Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Bill 2023
Amends the: Corporations Act 2001 to: enable all documents under the Act to be signed electronically and for certain documents to be sent in either hard copy or electronic form; and provide that companies are not required to send documents to a member where contact details are known to be incorrect; Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998, Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001, Competition and Consumer Act 2010, National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and Tax Agent Services Act 2009 to enable certain regulatory bodies to hold virtual hearings and examinations; Corporations Act 2001, Excise Act 1901 and Small Superannuation Accounts Act 1995 to allow electronic payments to be used; 11 Acts to require notices in newspapers to be published in an accessible and reasonably prominent manner; Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001, Corporations Act 2001, ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act 2017 and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to: remove erroneous references and redundant definitions; apply consistent headings to definitions sections; and make minor technical amendments; Corporations Act 2001, National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009 to move five legislative instruments into primary law; and 15 Acts to make minor technical
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