Health Legislation Amendment (Medicare Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2021
Amends the: Health Insurance Act 1973 to: broaden the remit of the Professional Services Review (PSR) to make agreements with any person under review who acknowledges inappropriate practice (including bodies corporate); and introduce new sanctions for persons who fail to respond to a notice to produce documents to the Director of the PSR or to a PSR Committee, or fail to appear at hearings; Health Insurance Act 1973, National Health Act 1953 and Dental Benefits Act 2008 to provide for: the recovery of interest payable on certain debts;, the application of administrative penalties to Shared Debt Recovery Scheme debts; the use of financial information gathering powers in debt recovery, Administrative Appeal Tribunal reviews where one or more garnishee notices are issued in relation to certain debts; and clarification of the Commonwealth's ability to recover debts from a person or the estate of a
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