Defence Legislation Amendment (Discipline Reform) Bill 2021
Amends the: Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 to: expand the operation of the disciplinary infringement scheme to provide a means of dealing with minor breaches of military discipline; remove the subordinate summary authority and correct a number of anomalies with regard to the respective jurisdiction of discipline officers and summary authorities, and between the different types of summary authority, in relation to the type of breach of military discipline, the rank of defence members with which each can deal, and the powers and punishments available to each level of authority; establish new service offences for failure to perform duty or carry out an activity, cyber-bullying, failure to comply with removal order (in relation to material on social media that constitutes cyber-bullying) and failure to comply with requirement to notify change in circumstances (in relation to the receipt of a benefit or allowance); and make amendments contingent on the commencement of the Online Safety Act 2021; and Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 and Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955 to make consequential
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