Biosecurity Amendment (Advanced Compliance Measures) Bill 2023
Amends the Biosecurity Act 2015 to: enable the Director of Biosecurity to require each person who intends to enter, or enters, Australian territory on an incoming aircraft or vessel to provide information and produce a passport or other travel document for the purpose of assessing the level of biosecurity risk associated with the person and any goods that the person has with them; enable the director to scan any passport or travel document so produced and collect and retain personal information; create a civil penalty provision for persons who do not comply with the requirement to produce a passport or travel document; introduce a procedural fairness requirement for the relevant director to give notice of a proposed variation to the biosecurity industry participant covered by an approved arrangement and invite the participant to given a written submission within 14 days in relation to the proposed variation; streamline existing notice requirements in relation to a proposed suspension or revocation of an approved arrangement; introduce an alternative sanction of a reprimand which may be given if the relevant director does not consider it appropriate to vary, suspend or revoke an approved arrangement after receiving the biosecurity industry participant’s written submission; increase civil penalties for certain contraventions or failure to comply with certain requirements; make a technical amendment to clarify the Act’s intent; and insert new strict liability
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