Eirgrid, Electricity and Turf (Amendment) Act 2022 (Act 17 of 2022)EirGrid, Electricity and Turf (Amendment) Bill 2022 (Bill 63 of 2022)
Bill entitled an Act to provide for certain measures that may be taken pursuant to a direction of the Commission for Regulation of Utilities to provide for emergency measures for the purpose of ensuring and protecting security of supply of electricity; to provide for the giving of financial support by the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications to EirGrid to enable EirGrid to take certain measures, including acquiring electricity generation plant pursuant to a direction; to provide for the purchase by EirGrid of electricity generation plant; to provide for EirGrid entering into agreements with electricity generators in relation to electricity generation plant; to increase the amount of money that EirGrid may borrow and for that purpose to amend the Electricity Regulation (Amendment) (EirGrid) Act 2008; to amend the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 to provide for payments to final customers of certain benefits relating to compliance with a public service obligation; to increase the amount of money that Bord na Móna may borrow and for that purpose to amend the Turf Development Act 1998; and to provide for related matters.oireachtas.ie/en/bills/bill/2022/63/
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