Research design of self-reproducing floating factories on open ocean for direct air carbon capture
Self-reproducing floating factories might be physically possible and overcome the scaling problem of direct air capture of CO2. The only investment required is in research, design and testing of the initial prototype. The initial prototype only needs to be good enough to produce a better design of itself. Like 3D printers today can produce their own parts, the floating factories will be able to produce copies of themselves. With an average doubling rate of 40 days per generation, it is possible to scale up to 1 billion copies within 5 years, covering the scale required to address the climate crisis.
- Direct air capture of CO2
- Extract magnesium from sea water using electrolysis
- Freeze CO2 into solid form (dry ice)
- Burn magnesium in dry ice to produce graphene
- 3D print graphene into material invented at MIT (10x stronger and 10x lighter than steel)
- Drop bicarbonite in ocean, a byproduct of the chemical process, to counter ocean acidification
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