Telstra Corporation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
Amends: the Telecommunications Act 1997 to: define Telstra successor companies and designated Telstra successor entities and replace references to Telstra with references to the successor entities; allow the Minister and Australian Communications and Media Authority to make determinations relating to the designated successor entities; and make technical and consequential amendments; Telstra Corporation Act 2001 to extend existing regulations relating to the operation and ownership of Telstra to its successor entities; the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to: extend existing regulations relating to the operation and ownership of Telstra to its successor entities; and make consequential amendments; the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 to: extend the Minister's powers to impose service provider obligations to Telstra's successor entities and retail price controls on each successor entity; and make consequential technical amendments; and amends three regulations, four determinations and a code of access in relation to ownership of Telstra shares, access to telecommunications infrastructure, carrier licence conditions, emergency call persons and services, real estate development exemptions, arbitration and
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