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The Constitution (Amendment)(Local Government) Act, 2014

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The National Identification and Registration Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Customs Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The National Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation (Amendment) Act, 2018

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Special Economic Zones Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Property Tax (Amendment) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Licences on Trades and Business (Validation, Indemnification\xa0and Amendment) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Protection of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Amendment) Act, 2018

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Judicature (Parish Courts) (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The National Heroes and Other Freedom Fighters (Absolution from Criminal Liability in Respect of Specified Events) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Judicature (Resident Magistrates) (Amendment and Change Name) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Human Services Act, 2018

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Criminal Justice (Administration) (Amendment) Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Revenue Administration (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The General Partnership Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Evidence (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Limited Partnership Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Law Reform (Amendment of Penalties) Act, 2019

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Corruption Prevention (Special Prosecutor) Act, 2011 Part 2

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Criminal Justice (Suppression of Criminal Organizations) (Amendment) Act,2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Legal Aid (Fees) (Validation and Indemnification) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Registration of Titles (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Road Traffic Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Gun Court (Amendment) Act, 2018

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Sisters of Mercy of Jamaica, British West Indies (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment)) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Baptist Mid-Missions in Jamaica (Incorporated)(Change of Name and Amendment) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 86 0

The Arbitration Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 21 0

The Ballast Water Management Act, 2018

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 24 0

The Caribbean Court of Justice Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 5 0

The Child Care and Protection (Amendment) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Bank of Jamaica (Amendment) Act, 2020

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 36 0

The Caribbean Maritime University Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, 2014

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 20 0

The Building Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 65 0

The Agro-Investment Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 20 0

The Casino Gaming (Amendment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 3 0

The Building Act, 2017

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 5 0

The Constitution (Amendment) (Impeachment) Act, 2021

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Constitution (Amendment) (Established Fund) (Payment of Pensions) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 2 0

The Children (Guardianship and Custody) (Amendment) Act, 2016

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Encouragement) (Amendment) Act, 2019

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 24 0

The Constitution(Amendment) (No.2) Act, 2010

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 1 0

The Constitution (Amendment) (Caribbean Court of Justice) Act, 2015

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 4 0

The Aquaculture, Inland and Marine Products and By-Products (Inspection, Licensing and Export) Act, 2014

Robert Sell Jamaica 2021-08-07 29 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-20 178 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-15 205 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-15 183 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-12 177 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-12 191 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-12 161 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-12 185 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-12-08 183 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-08-09 169 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-08-08 139 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-08-08 150 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-08-04 154 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-08-02 184 0

The Family Courts (Amendment) Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-07-19 169 0

the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Amendment Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-04-06 211 0

The Indian Antarctic Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-04-04 233 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-03-29 169 0

The Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-03-29 175 0

The Delhi Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-03-28 211 0

The Appropriation Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-03-25 221 0


Lok Sabha India 2022-03-20 205 0

The Jammu and Kashmir Appropriation (No.2) Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-03-20 166 0

The Appropriation (No.2) Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-03-20 235 0

The Appropriation (No.3) Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-03-20 234 0

The Jammu and Kashmir Appropriation Bill, 2022

Lok Sabha India 2022-03-20 181 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-12-15 20 0

the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-12-15 3 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-12-15 6 0

The Delhi Special Police Establishment (Amendment) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-12-15 5 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-11-30 6 0

The Constitution (One Hundred and Fifth Amendment) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-10-06 8 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 4 0

The Appropriation (No. 3) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 24 0

The Appropriation (No. 4) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 20 0

The Essential Defence Services Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 5 0

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 4 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 7 0

The Tribunals Reforms Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 3 0

The National Commission for Homoeopathy (Amendment) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 4 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 21 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 3 0

The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Amendment) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 7 0

The National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Amendment) Bill, 2021

Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 3 0


Juan Lopez India 2021-08-27 4 0

Modifica el Código Penal y el Código Procesal Penal, para tipificar el delito de sustracción de madera y otros relacionados, y habilitar el uso de técnicas especiales de investigación para su persecución

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-30 148 0

Modifica la ley N° 20.296, en lo relativo a las acciones para perseguir las infracciones a las normas que regulan la instalación, mantención y funcionamiento de los ascensores

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-30 153 0

Modifica la ley N°20.205, que Protege al funcionario que denuncia irregularidades y faltas al principio de probidad, para extender su aplicación al personal de las Fuerzas Armadas, en las condiciones que señala

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-30 128 0

Interpreta el artículo 11 de la ley N° 21.069, que crea el Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Sustentable de la Pesca Artesanal y de la Acuicultura de Pequeña Escala, Indespa.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-21 160 0

Declara feriado nacional el día 16 de septiembre del año 2022

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-13 145 0

Modifica la ley N° 14.908, sobre abandono de familia y pago de pensiones alimenticias, para permitir la retención que se indica, en caso de deudas alimentarias.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-08 137 0

Modifica la ley N° 14.908, sobre Abandono de Familia y Pago de Pensiones Alimenticias, en materia de responsabilidad parental y pago efectivo de las deudas por pensiones de alimentos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-08 140 0

Declara el día 29 de abril de cada año, como el Día Nacional de los Trabajadores y las Trabajadoras del Sistema de Salud Chileno

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-07 125 0

Modifica la ley N°21.239, para prorrogar nuevamente el mandato de los directores u órganos de administración y dirección de las asociaciones y organizaciones que indica

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-09-05 135 0

Concede la nacionalidad chilena por gracia al ciudadano argentino austriaco, señor Miguel Ricardo Roth Fuchs.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-31 170 0

Modifica el Código Penal para agravar e incrementar las penas de los delitos, toda vez que sean cometidos contra niños, o éstos se encuentren entre los afectados por el delito y sus circunstancias

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-25 182 0

Modifica el Código Penal para reforzar la protección penal a la infancia y a otras personas que indica

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-25 148 0

Modifica la Carta Fundamental, en cuanto a los quórums de aprobación de reformas constitucionales.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-24 172 0

Interpreta la ley N°5.248, en materia de integración de la Comisión Administrativa del Parque Pedro del Río Zañartu o Parque Fundo Hualpén

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-22 134 0

Modifica el decreto con fuerza de ley N° 16, de 1986, del Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social, con el objeto de facultar temporalmente al Director(a) General del Crédito Prendario para condonar intereses moratorios de créditos pignoraticios que

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-22 161 0

Modifica la ley N° 20.234, que establece un procedimiento de saneamiento y regularización de loteos

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-12 197 0

Sobre publicidad visible desde caminos, vías o espacios públicos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-12 148 0

Declara el Día del Pampino y lo establece feriado para regiones que indica.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-04 233 0

Establece el día 6 de junio como el Día Nacional del Pampino

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-04 131 0

Modifica la Ley general de Cooperativas.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-04 146 0

Modifica el Código del Trabajo para asegurar la oferta de servicios de transporte público durante periodo de elecciones populares o plebiscitos

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-03 155 0

Crea un fondo de estabilización y emergencia energética y establece un nuevo mecanismo de estabilización transitorio de precios de la electricidad para clientes sometidos a regulación de precios

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-03 192 0

Modifica el Código Penal, para sancionar el ultraje de cadáver y de sepultura

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-02 150 0

Proyecto de Acuerdo que aprueba el Protocolo concerniente al Arreglo de Madrid relativo al Registro Internacional de Marcas, adoptado en Madrid el 27 de junio de 1989, modificado el 3 de octubre de 2006 y el 12 de noviembre de 2007

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-08-02 137 0

Crea un bono extraordinario Chile Apoya Invierno y extiende el permiso postnatal parental

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-28 187 0

Modifica la ley N° 21.420, que reduce o elimina exenciones tributarias que indica

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-27 162 0

Establece el día 27 de noviembre de cada año, como el Día Nacional de las Cantineras, en conmemoración de la participación de la mujer en la Guerra del Pacífico

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-26 157 0

Declara el día 21 de marzo de cada año como el Día Nacional de conmemoración de las personas fallecidas producto de la pandemia de COVID-19

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-22 133 0

Modifica el decreto ley N° 3.516, de 1980, que establece normas sobre división de predios rústicos, para garantizar el acceso a espacios públicos y caminos Cora

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-21 150 0

Establece el Día Nacional del Futbolista y la Futbolista Amateur

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-19 138 0

Establece el día 24 de abril de cada año como el Día Nacional del Leonismo Chileno

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-05 175 0

Modifica el Código Tributario obligando a bancos y otras instituciones financieras a entregar información sobre saldos y sumas de abonos en cuentas financieras al Servicio de Impuestos Internos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-01 135 0

Modifica la ley N°18.101 y el Código de Procedimiento Civil para incorporar la medida precautoria de restitución anticipada de inmuebles y establecer un procedimiento monitorio de cobro de rentas de arrendamiento en los juicios que indica

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-07-01 142 0

Establece el 29 de junio como el Día de la Pesca Artesanal

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-30 165 0

Establece normas sobre delitos informáticos, deroga la ley N° 19.223 y modifica otros cuerpos legales con el objeto de adecuarlos al convenio de Budapest.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-21 119 0

Establece el 22 de mayo de cada año como el Día Nacional de la Memoria y Educación sobre Desastres Socio-Naturales

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-15 135 0

Aumenta el límite del mecanismo de estabilización de precios de los combustibles creado por la ley N° 20.765 y actualiza el umbral de ajuste semanal

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-15 182 0

Proyecto de ley que fija Ley Marco de Cambio Climático.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-14 101 0

Modifica diversos cuerpos legales, en materia de Transformación Digital del Estado.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-13 137 0

Modifica el artículo 30 bis de la ley N° 19.300, sobre Bases Generales del Medio Ambiente, en lo relativo a declaración de impacto ambiental

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-03 114 0

Acuerdo que aprueba Enmiendas a la Constitución de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), adoptadas mediante Resolución Núm. 997 (LXXVI) del Consejo de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones, el 24 de noviembre de 1998

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-03 205 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo de Integración Comercial entre la República de Chile y la República del Ecuador, suscrito en Guayaquil, Ecuador y Santiago, Chile, el 13 de agosto de 2020

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-06-02 141 0

Modifica la ley N° 16.441, que crea el Departamento de Isla de Pascua, en el sentido que indica.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-31 130 0

Deroga los artículos 13 y 14 de la ley N°16.441, que crea el departamento de Isla de Pascua, en materia de atenuantes a la penalidad asignada a ciertos delitos y al cumplimiento de las mismas.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-31 141 0

Modifica la ley N° 16.441, que crea el departamento de Isla de Pascua, en lo relativo al tratamiento penal de los delitos que indica.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-31 123 0

Deroga los artículos 13 y 14 de la ley N°16.441, que crea el departamento de Isla de Pascua, relativos a la penalidad especial de los delitos contemplados en los Títulos VII y IX del Libro II del Código Penal en esos territorios y al cumplimiento de e

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-31 119 0

Sobre integración social en la planificación urbana, gestión de suelo y plan de emergencia habitacional

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-30 148 0

Reajusta el monto del Ingreso Mínimo Mensual, así como la Asignación Familiar y Maternal, y el Subsidio Familiar, otorga un subsidio temporal a las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en la forma que indica, y establece un aporte compensatorio del aum

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-27 144 0

Modifica el decreto ley N° 2.222, de 1978, que sustituye ley de navegación, en materia de responsabilidades ante la ocurrencia de accidentes marítimos, y otras condiciones de navegación

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-27 135 0

Asigna al gimnasio municipal de la ciudad de Talca el nombre de Gimnasio Regional Manuel Herrera Blanco de Talca

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-24 203 0

Aprueba el Convenio entre el Gobierno de la República de Chile y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) para el Establecimiento de una Oficina de la OPS en Chile, suscrito en Ginebra, Suiza, el 18 de mayo de 2011; y su Acuerdo Interpretativo ref

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-23 101 0

Modifica la ley N° 19.030, que crea el Fondo de Estabilización de Precios del Petróleo, con el objeto de incrementar sus recursos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-20 131 0

Modifica la ley N° 18.892, General de Pesca y Acuicultura, con el objeto de considerar a las marejadas como fuerza mayor, para evitar la caducidad de la inscripción de los pescadores artesanales en el Registro respectivo

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-13 124 0

Extiende la duración del permiso laboral para trabajadoras y trabajadores, en caso de fallecimiento de padre, madre y de un hijo en período de gestación, e incorpora igual permiso en caso de fallecimiento de hermano

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-10 129 0

Establece el Día de la Inclusión Social y la No Discriminación

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-10 165 0

Modifica la Carta Fundamental para incorporar las normas de la ley N° 21.385, que modifica la legislación electoral, para privilegiar la cercanía al domicilio del elector en la asignación del local de votación, para el plebiscito constitucional

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-05-02 125 0

Modifica diversos cuerpos normativos con el objetivo de perfeccionar la regulación relativa a la contratación, prestación y pago del servicio de extracción de residuos sólidos domiciliarios

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-29 134 0

Establece el 25 de agosto de cada año como el día nacional del peluquero

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-26 151 0

Extiende la cobertura del mecanismo de estabilización de precios de los combustibles creado por la ley N°20.765

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-25 147 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo entre la República de Chile y la República Argentina sobre el reconocimiento recíproco y canje de licencias de conducir, suscrito en Santiago, Chile, el 26 de enero de 2021

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-25 174 0

Modifica la ley Nº 18.056, que establece normas generales sobre otorgamiento de pensiones de gracia por el Presidente de la República, para incorporar específicamente a los hijos de personas fallecidas por covid 19.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-19 186 0

Modifica las normas de admisión escolar para facilitar el acceso de estudiantes a los establecimientos educacionales con modalidad de internado y de aquellos con necesidades educativas especiales permanentes.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-19 158 0

Prohíbe discriminación laboral frente a análisis genéticos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-19 215 0

Interpreta el artículo 36 de la ley N° 20.799

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-19 178 0

Sobre nueva ley de copropiedad inmobiliaria.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-14 169 0

Modifica el decreto ley N°3.063, de 1979, sobre rentas municipales, y crea un régimen de donaciones con beneficios tributarios en apoyo a las entidades sin fines de lucro

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-13 223 0

Relativo a la utilización de menores en crímenes o delitos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-12 199 0

Sanciona penalmente a los mayores de edad que inciten a delinquir a niños, niñas y adolescentes o participen con éstos en la comisión de delitos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-12 196 0

Exige la celebración de un contrato, en los términos que indica, entre las sociedades anónimas deportivas profesionales y las deportistas que sean parte del Campeonato Nacional Femenino de Fútbol

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-12 153 0

Autoriza a erigir monumentos o memoriales, y crear museos, en memoria de Los Héroes del Riñihue

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-08 178 0

Reforma el Código de Aguas.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-04-07 173 0

Aprueba el Sexagésimo Cuarto Protocolo Adicional al Acuerdo de Complementación Económica N°35, celebrado entre los Gobiernos de los Estados Partes del MERCOSUR y el Gobierno de la República de Chile, en Montevideo, el 12 de diciembre de 2018, que con

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-30 184 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de la República de Chile y el Gobierno de Santa Lucía sobre Exención del Requisito de Visa para los Titulares de Pasaportes Diplomáticos y Oficiales, suscrito en Castries, Santa Lucía, el 30 de octubre de 2014

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-30 153 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de la República de Chile y el Gobierno de la República de Azerbaiyán relativo a la Exención del Requisito de Visa para Titulares de Pasaportes Diplomáticos y de Servicio/Oficiales, suscrito en Santiago, Chile, el

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-22 154 0

Aprueba el tratado de extradición entre la República de Chile y la República Popular China

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-22 210 0

Modifica la ley N°20.712, sobre administración de fondos de terceros y carteras individuales, para disponer que los dineros no cobrados oportunamente por los partícipes de fondos mutuos o de inversión, o por sus causahabientes, sean destinados a la Ju

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-21 147 0

Sobre garantías y protección integral de los derechos de la niñez y adolescencia

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-16 163 0

Modifica el artículo 134 de la Constitución Política, con el objeto de regular la forma de provisión de vacantes de convencionales constituyentes independientes pertenecientes a listas conformadas sólo por independientes y establecer la renuncia al c

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-14 146 0

Modifica el Código del Trabajo regulando el contrato de trabajadores de empresas de plataformas digitales de servicios

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-14 165 0

Modifica el artículo 134 de la Constitución Política, para establecer la renuncia y mecanismo de reemplazo para las y los convencionales constituyentes.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-14 161 0

Prorroga las licencias de conducir que se indican, hasta el año 2023.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 157 0

Modifica la ley N°18.290, de Tránsito, para aplicar las normas relativas al personal y vehículos de los cuerpos de bomberos y otros de emergencia, al personal y vehículos del Servicio de Seguridad, Salvamento y Extinción de Incendios de la Dirección

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 139 0

Excluye de los beneficios regulados en la ley N° 19.856 a quienes hayan cometido crímenes de carácter sexual contra personas menores de edad

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 145 0

Declara el 29 de julio de cada año como el Día Nacional del Recolector y la Recolectora de Residuos Domiciliarios

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 173 0

Moderniza la gestión institucional y fortalece la probidad y la transparencia en las Fuerzas de Orden y Seguridad Pública.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 156 0

Proyecto de ley que prohíbe discriminación laboral frente a análisis genéticos.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 152 0

Modifica la ley N°19.300 de Bases Generales del Medio Ambiente, para someter el transporte, recepción, acopio y embarque de minerales al sistema de evaluación de impacto ambiental, y establece normas para el desarrollo de dichas actividades

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 149 0

Establece una excepción a la Ley General de Pesca y Acuicultura en materia de remanente no consumido de cuotas anuales de captura durante el año 2021, para los recursos y regiones que indica

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 150 0

Comercio ilegal.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-11 180 0

Establece medidas para evitar la contaminación con colillas de cigarrillos, y facilita su reciclaje o reutilización

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 181 0

Especifica y refuerza las penas principales y accesorias, y modifica las penas de inhabilitación contempladas en los incisos segundo y final del artículo 372 del Código Penal

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 174 0

Modifica la ley N° 19.419, que Regula actividades que indica relacionadas con el tabaco, en materia de fabricación, uso y disposición de filtros y colillas de cigarrillos, para facilitar su reciclaje o reutilización

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 163 0

Modifica el plazo de la ley N° 20.898, que Establece un Procedimiento Simplificado para la Regularización de Viviendas de Autoconstrucción.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 155 0

Extiende el plazo previsto en el artículo 4° contemplado en la ley N° 20.898, sobre regularización de edificaciones.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 174 0

Faculta al Presidente de la República para crear un mecanismo de ayuda a las familias deudoras de cuentas de servicios básicos, producto de la pandemia.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 158 0

Modifica la ley N°21.239, para prorrogar nuevamente el mandato de los directores u órganos de administración y dirección de las asociaciones y organizaciones que indica, debido a la pandemia producida por el Covid-19

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 155 0

Que modifica la ley Nº 18.056, que establece normas generales sobre otorgamiento de pensiones de gracia por el Presidente de la República, para incorporar específicamente a los hijos de personas fallecidas por covid 19.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 148 0

Crea la Pensión Garantizada Universal

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 198 0

Regula el prorrateo y pago de deudas por servicios sanitarios y eléctricos generadas durante la pandemia por COVID-19, y establece subsidios a los clientes vulnerables para el pago de éstas.

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 168 0

Reduce o elimina exenciones tributarias que indica

Congreso Nacional de Chile Chile 2022-03-10 155 0

Sobre eficiencia energética.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-02-01 3 0

Modifica la ley N°18.892, General de Pesca y Acuicultura, con el objeto de exigir la remoción de sedimentos a los titulares de concesiones de acuicultura para el cultivo de especies exóticas

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-28 2 0

Modifica ley N° 17.898, sobre control de armas, incorporando armas de fogueo y similares, al Registro Nacional de Venta de Armas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 1 0

Modifica la ley N°18.695, orgánica constitucional de Municipalidades, en materia de cierre o instalación de medidas de control de acceso en calles, pasajes o conjuntos habitacionales, por motivos de seguridad

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 3 0

Modifica la ley N°17.798, sobre control de armas, regulando la tenencia de armas a postón a menores de 18 años.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 1 0

Modifica ley sobre Control de Armas, para tipificar el uso, colocación o detonación, de artefactos explosivos

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 1 0

Modifica la ley N° 17.798, incorporando exigencias para el almacenamiento de armas de fuego y establece límites para la adquisición de municiones.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 3 0

Modifica la ley N°17.798, sobre control de armas, con el objeto de fortalecer su institucionalidad

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 2 0

Modifica ley N° 17.798, sobre control de armas, limitando acceso de armas de fogueo y, aumenta penas por el porte y/o tenencia de armas artesanales o hechizas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 2 0

Modifica la ley N° 17.798, sobre control de armas, con el objeto de tipificar y aumentar penas por uso, colocación o detonación de artefactos explosivos.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 2 0

Modifica la ley N°17.798, sobre Control de Armas, sancionando el porte e ingreso de armas en lugares de acceso público

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 1 0

Establece fuero laboral y un descanso compensatorio para las trabajadoras y los trabajadores de la salud, en contexto de estado de excepción constitucional por pandemia de Covid-19, en las condiciones y con los efectos y excepciones que señala

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 3 0

Establece prohibición absoluta para el uso e inscripción de armas de fuego.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-26 2 0

Interpreta el articulo 13, inciso cuarto, del Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N° 2, del Ministerio de Educación, sobre Subvención del Estado a Establecimientos del Educacionales.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-25 3 0

Aprueba el Tercer Protocolo Adicional al Acuerdo por el que se establece una Asociación entre la República de Chile, por una parte, y la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados Miembros, por otra, para tener en cuenta la adhesión de la República de Croacia a

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-24 3 0

Modifica la Ley General de Pesca y Acuicultura, en materia de espacios de habitabilidad de embarcaciones pesqueras artesanales y embarcaciones menores prestadoras de servicios a la acuicultura

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-18 2 0

Declara el primer lunes de octubre de cada año como el Día Nacional del Feriante

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-06 2 0

Proyecto de ley que modifica las normas de admisión escolar para facilitar el acceso de estudiantes a los establecimientos educacionales con modalidad de internado y de aquellos con necesidades educativas especiales permanentes.

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-04 3 0

Reconoce la sordoceguera como discapacidad única y promueve la plena inclusión social de las personas sordociegas

Juan Lopez Chile 2022-01-04 2 0

Proyecto de ley que interpreta el artículo 36 de la ley N° 20.799

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-31 3 0

Modifica la Ley N° 20.998, que regula los Servicios Sanitarios Rurales, en diversas disposiciones.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-29 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 19.070, que Aprueba Estatuto de los Profesionales de la Educación, en diversas materias de orden laboral

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-28 2 0

Establece medidas para incentivar la protección de los derechos de los consumidores

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-27 3 0

Proyecto de ley que introduce diversas modificaciones a las normas del Código Penal referidas al delito de incendio

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-27 3 0

Proyecto de ley que establece como agravante el incendio de la cabina de un camión.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-27 3 0

Para implementar adecuadamente el proceso de descentralización del país.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-21 4 0

Ley de Presupuestos para el Sector Público correspondiente al año 2022

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-16 3 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo entre la República de Chile y la República del Ecuador sobre reconocimiento recíproco y canje de licencias de conducir, suscrito en Santiago, República de Chile, el 6 de junio de 2019

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-15 9 0

Modifica diversos cuerpos legales para regular, en igualdad de condiciones, el matrimonio de parejas del mismo sexo.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-15 2 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo entre la República de Chile y la República de Colombia sobre reconocimiento recíproco de licencias de conducir, suscrito en Santiago, República de Chile, el 21 de marzo de 2019

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-15 8 0

Aprueba el Tratado sobre la Prohibición de las Armas Nucleares, adoptado en Nueva York, el 7 de julio de 2017

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-15 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 19.496, que Establece Normas sobre Protección de los Derechos de los Consumidores, para permitir la transferencia de un pasaje aéreo, por parte de su titular a un tercero, en las condiciones que indica.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-01 3 0

Modifica el Código Aeronáutico, para definir el contrato de transporte aéreo como documento electrónico, y permitir el endoso del billete de pasaje en las condiciones que indica

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-01 3 0

Proyecto de ley que reforma el sistema de justicia para enfrentar la situación luego del estado de excepción constitucional de catástrofe por calamidad pública

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-01 3 0

Sobre endoso o transferencia del pasaje de transporte aéreo, del titular a un tercero

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-01 4 0

Modifica la ley N°19.496, que Establece normas sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, para autorizar el endoso del billete de pasaje en los contratos de transporte de pasajeros que indica

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-01 3 0

Modifica el Código Aeronáutico con el objeto de permitir el endoso del billete de pasaje en el contrato de transporte aéreo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-01 3 0

Proyecto de ley que modifica distintas normas y plazos judiciales ocasión del covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-12-01 3 0

Proyecto de ley que establece el 5 de noviembre de cada año como el Día Nacional del Cuidador Informal.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-11-30 2 0

Establece trabajo a distancia para cuidado de niños, en caso de pandemia.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-11-25 2 0

Establece el 7 de febrero de cada año como el Día Nacional por la No Violencia en el Pololeo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-11-24 3 0

Modifica la ley Nº14.908, Sobre abandono de familia y pago de pensiones alimenticias, y crea el Registro Nacional de Deudores de Pensiones de Alimentos

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-11-19 3 0

Modifica el decreto con fuerza de ley N° 120, de 1960, de Hacienda, Ley Orgánica de la Polla Chilena de Beneficencia, para incorporar entre los beneficiarios de los fondos que indica, al Cuerpo de Voluntarios de Botes Salvavidas

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-11-09 2 0

Modifica el Código Sanitario en lo relativo al cobro de multas

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-29 3 0

Modifica el artículo 19, número 1°, de la Carta Fundamental, para proteger la integridad y la indemnidad mental con relación al avance de las neurotecnologías.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-26 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 19.712, del Deporte, para dar prioridad, en la asignación de los recursos del Fondo Nacional para el Fomento del Deporte, a los sectores más vulnerables de la población

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-26 3 0

Establece reajuste de remuneraciones y otros beneficios legales para el personal que indica, que se desempeña en los establecimientos de educación parvularia financiados por la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles, vía transferencia de fondos traspasa

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-26 4 0

Reconocimiento y protección de los derechos de las personas con enfermedades terminales, y el buen morir

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-22 4 0

Suprime el rango etario para ejercer el permiso laboral establecido en el artículo 66 bis del Código del Trabajo.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-22 4 0

Modifica la ley N°18.700, orgánica constitucional sobre Votaciones Populares y Escrutinios, para privilegiar la cercanía al domicilio del elector, en la asignación del local de votación

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-22 2 0

Autoriza la capitalización del Banco del Estado de Chile con el objeto de cumplir con las exigencias de Basilea III

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-22 3 0

Proyecto de ley que reconoce a los cuidadores como sujetos de derecho a atención preferente en el ámbito de la salud.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-22 1 0

Modifica la ley N° 18.290, Ley de Tránsito, estableciendo como infracción gravísima el uso del celular al conducir.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-13 3 0

Modifica la ley N°18.290, de Tránsito, sancionando el uso de dispositivos de telecomunicaciones, en cualquiera de sus funcionalidades, durante la conducción de un vehículo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-13 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 18.290, de Tránsito, para aumentar la sanción a quienes hacen uso de un teléfono celular mientras conducen un vehículo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-13 3 0

Aumenta sanciones por el uso de celulares o de pantallas de televisión durante la conducción de un vehículo motorizado.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-13 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 20.584, para establecer un estándar especial en relación al acompañamiento de infantes y disponer un mandato general de trato digno y respetuoso a quienes acompañen a pacientes hospitalizados o sometidos a prestaciones ambulatorias

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-08 3 0

Modifica las leyes Nos. 19.968 y 20.066 para incorporar una medida cautelar especial en favor de las víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar y facultar al tribunal, en casos calificados, a controlar su cumplimiento por medio del monitoreo telemático.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-05 2 0

Adecua el Código del Trabajo al Convenio sobre el Trabajo Marítimo de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-04 21 0

Modifica y complementa la ley N° 21.226 para reactivar y dar continuidad al sistema de justicia

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-10-01 2 0

Modifica la ley N°21.272, que Suspende la realización de la evaluación docente por el año 2020, debido a la pandemia mundial de Covid-19, para extender su vigencia por el año 2021

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-09-30 3 0

Suspende la aplicación de las pruebas del Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (Simce), correspondientes al año 2021, debido a la pandemia de Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-09-30 2 0

Establece un estándar especial en relación con el manejo clínico y acompañamiento a madres y padres que hayan sufrido una muerte gestacional o perinatal.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-09-30 4 0

Faculta a requerir la suspensión de la evaluación docente, y suspende la aplicación de las pruebas del Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (SIMCE) durante al año 2021, debido a la pandemia mundial de Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-09-30 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 20.712, sobre administración de fondos de terceros y carteras individuales, en relación con el destino de los dineros de fondos mutuos o fondos de inversión no cobrados por los respectivos partícipes

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-09-29 4 0

Aprueba el "Protocolo de 2014 relativo al convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930", adoptado por la Conferencia General de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, el 11 de junio de 2014

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-09-17 12 0

Sobre acoso sexual en el ámbito académico.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-09-16 4 0

Adecua el Código del Trabajo en materia de protección de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en el mundo del trabajo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 16 0

Modifica la Carta Fundamental, para facilitar la suscripción de patrocinios y la declaración e inscripción de listas de candidaturas independientes, con miras a la elección de los integrantes del órgano constituyente a que se refiere su disposición

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la Ley General de Cooperativas para permitir que los excedentes o remanentes que corresponda distribuir durante el año 2020 sean determinados con el solo acuerdo del Consejo de Administración, sin intervención de la Junta General de Socios

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Ley de Presupuestos del sector público correspondiente al año 2021

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo por el que se Establece una Asociación, sus Declaraciones Conjuntas y el Acuerdo sobre el Comercio de Productos Orgánicos, entre la República de Chile y el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, suscritos en Santiago, Chil

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 6 0

Para promocionar la eficiencia energética en sectores con consumo energético relevante.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece el Día Nacional del Yoga.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Modifica la ley Nº 17.798, sobre Control de Armas, y otras disposiciones, para sancionar penalmente la fabricación, importación, comercialización, distribución, venta, entrega a cualquier título, y el uso de fuegos artificiales, en las condiciones q

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Incorpora al procedimiento de tutela de derechos fundamentales a todos los funcionarios públicos y municipales.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Suspende la aplicación de la Evaluación Docente y de las pruebas del Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (Simce), correspondientes al año 2020, debido a la pandemia de Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Proyecto de ley que modifica distintas leyes con el fin de cautelar el buen funcionamiento del mercado financiero.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley que prorroga la vigencia de las cédulas de identidad para el efecto de participar en las elecciones y plebiscitos que se realicen entre la publicación de esta ley y el 31 de diciembre de 2021

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la legislación pesquera a fin de enfrentar los efectos de la enfermedad Covid-19 en Chile

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica el Código del Trabajo, para exigir de las empresas pertinentes, la adopción de medidas que faciliten la inclusión laboral de los trabajadores con discapacidad

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Complementa normas para la segunda votación de gobernadores regionales

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Sobre suministro ininterrumpido de electricidad para personas electro dependientes.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Declara el 19 de diciembre de cada año como el Día Nacional contra el Femicidio

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°20.422, que Establece normas sobre igualdad de oportunidades e inclusión social de personas con discapacidad, para consagrar el reconocimiento de la lengua de señas chilena, su enseñanza y difusión, como medida de integración de la

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 17.798, sobre Control de Armas, para tipificar como delito el uso y manipulación no autorizada de fuegos artificiales, artículos pirotécnicos y otros artefactos de similar naturaleza

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica el Fondo de Garantía para Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios (FOGAPE), con el objeto de potenciar la reactivación y recuperación de la economía

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Hace aplicable a los funcionarios públicos y municipales el procedimiento de tutela laboral contemplado en el Código del Trabajo para la protección de garantías fundamentales.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°18.892, General de Pesca y Acuicultura, en cuanto a la definición de embarcación pesquera artesanal y sus condiciones de habitabilidad.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Reajusta el monto del ingreso mínimo mensual, así como la asignación familiar y maternal, y el subsidio familiar

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Proyecto de ley que incorpora a los trabajadores de casa particular al seguro de desempleo de la ley N° 19.728

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica la ley N°19.253, que Establece normas sobre protección, fomento y desarrollo de los indígenas, y crea la Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena, para reconocer al pueblo chango como etnia indígena de Chile

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica el Código Civil para permitir que la mujer embarazada contraiga segundas nupcias y regula la presunción de paternidad

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica la Ley General de Telecomunicaciones en lo relativo a la funcionalidad del servicio de radiodifusión a objeto de favorecer la comunicación en situaciones de emergencia y catástrofe.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Autoriza la construcción de un monumento en homenaje a don Sven Olof Joachim Palme

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Proyecto de ley que permite postular al cargo de Concejal a los ciudadanos que cuenten con certificado de Cuarto Medio para Fines Laborales.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Prohíbe a los establecimientos educacionales particulares subvencionados, y particulares pagados, negar la matrícula para el año 2021 a estudiantes que presentan deuda, en el contexto de la crisis económica producto de la pandemia por Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°21.057, que regula entrevistas grabadas en video y otras medidas de resguardo a menores de edad, víctimas de delitos sexuales, en los términos que indica

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece el Estatuto Chileno Antártico.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Proyecto de ley que prorroga la vigencia de la ley N° 20.867.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Crea el Fondo de Emergencia Transitorio Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica la ley N° 20.422, que establece normas sobre igualdad de oportunidades e inclusión social de personas con discapacidad, para promover el uso de lengua de señas en los ámbitos educacional y laboral

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece un retiro único y extraordinario de fondos previsionales en las condiciones que indica.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Permite la postergación de cuotas de créditos hipotecarios y crea garantía estatal para caucionar el pago de las cuotas postergadas

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Prorroga los efectos de la ley Nº 21.249, que dispone, de manera excepcional, las medidas que indica en favor de los usuarios finales de servicios sanitarios, electricidad y gas de red.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Declara el último día de febrero de cada año como el Día Nacional de la Educación y Concientización sobre las Enfermedades poco Frecuentes

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Concede beneficios al personal de la atención primaria de salud

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Para que las empresas cuenten con tarifas especiales para los pacientes electro dependientes.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley que habilita temporalmente a los médicos cirujanos que indica, para ejercer sus especialidades en el sector público

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Otorga reajuste de remuneraciones a los trabajadores del sector público, concede aguinaldos que señala, concede otros beneficios que indica, y modifica diversos cuerpos legales

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Amplía la posibilidad de donación de órganos entre vivos, incluyendo a los parientes por afinidad.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 19 0

Modifica la ley N°20.958, que Establece un sistema de aportes al espacio público, en lo que respecta a la entrada en vigencia de las mitigaciones directas en el sistema de movilidad local

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la Carta Fundamental, para reservar escaños a representantes de los pueblos originarios en la integración del órgano constituyente que se conforme para la creación de una nueva Constitución Política de la República

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°20.422, que Establece normas sobre igualdad de oportunidades e inclusión social de personas con discapacidad, para exigir la enseñanza de la lengua de señas en los establecimientos educacionales

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Crea el Servicio de Protección a la Niñez y modifica normas legales que indica

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica el Código Civil en el sentido de suprimir el impedimento de segundas nupcias

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley que establece medidas para facilitar la adquisición de remedios en el contexto de la pandemia de Covid-19.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Relativo al ámbito de aplicación del procedimiento de tutela laboral.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Establece normas excepcionales para el pago de las subvenciones educacionales del decreto con fuerza de ley N°2, de 1998, del Ministerio de Educación, ley de subvenciones, en el contexto de la pandemia por Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica el Código Sanitario para regular la realización de estudios y ensayos clínicos, tendientes a la obtención de productos farmacéuticos y dispositivos médicos, para el combate de las enfermedades que motivan una alerta sanitaria

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Proyecto de ley que regula la facultad del Banco Central para comprar y vender en el mercado secundario abierto instrumentos de deuda emitidos por el Fisco, en circunstancias excepcionales que indica.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley que prorroga el plazo establecido en la disposición transitoria de la ley N° 21.213, sobre extinción de deudas, en las condiciones que indica, por infracciones consistentes en circular un vehículo sin dispositivo electrónico de pago d

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece beneficio que indica para los afiliados y pensionados calificados como enfermos terminales

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece el día 23 de febrero de cada año como el Día Nacional del Rotario

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 21.247, otorgando prestaciones excepcionales a los trabajadores dependientes, independientes y del sector público que han hecho uso de una o más licencias médicas preventivas parentales en las condiciones que indica.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°19.162, para aumentar sanciones a quienes adulteren o falsifiquen información en el sistema de trazabilidad del ganado y la carne

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Establece el Sistema Red Integral de Protección Social

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Establece normas de reconocimiento y protección de los derechos fundamentales de las personas con enfermedad o discapacidad mental

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica el decreto con fuerza de ley N° 30, de 2004, del Ministerio de Hacienda, sobre Ordenanza de Aduanas, en materia de sanciones al delito de contrabando

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica el decreto con fuerza de ley N°1, de 2005, del Ministerio de Salud, para suspender durante la vigencia del estado de excepción constitucional de catástrofe motivado por la pandemia de Covid-19, la facultad de las isapres de poner término, mod

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la ley N° 4.808, sobre Registro Civil, estableciendo que el apellido de la madre anteceda al del padre.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Proyecto de ley, iniciado en mensaje de S.E. el Presidente de la República, que otorga bonos de cargo fiscal para apoyar a las micro y pequeñas empresas, por la crisis generada por la enfermedad COVID-19.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modernización de la Dirección del Trabajo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley, iniciado en mensaje de S. E. el Presidente de la República, que extiende la vigencia de los beneficios establecidos en las leyes Nos 21.227 y 21.263.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 21.249 para prorrogar el plazo y fijar las condiciones que indica para el cobro de deudas por suministro de servicios sanitarios, electricidad y gas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Declara feriado nacional el día 24 de junio de cada año, Día Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Excusa a las mujeres embarazadas durante todo el período de gestación y a aquellas con hijos o hijas menores de dos años de las labores de vocal de mesa.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica diversos cuerpos legales para establecer la representación de género en los directorios de las empresas públicas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 19.039, de Propiedad Industrial, la ley N° 20.254, que Establece el Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial y el Código Procesal Penal

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Consagra la paridad de género en los directorios de las empresas y sociedades anónimas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica las normas para la realización de las elecciones en el año 2021.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley General de Cooperativas, autorizando a las cooperativas a distribuir los excedentes o remanentes del año 2020, sin necesidad de celebrar una junta general de socios

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece la calidad recíproca de carga familiar entre ambos cónyuges, para efectos de las prestaciones de salud que otorga la ley

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece derecho a indemnización para funcionarios del Servicio Nacional de Menores.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Sobre protección de la salud mental

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la disposición transitoria de la ley N°21.213, que Modifica los cuerpos legales que indica para delimitar la infracción que consiste en circular un vehículo sin dispositivo electrónico de pago de peajes o tarifas, para extender su vigencia

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Amplía a dos días el plazo para celebrar las próximas elecciones municipales, de gobernadores regionales y de convencionales constituyentes.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 17 0

Autoriza los procesos electorales de los Cuerpos de Bomberos

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece un nuevo Bono Clase Media y un préstamo solidario para la protección de los ingresos de la clase media

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece como feriados obligatorios e irrenunciables los días en que se realicen elecciones y plebiscitos.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece una excepción a la Ley General de Pesca y Acuicultura en materia de remanente no consumido de cuotas anuales de captura durante el año 2020.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Reforma constitucional que posterga las próximas elecciones municipales, de gobernadores regionales y de convencionales constituyentes, en consideración a la pandemia de Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece los días 15 y 16 de mayo de 2021 como feriados irrenunciables para todos los trabajadores del comercio.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece el 27 de junio como día nacional del trabajador del transporte público.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la ley N°21.094, sobre Universidades Estatales, a fin de prorrogar el plazo establecido para proponer al Presidente de la República la modificación de sus respectivos estatutos, a raíz de la pandemia por Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Proyecto de ley que establece presunción de contagio por Covid-19 en ambientes laborales y dispone medidas de protección para pacientes con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece normas sobre composición, etiquetado y comercialización de los fertilizantes y bioestimulantes

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Prorroga la vigencia de las licencias de conducir.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°19.496, que Establece normas sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, para prohibir acciones de cobranza extrajudicial de deudas contraídas con proveedores de bienes y servicios de primera necesidad, durante un estado de

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece un nuevo bono de cargo fiscal y mecanismos de recuperación de ahorros previsionales, en las condiciones que indica

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica las normas sobre cambio de apellidos.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Crea un permiso laboral para que todo trabajador pueda ser vacunado, en los casos que indica.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley que complementa las normas del Título VII de la Ley 16.744, y establece la necesidad de Protocolos de Seguridad Sanitaria Laboral para el retorno gradual y seguro al trabajo, en el marco del estado de excepción constitucional provocado p

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Reforma constitucional en materia de propaganda electoral de los candidatos a convencionales constituyentes

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Aprueba el Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de la República de Chile y el Gobierno de la República de Trinidad y Tobago sobre Supresión del Requisito de Visa para los Titulares de Pasaportes Diplomáticos u Oficiales, suscrito en Nueva York, Estados Unidos de

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 17 0

Prorroga los efectos de la ley N° 21.249, que dispone, de manera excepcional, las medidas que indica en favor de los usuarios finales de servicios sanitarios, electricidad y gas de red.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Faculta al Presidente de la República a reservar el uso prioritario del agua al consumo humano, el saneamiento y el uso doméstico de subsistencia, durante la vigencia de un estado de excepción constitucional de catástrofe por calamidad pública

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Amplía el plazo de autorización para que el Congreso Nacional sesione por medios telemáticos.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 14 0

Modifica las leyes N°s 18.045 y 18.046, para establecer nuevas exigencias de transparencia y reforzamiento de responsabilidades de los agentes de los mercados.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece el 29 de junio de cada año como el Día del Folclor Urbano Roberto Parra

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Ley de Migración y Extranjería.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Establece atribuciones para que el Consejo Directivo del Servicio Electoral acuerde la realización de elecciones en dos días consecutivos.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece nuevas medidas tributarias para apoyar a las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas, por la crisis generada por la enfermedad Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica la ley N°21.289, de Presupuestos del Sector Público correspondiente al año 2021, y la ley N°21.230, que concede un Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la Carta Fundamental, para establecer y regular un mecanismo excepcional de retiro de parte de los fondos previsionales, en las condiciones que indica

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Aprueba Protocolo facultativo de la Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°19.884, orgánica constitucional sobre transparencia, límite y control del gasto electoral, para ampliar el plazo de prescripción de la acción penal de los delitos contemplados en dicha ley

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la Ley General de Cooperativas para extender transitoriamente el plazo dentro del cual deben celebrarse las Juntas Generales de Socios

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica la Carta Fundamental, para permitir, a los cotizantes y pensionados del Nuevo Sistema de Pensiones, retirar parte de sus fondos previsionales en las condiciones que indica, y establecer un bono de reconocimiento compensatorio de las sumas retirad

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la Carta Fundamental, para permitir, tanto a los cotizantes y pensionados del Nuevo Sistema de Pensiones, como a los del antiguo sistema, retirar un porcentaje de los fondos acumulados en su cuenta de capitalización individual, adelantar el pago

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°19.496, que Establece normas sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, en materia de límites a la cobranza telefónica de créditos de consumo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Proyecto de acuerdo que aprueba el acuerdo entre el Gobierno de la República de Chile y el Gobierno de la Mancomunidad de las Bahamas sobre exención del requisito de visa para titulares de pasaportes diplomáticos y oficiales.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica diversos cuerpos legales para perfeccionar la legislación electoral vigente y fortalecer la democracia

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica el decreto con fuerza de ley N°1, de 2005, del Ministerio de Salud, para prohibir a las isapres modificar los contratos de salud o aumentar su precio, en perjuicio de sus afiliados, durante una epidemia o pandemia, o alerta sanitaria declarada p

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Implementa un Sistema Táctico de Operación Policial

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N° 18.290, de Tránsito, para extender la vigencia de las cuotas de transporte contenidas en los medios de acceso a los sistemas de transporte público remunerado de pasajeros

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 5 0

Suspende, durante la vigencia del estado de excepción constitucional de catástrofe motivado por la pandemia de Covid-19, la facultad de las isapres de modificar el precio base de los planes de salud en términos más onerosos para sus afiliados

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica la ley N°18.583, orgánica constitucional que fija planta del Servicio Electoral, para adecuarla a la creación de la Región de Ñuble

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Reajusta el monto del ingreso mínimo mensual, así como la asignación familiar y maternal, y el subsidio familiar, y otorga ayudas extraordinarias para las familias en contexto del Covid-19

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Prohíbe el uso y entrega de bolsas plásticas sean o no biodegradables a los consumidores finales.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley que fija las tasas de intercambio máximas a ser cobradas por los emisores en el mercado de medios de pago a través de tarjetas de crédito, débito y prepago.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Prohíbe el uso de bolsas plásticas para el envío de productos.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

Adecua el Código del Trabajo en materia de documentos electrónicos laborales

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 21 0

Modifica la ley N°20.606, Sobre composición nutricional de los alimentos y su publicidad, y la ley N°19.886, de Bases sobre contratos administrativos de suministro y prestación de servicios, para incorporar a la enfermedad celiaca y al gluten como su

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Proyecto de ley que limita la generación de productos desechables y regula los plásticos.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece el Sistema Nacional de Emergencia y Protección Civil y crea la Agencia Nacional de Protección Civil

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Modifica leyes N°s 19.925 y 18.455, en lo relativo a la publicidad y etiquetación de bebidas alcohólicas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 5 0

Modifica la ley N°18.892, General de Pesca y Acuicultura, para establecer una cuota de género en la integración de los órganos y el registro pesquero artesanal que ella regula, y adecua definiciones a un lenguaje inclusivo

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Establece modificaciones a la legislación sobre expendio, comercialización y producción de bebidas alcohólicas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Proyecto de ley que incorpora la entrega de bolsas biodegradables en el comercio.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Proyecto de ley que prohíbe en las oficinas públicas la utilización de envases que se extingan al primer uso.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la ley N° 19.925, facilitando el control al expendio de bebidas alcohólicas a menores de edad.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Proyecto de ley que modifica la ley N° 21.100 a fin de prohibir la entrega y venta de los artefactos plásticos que indica.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 3 0

Para reducir la fabricación de botellas plásticas de un solo uso.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Modifica la ley N°20.256, que Establece normas sobre pesca recreativa, para aumentar las sanciones en caso de infracción

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Modifica la ley N° 20.659 para perfeccionar y modernizar el registro de empresas y sociedades.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 2 0

Que suprime la causal de conducta homosexual en el divorcio por culpa.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 4 0

Regula la publicidad de las bebidas alcohólicas.

Juan Lopez Chile 2021-08-25 1 0

"Misure urgenti per il contrasto alle frodi nel settore delle agevolazioni fiscali ed economiche"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 175 0

"Misure urgenti finanziarie e fiscali"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 195 0

"Ulteriori misure urgenti per la crisi in Ucraina"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 179 0

"Misure urgenti per il contenimento dell\epidemia da COVID-19 e per lo svolgimento in sicurezza delle attività economiche e sociali"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 159 0

"Misure urgenti in materia di certificazioni verdi COVID-19 e per lo svolgimento in sicurezza delle attività nell\ambito del sistema educativo, scolastico e formativo"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 167 0

"Proroga dello stato di emergenza nazionale e ulteriori misure per il contenimento della diffusione dell\epidemia da COVID-19"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 172 0

"Disposizioni urgenti sulla crisi in Ucraina"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 290 0

"Misure urgenti per arrestare la diffusione della peste suina africana (PSA)"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 184 0

"Misure urgenti per il contenimento della diffusione dell\epidemia da COVID-19 e disposizioni in materia di sorveglianza sanitaria"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 170 0

"Misure urgenti in materia economica e fiscale, a tutela del lavoro e per esigenze indifferibili"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 196 0

"Disposizioni urgenti per consentire l\esercizio del diritto di voto in occasione della prossima elezione del Presidente della Repubblica"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 170 0

"Disposizioni urgenti per l\attuazione del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza (PNRR) e per la prevenzione delle infiltrazioni mafiose"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 176 0

"Misure urgenti per fronteggiare l\emergenza COVID-19, in particolare nei luoghi di lavoro, nelle scuole e negli istituti della formazione superiore"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 170 0

"Disposizioni urgenti in materia di termini legislativi"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 197 0

"Misure urgenti in materia di sostegno alle imprese e agli operatori economici, di lavoro, salute e servizi territoriali, connesse all\emergenza da COVID-19, nonché per il contenimento degli effetti degli aumenti dei prezzi nel settore elettrico"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 153 0

"Misure urgenti per il contrasto alle frodi e per la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro in materia edilizia, nonché sull\elettricità prodotta da impianti da fonti rinnovabili"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 164 0

"Misure urgenti per il contenimento dei costi dell\energia elettrica e del gas naturale, per lo sviluppo delle energie rinnovabili e per il rilancio delle politiche industriali"

It Parlamento Italy 2022-03-08 153 0